Louisa Heaton - Christmas With The Single Dad

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Christmas With The Single Dad - описание и краткое содержание, автор Louisa Heaton, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки LibKing.Ru
A family for Christmas!Veterinary surgeon Sydney Harper has avoided the festive season since she experienced a heart-breaking loss. But this year, the gorgeous new doctor in town tempts her to step out of the darkness and into the Christmas lights!Nathan Jones’s little girl Anna is everything to him, since his life-changing diagnosis left them alone in the world. Yet spending time with Sydney makes Nathan long to mend both their broken hearts, and to welcome her into his family—not just for Christmas, but for ever!

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Christmas With The Single Dad - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно (ознакомительный отрывок), автор Louisa Heaton
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A family for Christmas!

Veterinary surgeon Sydney Harper has avoided the festive season since she experienced a heartbreaking loss. But this year the gorgeous new doctor in town tempts her to step out of the darkness and into the Christmas lights!

Nathan Jones’s little girl, Anna, is everything to him, since his life-changing diagnosis left them alone in the world. Yet spending time with Sydney makes Nathan long to mend their broken hearts and to welcome her into his family—not just for Christmas, but forever!

‘Well...maybe I’ll see you later, then?’

He nodded. ‘Yes. Goodbye, Sydney.’

And then, with some hesitation, Nathan leaned in and kissed the side of her face.

She sucked in a breath. His lips had only brushed her cheek, and had been gone again before she could truly appreciate it, but for the millisecond he’d made contact her body had almost imploded. Her heart had threatened to jump out of her chest. Her face must have looked as red as a stop sign.

She watched him turn and walk across the road to his place of work and stood there, breathing heavily, her fingers pressed to her face where his lips had been, and wondered what on earth she was doing.

With this friendship with Dr. Nathan Jones.


Parenthood is not an easy thing. None of us is really experienced when we go home with that newborn baby in our arms, no matter how many nieces, nephews, cousins or younger siblings we might have cared for. Looking after your own child is completely different, and we can only hope we’ll muddle through and know what we’re doing.

Sydney Harper, my veterinary surgeon heroine, is a mother without a child, desperately trying to get through the days, and my hero doctor, Nathan Jones, is having to be both mother and father to his daughter whilst fighting the knowledge that he has a medical condition that could possibly make their lives even harder.

Being a parent with a chronic medical condition is hard. I know this from personal experience. But the reserves of strength you draw on, knowing that you have to get through each day for the sake of your children, is as strong as your intense love for them, and you’ll do anything not to let them down. We see this in Nathan, and it’s the kind of strength that Sydney needs in her life. She is pulled to Nathan like a moth to a sea of flame.

I hope you’ll enjoy their story, and that if you have children you’ll give them an extra-big hug before they go to sleep.

Happy reading!

Louisa xxx

Christmas with the Single Dad

Louisa Heaton


LOUISA HEATON lives on Hayling Island, Hampshire, with her husband, four children and a small zoo. She has worked in various roles in the health industry—most recently four years as a Community First Responder, answering 999 calls. When not writing, Louisa enjoys other creative pursuits, including reading, quilting and patchwork—usually instead of the things she ought to be doing!

For Mrs. Duff, my first English teacher, for telling me I had a wonderful imagination and that I was never to stop writing.


‘An emotional rollercoaster ride... One Life-Changing Night is medical drama at its best.’


‘The Baby That Changed Her Life moved me to tears many times. It is a full-on emotional drama. Louisa Heaton brought this tale shimmering with emotions.’


‘You know that feeling you get after you read an incredibly awesome book...the feeling that you don’t know what to read next because the book you just read was so awesome...? That’s exactly how I feel.’

—Goodreads on The Baby That Changed Her Life



Back Cover Text A family for Christmas! Veterinary surgeon Sydney Harper has avoided the festive season since she experienced a heartbreaking loss. But this year the gorgeous new doctor in town tempts her to step out of the darkness and into the Christmas lights! Nathan Jones’s little girl, Anna, is everything to him, since his life-changing diagnosis left them alone in the world. Yet spending time with Sydney makes Nathan long to mend their broken hearts and to welcome her into his family—not just for Christmas, but forever!

Introduction ‘Well...maybe I’ll see you later, then?’ He nodded. ‘Yes. Goodbye, Sydney.’ And then, with some hesitation, Nathan leaned in and kissed the side of her face. She sucked in a breath. His lips had only brushed her cheek, and had been gone again before she could truly appreciate it, but for the millisecond he’d made contact her body had almost imploded. Her heart had threatened to jump out of her chest. Her face must have looked as red as a stop sign. She watched him turn and walk across the road to his place of work and stood there, breathing heavily, her fingers pressed to her face where his lips had been, and wondered what on earth she was doing. With this friendship with Dr. Nathan Jones.

Dear Reader Dear Reader Dear Reader Title Page About the Author Dedication Praise CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER TWO CHAPTER THREE CHAPTER FOUR CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER NINE Extract Copyright , Parenthood is not an easy thing. None of us is really experienced when we go home with that newborn baby in our arms, no matter how many nieces, nephews, cousins or younger siblings we might have cared for. Looking after your own child is completely different, and we can only hope we’ll muddle through and know what we’re doing. Sydney Harper, my veterinary surgeon heroine, is a mother without a child, desperately trying to get through the days, and my hero doctor, Nathan Jones, is having to be both mother and father to his daughter whilst fighting the knowledge that he has a medical condition that could possibly make their lives even harder. Being a parent with a chronic medical condition is hard. I know this from personal experience. But the reserves of strength you draw on, knowing that you have to get through each day for the sake of your children, is as strong as your intense love for them, and you’ll do anything not to let them down. We see this in Nathan, and it’s the kind of strength that Sydney needs in her life. She is pulled to Nathan like a moth to a sea of flame. I hope you’ll enjoy their story, and that if you have children you’ll give them an extra-big hug before they go to sleep. Happy reading! Louisa xxx

Title Page Christmas with the Single Dad Louisa Heaton www.millsandboon.co.uk

About the Author LOUISA HEATON lives on Hayling Island, Hampshire, with her husband, four children and a small zoo. She has worked in various roles in the health industry—most recently four years as a Community First Responder, answering 999 calls. When not writing, Louisa enjoys other creative pursuits, including reading, quilting and patchwork—usually instead of the things she ought to be doing!

Dedication For Mrs. Duff, my first English teacher, for telling me I had a wonderful imagination and that I was never to stop writing.

Praise Praise for Louisa Heaton Praise CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER TWO CHAPTER THREE CHAPTER FOUR CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER NINE Extract Copyright ‘An emotional rollercoaster ride... One Life-Changing Night is medical drama at its best.’ —Goodreads ‘The Baby That Changed Her Life moved me to tears many times. It is a full-on emotional drama. Louisa Heaton brought this tale shimmering with emotions.’ —Goodreads ‘You know that feeling you get after you read an incredibly awesome book...the feeling that you don’t know what to read next because the book you just read was so awesome...? That’s exactly how I feel.’ —Goodreads on The Baby That Changed Her Life













SYDNEY HARPER CONFIRMED her appointment details on the surgery’s check-in touchscreen and headed into the waiting room.

It was full. Much too full. Eleven of the twelve available chairs were filled with faces she recognised. People she saw every day in the village. One or two of her own clients from the veterinary practice she ran. Were they all before her? Would she be sitting in this waiting room all morning to see Dr Preston? She had patients of her own waiting—it was a busy time of year. Close to Christmas. No doubt everyone was trying to see their doctor before the festive season.

With a sigh at the thought of the inevitable wait she strode in, looking for the book she always kept in her bag for situations such as this.

At the empty seat she sat down and opened the book, slipping her bookmark into her fingers. She tried to focus on the words upon the page, but her eyes were tired and she kept reading the same sentence over and over again. The words were refusing to go in and make sense.

It was happening again. Every year when it started to get close to that date her body rebelled and she couldn’t sleep. The date would be hanging heavy in the near future, along with the dread of having to get through Christmas again, reliving what had happened before, every moment as clear as if it had just occurred. The shock. The fear. The guilt.

The difficulty getting to sleep. Then the difficulty staying asleep. She’d keep waking, staring at the clock, staring at those bright red digits, watching them tick over, minute to minute, hour to hour. Feeling alone. So alone in the dark! With no one to talk to. No one to go to, to reassure herself that everyone was fine.

That first year—the first anniversary of when it had happened—she’d got up and stood in the doorway of Olivia’s old room, staring at her daughter’s empty bed. She’d stood there almost all night. Trying to remember what it had looked like when it had been filled with life and laughter and joy.

The second year after it had happened she’d got up again and, determined not to stand in the doorway for another night, gawking at nothing, she’d decided to make herself useful. She’d cleaned. Scrubbing the oven in the middle of the night until it shone like a new pin was perfect therapy as far as she was concerned. She could get angry with the burnt-on bits. Curse at them. Moan about the ache in her back from all the bending over. But it felt better to be focused on a real physical pain than a mental one.

Last year, when the anniversary of Olivia’s death had come around, she’d decided to visit Dr Preston and he’d given her a prescription for some sleeping pills and told her to come and see him if it happened again.

This year, though her oven could no doubt do with another clean, the idea of being up all night again—alone again—just wasn’t an option. She hated losing all this sleep. And it wasn’t just the one night any more. She was losing sleep earlier and earlier, up to a month or more before the anniversary.

So here she was.

All she needed was a quick prescription. She could be in and out in seconds. Get back to her own patients—Fletcher the Great Dane, who needed his paw checked after a grass seed had become embedded under his pad, a health check on two new ferrets and the first set of jabs for Sara’s new kitten. There were others, she knew, but they were her first three and they would be waiting. Even now. Patiently watching the clock in her waiting room.

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