Leanne Banks - More Than a Mistress

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Daniel Pendleton is restless. The eldest of six brothers and one sister, he was forced to grow up quickly after the deaths of their parents.Now, with his siblings all grown up, he finally has time to sow his own wild oats, to escape the role of the responsible, reliable Pendleton, if only temporarily. And there's just one woman he wants to live out his forbidden fantasies with: Sara Kingston.Sara firmly believes she can be nothing but bad news to a good man like Daniel. Her sensible side says she should avoid getting involved, but her sensual side wants nothing more than to give in to his offer of a passionate, no-strings affair. And after a few searing kisses, she gives in.Daniel thought getting Sara into his bed would get her out of his system. He didn't count on falling in love. Or that secrets from Sara's past would cause her to push him away…

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More Than a Mistress

Leanne Banks

More Than a Mistress - изображение 1


Daniel Pendleton is restless. The eldest of six brothers and one sister, he was forced to grow up quickly after the deaths of their parents. Now, with his siblings all grown up, he finally has time to sow his own wild oats, to escape the role of the responsible, reliable Pendleton, if only temporarily. And there’s just one woman he wants to live out his forbidden fantasies with: Sara Kingston.

Sara firmly believes she can be nothing but bad news to a good man like Daniel. Her sensible side says she should avoid getting involved, but her sensual side wants nothing more than to give in to his offer of a passionate, no strings affair. And after a few searing kisses, she gives in.

Daniel thought getting Sara into his bed would get her out of his system. He didn’t count on falling in love. Or that secrets from Sara’s past would cause her to push him away…

Previously published.

This book is dedicated to everyone who ever wondered if they were good enough…for love.



Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen



She wore a red silk slip.

The military would have called that slip a smart weapon because the vibrant undergarment didn’t miss a single one of her lethal feminine curves, from high-thrusting breasts to a slim waist down to inviting hips.

Daniel’s hands itched to trace those curves, to slide his hands into her long, tousled brown hair and bring her closer so that he could taste her mouth.

Her hazel eyes glinted gold in the wavering candlelight, and he could read the message in Sara Kingston’s gaze. She wanted him. At last.

His heart raced as he reached for her. She was soft and warm, everything he’d ever wanted. He pushed the red slip down her shoulders and pulled her closer, catching his breath at the sensation of her breasts nestling against his chest.

He kissed her, stealing her little gasp. Daniel wasn’t sure who was leading whom in this voyage of pleasure, but at the moment he felt too good to care.

He lifted one of her hands to his lips and noticed how small it seemed within his larger one.


Sara’s lips tilted in sultry, mesmerizing invitation. She moved back slightly and slid her fingers down his chest to his abdomen. “Capable.”

Daniel’s gut tightened. He knew what was coming.

Sara, with the sweet, sexy smile, wrapped her fragile, yet capable hand around him and stroked.

He groaned, feeling the breath back up in his chest. He swelled within her hand, the familiar punch of arousal flooding his blood. She brought him so much pleasure, but he felt the slightest edge of panic. She’d touched him before, brought him to the edge time and time again, only to leave him wanting.

He sensed her resistance to him was something she couldn’t help. It was there shadowing her eyes, the sadness and the wanting. She wanted more, but something stopped her.

He reached for her shoulders when she began to fade away. “Stop! Don’t go. For God’s sake, don’t leave me this time.”

Her gaze grew tormented. “I don’t know. I’m just not sure.”

Daniel kissed her. “Be sure. I want you so much.”

He saw the dreaded word forming on her mouth and kissed her again.

“Don’t say no this time.” He’d heard her say it so many times. It was like the lash of a whip across his soul. He needed her. He didn’t understand why, he just knew he did. “Say yes. I’ll take care of you.”

Flashes of uncertainty came and went in her eyes. “Are you sure?” Her voice was small, almost childlike.

His heart turned over, and he dragged her closer, his hands caressing her thighs and seeking the treasure of her arousal. “Yes, but I need to hear you say the word. Just one little word, Sara.”

Tentatively she moved over him, her hair swinging in a soft, fragrant curtain to his shoulders. She licked her lips, seeming to take courage.

“So close, Sara,” he coaxed, swallowing past the dryness in his throat. “Just say the word.”

“I want you.”

“Say it,” he muttered in a rough voice.

She hovered for a moment, then her eyes lit up. “Yes,” she whispered and eased onto him. “Yesss.”

Something tight and achy burst free in his chest. His excitement went beyond the physical. Her affirmative answer meant she accepted and trusted him. It meant that her feelings for him were stronger than what lurked in the shadows. They stared at each other, and he laughed at how utterly invincible he felt. He’d never been this excited in his life.

Daniel didn’t know which sent him running, tumbling over the edge: the way she clasped him inside her or that she’d finally said yes to him. Finally.

He raced down a track of sensation, a freight train roaring in his head, as he struggled to hold on to Sara. But her image bled away. His heart pounded furiously and his lungs screamed for oxygen. His release was powerful, shattering, propelled by too many nights of wanting and not having.

Shudders racked his body, his hands clasping and unclasping. But it wasn’t sweet Sara’s skin he touched. It was the cotton sheet on his bed.

Daniel’s eyes flew open.

He was so disoriented, it took several deep breaths before he recognized his room. His familiar furniture seemed oddly out of place. Where were the candles? Where was Sara?

The night air cooled him quickly.

“Damn,” he muttered, pushing aside the sheet and sitting on the side of the bed. Resting his elbows on his knees, he slid his hands through his hair in complete bewilderment. Another dream, Lord help him.

He let out a long, heavy sigh and shook his head. Oh, sure, this one had been different. This time she’d said yes, and she’d given him a measure of physical release.

His body was somewhat appeased, but his spirit wasn’t.

Wearily he rose from the bed and followed his usual routine. He trudged to the connecting bathroom, stepped into the shower and jerked the cold-water faucet on full force. His body quivered, rebelling in shock. Something had to be done. He couldn’t continue this way.

At thirty-three, Daniel Pendleton knew himself well. He knew what other people saw when they looked at him—a hardworking, upstanding, responsible citizen. The eldest of seven brothers and one sister, he’d managed the family farm since his father had died years ago. His father’s death had taken away his opportunity to go to college, which still brought a sting of disappointment and regret. Daniel, however, wasn’t the type to wallow in misery. He set his mind on something and got the job done.

He’d been involved with a few women, but he’d always made it clear that he wasn’t interested in forever. His family obligations had stripped him clean of any desire for more permanent connections.

Daniel turned the faucet off and reached for a towel, thinking that he’d been reasonably pleased with his life until lately. Until Sara Kingston had taken up residence in his dreams. He scowled, scrubbing his chilled body with the towel.

He wasn’t happy with his present state. Discontent had been rumbling in his gut, making him irritable, which wasn’t the norm for him. His family would say Darnel wasn’t difficult to please. His sister would claim he was her most easygoing brother. His friends would say he was the kind of man you could depend on.

There were things his family didn’t know about him, though. Things nobody knew about him. When something got in his way, Daniel could be ruthless. Nobody knew it, because nobody had been stupid enough to get in his way.

Now there was Sara. She taunted and teased him night after night. She’d gotten into his blood like a fever no antibiotic could treat. He wanted her.

Daniel balled up the towel and crammed it into the clothes hamper. He’d given himself time to get over this foolishness, but time hadn’t done the trick.

Glancing at the luminescent numbers on his alarm clock, he felt resolution harden within him like steel. It was time, once and for all, to get Sara Kingston out of his system.

There was only one way to do it. He would have to take her to bed.

Chapter One

“No,” Sara said, softening the rejection with her most polite smile. “It’s nice of you to ask, but I really need to check on the appetizers.” She backed away, hoping she hadn’t offended the client, but something about the way the man looked at her made her uneasy. She shouldn’t have worn that red slip tonight.

Sara rolled her eyes. Paranoid! The man wasn’t Superman. It wasn’t as if he could see what kind of underwear she was wearing.

She checked the well-stocked linen-covered tables. Her boss, Carly Bradford, had pulled out all the stops and thrown a huge Christmas party aboard Matilda’s Dream, the riverboat Carly owned and hired out for parties. Travel agents, local business representatives and Carly’s seven brothers danced, dined, laughed and flirted on the three decorated decks. Not being one for social affairs, Sara had tried to beg off, but Carly was more than a boss. She was a friend, and she seemed determined to include Sara in every family event.

“You make a career of checking on the appetizers,” a deep male voice said from behind her.

Sara stiffened. Daniel Pendleton. Ever since she’d accidentally spilled soup in his lap six months ago, he’d made her feel about as desirable as coffee dregs. Daniel had burned his hands in a barn fire, and Carly had asked Sara to help take care of him. Daniel hadn’t been the least bit grateful. Their relationship was at best civil.

Sara took a calming breath and inhaled the faint scent of sandalwood and soap. She turned to face Daniel. “Carly’s busy keeping everyone entertained. I’m just trying to be useful.”

“Thought Carly said she wanted the staff to take the night off and act like guests.” He gestured toward a waiter outfitted in black. “She even got a temp agency to provide waitstaff.” His mouth tilted into a grin. “You’re supposed to be having fun.”

The white slash of his teeth disconcerted her.

“Wanna dance?”

Surprised at the invitation, Sara blinked, then automatically shook her head. “No,” she managed. “I—”


She stared into his trademark Pendleton violet eyes and drew a complete blank.

If a name had to be put after the word masculine in the dictionary, it would have to be Daniel Pendleton. He had broad shoulders, a flat belly and slim hips, all of which were shown off to perfection tonight in a well-tailored navy suit. His dark brown hair had just a hint of a wave, and the few lines on his forehead and around his eyes added maturity to a handsome face.

It was more than how he looked, though, she admitted. It was the quiet confidence he emanated. Everything about the way he walked and talked said, Don’t worry. I can take care of it. Sara had to take only a baby step farther in her mind to wonder how a man like Daniel took care of a woman.


Daniel Pendleton was in the prime of his life, a good man, Sara reminded herself, and she was convinced that it was her curse to ruin good men.

She shrugged. “I just don’t think—”

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