Amy Ruttan - The Surgeon King's Secret Baby

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The Surgeon King's Secret Baby - описание и краткое содержание, автор Amy Ruttan, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки LibKing.Ru
A family by New Year’s Eve?Reagan Cote left war-torn Hermosa thinking the gorgeous surgeon she’d shared a brief affair with was lost on the frontline. So she clung to the child she was carrying.While Kainan Laskaris’ voice is damaged, he’s alive. And when he finds Reagan in Toronto and discovers he’s dad to their sick baby boy, he asks her to marry him. Now he’s King of Hermosa, he needs a queen and heir, but before she’ll accept, Kainan must prove that marrying Reagan means more than claiming his kingdom.

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The Surgeon King's Secret Baby - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно (ознакомительный отрывок), автор Amy Ruttan
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A family by New Year’s Eve?

Reagan Cote left war-torn Hermosa thinking the gorgeous surgeon she’d shared a brief affair with was lost on the front line. So she clung to the child she was carrying.

While Kainan Laskaris’s voice is damaged, he’s alive. And when he finds Reagan in Toronto and discovers he’s dad to their sick baby boy, he asks her to marry him. Now he’s king of Hermosa, he needs a queen and heir, but before she’ll accept, Kainan must prove that marrying Reagan means more than claiming his kingdom.

Dear Reader Contents Cover Back Cover Text Dear Reader Title Page Booklist Dedication Prologue Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine Chapter Ten Chapter Eleven Chapter Twelve Epilogue Extract Copyright ,

Thank you for picking up a copy of The Surgeon King’s Secret Baby.

I have to say this book was one of the hardest books I’ve ever had to write, because of the piece of me that goes into writing all my books. It was emotional. Still, this story needed to be told—but I can tell you it was a challenge, writing a book with a hero who had no voice!

Kainan has had a lot put on his shoulders, and his life is changed after the war that broke out in his country—as lives are always changed after war.

Reagan has never really had love, but she finds something special with Kainan and then thinks she’s lost it.

Writing about strong heroines is one of my favourite things to do. I was always taught to be strong and independent, and what Reagan endures when she gives birth to her medically fragile son alone is what makes her a superhero in my eyes.

I remember vividly being in Reagan’s shoes, but thankfully my son didn’t have the severity of illness that Reagan’s son did.

I hope you enjoy Kainan and Reagan’s second chance at happiness.

I love hearing from readers, so please drop by my website amyruttan.comor give me a shout on Twitter @ruttanamy.

With warmest wishes,

Amy Ruttan

The Surgeon King’s Secret Baby

Amy Ruttan

Books by Amy Ruttan

Mills & Boon Medical Romance

Christmas in Manhattan

Navy Doc on Her Christmas List

Royal Spring Babies

His Pregnant Royal Bride

Hot Latin Docs

Alejandro’s Sexy Secret

The Hollywood Hills Clinic

Perfect Rivals...

Sealed by a Valentine’s Kiss

His Shock Valentine’s Proposal

Craving Her Ex-Army Doc

Convenient Marriage, Surprise Twins

Visit the Author Profile page

at more titles.

This book is dedicated to all the mothers waiting

next to their child’s hospital bed. Waiting for a miracle.

And this book is also dedicated to all those doctors

out there who perform those miracles on tiny humans.

Thank you.



Back Cover Text A family by New Year’s Eve? Reagan Cote left war-torn Hermosa thinking the gorgeous surgeon she’d shared a brief affair with was lost on the front line. So she clung to the child she was carrying. While Kainan Laskaris’s voice is damaged, he’s alive. And when he finds Reagan in Toronto and discovers he’s dad to their sick baby boy, he asks her to marry him. Now he’s king of Hermosa, he needs a queen and heir, but before she’ll accept, Kainan must prove that marrying Reagan means more than claiming his kingdom.

Dear Reader Dear Reader Contents Cover Back Cover Text Dear Reader Title Page Booklist Dedication Prologue Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine Chapter Ten Chapter Eleven Chapter Twelve Epilogue Extract Copyright , Thank you for picking up a copy of The Surgeon King’s Secret Baby. I have to say this book was one of the hardest books I’ve ever had to write, because of the piece of me that goes into writing all my books. It was emotional. Still, this story needed to be told—but I can tell you it was a challenge, writing a book with a hero who had no voice! Kainan has had a lot put on his shoulders, and his life is changed after the war that broke out in his country—as lives are always changed after war. Reagan has never really had love, but she finds something special with Kainan and then thinks she’s lost it. Writing about strong heroines is one of my favourite things to do. I was always taught to be strong and independent, and what Reagan endures when she gives birth to her medically fragile son alone is what makes her a superhero in my eyes. I remember vividly being in Reagan’s shoes, but thankfully my son didn’t have the severity of illness that Reagan’s son did. I hope you enjoy Kainan and Reagan’s second chance at happiness. I love hearing from readers, so please drop by my website or give me a shout on Twitter @ruttanamy . With warmest wishes, Amy Ruttan

Title Page The Surgeon King’s Secret Baby Amy Ruttan

Booklist Books by Amy Ruttan Mills & Boon Medical Romance Christmas in Manhattan Navy Doc on Her Christmas List Royal Spring Babies His Pregnant Royal Bride Hot Latin Docs Alejandro’s Sexy Secret The Hollywood Hills Clinic Perfect Rivals... Sealed by a Valentine’s Kiss His Shock Valentine’s Proposal Craving Her Ex-Army Doc Convenient Marriage, Surprise Twins Visit the Author Profile page at for more titles.

Dedication This book is dedicated to all the mothers waiting next to their child’s hospital bed. Waiting for a miracle. And this book is also dedicated to all those doctors out there who perform those miracles on tiny humans. Thank you.


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve





Isla Hermosa—war-torn country

“I NEED A unit of packed cells—stat!” Reagan shouted over her shoulder. But no sooner had the words left her mouth than another explosion rocked the mobile hospital unit.

She had a wounded man open on her table, and instinctively she threw her body over her patient’s to try and prevent dust and debris from entering into the exposed body cavity.

After working in this war-torn place for over a year, throwing herself over a patient came as second nature. It shouldn’t have to, but such was the nature of war.

Isla Hermosa had been a beautiful, peaceful country once. A paradise in the Atlantic for vacation-goers. A country founded by Spanish and Greek settlers over seven hundred years ago, full of pristine beaches and tall palm trees.

Now the beach they were on just held the charred remains of its tall palms, and the blue sky was blackened with plumes of smoke rising from the capital. Dust filled the hot air, making it hard to breathe. There was no relief.

It was not ideal to be operating out in the open like this, but it was stiflingly hot on the beach, and being closed up in a tent in this humidity would not make matters any better. What they needed was a hospital, but that was impossible. Most of Isla Hermosa had been taken over by the rebellion, and Canadian peacekeepers, along with those on Isla Hermosa who remained loyal to the dysfunctional Hermosian King Aleksander, had been pushed out of the city and back to the Atlantic Ocean.

The mortar fire stopped and Reagan went back to work on saving this Hermosian soldier’s life. As a trauma surgeon for the Canadian Armed Forces she had seen her share of war-torn countries. As soon as she’d had her medical training she’d joined up for active duty. She wanted to serve her country. To prove to herself.

To whom?

She shook that thought away and continued her work. It wouldn’t matter soon. Her agreed-upon tour of duty was ending and she had to return to the attending position that was waiting for her in Toronto.

She didn’t know quite what she was going to do with herself back there, besides work. During patients there was down time, card games and a camaraderie. She didn’t really have any one in Toronto. The people she served with were like a family. Not like her family, though. Not really, because her real family was cold and barely in her life.

The people she served with were her family.

In Toronto she’d be all alone. Again.

Toronto was her home town in the sense that she had been born there, and knew it well. She had a job waiting for her, but it wasn’t really home. Her parents weren’t there anymore.

Her parents had retired and moved to warmer climes while she’d served. They hadn’t even told her that they sold her childhood home until a letter she’d sent them came back marked “Return to Sender.”

Only the Canadian Army had ever wanted her, but she had to return to Toronto. She’d served the time she’d signed up for and her leave of absence from the Toronto hospital was ending.

The friends she’d made here would forget her soon enough. No relationship ever lasted and that was fine. She was used to that. She didn’t want to rely on anyone.

Her parents had taught her well. They’d always told her to make a life for herself. Not to rely on them. So she didn’t.

I wish I had someone.

She was annoyed that she’d let that little thought sneak in.

Get a grip on yourself, Reagan.

Now was not the time to get maudlin.

“The packed cells you were looking for,” a rich, deep voice said, and her body instantly reacted.

Dr. Kainan Laskaris, the foremost trauma surgeon in all of Isla Hermosa, stood beside her. Kainan always unnerved her. He made her feel exposed, vulnerable, as if he knew the pain she was hiding. Knew all her insecurities.

He was the first man in a long time to unnerve her in a good way.

“Thanks,” she said, barely glancing at him.

When she’d first arrived there she’d tried to keep him at a distance, but it had never worked. He’d wiggled his way in and, though they didn’t really talk much about personal stuff, she enjoyed his company. And he was a damn fine surgeon.

He hung the unit of packed cells, calmly drowning out the chaos of the war that was going on in the background.

His presence made her very aware of how very close the quarters were in this tent, but he helped her focus. He distracted her from all that was going on outside.

“How do you keep such a calm demeanor?” she’d asked, the first time they’d worked together on the wounded during mortar fire.

“I drown it out. I ignore it. I think of it as thunder, or something else, and focus on the person in front of me. I try to picture my patient’s life and on my duty to return this patient to those who love him or her. Clear your mind and picture the life you’re saving.”

It had worked. The tactic had worked and helped her focus.

She was going to miss working with him.

“Do you need help, Dr. Cote?” Kainan asked, but he was already pulling on a pair of surgical gloves.

If he had been any other surgeon she would have barked orders to him, as she outranked most in her unit, but there was something about Kainan that commanded respect.

She could never turn him down, and she didn’t want to. He knew what she needed in surgery without asking. He was like a second set of hands for her.

“Thank you,” she said. “Are there no others?”

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