Debrah Morris - When Lightning Strikes Twice

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Stranded in heaven, a Texas Ranger ached to reunite with his earth-bound soulmate, so the powers-that-be gave him one chance. Suddenly, Joe Mitchum emerged from unconsciousness and stared into Dr. Mallory Peterson's honey-brown eyes. If only he could convince her their eternal love was destined to be.Mallory found her pesky neighbor irritating, but ever since he got hit by lightning, Joe was a new man. He'd shed his chronic no-gooder act, and his sexy smile sent delicious shivers down her spine. Most disturbing of all were his oddly familiar kisses, which brought out deep passion…and love. Could it be that her former nemesis was now her most beloved ally?

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When Lightning Strikes Twice - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно (ознакомительный отрывок), автор Debrah Morris
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“If not for you I wouldn’t be here, Mallory.”

“Just doing my job.” She shifted uncomfortably. Joe was too close.

“I wasn’t talking about you making me live.”

“Then what?”

“If not for you, I wouldn’t have a reason to live.” Joe moved closer. “I know I’ve made mistakes. More than a man’s entitled to make in a lifetime. I won’t ask you to overlook the past. But is there any way you could bring yourself to think about the future instead?”

Mallory gulped to loosen the knot in her larynx. His gentle touch had ignited a riot of emotions inside her. Longing, desire, joy and sadness, exploding in turn like a string of firecrackers. Her resistance evaporated, and she leaned toward him, pulled by a need stronger than any she’d ever known.

Mallory sighed in resignation as Joe’s lips found hers. She was only human. How could she be expected to fight a force as powerful as fate?

Dear Reader,

If you’re like me, you can’t get enough heartwarming love stories and real-life fairy tales that end happily ever after. You’ll find what you need and so much more with Silhouette Romance each month.

This month you’re in for an extra treat. Bestselling author Susan Meier kicks off MARRYING THE BOSS’S DAUGHTER—the brand-new six-book series written exclusively for Silhouette Romance. In this launch title, Love, Your Secret Admirer (#1684), our favorite matchmaking heiress helps a naive secretary snare her boss’s attention with an eye-catching makeover.

A sexy rancher discovers love and the son he never knew, when he matches wits with a beautiful teacher, in What a Woman Should Know (#1685) by Cara Colter. And a not-so plain Jane captures a royal heart, in To Kiss a Sheik (#1686) by Teresa Southwick, the second of three titles in her sultry DESERT BRIDES miniseries.

Debrah Morris brings you a love story of two lifetimes, in When Lightning Strikes Twice (#1687), the newest paranormal love story in the SOULMATES series. And sparks sizzle between an innocent curator—with a big secret—and the town’s new lawman, in Ransom (#1688) by Diane Pershing. Will a seamstress’s new beau still love her when he learns she is an undercover heiress? Find out in The Bridal Chronicles (#1689) by Lissa Manley.

Be my guest and feed your need for tender and lighthearted romance with all six of this month’s great new love stories from Silhouette Romance.


Mavis C. Allen

Associate Senior Editor, Silhouette Romance

When Lightning Strikes Twice


Debrah Morris

When Lightning Strikes Twice - изображение 1

For my critique partner, Diana Ball,

who made a suggestion that led to an idea

that created a character that resulted in a book.

Thank you for the inspiration and

for sharing your flashlight when the journey gets dark.

Books by Debrah Morris

Silhouette Romance

A Girl, a Guy and a Lullaby #1549

That Maddening Man #1597

Tutoring Tucker #1670

When Lightning Strikes Twice #1687


Before embarking on a solo writing career, Debrah Morris coauthored over twenty romance novels as one half of the Pepper Adams/Joanna Jordan writing team. She has changed careers several times in her life, but much prefers writing to working.

Readers may contact her via her Web site:


To: Celestian, Heavenly Air Traffic Controller
From: A Texas Ranger Destined To Reunite with His Soulmate
Date: Right Now
Re: Simple Request

Dear C—

Given that I’m a straggler up here on a fluffy cloud, I’d really like to return to earth and somehow occupy a body so that I can be reunited with my love, Dr. Mallory Peterson. I mean, I’m not really doing anything up here. As a Texas Ranger, I see my work isn’t needed in heaven.

So, whaddya say?


A Man in Love



Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen



“Send me to heaven, or send me to hell. Just get me out of here!”

“Keep your voice down.” As time-out monitor, Celestian had to maintain his composure at all times, but even a saint’s serenity wasn’t safe around Will Pendleton’s troublesome spirit. Without ever making it past Reception, he had managed to get himself deemed Unfit for Return and to get Celestian busted down to a position devoid of prestige.

“I had no idea being dead could be so danged boring.” The restless soul paced the confines of the holding area.

“You’re here to learn acceptance, and you’re stuck until you do.”

“All right, then. I accept. I’m ready to move on. I’ll do whatever it takes. Now get me out of this nowhere place. Molly has been reborn, and I miss her.” Despair tempered his belligerence. “I gotta know. Will I ever return to her?”

“In time.” Celestian felt sorry for Pendleton, even if he was a pain in the astral. No one liked to see soul mates separated.

“I ain’t got a lot of time, bub. If I was to go back now, I’d have to start out as a baby. What kind of fool plan is that?”

“One that works just fine for us, thank you.”

“But Molly’s already grown. I don’t want her pinning my drawers.

“Time is irrelevant.”

“Maybe here in limbo land. But dang it, I’ve been cooling my heels in this milky joint for a hundred years. A hundred years today!”

“Happy anniversary. Please take your seat.” Had it only been a century? Seemed longer. Time didn’t fly when you weren’t having fun.

“No! I ain’t taking my seat. I’ve been sitting for a century. I need wrongs to right and laws to serve. I should be on earth catching crooks and protecting the innocent, not here jawing with a yahoo like you.”

Celestian rolled his eyes. Just because Pendleton’s destiny was to stand up for truth, justice and honor, didn’t mean he had to be so self-righteous about it.

Due to his untimely end as a Texas Ranger, the warrior spirit had yet to complete his cosmic cycle. He had evolved through many lifetimes, serving variously as village constable, musketeer, palace guard, crusading knight and tribal warrior, but as Will Pendleton, he had arrived too soon, leaving unfinished business on earth.

The Ranger leaned across the desk, invading space that was not his. “I feel useless. Give me something to do.” His conversational style hadn’t improved much. He’d arrived making demands and was still doing so ten decades later. “I ain’t used to living in a sitting position.”

Celestian smiled. “Technically, you’re no longer living at all.”

An angry, insubstantial fist slammed onto the desk without disturbing the tranquility of the white, soundless room. “I’m dead because you made a mistake, you pea-brained fool.”

“You are not dead,” Celestian corrected. “You are currently not living.”

He snorted. “Pardon the hell outta me if I can’t appreciate the difference.”

“You are not living because you slipped your mortal coil. You know that.”

“I know all right. I know my mortal coil got a decent burial back in Slapdown in 1903. I know the whole town mourned my passing, and some of my compadres even sobbed at my graveside. I know the woman I was meant to spend my life with died a sad and lonely old spinster because you yanked me back before my time. That’s what I know.”

“Spirits live forever. Mortal coils decline and die. Maybe you weren’t listening the first ten thousand times I explained the transmutation process.” Celestian concealed his irritation. The Boss frowned on displays of human emotions. Conversations between routing reps and detainees were often recorded and assessed for quality assurance.

Backsliding was duly noted during evolvement reviews. Since being demoted to time-out monitor, Celestian had been cited more than once for acting too human. It wasn’t his fault. Pendleton could provoke a senior-level saint.

The situation had begun innocently enough. Less than a day after Celestian began working in the Department of Natural Forces, Pendleton had alighted in Reception yelling about how he’d been hot on the earthbound trail of a cold-blooded killer. Just when he had the miscreant in his sights, a lightning bolt had arrowed out of a cloudless sky and ended his life.

That assessment was a bit off. It was actually the desperado who had gotten the drop on the lawman. An Emergency Order to Intercede had been fired down to the department, and Celestian had dispatched a spear of lightning on the Ranger’s behalf. New to the job, he’d miscalculated both the trajectory and heaven to earth time differential.

Misfiring lightning bolts was bad enough, but Celestian’s real mistake had been admitting his error. News that the shocking end had been intended for the bad man only fired Pendleton’s anger. Seems he’d been snatched from the arms of his true love three days before their wedding.

In the end, failure to accept his unscheduled death had earned him a U.F.R. designation and a trip to the cooler. Bungling his very first assignment had earned Celestian a demotion.

“I want to go back.” Pendleton paced like a caged beast. “There must be a way for me and Molly to be together.” He slammed his fist into his palm, and the silence only increased his frustration. “Didn’t you mention once that there’s an alternate way to return?”

“If the opportunity arose, I suppose you could go back as a walk-in.” Celestian heaved a sigh he hoped wasn’t too human. “But transmutation is beyond my abilities. I’m not certified in the latest technology.”

The Ranger wheeled around. “A walk-in? What’s that?”

“Sometimes when a mortal coil expires, and the resident spirit alights, another can assume the body and live out its natural life. If the M.C. is revived in time. It’s a simple transference procedure but only used in emergencies.”

“I want to do it. Send me back. Now!”

Celestian scoffed. “It’s not that simple. First, we need an appropriate M.C. You don’t want to return to your beloved as a cockroach do you?”

“No. But there is a way we can be together? So we can live as we were meant to do before you made a hash of everything?”

He sounded so sad, so hopeful that Celestian couldn’t tell him the odds against such a transfer. Pendleton’s soul mate was currently living her last earthly life during which she would fulfill her destiny. At demise, her spirit would retire. She and the Ranger, lovers in many lifetimes, would spend eternity apart. An injustice that might have broken Celestian’s heart, if he still had one to break.

“There may be a way. But it’s a long shot. Transference only works if an appropriate coil becomes available at the right moment in the precise geographical location. The resident spirit must alight before the coil is revived. The chances of that happening are—”

“What? A million to one?” There he went again, being hopeful.

“At least. The paperwork’s a killer. It has to be completed in triplicate and approved—”

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