Rebecca Russell - Right Where He Belongs

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Rebecca Russell - Right Where He Belongs краткое содержание

Right Where He Belongs - описание и краткое содержание, автор Rebecca Russell, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки LibKing.Ru
Revenge had brought Tanner Fairfax to the small town of New Haven, Ohio…and Cassie Leighton gave him ample reason to stay. The terms of his grandfather's will stated Tanner needed just thirty days in the old man's house before he could sell his unwanted legacy. But, before long, Tanner felt like a beloved member of the close-knit community, and felt more than just neighborly affection for spirited Cassie. However, it seemed this woman who left warmth and sunshine in her wake had an agenda all her own, and it didn't include selling. And suddenly, having revenge offered cold comfort compared to having Cassie in his arms…

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Right Where He Belongs - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно (ознакомительный отрывок), автор Rebecca Russell
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She watched Tanner as he noted every detail of the room—especially her.

She shivered and recalled her explosive reaction to the innocent touch of her fingers against Tanner’s skin. Not a problem. She’d keep her hands away from him and on her work, and keep her mind on her promise to Mr. Frank.

A detail in the investigator’s report popped into her head: While Tanner had no shortage of women in his life, he either couldn’t keep them, or didn’t want to, since no relationship ever lasted more than a couple of months.

Why had that little morsel surfaced? He wasn’t even her type.

She could so easily picture Tanner at home in Fairfax House. New Haven would embrace him, give him the sense of belonging and roots he had lost since his parents died. The fact that she could see it wasn’t enough, though—he had to, also….

Dear Reader,

Brr…February’s below-freezing temperatures call for a mug of hot chocolate, a fuzzy afghan and a heartwarming book from Silhouette Romance. Our books will heat you to the tips of your toes with the sizzling sexual tension that courses between our stubborn heroes and the determined heroines who ultimately melt their hardened hearts.

In Judy Christenberry’s Least Likely To Wed, her sinfully sexy cowboy hero has his plans for lifelong bachelorhood foiled by the searing kisses of a spirited single mom. While in Sue Swift’s The Ranger & the Rescue, an amnesiac cowboy stakes a claim on the heart of a flame-haired heroine—but will the fires of passion still burn when he regains his memory?

Tensions reach the boiling point in Raye Morgan’s She’s Having My Baby!—the final installment of the miniseries HAVING THE BOSS’S BABY—when our heroine discovers just who fathered her baby-to-be…. And tempers flare in Rebecca Russell’s Right Where He Belongs, in which our handsome hero must choose between his cold plan for revenge and a woman’s warm and tender love.

Then simmer down with the incredibly romantic heroes in Teresa Southwick’s What If We Fall In Love? and Colleen Faulkner’s A Shocking Request. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll fall in love all over again with these deeply touching stories about widowers who get a second chance at love.

So this February, come in from the cold and warm your heart and spirit with one of these temperature-raising books from Silhouette Romance. Don’t forget the marshmallows!

Happy reading!

Mary-Theresa Hussey

Senior Editor

Right Where He Belongs

Rebecca Russell

Right Where He Belongs - изображение 1

To my parents, who have always believed in me. To my husband, son and daughter, for sacrificing along with me in order to make my dream come true. To my friends, especially Vicki, who never wavered in support and faith in me. And to my great-aunt Ruthie, who inspired this book with her wonderful stories about the past.


Between racquetball, hockey, volunteering, writing and family, Rebecca Russell is an “at home” mom who is rarely home! She lives with her husband of nineteen years and a teenage son and daughter in Plano, Texas. Although grounded in her suburban life and small-town Ohio roots, Rebecca loves to spend time with flawed but heroic characters who find love and a happy ending.

Rebecca loves to hear from readers. You can write to her at P.O. Box 852125, Richardson, TX 75085-2125, or e-mail her at

Dear Reader,

For most of my life, I was content to devour books the way some people binge on chocolate. Writing proved as natural as breathing, but remained personal and private.

I had no idea that fateful night when I walked into a creative writing class at a local community college that my life would never be the same. After all, I was only looking for something fun to do. The class was actually “How To Write a Novel,” and the instructor, a romance author. She saw something in my writing and insisted I attend a local writer’s conference. Once there, she took me under her wing and within hours I was hooked.

Years later, I told that same instructor/author that I didn’t know if I wanted to thank her or curse her. I was thrilled to have a dream, but frustrated by how long it was taking to make that dream come true. And just like the single woman who swears off men soon meets the love of her life, when I had decided to worry less about getting published and write because I love to write, I sold! Getting the call from Silhouette Romance was one of the most exciting moments of my life and proof that dreams shouldn’t come with expiration dates.

I can’t imagine anything more rewarding than writing about the power of love. My hope is that as you read Right Where He Belongs, you’ll become so involved in Cassie and Tanner’s struggle to find true happiness and love, that hours will go by and seem like minutes; when you return to your life with all its challenges and joys, you’ll be ready to do some dreaming of your own.


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten


Chapter One

“It’s payback time,” Tanner Fairfax said softly, hoping somehow his deceased grandfather could hear him and know the intentions of his only grandchild.

At the soonest possible moment, Tanner planned to sign over the deed to Fairfax House to the highest bidder, the exact thing his grandfather would have hated. Sweet, poetic justice for himself, and his parents, the people his grandfather had hurt the most.

The family estate claimed the corner lot of prime property in the sleepy farm town of New Haven, Ohio. The old but elegant two-story mansion reminded him of an aging queen who refused to budge from her throne of power. A well-maintained barn stood like a sentry next to the house.

The hot July sun bounced off a massive bay window. He shielded his eyes with one hand to get a better look. Someone had obviously been busy. A pristine white exterior explained the odor of fresh paint that coated the humid air. The excellent condition of the wraparound porch suggested recent repairs.

He hesitated at the bottom of the steps leading to his family’s estate, overcome by a sudden wariness. Painful memories of his one and only visit as a naive, excited five-year-old boy threatened to surface, but he pushed them away. He was a grown man now, in control of his own destiny.

No tears today.

Tanner took the porch steps two at a time. He grabbed the key from the back pocket of his worn jeans, opened the heavy front door and stepped inside.

Cool darkness greeted him, a startling contrast to the midday sunshine he’d left outside. He found a switch, and with a flick, light sprinkled downward from an ornate chandelier. A thick Oriental rug covered the hardwood floor. Impressive, but not important.

From the back of the house, a clattering erupted and he froze. “Who’s there?” he called out.

He made his way toward the sound, cautious, but not frightened. He knew little about small towns, but doubted he’d find much to fear. Anyone who owned and managed a construction company could certainly handle getting rid of an uninvited guest.

“I’m in the kitchen, Mr. Fairfax,” a feminine voice answered. “Just walk straight ahead.”

So, the stranger was a woman. Another surprise. He passed by a blur of rooms on either side as he followed the clamor to the sliver of light that escaped beneath a door at the end of the hall. He opened the door and detected an almost sweet, oddly familiar odor. An herb? A spice?

No matter. He stepped inside. The intended curt “hello” died on his lips. In the midst of the spacious kitchen stood a tall, slender woman dressed in white, paint-splattered bib overalls. Wisps of mahogany-brown hair escaped from a painter’s cap. Dark-green eyes sparkled and her hundred-watt smile knocked the breath out of him.

With an intensity he couldn’t help but admire, she vigorously wiped down scratched cupboards painted a murky brown. The same dreary color had been forced onto the paneling that covered the bottom half of the walls. Faded, water-stained wallpaper drooped in one corner. Tools littered the countertops. A large bucket and mop hugged a corner; several folded tarps dotted the floor.

“Who are you and how did you get in?” he finally managed to ask.

“I can explain, Mr. Fairfax.”

The warm friendliness in her voice erased all other questions from his mind, beckoned him to move closer to her, but he stood his ground as she sidestepped the bucket, mop and tarps.

“I’m Cassie Leighton, owner of Leighton’s Custom Remodeling. Your grandfather hired me to do repairs before he died.”

She held out her hand, then pulled it back, an apologetic grin on her face. No wedding ring, he noted, for no other reason than habit. “Sorry,” she said, then grabbed a rag out of a back pocket and wiped her hands. “I didn’t know I was such a mess.”

Surprise hit Tanner hard. He had actually been eager to discover if the touch of her hand packed the same wallop as her smile. Maybe he was coming down with the flu or something.

“Mr. Fairfax?”

He took a much needed deep breath, confused by the fact that his earlier annoyance over an intruder had vanished. “How did you know it was me out front and not some burglar?” he asked, more comfortable with suspicion than his strange reaction to a woman he’d just met.

“Not much crime in New Haven. And the minute you arrived at Mr. Samuels’s office, his secretary beeped me and I rushed over.” She openly studied him from the top of his head, to his T-shirt, faded jeans and scuffed boots. “She warned me that you looked just like your dad.”

Her intensity reminded him of his own when he examined a piece of wood for knots or uneven grain. He wondered if he measured up, then just as quickly dismissed the notion. He’d always taken the comparison as a compliment, so why doubt it now? Besides, it wasn’t as if he had trouble getting a date when he wanted one.

He was just unnerved from hearing a complete stranger talk about his father as if she’d known him, Tanner reasoned, which was impossible. Both of his parents had been dead for so long now that he could hardly remember the sound of their voices and other details he thought he’d never forget.

“Yep, you definitely have the Fairfax hair and eyes,” Cassie said, still smiling.

A sign he had passed inspection and wouldn’t be tossed into the scrap pile? “Why wasn’t I warned someone would be here?” he asked, annoyed he cared at all about what a stranger thought of him, even if the stranger happened to have a natural beauty that made him think of hayrides and campfires.

Wait a minute. He’d never gone on a hayride, let alone shared a campfire with a woman.

Crazy thoughts. Not like him at all. Lack of sleep, he reasoned. The long drive from Texas had left him punchy.

“Mr. Samuels might not have realized his secretary beeped me. She knows how I feel about this house. We thought you were arriving tomorrow, so I had planned on cleaning up tonight.”

Tanner shrugged. “I ended up leaving Tyler early and drove straight through.”

“You don’t have much of an accent for someone from Texas.”

“I guess it’s because neither of my parents had one. Is it a problem that I arrived early?”

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