Caroline Cross - The Rancher And The Nanny

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The Rancher And The Nanny - описание и краткое содержание, автор Caroline Cross, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки LibKing.Ru
Livestock? John MacLaren had all the answers. But little girls? On that subject he was clueless. What did an orphan know about creating a home, especially for a delicate child like Lissy? He needed help. And help came…in the most unexpected, most unforgettable form. Eve Chandler. Years before, he'd wanted her with a vengeance, but 'Princess' hadn't seemed to think him worthy. Now the tables had turned, and she was working for him. Yet Eve was so much more than a nanny. With her encouragement, Lissy was blossoming…and John's icy reserve was melting. But once Eve recovered her lost riches, would John's warm, willing lover remain by his side?

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The Rancher And The Nanny - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно (ознакомительный отрывок), автор Caroline Cross
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Lying on a bed of midnight satin was a small gold horse pendant, threaded onto a sturdy but pretty gold chain.

Lissy looked at her, her eyes as round as pennies. “Oh, it’s so pretty,” she breathed.

Eve smiled. “Would you like to try it on?”

The child nodded. “Yes, please.”

Eve picked up the necklace, opened the clasp and leaned forward. “Max, my granddad, told me—” she fastened the chain around the child’s delicate neck, then sat back to admire the effect “—that wearing this makes you an official Montana cowgirl.”

Lissy touched her hand to the necklace. “It does?”


“Even…even if you’re afraid of horses?”

Eve considered the sudden hope on that little face and added teach to ride and revamp wardrobe to her quickly growing list of things to do. “Even then,” she said firmly, rewarded by one of Lissy’s shy, tremulous smiles.

She smiled back, then looked up as an inexplicable little tingle warned her they were no longer alone. Tall and imposing, John stood silently in the doorway. Their gazes met and to her shock, for the briefest moment she could have sworn there was something in his eyes that was dark and hungry.

As if she were seventeen again, her body responded instantly. Her breath caught, her skin flushed, her nipples beaded. Worse, she felt an overwhelming urge to climb to her feet, close the distance between them and indulge herself in the luxury of exploring that big, hard body—

“Look what Eve gave me!”

Lissy’s awe-filled exclamation jerked John’s gaze toward his daughter. As if released from a spell, Eve snapped back to reality. What on earth had just happened? she wondered, a shiver shuddering through her.

Whatever it was, Lissy thankfully seemed oblivious. Climbing to her feet, the child approached her father and shyly held up the pendant. “See?”

John looked from the necklace to his daughter’s upturned face. “It’s real nice,” he murmured.

The little girl smiled with surprised pleasure and his own expression seemed to lighten fractionally.

He straightened. “I’ve got to get back to work but I shouldn’t be too long.” His blue eyes once again found Eve. They were cool and polite, nothing more. “Like I said before, I’d like to eat around six.”


“If you need anything, my cell phone number’s posted next to the telephone in the kitchen.”

She forced herself to smile. “Don’t worry about us. We’ll manage, won’t we, Lissy?”

The child’s head bobbed. “Uh-huh.”

“All right, then.” With a brusque nod, he turned on his heel and left.

It wasn’t very mature of her, but in light of her inability to control her rampaging hormones, Eve was glad to see him go.


Eve was seated at the kitchen counter when John walked out of his bedroom Friday morning.

His step faltered as his gaze raked over her, taking note of the slender line of her back, the taut curve of her fanny, the bare feet he could see propped on the bottom rung of the bar stool. With her shining blond hair and sun-kissed skin, she looked all-American exotic, as if she ought to be hanging ten on a beach somewhere.

Not that he gave a damn. Shoving his shirttail into his jeans, he told himself that the sudden tension humming through him was nothing more than annoyance. Growing up at the orphanage, privacy had been nonexistent; in the years since he’d left it, he’d come to treasure his morning solitude.

Somehow he doubted Eve would understand, however. With her upbringing, she probably believed he’d be thrilled to see her. God knew, she hadn’t held back from making her presence felt in the brief time that she’d been here. Small reminders of her were all over his house, from the bouquet of fall flowers in the center of the dining room table, to the flimsy Italian leather shoes lined up next to his boots in the mudroom, to the faint scent of her perfume that seemed to linger long after she’d left a room.

Still, he was willing to concede that so far she was managing a lot better than he’d expected. The house was clean and tidy. Dinner the past four nights had been delicious. Most importantly, she seemed to really be making an effort with Lissy.

And that was the only thing that mattered.

He crossed the room, his stride firm and purposeful as he walked around the end of the eating counter.

“Good morning,” Eve said softly.

Her husky voice tickled along his spine. Deliberately taking his time, he poured himself a cup of coffee before he finally turned to face her. “What are you doing up so early?”

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