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41 Цит. по: Cancian F. Love in America. P. 19, 21, 23; см. также: Ryan M. The Cradle of the Middle Class: The Family in Oneida County, N.Y, 1790-1865. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1981.

42 Cancian F. Love in America. P. 121 ;TavrisC. The Mismeasure of Women. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1992.

P. 263; Rubin L. Intimate Strangers.

43 Rubin L. Worlds of Pain. New York: Basic Books, 1976. P. 147.

44 Hatfield E. What Do Women and Men Want from Love and Sex // Changing Boundaries / Ed. E.Allegier, N.McCormick. Mountain View, Calif.: Mayfield, 1983.

45 Kephart W. Some Correlates of Romantic Love // Journal of Marriage and the Family. 1967. Vol. 29; Dion K., Dion K. Correlates of Romantic Love // Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 1973. Vol. 41; Hill C., Rubin Z., Peplau L.A. Breakups before Marriage: The End of 103 Affairs // Divorce and Separation: Context, Causes and Consequences Ed. G.Levinger, O.C.Moles. New York: Basic Books, 1979; Hobau C. Disillusionment in Marriage and Romanticism / Marriage and Family Living. 1958. Vol. 20; Idem. The Incidence of Romanticism during Courtship // Social Forces. 1958. Vol. 36; Knox D., Spoakowski J. Attitudes of College Students Toward Love // Journal of Marriage and the Family. 1968. Vol. 30; Theodorson G. Romanticism and Motivation to Marry in the United States, Singapore, Burma and India // Social Forces. 1965. Vol. 44.

Dion K., Dion K. Correlates of Romantic Love; Rubin Z. Measurement of Romantic Love // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 1970. Vol. 16. № 2; Hochschild A. Attending to, Codifying and Managing Feelings: Sex Differences in Love: Paper presented at the annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, August 1975; Kanin E., Davidson K., Scheck S. A Research Note on Male-Female Differentials 443

in the Experience of Heterosexual Love // Journal of Sex Research. 1970. Vol. 6. P. 70.

47 Hill C., Rubin Z., Peplau L.A. Breakups before Marriage.

48 Kephart W. Some Correlates of Romantic Love.

49 Sprecher S-, Aron E., Hatfield E., Cortese A., Potapova E., Levitskaya N. Love: American Style, Russian Style, Japanese Style: Paper presented at the Sixth Annual Conference on Personal Relationships, Orono, Maine, 1992.

50 Из личного общения с Кэти Гринблат; результаты этого исследования еше не опубликованы.

51 Tavris С. The Mismeasure of Women. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1992. P. 284.



Cancian E The Feminization of Love. P. 705, 709. Rubin L. Just Friends. P. 41.

Глава 10

1 Жюль Мишле цит. по: Gardetto D.C. The Social Construction of the Female Orgasm, 1650-1890: Paper presented at the annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, Atlanta, 1988. P. 18.

2 Цит. по: Ehrenreich В., English D. For Her Own Good: 150 Years of Medical Advice to Women. New York: Anchor, 1974.

3 Kinsey A., Pomeroy W., Martin C. Sexual Behavior in the Human Female. Philadelphia: W.B.Saunders, 1953. P. 376.

4 Bart P. Male Views of Female Sexuality: From Freud's Phailacies to Fisher's Inexact Test: Paper presented at the Second National Meeting of the special section of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology, Key Biscayne, Florida, 1974. P. 6-7.

5 Rubin L. Erotic Wars. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1991. P. 28, 42.

6 MacKinnon C. Only Words. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1996. P. 185.

7 См.: Sanders S., Reinisch J.M. Would You Say You «Had Sex» If... // JAMA 281. 1999. January 20.

8 Reynaud E. Holy Virility. London: Pluto Press, 1983. P. 41.

9 См., напр.: Tavris С. The Mismeasure of Woman. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1992; Lerner H. Women in Therapy.

New York: Harper and Row, 1989. Chap. 2.

loLaumann E.,GagnonJ., Michael R., Michaels S. The Social Organization of Sexuality. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994.

11 Ibid. P. 135.

12 Kimmel M., Plante R. Sexual Fantasies and Gender Scripts: Heterosexual Men and Women Construct Their Ideal Sexual Encounters: Unpublished


paper. Department of Sociology, State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1998.

13 См. также: Hariton E.B., Singer J. Women's Fantasies during Sexual Intercourse: Normative and Theoretical Implications //Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 1974. Vol. 42. № 3; Goleman D. Sexual Fantasies: What Are Their Hidden Meanings? // The New York Times. 1983. February 28; Idem. New View of Fantasy: Much Is Found Perverse // The New York Times. 1991. May 7; May R. Sex and Fantasy: Patterns of Male and Female Development. New York: W.W.Norton, 1980; Chick D., Gold S. A Review of Influences on Sexual Fantasy: Attitudes, Experience, Guilt and Gender // Imagination, Cognition and Personality. 1987-1988. Vol. 7. № 1; Mednick R.A. Gender Specific Variances in Sexual Fantasy // Journal of Personality Assessment. 1977. Vol. 41. № 3; Follingstad D., Kimbrell C.D. Sexual Fantasies Revisited: An Expansion and Further Clarification of Variables Affecting Sex Fantasy Production // Archives of Sexual Behavior. 1986. Vol. 15. № 6; Knafo D., Jaffe Y. Sexual Fantasizing in Males and Females // Journal of Research in Personality. 1984. Vol. 18.

14 Stoller R. Porn. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1991. P. 31.

Обзор эмпирических исследований порнографии см.: Kimmel M., Linders A. Does Censorship Make a Difference?: An Aggregate Empirical Analysis of Pornography and Rape // Journal of Psychology and Human Sexuality. 1996. Vol. 6.

№ 2.

Stoltenberg J. Refusing to Be a Man. Portland, Ore.: Breitenbush Books, 1989. P. 121.

17 Rubin L. Erotic Wars. P. 102; Tavris C., Wade C. The Longest War. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1984. P. 111.


Blumstein P., Schwartz P. American Couples. New York: William Morrow, 1983. P. 279; Schwartz P., Rutter V. The Gender of Sexuality. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Pine Forge Press, 1998. P. 60—61. Конечно, имеются систематические

тендерные различия в том, как респонденты говорят о своей сексуальной жизни: мужчины склонны

преувеличивать свой опыт, женщины — преуменьшать. Поэтому на столь существенные различия нужно

смотреть скептически.

Blumstein P., Schwartz P. American Couples. P. 23^.

Laumann E., Gagnon J., Michael R., Michaels S. The Social Organization of Sexuality. P. 347.

1 Jackson S. The Social Construction of Female Sexualitv // Feminism and Sexuality: A Reader / Ed. S.Jackson, S.Scott.

New York: Columbia University Press, 1996. P. 71.


Muehlenhard C. «Nice Women» Don't Say Yes and «Real Men» Don't Say No: How Miscommunication and the Double Standard Can Cause Sexual Problems // Women and Therapy. 1988. № 7. P. 100-101.

Аллен и другие мужчины цит. по: Fracher J., Kimmel M. Hard Issues and Soft Spots: Counseling Men about Sexuality

// Handbook of Counseling and Psychotherapy with Men / Ed. M.Scher, M.Stevens, G.Good, G.Eichenfeld. Newbury Park, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1987.


24 Rubin L. Erotic Wars. P. 13; о темпах изменения сексуальной активности см.: Grunseit A.C., Kippax S., Baldo M., Aggleton PA, Slutkin G. Sexuality Education and Young People's Sexual Behavior: A Review of Studies

// Journal of Adolescent Research. 1997.

25 Hollibaugh A. Desire for the Future: Radical Hope in Passion and Pleasure // Feminism and Sexuality: A Reader

/ Ed. SJackson, S.Scott; Rubin L. Erotic Wars. P. 5, 46.

26 Об уровне мастурбации см.: Laumann E., Gagnon J., Michael R., Michaels S. The Social Organization of Sexuality. P. 86; Schwartz P., Rut-terV. The Gender of Sexuality. P. 39. О сексуальных установках см.: Laumann E., Gagnon J., Michael R., Michaels S. The Social Organization of Sexuality. P. 507.

27 Laumann E., Gagnon J., Michael R., Michaels S. The Social Organization of Sexuality; Schwartz P., Rutter V.

The Gender of Sexuality. P. 165.

28 Laumann E., Gagnon J., Michael R., Michaels S. The Social Organization of Sexuality; Schwartz P., Rutter V.

The Gender of Sexuality. P. 102— 103; Janus S. The Janus Report on Sexual Behavior. New York: John Wiley, 1993. P. 315—316; Blumstein P., Schwartz P. American Couples; New Sexual Agendas / Ed. L.Segal. New York: New York University Press, 1997. P. 67.

29 Kolata G. Women and Sex: On This Topic, Science Blushes // The New York Times. 1998. June 21. P. СЗ; молодая женщина цит. по: Rubin L. Erotic Wars. P. 14.

30 Rubin L. Erotic Wars. P. 120.

31 Цит. по: Rubin L. Erotic Wars. P. 58; Koss M. et al. No Safe Haven: Male Violence against Women at Home, at Work, and in the Community. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, 1994.

32 Koss M., Dinero P.T., Seibel C.A., Cox S.L. Stranger and Acquaintance Rape: Are There Differences in the Victim's Experience? // Psychology of Women Quarterly. 1988. Vol. 12. № I.

33 Laumann E., Gagnon J., Michael R., Michaels S. The Social Organization of Sexuality. P. 336; Koss M. et al. No Safe Haven.

34 Levant R.F. Nonrelational Sexuality in Men // Men and Sex: New Psychological Perspectives / Ed. R.Levant, G.Brooks. New York: John Wiley, 1997. P 270.

35 См., напр.: Billy J.O., Tanfer G.K., Grady W.R., Klepinger D.H. The Sexual Behavior of Men in the United States // Family Planning Perspectives. 1993. Vol. 25. № 2; Laumann E., Gagnon J., Michael R., Michaels S. The Social Organization of Sexuality.

36 Brooks G. The Centerfold Syndrome. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1995; Idem. The Centerfold Syndrome //

Men and Sex: New Psychological Perspectives / Ed. R.Levant, G.Brooks. См. также: Levant R.F. Nonrelational Sexuality in Men // Ibid. P. 19; Johnston J. Appearance Obsession: Women's Reactions to Men's Objectification of Their Bodies // Ibid. P. 79, 101.



Good G., Sherrod N.B. Men's Resolution of Nonrelational Sex across the Lifespan // Men and Sex: New Psychological Perspectives / Ed. R.Levant G.Brooks. P. 189, 190.

38 Ibid. P. 186.

39 Wyden P., Wyden B. Growing Up Straight: What Every Thoughtful Parent Should Know about Homosexuality.

New York: Trident Press, 1968.

Green R. The «Sissy Boy» Syndrome. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1986.

41 Gilder G. Men and Marriage. Gretna, La.: Pelican Publisher, 1985.

Jackson J. Real Men (1983); социологическое исследование гендерной организации жизни таких геев см.: Levine M.P. Gay Macho: The Life and Death of the Homosexual Clone. New York: New York University Press, 1998.

Цит. по: Chappie S., Talbot D. Burning Desires: Sex in America. New York: Doubleday, 1989. P. 356.

Clarke C. Lesbianism: An Act of Resistance // Feminism and Sexuality: A Reader / Ed. S.Jackson, S.Scott. P. 155.

Bell A., Weinberg M. Homosexualities. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1978; Masters W., Johnson V, Kolodny R.

Human Sexuality. New York: Harper and Row, 1978; Blumstein P., Schwartz P. American Couples. P. 317.

Данные из: Blumstein P., Schwartz P. American Couples; интервью цит. no: Bell A., Weinberg M.

Homosexualities. P. 220.

Nichols M. Lesbian Sexuality: Issues and Developmental Theory // Lesbian Psychologies / Boston Lesbian Psychologies Collective. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1987; Masters W, Johnson V, Kolodny R. Human Sexuality.

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