Alan Bradley - A Red Herring Without Mustard: A Flavia de Luce Novel

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Alan Bradley - A Red Herring Without Mustard: A Flavia de Luce Novel

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A Red Herring Without Mustard: A Flavia de Luce Novel - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Alan Bradley
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To the memory of my dear friend David Thompson of Murder by the Book in Houston, Texas, whose shockingly early death in September 2010 has deprived the world of mystery fiction of one of its cornerstones. Known for his encyclopedic knowledge of mystery fiction, David was universally loved by authors and readers alike.

And to David’s wife, McKenna Jordan of Murder by the Book, and McKenna’s mom, Brenda Jordan, for gentle kindnesses too numerous to count.

To Dan Mayer and Bob Weitrack of Barnes and Noble, New York; to Ellen Clark, Richard Horseman, Dane Jackson, and Eric Tsai of Borders, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

To Barb Hudson, Jennie Turner-Collins, and Micheal Fraser of Joseph-Beth Booksellers, in Cincinnati, Ohio, and to Kathy Tirschek, who got me safely to wherever I needed to go.

With love to the Brysons: Jean, Bill, Barbara, John, Peter, and David, who have always been there.

To the Ball Street Gang: Bob and Pat Barker, Lillian Barker Hoselton, Jane McCaig, Jim Thomas, and honorary member Linda Hutsell-Manning: together again after half a century. Thomas Wolfe was wrong: You can go home again.

To Evelyn and Leigh Palmer and to Robert Bruce Thompson, who helped with the chemistry. Any errors remaining are my own.

I must also acknowledge particular indebtedness to the books that inspired the invention of that peculiar sect, the Hobblers: History and Antiquities of Dissenting Churches and Meeting Houses, in London, Westminster, and Southwark; Including the Lives of Their Ministers, from the Rise of Nonconformism to the Present Time , Walter Gibson, London, 1814, and The History of Baptism , Robert Robinson, Boston, 1817.

And finally, as always, with love to my wife, Shirley, who makes my life easy by cheerfully doing whatever I leave undone, besides doubling as my personal computer technician. No one is more brilliantly adept at rejuvenating worn-out keyboards and, while she’s at it, removing the crumbs.

ALAN BRADLEY was born in Toronto and grew up in Cobourg Ontario Prior to - фото 73

ALAN BRADLEY was born in Toronto and grew up in Cobourg, Ontario. Prior to taking early retirement to write in 1994, he was director of television engineering at the University of Saskatchewan media center for twenty-five years. His versatility has earned him awards for his children’s books, radio broadcasts of his short stories, and national print for his journalism. He also co-authored Ms. Holmes of Baker Street , to great acclaim and much controversy, followed by a poignant memoir, The Shoebox Bible . His first Flavia de Luce mystery, The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie , received the Crime Writers’ Association Debut Dagger Award, the first Saskatchewan Writers Guild Award for Children’s Literature, the Dilys Award, the Agatha Award, and both the Macavity and Barry awards for best first novel. Bradley lives in Malta with his wife and two calculating cats, and is currently working on the next Flavia de Luce mystery.

A Red Herring Without Mustard A Flavia de Luce Novel - фото 74

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