Teresa Southwick - To Catch a Sheikh

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And practical-minded Penelope Doyle had yet to find one who didn't turn into a toad at the first lip lock. But when the worst of the bunch stole her heart and her seed money, she vowed she would never again pursue a fairy tale.Even after she accepted a job in El Zafir and met her new boss, Rafiq Hassan, a truly splendid prince whose magnetism certainly made her want to believe in true love, in spite of the facts. Surely, a handsome sheik would never look twice at a plain American girl, no matter how smart or talented.But then…he kissed her.

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To Catch a Sheikh - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно (ознакомительный отрывок), автор Teresa Southwick
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“If you’re concerned about it, Aunt, then why did Father take my own assistant and give me a woman?”

She shifted slightly. In anyone less regal, it would have been a squirm. “He needed someone experienced. And he is the king. Penny is perfect for your…needs. Business needs,” she added. “If I were you, I would think twice before questioning your father.”

“All right then. But I’m wounded that you feel it’s necessary to question my behavior.”

“Aside from your reputation as a bit of a rogue with women, I’m concerned about Penny.”

“Why? She could talk the ears off an elephant,” he pointed out.

“She was badly used by a man.”

Rafiq frowned. Penny was vexing, but in an impish sort of way. “How?”

“She told me the whole horrid story in New York. Her mother died when Penny was twelve or thirteen. The woman was single, a teacher. Yet she managed to leave her daughter an inheritance that was put into trust. The dear child planned to open a preschool until that unprincipled scoundrel romanced her in order to abscond with her money. She’s unlikely to trust a man ever again,” she finished.

“He is not a man. A man would not treat a woman so. Especially a woman like—”

“Like what?” his aunt asked, one eyebrow lifted.

“Never mind. I would like to meet this man,” he said through clenched teeth. “Horsewhipping would be too good for him.”

“I agree.” She nodded grimly, then the look was gone, replaced by a serene smile. “But Penny is here now and we will take care of her. That is, I will look after her. In my opinion, things couldn’t be better,” she said.

“On the contrary.” When he left the young woman, he was merely bemused by her. After learning her story, he found himself mildly intrigued. It made him a bit uneasy, something he normally didn’t feel around women. Without a doubt he could also say he didn’t much like the feeling. Perhaps he could change his aunt’s mind about assigning to him this particular woman.

“What is it, Rafiq?”

“Things could be much improved if father would return my assistant. Then you could have your Penny Doyle—with my heartfelt approval and best wishes that your sanity and hearing remain undiminished.”

She shook her head. “I’m afraid that returning your assistant won’t be possible for some time.”

“Why not?”

“That’s up to your father,” she answered.

“I’ve taken your advice and thought twice. I will speak to him about the matter.”

“In the meantime, with preparations about to begin for the international charity ball hosted for the first time by El Zafir, you will need help. A woman’s touch.”

“You’re a woman—and my co-chair for the event,” he pointed out reasonably. “Isn’t that enough?”

“Penny will work with both of us.”

Rafiq didn’t like the sound of that. He would try another tack. “Is that fair to her? To work for me as well? By yourself, you are a formidable taskmaster.”

“Not unfairly so. Besides, I suspect Penny is a very hard worker.”

“If she can close her mouth long enough,” he grumbled.

“I found her charming.”

“Is that her only qualification? It’s my understanding she was seeking employment as nanny to Fariq’s children.”

“Yes. But she was so…energized and quite bright. She has a degree, a double major—early childhood education and business. Because, she informed me, a preschool is still a business. She has a glowing reference from Sam Prescott.”

Sam Prescott was from a wealthy Texas family. He’d been Rafiq’s friend since they were boys. Over the years they’d joked that if America had royalty, Sam and his brothers would be their sheiks. Their fathers knew each other well, in addition to sharing business interests.

“How does Sam know her?” he asked.

“Prescott International bestows grants to needy, gifted students. Penny was chosen as the recipient, and the family took a personal interest in her education and career. She was in the top of her business classes and earned an internship at Prescott corporate headquarters in Dallas. So I have it on good authority that she’s quick, intelligent, hardworking and more than capable of being trained.”

“Apparently, that will be my responsibility.” He glared at his aunt, but she didn’t refute his words.

“Such a look would frighten small children. Tell me you didn’t look at her that way, Rafiq?” Her expressive eyes opened wide. “You’re the diplomat of the family. If you—”

“I’m not in the habit of frightening small children or women. But there is the matter of the coffee—”

It had practically taken an act of God to render her speechless. Fortunately, the liquid had cooled and she wasn’t hurt. He felt the slightest twinge of conscience at his part in the incident.

“What about the coffee?” she asked.

“It fell from her hands.”

“Did you do something to make it fall?”

“I merely introduced myself.”

After letting her believe he was an assistant. And coaxing her into revealing that she thought he was very handsome. Actually, he’d found the disguise liberating. He doubted she would have spoken so freely if he hadn’t let her assume he was an ordinary man. He was accustomed to flattery from women, but because Penny hadn’t known his true identity, her compliment was rooted in sincerity.

“Where is she now?” his aunt inquired, frowning.

“In her room, the one you assigned her here in the guest quarters of the palace. I advised her to take the rest of the day off to recover from her journey.”

She nodded approvingly. “Good. And I’m pleased we have talked. So that I can remind you one last time, Rafiq. You are not to be charming to Penny. Just until other arrangements can be made, she is your assistant and is to be nothing more,” she added. “We cannot have the business of El Zafir disrupted because you’ve charmed yet another female member of the staff.”

“Thank you, Aunt Farrah,” he said, unable to suppress a smile.

“That was not meant to be a compliment. I’m going to say this one more time. Do nothing out of the ordinary. Do not go out of your way to be nice to Penny. Simple courtesy in the work environment. That is all.”

He pulled himself up to his full height. “I am a prince of the royal blood. Benevolence is my responsibility. You yourself instructed me in the necessity of being gracious. I find no reason to apologize for so thoroughly learning the lesson you set before me.”

“I also taught you to respect your elders.” She sniffed. “You’re acting like a strong-willed little boy.”

“On the contrary,” he said. “I don’t see that at all.”

“Of course not. You never do. Or your brothers, either.”

“What do Kamal and Fariq have to do with anything?” he asked.

“The crown prince and minister of oil respectively have nothing whatever to do with our conversation. I was merely stating a fact.”

“The men of the royal family of Hassan have sworn allegiance to country and family,” he said. “We are the protectors of the people of El Zafir. We can’t afford to be wrong.”

“It is a sacred and awesome responsibility,” she agreed. “And I have found a young woman who, I believe, will make an excellent assistant. Someone bright and entertaining who I would like to remain in my employ for a long time to come. I am merely requesting that you do nothing to facilitate her return to the United States.”

“I wouldn’t think of it.”

She frowned at him. “It makes me nervous when you are so agreeable.” He opened his mouth to protest, but she waved him away. “Go tell the king or one of your brothers. They might believe your denials.”

“I am not as agreeable as you might think.” For some reason, he felt compelled to defend himself. Yet it hadn’t come out right at all.

“For the sake of palace peace, I hope so.”

Suppressing a long-suffering sigh, he bowed slightly in deference to her age and family position.

As he left Farrah’s rooms, his thoughts turned to the young American. Bright and entertaining? He wasn’t certain he’d seen that side of Penny Doyle. Perhaps he should talk with her again. Merely to ascertain whether or not he’d underestimated his new assistant. If for no other reason than to get to know her better.

So the business of El Zafir would run smoothly.

Chapter Two

Penny paced back and forth in front of the French doors in her room. Wired by nerves and the small amount of caffeine consumed before the disaster, she couldn’t relax. It was a good thing the suite was so large—lots of space to pace in. If only she could sleep. Oblivion would be preferable to the mental kicking her backside was taking. She alternated between how could she have been so stupid and how could he have let her go on?

Rafiq. A rakish name. It suited him. He was very good-looking. But that didn’t excuse his behavior. He was a prince, a ruler of his country. That excused his behavior. Mortified, she remembered the conversation—her inane prattle. He knew how well a staff member in the royal palace was paid. He’d seen Princess Farrah once or twice. She’d told him he was handsome, for goodness’ sake. But that information he’d pried out of her.

She covered her face with her hands, wishing fatigue could block out the humiliating scene. What a fool she’d made of herself. And he’d let her even after she’d asked him to help her not to do that!

It wasn’t the first time a man had made a fool of her. Last time, the man had taken her money and disappeared. This time, she’d been told to disappear. His exact words—she should take the rest of the day off. To acclimate. Was that El Zafirian for get ready to be drawn and quartered at dawn for the crime of impertinence?

“I almost wish I was dead,” she said to the white walls surrounding her. “But I’d prefer something non-violent and less messy.”

She had to admit that if she breathed her last at dawn, these digs were a fabulous place to spend her final hours. The walls were white, the starkness broken by colorful tapestries hanging in the living room, dining area and bedroom. A low, soft sofa took up one corner of the room that faced a lush, colorful garden. Flowers and greenery abounded below her window. She couldn’t see the ocean, but on the balcony she’d breathed in the fragrance of sea air mixed with the perfume of the flowers. The two blended, creating an intoxicating scent she’d never before experienced.

The bedroom contained a large four-poster bed, matching dresser and armoire—as if she had enough clothes to fill the two pieces of furniture. In the corner was a chair and ottoman covered in white cashmere, or so she’d been told by the maid who’d helped her unpack her meager belongings. What was she doing here? It was a rhetorical question, which fortunately didn’t require an answer. She wouldn’t be around long enough to bother with one. Not after what she’d done—correction—not after she’d been baited and reeled in.

Then the baiter in question—one Rafiq Hassan, Prince of El Zafir—had calmly given her the day off. Wouldn’t it have been simpler to just send her to the airport? Surely he wouldn’t allow her to stay after she’d insulted him.

It didn’t matter that there were no nameplates in his office. That should have been a dead giveaway. Although, she wasn’t especially comfortable with the dead part. Everyone knew the royal family. Why would they need their names on the doors? Lack of sleep could no longer be an excuse for what she’d done. Hands down, she would win ninny of the year or the El Zafirian equivalent. Being new to the country should be considered mitigating circumstances. And he—Rafiq—had set her up. But he was a prince; she was a pauper.

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