Elizabeth Lane - The Tycoon and the Townie

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THE WEALTHY MAN…Struggling single mother Kate Valera had spent most of her life with her nose pressed against the window, looking at how the other half lived. And then one day, she saw Jefferson Parish looking back at her. The wealthy widower was everything she'd always wanted…and known she couldn't have.Jeff touched something in Kate that had lain sleeping for so long, she wasn't sure it was still there. But he was used to a "certain kind of woman," Kate knew, and she–waitress uniform and all–was not exactly it. Was theirs only a summer romance–or would those autumn winds sweep them down the aisle?

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The Tycoon and the Townie - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно (ознакомительный отрывок), автор Elizabeth Lane
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Table of Contents

Cover Page

Title Page The Tycoon and the Townie Elizabeth Lane www.millsandboon.co.uk

Excerpt “Make the most of it, lady,” Jeff challenged. “Put on your flashiest dress and come with me to the yacht club party on Saturday.” Kate had sensed what was coming. All the same, she felt her stomach clench. “Jeff, it’s not that simple,” she muttered. “I can’t just—” “Come on. Yes, you can,” Jeff urged. “But what about all those people? What about your mother, for heaven’s sake? I know what she thinks of me.” “Kate, don’t let these people intimidate you,” he said. “I’m not intimidated. Not by anyone.” “Then prove it. Because when I walk into that place with you on my arm,” Jeff went on, “lady, we’re going to knock their socks off!”

Dear Reader Dear Reader , This month, Silhouette Romance has six irresistible, emotional and heartwarming love stories for you, starting with our FABULOUS FATHERS title, Wanted: One Son by Laurie Paige. Deputy sheriff Nick Dorelli had watched the woman he loved marry another and have that man’s child. But now, mother and child need Nick. Next is The Bride Price by bestselling author Suzanne Carey. Kyra Martin has fuzzy memories of having just married her Navajo ex-fiancé in a traditional wedding ceremony. And when she discovers she’s expecting his child, she knows her dream was not only real…but had mysteriously come true! We also have two notto-be missed new miniseries starting this month, beginning with Miss Prim’s Untamable Cowboy, book 1 of THE BRUBAKER BRIDES by Carolyn Zane. A prim image consultant tries to tame a very masculine working-class wrangler into the true Texas millionaire tycoon he really is. Good luck, Miss Prim! In Only Bachelors Need Apply by Charlotte Maclay, a manshy woman’s handsome new neighbor has some secrets that will make her the happiest woman in the world, and in The Tycoon and the Townie by Elizabeth Lane, a struggling waitress from the wrong side of the tracks is romanced by a handsome, wealthy bachelor. Finally, our other new miniseries, ROYAL WEDDINGS by Lisa Kaye Laurel. The lovely caretaker of a royal castle finds herself a prince’s bride-to-be during a ball…with high hopes for happily ever after in The Prince’s Bride. I hope you enjoy all six of Silhouette Romance’s terrific novels this month…and every month. Regards, Melissa Senate, Senior Editor Please address questions and book requests to: Silhouette Reader Service U.S.: 3010 Walden Ave., P.O. Box 1325, Buffalo, NY 14269 Canadian: P.O. Box 609, Fort Erie, Ont. L2A 5X3

Dedication To Millicent, my very first guide to the world of fairies, mermaids and other marvels.

About the Author ELIZABETH LANE has traveled extensively in Latin America, Europe and China, and enjoys bringing these exotic locales to life on the printed page, but she also finds her home state of Utah and other areas of the American West to be fascinating sources for historical romance. Elizabeth loves such diverse activities as hiking and playing the piano, not to mention her latest hobby—belly dancing.

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten



The Tycoon and the Townie

Elizabeth Lane

The Tycoon and the Townie - изображение 1


“Make the most of it, lady,”

Jeff challenged. “Put on your flashiest dress and come with me to the yacht club party on Saturday.”

Kate had sensed what was coming. All the same, she felt her stomach clench. “Jeff, it’s not that simple,” she muttered. “I can’t just—”

“Come on. Yes, you can,” Jeff urged.

“But what about all those people? What about your mother, for heaven’s sake? I know what she thinks of me.”

“Kate, don’t let these people intimidate you,” he said.

“I’m not intimidated. Not by anyone.”

“Then prove it. Because when I walk into that place with you on my arm,” Jeff went on, “lady, we’re going to knock their socks off!”

Dear Reader,

This month, Silhouette Romance has six irresistible, emotional and heartwarming love stories for you, starting with our FABULOUS FATHERS title, Wanted: One Son by Laurie Paige. Deputy sheriff Nick Dorelli had watched the woman he loved marry another and have that man’s child. But now, mother and child need Nick. Next is The Bride Price by bestselling author Suzanne Carey. Kyra Martin has fuzzy memories of having just married her Navajo ex-fiancé in a traditional wedding ceremony. And when she discovers she’s expecting his child, she knows her dream was not only real…but had mysteriously come true! We also have two notto-be missed new miniseries starting this month, beginning with Miss Prim’s Untamable Cowboy, book 1 of THE BRUBAKER BRIDES by Carolyn Zane. A prim image consultant tries to tame a very masculine working-class wrangler into the true Texas millionaire tycoon he really is. Good luck, Miss Prim!

In Only Bachelors Need Apply by Charlotte Maclay, a manshy woman’s handsome new neighbor has some secrets that will make her the happiest woman in the world, and in The Tycoon and the Townie by Elizabeth Lane, a struggling waitress from the wrong side of the tracks is romanced by a handsome, wealthy bachelor. Finally, our other new miniseries, ROYAL WEDDINGS by Lisa Kaye Laurel. The lovely caretaker of a royal castle finds herself a prince’s bride-to-be during a ball…with high hopes for happily ever after in The Prince’s Bride.

I hope you enjoy all six of Silhouette Romance’s terrific novels this month…and every month.


Melissa Senate,

Senior Editor

Please address questions and book requests to:

Silhouette Reader Service

U.S.: 3010 Walden Ave., P.O. Box 1325, Buffalo, NY 14269

Canadian: P.O. Box 609, Fort Erie, Ont. L2A 5X3

To Millicent, my very first guide to the world of fairies, mermaids and other marvels.


has traveled extensively in Latin America, Europe and China, and enjoys bringing these exotic locales to life on the printed page, but she also finds her home state of Utah and other areas of the American West to be fascinating sources for historical romance. Elizabeth loves such diverse activities as hiking and playing the piano, not to mention her latest hobby—belly dancing.

Chapter One

“Excuse me, but is my nose on straight?”

The raspy-cello voice was so sensual that for an instant Jefferson Parrish III thought he must still be dreaming. Lulled by cool Atlantic breezes, he had dozed off in one of the big Adirondack chairs on the open verandah, only to be startled awake by this libido-tickling Greta Garbo voice.

A voice that appeared to be coming from a clown.

“What the devil…?” Jeff blinked himself fully awake, expecting the clown to vaporize. No such luck.

“I need to make sure my nose is on straight. I bumped it getting out of the Jeep. Quick—take a look!”

Too startled to argue, Jeff did as he was told. The clown was certainly no Bozo, he observed. Or Ronald McDonald, either. Short and pudgy in a tie-dyed, padded suit and ragged purple wig, she couldn’t have stretched over five foot three. White greasepaint and a round, red, rubber nose hid whatever features she might possess—except for her eyes. Surrounded by painted circles, they blazed like oversize twin aquamarines.

Fine and dandy, Jeff groused, easing out of the chair and stretching to his husky six-foot height. But unless some ragtag circus had come to Misty Point, North Carolina, he still had no idea why this dumpy-looking little clown would be standing on his verandah in the middle of an ordinary July afternoon.

“Well?” the hypnotic voice demanded.

Jeff ran an impatient hand through his wiry thatch of prematurely graying hair. “Yes, your nose is on straight. Now, would you mind telling me what the hell you’re doing here?”.

She appeared startled, though it was hard to tell beneath all that paint. “Uh—you are Mr. Jefferson Parrish, aren’t you?” she asked.

“Yes,” Jeff snapped, none too graciously.

“Then you should be expecting me. My agency sent me. I’m Jo-Jo.”

The look he gave her was as blank as his mind.

“The clown you hired for your daughter, Ellen’s, birthday party.”

“The party—oh, blast…” Jeff remembered dimly that his mother had said something about hiring a party clown, but until this moment, he’d forgotten all about it. That, or he was still asleep, and having this bizarre dream….

“I’m sorry,” he muttered. “And yes, you are expected.”

“Fine. So, where’s the party?”

“Around the back, on the lawn. My mother’s in charge. She’d be the one who called the agency.”

“And how old is little Ellen?” The clown gathered up a lumpy green duffel bag from the front steps and hefted it to her shoulder.

“She’s nine.”

“Nine!” The phrase she muttered under her breath sounded vaguely like an Irish curse.

“Is anything wrong?”

“It’s just that my act usually goes over better with the three- to five-year-old crowd. For nine-year-olds, you should’ve hired rock musicians!”

“Tell that to my mother. She’s in charge. Now, if you’ll excuse me…” Jeff stifled a yawn and took a tentative step toward the front door, hoping Yo-Yo, or whatever her name was, would take the hint and head for the party. His blueprints for the new wing of Heath Memorial Hospital were up for review next week. Vacation or no vacation, it was time he went inside and got back to work on them.

He strode across the verandah, struggling to shake off the ennui that had settled over him in this sleepy little seashore town. It had been a mistake, giving in to his mother’s suggestion that they summer here, in the old family retreat where he had spent so many boyhood vacations. At first Jeff had nourished the hope that the sea air and familiar surroundings would have a healing effect on them all. But it had been an empty hope. Things had only gotten worse.

Even with the hospital project, there was too little for him to do here. And there were too many memories. Too often lately he’d caught himself pacing the confines of his studio, snarling like a caged bear. The discontent had spread to his daughter, as well. Ellen spent her time roaming the dunes of their private beach like a pale little sea wraith. As for Jeff’s mother, she’d thrown herself into projects designed to make their lives seem “all right” again. Projects like this birthday party, for which Ellen had displayed no enthusiasm at all.

Dammit, they should have all stayed home in Raleigh, where they—

“Oh—Mr. Parrish?”

Jeff glanced over his shoulder. The clown was poised on the verandah’s top step, the toes of her enormous, floppy shoes hanging eight inches over the edge.

“One more thing,” she said. “Just so you’ll be aware. I brought my daughter with me today—not that she’ll be a bother to anyone. She’s been told to stay in the kitchen with your cook, Floss, until I finish the party show. Floss is a friend of ours, and she said it wasn’t a problem. Is that all right with you?”

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