Carole Mortimer - To Woo A Wife

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Jarrett, Jonathan and Jordan Hunter are Bachelor Brothers Some men are meant to marry!Jarrett. The oldest Hunter brother - he's dark, handsome and impossibly rich. He's never fallen in love, until he meets Abbie Sutherland. He intended to buy out her chain of hotels… and now his prize is her . Abbie is beautiful, sexy - utterly desirable. But she is also a young widow wary of emotional and physical involvement.For Jarrett, always a winner in the boardroom and the bedroom, this is the ultimate challenge. Wealth and seduction are not enough for Abbie - she needs to be wooed!

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To Woo A Wife - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно (ознакомительный отрывок), автор Carole Mortimer
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“I kissed you. And you liked it!” “I kissed you. And you liked it!” She took a sharp intake of breath, swallowing hard. He was right; she had liked it.... “I think your ego may be getting in the way again, Jarrett,” Abbie told him. “You just can’t seem to accept that every female you meet isn’t going to fall willingly into your arms! I’ll admit I was curious for a while, but—despite what you may have thought—my husband was a more-than-capable lover. He knew exactly how to please a woman.” Her gaze was coolly steady on Jarrett’s now angry face. “No other man could ever take his place in my life.” “I don’t want to take his place!” Jarrett visibly recoiled. “You already know my views on marriage—” “And you already know mine on affairs....” Title Page To Woo a Wife Carole Mortimer Dedication For Peter CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER TWO CHAPTER THREE CHAPTER FOUR CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER ELEVEN CHAPTER TWELVE CHAPTER THIRTEEN CHAPTER FOURTEEN Copyright

“I kissed you. And you liked it!”

She took a sharp intake of breath, swallowing hard. He was right; she had liked it....

“I think your ego may be getting in the way again, Jarrett,” Abbie told him. “You just can’t seem to accept that every female you meet isn’t going to fall willingly into your arms! I’ll admit I was curious for a while, but—despite what you may have thought—my husband was a more-than-capable lover. He knew exactly how to please a woman.” Her gaze was coolly steady on Jarrett’s now angry face. “No other man could ever take his place in my life.”

“I don’t want to take his place!” Jarrett visibly recoiled. “You already know my views on marriage—”

“And you already know mine on affairs....”

Jarrett, Jonathan and Jordan are

Some men are meant to marry!

Meet three brothers: Jarrett is the eldest—Hunter by name, hunter by nature. Jonathan’s in the middle and a real charmer; there’s never been a woman whom he wanted and couldn’t have. Jordan is the youngest and he’s devilishly attractive. But he’s determined never to succumb to emotional commitment.

These bachelor brothers appear to have it all—looks, wealth, power.... But what about love? That’s where Abbie, Gaye and Stazy come in. As Jarrett, Jonathan and Jordan are about to discover—wanting a woman is one thing, winning her heart is quite another....

Look out for Jonathan’s story next month!

To Woo a Wife

Carole Mortimer

For Peter


‘IT ISN’T that I don’t appreciate the suggestion that I join you all for dinner, Stephen,’ the man drawled in a bored voice. ‘It’s just that making up a foursome isn’t something I’ve made a habit of; I’ve inevitably found that any woman deliberately out on her own for the evening is either on the hunt for a rich man—or, even worse, she’s a paper-bag job!’

The woman dismissed as either ‘on the hunt for a rich man—or even worse... a paper-bag job’ had entered the hotel lounge and bar seconds ago, and had been in the process of locating her hosts for the evening—her friend Alison and her new husband Stephen—when she had unwittingly overheard the man’s insulting remark.

She had found Alison and Stephen—and they weren’t alone. Not that Abbie could actually see them, or they her, hidden behind the huge plant that stood majestically in the plush room. And, in view of what the man had just said, perhaps it was as well!

‘I think that’s a bit strong, Jarrett,’ Alison protested indignantly. “These days, women can go anywhere, and do anything they want to do. And we don’t need a man to do it with!’

Well, at least Abbie knew his name now. Jarrett... It meant nothing to her.

‘Do these “go-anywhere” women get married?’ the man called Jarrett taunted pointedly.

They have the right to choose that option if they wish to—as I did,’ Alison returned heatedly. ‘I’m just pointing out that we don’t need a man for our very existence, as our grandmothers did, and possibly our mothers too. We have careers now, earn our own money, and therefore marriage isn’t the necessity it once was—’

Stephen’s husky laugh interrupted her. ‘I have a feeling you’re being deliberately wound up, my love.’

The other man laughed too. ‘Guilty, I’m afraid. I’m sorry, Alison, it really isn’t fair of me when you’re still on your honeymoon. I think it’s great that the two of you decided to get married. I’m only sorry I missed the wedding. I find it incredible that I’ve bumped into the two of you like this. I had no idea you were coming to Canada skiing.’

Abbie had missed the wedding too, which was why, after numerous protests that she hadn’t wanted to interrupt their honeymoon, she had accepted the couple’s invitation to join them this evening. But it was obvious from this man Jarrett’s comments that his meeting with the newly-weds was purely coincidental.

If Abbie had thought it was anything else, that she was possibly being set up with this man by well-meaning friends, then she would have turned around and left the hotel without even making her presence here known, would simply have telephoned her apologies. But she didn’t really think that was the case; Alison was well aware of her feelings towards relationships. They simply didn’t exist as far as Abbie was concerned.

Although she had to admit Jarrett’s initial remark had stung, making her look critically at herself in one of the mirrors that lined the bar walls. As tall as a model, her legs were long and shapely; she was wearing a black sheath of a dress that moulded her figure, its length a couple of inches short of her knees. But over the stylish dress she had put on a thin silk jacket the same violet-blue colour of her eyes, its loose style detracting from the clinging material of her dress. Her long dark hair was pulled back in a neat chignon, her make-up subtly delicate.

She tried to see herself through the man Jarrett’s eyes, and decided he would think her cool and aloof, not quite a ‘paper-bag job’, but certainly not vibrantly beautiful either!

‘Nevertheless,’ Jarrett continued lightly, ‘I really do have to turn down your invitation to join you all. Your friend may not mind playing gooseberry, Alison, but I certainly do!’

Abbie felt the heat in her cheeks at what she was sure was a rebuke aimed at her in her absence. But she had been intensely reluctant too when Alison had asked her to join herself and Stephen this evening, conscious that the couple were still on their honeymoon. But Alison had completely pooh-poohed the idea of Abbie intruding, reminding her she and Stephen had lived together for a year before their wedding two weeks ago, and that they certainly weren’t in the first romantic flush of togetherness!

Abbie moved as quietly away from the trio and from behind the huge plant as she had approached them, going out to the powder-room in the lobby. Once there she removed her jacket, replenished her make-up but applied it more deeply this time, and made a final alteration to her hair as she deftly removed all the pins that held it so neatly in place. The result was a wild tumble of black gypsy-like strands almost down to her waist, the flowing darkness highlighting her high cheekbones, the clear beauty of her eyes, and the pouting fullness of her mouth.

A paper-bag job—huh!

She left the jacket in the cloakroom with the warm outer coat she had deposited there earlier, crossing the reception area with long, easy strides, aware of the male interest that followed her progress, but not acknowledging it by so much as a flick of her long black hair, the light of challenge sparkling in her violet-blue eyes.

That male reaction to her looks spoke for itself; she wasn’t ‘on the hunt for a rich man’, either, the diamonds that sparkled in her earlobes and wrist giving testament to that. She couldn’t help wondering, a little gleefully, she admitted, exactly what Jarrett was going to make of her!

She didn’t pause inside the bar this time but walked straight over to the table where she knew Alison and Stephen sat with the other man. She smiled widely at her friend as Alison looked up and saw her approach.

‘Abbie!’ Alison stood up to hug her warmly. ‘You look wonderful!’ she stood back to say admiringly—if slightly surprised too. Alison had been at the forefront of the friends who had gently chided her during the last couple of years for playing down the looks that had once engendered the interest of some of the most powerful men in the world. To no avail.

‘You certainly do.’ Stephen stood up to kiss her lightly on the cheek.

The newly-weds made an attractive couple, Alison a tall redhead, Stephen tall and blond. Abbie had known the two of them for years, had always been able to relax and be herself in their company. Except tonight they weren’t alone...

She turned coolly to look at the man with the deeply male voice, the man she knew only as Jarrett, feeling the equivalent of a mild electric shock as she saw him for the first time. He was one of those men you would never forget when you had met him: devilishly attractive!

Possibly ten years older than her own twenty-seven, he had lines of experience on that handsome face to go with his maturity. And it was probably those lines, and the cynical light in his assessing amber eyes as he returned her gaze, that saved him from being just too good-looking.

As he politely stood up, Abbie could see he was tall and powerfully built, with not an ounce of superfluous flesh on the lean length of his body that was clothed in a navy blue jacket, pale grey shirt and grey trousers. His dark hair was slightly overlong, curling attractively as it met the collar of his jacket, his face perfectly sculptured, jaw square and determined below a mockingly smiling mouth. But it was his eyes that dominated, that deep gleaming amber one of the most unusual colours Abbie had ever seen. Like the eyes of a tiger...

‘Abbie, this is a friend of mine from London.’ Stephen stepped in to introduce the two of them. ‘Jarrett Hunter.’

Hunter... It suited him, Abbie decided ruefully. ‘And I’m Abbie,’ she put in smoothly, holding out a long, slender, completely ringless hand, her nails kept short and lacquerless.

He reached out and took her hand in his, his own warm but firm to the touch, his grip neither too tight nor too limp; Daniel had always said you could tell a lot about a man from his handshake. If that were to be believed, this man was neither remote nor overly friendly!

‘Just Abbie?’ he murmured, that golden gaze blazing on the smooth perfection of her face.

‘Just Abbie.’ She easily forestalled Stephen as he -would have spoken.

‘It’s what she was known as during our years on the catwalk together.’ Alison spoke lightly as they all resumed their seats, Abbie now occupying a chair to the other woman’s left, with Jarrett Hunter opposite her.

He turned to Abbie with renewed interest, his male assessment of her feminine attributes made swiftly and easily. He relaxed back in his own armchair. “So you’re a model, too,’ he murmured appreciatively.

‘I was,’ she answered quietly, ordering a sparkling mineral water when a waiter approached her.

Amber eyes widened interestedly. ‘But not any more?’

‘No, not any more,’ she told him before turning back to the newly married couple, aware as she did so that Jarrett Hunter was still watching her with narrowed eyes. She guessed, with a certain amount of amusement at his expense, that he was having trouble categorising her. Like Alison, as a model, she had been assessed and processed and put into the appropriate box. Since she was no longer a model but obviously self-assured and moderately wealthy at least, he was obviously wondering exactly what she was now. She didn’t think he had a hope of guessing!

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