Roxann Delaney - His Queen of Hearts

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Just as she was thinking the kiss might never end—and hoping it wouldn’t—he pulled away.

“I—I need to take care of something,” he said, turning away and striding to the door. Without another word, he was gone.

Carly stared after him. What had she done?

Stunned, she made her way slowly to the sofa on legs that would barely hold her and sank onto it.

Maybe the question she needed to ask herself was why she wanted to kiss him so badly. Part of the answer was easy. His kisses made her forget her problems. But kissing him—even wanting to kiss him—only made the problems worse. Fleeing her wedding with no plan for her future proved how impulsive she was. Falling for Dev—

No. She hadn’t fallen for him yet.

Or had she?

Dear Reader,

April is an exciting month for the romance industry because that is when our authors learn whether or not their titles have been nominated for the prestigious RITA® Award sponsored by the Romance Writers of America. As with the Oscars, our authors will find out whether they’ve actually won in a glamorous evening event that caps off the RWA national conference in July. Of course, all the Silhouette Romance titles this month are already winners to me!

Karen Rose Smith heads up this month’s lineup with her tender romance To Protect and Cherish (#1810) in which a cowboy-at-heart bachelor becomes a father overnight. Prince Incognito (#1811) by Linda Goodnight features another equally unforgettable hero—this one a prince masquerading as an ordinary guy. Nearly everyone accepts his disguise except, of course, our perceptive heroine who is now torn between the dictates of her head…and her heart. Longtime Silhouette Romance author Sharon De Vita returns with Doctor’s Orders (#1812), in which a single mother who has been badly burned by love discovers a handsome doctor just might have the perfect prescription for her health and longtime happiness. Finally, in Roxann Delaney’s His Queen of Hearts (#1813), a runaway bride goes from the heat and into the fire when she finds herself holed up in a remote location with her handsome rescuer.

Happy reading!


Ann Leslie Tuttle

Associate Senior Editor

His Queen of Hearts

Roxann Delaney

His Queen of Hearts - изображение 1

Books by Roxann Delaney

Silhouette Romance

Rachel’s Rescuer #1509

A Saddle Made for Two #1533

A Whole New Man #1658

The Truth About Plain Jane #1748

His Queen of Hearts #1813


doesn’t remember a time when she wasn’t reading or writing, and she always loved that touch of romance in both. A native Kansan, she’s lived on a farm and in a small town, and has now returned to live in the city where she was born. Her four daughters and grandchildren keep her busy when she isn’t writing, designing Web sites or planning her high school class reunions. The 1999 Maggie Award winner is thrilled to have followed the yellow brick road to the land of Silhouette Romance and loves to hear from readers. Contact her at Also be sure to visit her Web site at

To Allison Lyons, one of Silhouette’s best, for her hard work and dedication in keeping me on track. I couldn’t have done it without you! And to Hazel Dalbom, my high school English teacher, who not only taught but also encouraged both good writing and creativity.


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten


Chapter One

Devon Brannigan tugged at the black leather patch covering his left eye and tried to find a more comfortable position on the hard church pew. He couldn’t believe his good luck. In only a matter of time, he would finally have his hands on his no-good, greedy former neighbor. Once J.R.’s wedding vows were spoken, and the newlyweds departed for the reception, not only Dev but his two brothers back home would taste the sweetness of revenge.

Ignoring the choking scent of flowers that filled the sanctuary of the Baton Rouge church, he settled in for what he hoped would be a short wait. But he could wait as long as he had to. If nothing else, he was a patient and thorough man. He’d been trailing J.R. for months, always missing him by minutes. This time it wouldn’t happen. This time J.R. would be stopped from conning any more innocent people and would pay for his crimes.

The organ music rose to a crescendo and then slowly came to a close. Dev folded his arms on his chest, more than willing to enjoy J.R.’s last moments as a free man. The thought made him chuckle to himself. Marriage wouldn’t be the only bonds holding James Robert Staton when everything had played out. Dev wanted every penny owed him, but, even more, he wanted the man behind bars. Once the couple was on their way to their honeymoon hideaway, it would take one call to the authorities, and the Feds would take care of J.R. He chuckled again and earned a warning stare from the plump, middle-aged woman beside him. Turning to her, he smiled, knowing what her reaction would be to the look in his one eye and the patch over the other. With a huff of air, she faced forward, her shoulders bunched in indignation, exactly as he expected.

As the droning of the minister’s voice continued, Dev focused his attention on the ceremony. Staring at the back of the groom only made him more eager to get this rolling, and since there was nothing he could do about that, he let his gaze slide over the bride. Not that he could see that much of her. If he’d known anything about fashion, he might have admired her wedding dress. But to him it was nothing more than a shroud of white covering what might or might not be a delightful body. It didn’t matter. He had better things to do than chase after women.

But he couldn’t ignore the perfection of her profile when she turned to smile at her groom. J.R. might be considered a handsome man, but he didn’t deserve the beauty he’d soon be wed to. Did she deserve the shock she’d be in for as soon as the I do’s were said?

Before Dev could imagine how distraught the bride might become when he played his hand and how she might just throw in a wild card he hadn’t considered, she faced the guests. Enchanted by the vision of the auburn-haired beauty, Dev barely heard her clear her throat, intent on the nervous smile playing at her full lips.

“Thank you all for coming to share this special day,” she said, her husky voice wobbling slightly. “I want to thank my mama for this beautiful wedding. And my bridesmaids for all their loving support.”

Dev wasn’t sure if her gesture was customary, but by the wary look in J.R.’s eyes, he knew something unplanned was happening. Uncrossing his arms, he sat up straighter, still hoping to remain unnoticed, yet wishing he had a better view.

The bride’s gaze darted from one side of the church to the other. J.R. reached out to take her hand, but she pulled back, bestowing him with a trembling smile, and looked directly at one of the women in the wedding party. “I’d especially like to thank my maid of honor, Priscilla. She probably isn’t aware of it, but she did me a great service two nights ago by sleeping with James.”

A collective gasp rose among the guests, followed by silence and then a quiet murmur that grew louder. A spattering of giggles could be heard near the front of the church where J.R. stood like a marble statue, never batting an eye. The maid of honor turned to glance at the guests, her face pale. As bright spots of color appeared on her cheeks, her mouth opened, but nothing came out.

“It’s all right, Prissy,” the bride told her. “It really is.” She smiled, her eyes glittering, and looked down at a woman on the end of the front row. “I’m sorry, Mama, but I can’t do this. I just can’t.”

Gathering her voluminous skirt, she nearly flew up the aisle. For a moment there was no sound, and then an anguished cry from the woman she’d spoken to filled the crowded room. “You have to, Carolyn!”

The rustle of lace swept past Dev. Acting on instinct, Devon slammed his Stetson on his head and jumped to his feet, hurrying to catch her by one lace-covered elbow as she pushed open the massive wooden door. Sunlight blinded him for a moment, but he held tight to her to keep her from stumbling.

“God help me,” he heard her whisper.

He tugged his hat farther down as a shield from the sunshine and prying eyes. “Well, I’m sure not God, sugar, but I’ll be more than happy to do whatever I can,” he replied, guiding her down the steps.

She didn’t fight him as he hustled her toward his Jeep, parked less than half a block away. The click of her heels on the sidewalk echoed with each step, until they heard the church doors burst open and the sound of agitated voices behind them. Reaching his vehicle, Dev yanked open the passenger door for her and waited until she bunched her dress enough to slide in. Then he circled the front of the Jeep and climbed in behind the wheel.

Checking for traffic, he started the engine. “Hang on, sugar,” he said, twisting the steering wheel to leave the parking spot with a squeal of rubber. He made a tight U-turn and stomped the accelerator just as they passed the growing crowd of people on the church steps. With a quick glance in that direction, he saw J.R. near the door, his hands fisted at his sides and a deep frown marring his good looks.

Gotcha. Dev smiled to himself. Things sure hadn’t worked out as he’d planned, but he’d played the surprise hand he’d been dealt with his usual talent. Satisfied, he eased off on the gas and sneaked a look at his passenger.

Head tilted back to lean against the headrest and eyes closed, she was the perfect picture of a serene bride. But she couldn’t be. She’d just jilted her groom at the altar. Any woman who’d been through what she must have couldn’t be feeling calm.

“You okay?” he asked.

After a brief moment she nodded.

He glanced down at her hands. Knotted tightly in her lap, they gave her away. He was an expert at reading body language in his business and in everyday life, too. His thirty-four years had taught him well. He would let her calm down and get her thoughts together, and then he’d find out what was going on. Were J.R.’s cheating ways the only reason she’d dumped him, or was there more to it?

She didn’t know it, but Dev had a stake in this. And she’d become his ace in the hole.

When her heart stopped slamming against her ribs and her body ceased trembling, Carly Albright took a deep breath and slowly let it out. How had she done it? Of course there’d been no choice, but how had she stood there and announced that she couldn’t marry James? What would he do? What would her mama do?

So many questions and no answers. Maybe that was a good thing. If she could just put the incident out of her mind and—And what? She didn’t even know where she was going, let alone how to deal with life once she got there.

And what must this man beside her, who’d blessedly come to her rescue, think of her?

She opened her eyes and peeked at him from under her lashes. For one second she couldn’t breathe. Mercy goodness, but he was handsome! Dark, nearly ebony hair curled beneath the brim of his black cowboy hat. He wasn’t dressed in western clothing, but something about him other than the hat shouted “cowboy.” His jaw was strong, angular, his nose long and straight. High cheekbones gave him a European air, while a silvery scar ran across the bridge of his nose and disappeared on the other side. And those lips! Firm, yet full. Sensual. Carly had to press her own lips together to capture her sigh before it escaped.

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