Irina Ritter - Children of the gods

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    Children of the gods
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Children of the gods - описание и краткое содержание, автор Irina Ritter, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки LibKing.Ru
In one of September days the head of 5 “B” class receives a call from an overwhelmed mom of schoolgirl Nadia Timofeeva: Nadia has not return from school. The whole city is searching the girl. Volunteers even come from neighboring towns. The case is controlled by Moscow. Investigators are considering all versions, even the most fantastic. But in the city people suspect Nadia’s family. Investigators get a video, which will help to reveal that high-profile and mysterious crime…

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Children of the gods - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно (ознакомительный отрывок), автор Irina Ritter
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Children of the gods

detective story

Irina Ritter

© Irina Ritter, 2015

Created with intellectual publishing system Ridero

Chapter 1

September 16 was a normal working day for a teacher of English Elena Dmitrievna. The time on the mobile phone showed 14:45. Just finished the first lesson of the second shift. The class stood in a wild roar.

– Guys, let’s keep it down! – tried to shout down the class of Elena Dmitrievna.

Realizing that it’s useless, Yelena, took the wallet and mobile phone and went to high school cafeteria. She walked down a school hallway, when suddenly I got a call from her cell phone:

Yeah, I’m listening!

The connection came an excited female voice:

– Elena Dmitrievna, Hello! This mom Nadya Timofeeva. Tell me, is long over, the lessons from the first shift? Nadia is still not home and her phone is not responding!

– The first shift I was released two hours ago, maybe Nadia with her friend? Seems she’s friends with Diana Zelenina. I now find her phone and call you back.

E Lena D. was the class teacher 5"B”, in which he studied Nadia Timofeeva. With 5"B” she knew for only two weeks, as after the fourth grade of elementary school ends, and all the disciples to distribute it on new classes -starts secondary school. At school Elena Dmitrievna worked for over 30 years. She was a typical Russian teacher working in a typical high school of a small provincial town like any other in the territory of our country: of medium height, stout, with short hair, wearing glasses. Dressed usually in a simple skirt and blouse, and shoes with low heels.

For two weeks it is impossible to know their students, but Nadia Timofeeva she remembered. First of all she was a good student and was valedictorian, and he often raised his hand in class to answer. She sat at the same Desk with Diana Zelenina – they were friends. Besides, today was a great hour on which the class was shown a documentary film about the war. Nadia burst into tears. Yelena thought that the girl was very sensitive and kind.

Searching and finding the phone Diana Zelenina, Elena Dmitrievna again dialed the number :

– Write down the phone number and address of Diana, if that call me, we will continue to look.

Thank you!

Chapter 2

– Hello!

In the class ran the girl 30 years in sports pants and a pink t-shirt with silver inscription. Bleached hair has been trimmed under Kare. Gray eyes subtly outlined with black pencil, eyebrow tattooing, lips slightly tinted pink gloss. On the right cheek of the girl was the mole.

– Elena Dmitrievna, that I called you an hour ago, I am a mother of Nadya Timofeeva!

– Yes, Yes! Well, Nadia wasn’t?

– No! I went to Diana – Diana is at home, and Nadi. Diana said they parted at the gate of the Park, and Nadia went home. I called home, but Nadia there did not appear! What to do now?

– Calm down, please. Let me call up all the classmates Nadi, suddenly she went to someone to visit. That may be, children are children, overworked and forgot to call.

Elena Dmitrievna began to call all the students of 5"B” class one by one, but Nadia was not there.

– It is necessary to go to the police! the girl got up and walked to the exit.

– If there is, call me, I care!

– Well, I’ll call…

Coming out of the school building Margarita Timofeeva – was the name of the mother of Nadya Timofeeva, went to the city police Department.

The police station was a grey two-storey Soviet building. Behind a glass wall sat on duty and responded to the matter coming calls.

Hello, I lost my daughter did not return home from school. The teacher called all the classmates, but it’s not. I want to make a statement.

– How old is your daughter?

– Eleven years.

– It is clear. Come over here, sit down. Take a sheet and write it like it is: who you are, surname, name, patronymic, name of the daughter, how old she is, how lost. Things as they are and write.

Her lessons are over about one o’clock. She was supposed to come home in about half a second.

The attendant looked at the clock on the wall – the time was 17:15

– What was wearing your daughter what things she had with you? Describe in detail It is necessary to compile the profile. You have her picture?

– With a no. After school I immediately went here. Now I will go home and get some.

– Well, now I’ll take your statement, and you call home and see if she’s found.

Margarita turned back to the duty office and dialed the number on a mobile phone:

– Sonia, Nadia didn’t come home? the girl tried to control myself, because seemed calm. – I am now in the police, wrote a statement, I want pictures of Nadia. Look in the album something suitable, I’ll come.

– Well, not back? – already knowing the answer, asked the attendant.

– No, I will go home for photos and bring it here.

– Well, wait.

Chapter 3

At 19:00 in the police Department held an operational meeting. Were received from the relatives photo. Was interviewed the mother and next of kin. Established a working group on searching for missing Nadia Timofeeva.

A full-fledged search began only next morning. In high school, where he studied under Nadia in the Assembly hall held a meeting of representatives of volunteer groups and the police. Local television came the police appeal to all caring citizens to help in the search for the child. In search of was attended by students of the school, teachers, students of the local College. Parents have left their children and relatives went in search of the unfamiliar child. More than a thousand people were looking for Nadia Timofeev. To search for the child was oriented police personnel. The respondents were relatives and friends of the girl, neighbours and inhabitants of nearby houses. Surveyed entrances, bus shelters, playgrounds, areas educational institutions. Looked parks, basements and rooftops. Abandoned houses and cottages, wells and manholes. The search was conducted even from a helicopter.

In a local Park through the pump, was drained, abandoned since the Soviet era, an outdoor swimming pool. Surveyed about 600 wells, 28 substations, local boiler houses, and workshops, garages and other buildings.

Police appealed to residents to explore the territory of their enterprises, to inspect their garages and cottages, area homes. And also bring in the police surveillance video in and video machines. In the Internet group was set up to search Nadya Timofeeva.

Local printing house printed leaflets with the text:

“Intermunicipal Department of the MIA of Russia “Zelenogorsk” is set to the whereabouts of the missing juvenile Timofeeva Hope Vitalievna, G. R. 08.08.2002, residing at the address: Voroshilov str. 91, which 16.09.2013 left secondary school No. 7 home and so far her location isn’t known. Last time I saw her girlfriends in the Park “Jubilee”.

Signs: by sight 10—11 years, height 145 cm, a thin Constitution, hair light, assembled in the tail length of the belt, blue eyes. She was wearing: school uniform grey skirt, white blouse with long sleeves, vest is gray knit with school emblem, white nylon pantyhose, shoes silver. With him was a pink school backpack with school supplies, cell phone smartphone black color, made in China.

Anyone who knows the whereabouts Timofeeva N.In. please let us know by phone 02.”

On the third day, Nadya’s mom gave an interview to a local television station. The interview was taken by a young, 25 years old, journalist: tall with dark colored long hair, in a black bodycon dress. On his feet were black tights and black suede shoes with high heels. Her eyes were brightly painted and penciled, and full lips applied bright red lipstick.

– Tell us, how goes your daughter? – a journalist held a microphone to the face of Margarita Timofeeva.

Well, 15th of September I was waiting for the daughter from school, when the appointed time she never came back, I began to call the teacher, then went to her friend Nadya’s there, too. Then I went to school. We were looking for a teacher together, called classmates. I decided to go to the police. – slightly stuttering said Margarita.

– Tell me, Nadia met someone from school?

– In fourth grade she met, but this year, Nadia asked not to meet, as she was ashamed in front of classmates.

– As we know, you before the loss came with the watch?

– Yes, I’m working shifts in another city together with her husband. In the morning I followed Nadia to school. In the afternoon went to meet her, but we missed her. Apparently she was kidnapped before. In the area my mother repeatedly attacked.

Your husband is the father of Nadia?

– No, dear father of Nadia does not live with us. He has another family.

– Who lived Nadia, when you and your husband worked on the watch?

– She lived with my sister and her husband and my grandmother.

– Do you have any suspicions who could have done it?

– Yes, we have suspicions. My sister, i.e. my aunt Nadine said that three days before the abduction to Nade on the bridge I stuck some man, asked her about the river. But it was scared off behind the guy.

– You know that the mayor has offered a reward of 1000000 roubles for the information about the whereabouts of Nadya Timofeeva – the journalist applied to the audience of the TV channel.

– What would you like to say to the audience, or maybe would like to appeal to your daughter’s kidnappers?

– Yes, I would like to ask residents not to be indifferent and go in search of my daughter. If someone knows something or saw the police. Also want to appeal to the kidnappers to return the child. By law, if you will return the child voluntarily, you are exempt from criminal liability.

Thank you! I wish you good luck in search. To find your daughter alive and unharmed!

– And thank you…

Chapter 4

The search did not stop for one day. Nadia was looking for and in weekends and on weekdays, who had such an opportunity.

– You heard that in our town the girl went missing 11 years, Nadia Timofeeva? asked her husband, pouring the boiling water into a Cup of coffee. – Left school and home not reached. It’s been a few days looking for.

Ksenia slowly moved around the kitchen in a short robe and sandals home. Thick, wavy red hair was carelessly gathered the top and pinned barrette. Xenia have not had time in the morning to apply makeup, and because all her red freckles were now visible on a white face and large blue eyes framed with fluffy eyelashes light. She sat down at the table across from her husband and put the drink next to him. Alex extinguished the cigarette and put the butt in a glass ashtray.

– Yes, I heard at work was talking about it. By the way, our guys are going on a quest today. Dima is a dog, he wants her to take. I don’t know, will anything come of it, I need some specially trained search dogs. But, in any case, it’s better than nothing. Suddenly something smells.

– Maybe we go with them? ‘asked Ksenia.

– Do you want? I think in your situation it’s better not to participate in such events.

You know, I even dreamt of today. It has never happened. I want to go! – persistently said Ksenia.

– What did you dream? – asked the husband with interest and even a sort of surprise.

– She asked that she was found…

– She was alive in a dream?

– Yes, alive. At least I thought so…

Ksenia and Alex as we both fell silent and for a while sat silent in thought, each thinking of his.

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