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Alexander Kent - THE INSHORE SQUADRON краткое содержание

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In September 1800 Richard Bolitho, a freshly appointed rear-admiral, assumes command of his own squadron – but, as the cruel demands of war spread from Europe to the Baltic, he soon realizes that his experience, gained in the line of battle, has ill-prepared him for the intricate manoeuvring of power politics. Under his flag the Inshore Squadron has to ride out the bitter hardship of blockade duty and the swift, deadly encounters with the enemy. An old hatred steps from the past to pose a personal threat to him, but at the gates of Copenhagen, where his flag flies admidst the fury of battle, Bolitho must put all private hopes and fears behind him.

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THE INSHORE SQUADRON - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Alexander Kent
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The road narrowed into a lane, lined on either side by mossy flint walls. Flowers barely moved in the warm air, and the grey house appeared to rise from the ground itself as the horses pounded up the last stretch towards the open gates.

Bolitho licked his lips as he saw Ferguson, his one-armed steward, running to meet the carriage, his wife dose behind him, already crying with pleasure.

He steeled himself. The first moments were always the hardest, in spite of the warm welcome and good intentions.

' Home, Adam. Yours and mine.'

The youth looked at him searchingly, his eyes bright. 'I want to talk about it, Unde. All of it. After losing Relentless I don't think I shall ever be so afraid again.'

Allday waved to some people by the gates, his face split into a grin. But he sounded serious as he said, 'I still think it's wrong and damn unfair, sir, an' nothing will make me change my mind!'

Bolitho watched him wearily. `Why so?' He already knew, but it was better to let Allday get it out of his system so that he could enjoy their homecoming in his own way.

Allday gripped the door as the carriage swung round towards the stone steps.

`All them others, sir, getting the glory and the praise. But for you they'd have been wallowing in their own guts long since! You should have got a knighthood, an' that's no error!' He looked at Pascoe for support. 'Ain't that right?'

Then he 'aaw Pascoe's expression and turned his head towards the doorway at the top of the steps.

Bolitho held his breath, barely able to trust his own senses.

She stood motionless, her slim figure and long chestnut hair framed against the house's inner darkness, one hand held out towards him as if to consume the last few yards.

Bolitho said quietly, `Thank you, Allday, old friend, but now I know I have won a far greater reward.'

He climbed from the carriage and took her in his arms. Then, watched in silence by Pascoe and Allday, they walked into the house. Together.

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