Debbi Rawlins - The Honeymoon That Wasn't

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Hijack another couple's honeymoon? Manhattan lawyer Dakota Shea can't believe she's done just that–and with someone like Tony San Angelo. Not that she's a snob, but let's face it, blue-collar Tony is, well, blue collar.And as much as she hates to admit it, he'd never fit into her world. Still, Dakota wants wild, mindless sex. One night. Maybe two. And she's pretty certain Tony is willing to agree to her terms. So who could have guessed that the surf, the sunsets and those incredible steamy nights would tempt her to make it all legal?

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“I’m serious. Guys at my club spend hours there and they don’t look nearly as good as you.”

Tony scoffed at Dakota’s remark. “Too much sitting behind desks. All they need to do is get off their backsides and do some manual work once in a while.”

Although there was nothing wrong with her backside, he thought, so round and firm, and her breasts… He had to look away.

“You don’t use weights?” she asked, shifting on the hotel bed, cupping a hand over his biceps, almost reverently following the curve of the muscle.

His ego shot up a notch. “I have a couple of dumbbells at home, mostly to help me loosen up. That’s it.”

She smiled at him. “We’re supposed to order room service for dinner.”


She reached for him. “Not for anything on the menu.”

The Honeymoon That Wasnt - изображение 1

Dear Reader,

Some of you will recognize the heroine’s sister, Dallas, and her new husband, Eric, from A Glimpse of Fire.

In that book Tony San Angelo, our new hero, worked with Dallas. I enjoyed him so much that I knew he had to have his own book. Choosing a heroine for him was a no-brainer. Like they say, opposites attract. And Dakota sure is attracted to Tony. In fact, this steamy chemistry is infectious as they can’t keep their hands off each other.

I’ve always loved revisiting characters in my books.

Even secondary ones, who can be especially fun and outrageous. I hated parting with them all in The Honeymoon That Wasn’t, but hope you enjoy the read.

Warm wishes,

Debbi Rawlins

The Honeymoon that Wasn’t

Debbi Rawlins


Even after swearing she’d never move again, Debbi Rawlins recently relocated to central Utah with her husband, Karl, where she adopted Dugly, a half tabby−half Siamese cat, and a puppy named Maile. When she’s not writing she can be found feeding apples to the deer, who are too numerous to name. So she calls them all Piggy.

This is for Logan, the newest addition to our extended family. The cutest baby in the world.



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17



To: The Gang at Eve’s Apple


Subject: Insanity

I’m not sure why I’m writing to you guys. Besides the fact that it’s three in the morning and I can’t sleep. I know the reason for the insomnia, which doesn’t help one bit. Tomorrow night, no, I guess technically tonight, is my sister’s wedding rehearsal dinner. That part’s great. She’s met this terrific guy and I’m really happy for her.

The problem is that I’ll see Tony again. A friend of my sister’s. He’s part of the wedding party. I met him only once, almost a year ago at the job site where they worked. He was wearing a tight white T-shirt and, my, oh, my, what a chest.

He’s tall, too, at least six feet, broad shoulders, dark wavy hair, chocolate-brown eyes and a kind of square jaw. You get the picture. The guy is hot.

So why am I dreading tonight like I would a trip to the dentist? But I’m also looking forward to it. Does that make sense? If so, explain it to me, would you?

Oh, by the way, I’m not new to the group but I’ve been lurking for a while. To be honest, I never thought I’d post anything. Too busy. And besides, it’s not my style. Or so I thought. This guy has my brain going in circles.

Frankly, if I were by myself and met him at a bar, it would be a no-brainer. I’m not into one-night stands though for him I’d make an exception. But that he knows my sister, and will be meeting my parents and brother tonight, complicates everything. I’m definitely not interested in anything long-term. Anyway, he’s not someone who’s in the game plan. No one is, really. I’ve been lucky. My career is taking off. A social life? What’s that?

I’m a lawyer and due in court in six hours. I’m so tired. I truly wish I could sleep. But that’s not going to happen. And now I’m rambling. Enough. If anyone is out there with some advice or even to confirm that I’m totally out of my mind, I’d appreciate it.

Thanks for reading this.


DAKOTA STARED at her laptop’s screen for a moment. She was tempted to erase the e-mail. Writing it had been therapeutic—she didn’t need to send it. Nor did she really need a reply. Nothing anyone could write would make her act on her impulse to spend a carte blanche night with Tony. She was too chicken to do anything like that. Not to mention that her family knew him. Or they would by tonight.

Her fingers hovered over the keyboard. What did she have to lose? If she were to get a response, at least it would be something to do since she couldn’t sleep anyway. Besides, what would it hurt to get some feedback? She pressed the send button before she could change her mind again.

After setting the laptop on her nightstand, she got rid of one of the pillows she’d stacked behind her back and plumped the remaining one before sliding down, cradling her head in it and staring at the shadowy ceiling.

How totally bizarre was it to e-mail a bunch of women she didn’t know—well, in a way she knew them. After hours and hours of reading their uncensored, heartfelt outpourings, she knew them, all right. Maybe even better than their friends and family.

Sheer genius had inspired the concept for the Eve’s Apple Web site. Membership was simple. If there’s a guy you’re hot after you qualify. Not the right guy, in fact, more likely the one you absolutely wouldn’t take home to Daddy. But he’s also the guy you can’t stop thinking about. You know you have to have him just so that life can get back on track. So that you could eventually settle down with Mr. Right and not have to wonder. Posting was like going to a twelve-step meeting. Anonymous so you could really vent, and everyone there really got it. They shared experiences, and gave advice when asked. Kind of like free therapy.

Odd how she could put it all out there for these strangers, but not talk to Dallas about Tony. Not that her sister would disapprove. On the contrary, she’d likely urge Dakota to go for it. But that was the difference between them. Dallas did whatever she wanted. Family expectations meant little to her. Not Dakota. Always the good girl, she’d even followed in her father’s and brother’s footsteps.

But it wasn’t a sacrifice. She loved the law. In fact, she adored everything about her job. Dakota Shea for the defense, Your Honor—was her favorite expression. She wouldn’t change any of it. Her social life, on the other hand, was a joke. If she could even call having a drink once every other week at the local lawyers’ hangout a social life. Oh, and dinner at her parents’ Tarrytown house one Saturday a month.

She closed her eyes, praying for sleep. When it wouldn’t come, she tried thinking about work, mentally preparing herself for her court appearance in a few hours. But the distraction only lasted a few minutes before her thoughts drifted back to tonight. Back to Tony.

Groaning, she rolled over onto her side and grabbed the pillow she’d discarded. Comfortably sitting up again, she placed her laptop in front of her. She turned it on and saw she had a new e-mail. Good God, someone from Eve’s Apple had already replied.



Subject: Losing it

Hey, D, just read your post. Yeah, I’m an insomniac, too. And we share another similar problem. A guy. Go figure. While it’s not too late for you though, I’ve already blown my chance.

You see, I was once exactly where you are. Worried about my career, worried about what my parents thought (I’m Jewish, he isn’t), worried about having all the right accoutrements to my upwardly mobile life.

Dakota stopped reading. Similar problem? Where had this woman—Dakota glanced down at the name—Carson, gotten all this crap? Rather large assumption. Dakota hadn’t mentioned anything of this nature. None of it applied. Not really. Okay, so maybe her parents were an issue, to the extent that they’d had a vision for her early on, encouraging her to study law and now strongly hoped that she’d eventually become a judge. Just a minor issue. It wasn’t as if she allowed them to govern her life. Sure, she relished their approval but what child didn’t?

As far as her career went, well, she was sufficiently secure. No worries there. Not that she wanted to test the waters… But that didn’t mean she was anything like Carson.

Her gaze was drawn back to the e-mail. She couldn’t help herself and resumed reading.

And to my parents’ delight, I became wildly successful. Mainly thanks to the real estate boom, doncha know? Yep, I’m a realtor, commercial sales mostly—high end. And that’s how I met Larry. He was a finish carpenter working on one of the buildings I was showing to a client.

Dakota abruptly stopped reading. A carpenter? That was creepy. Tony wasn’t a carpenter but a construction worker. Close enough. Professional woman meets blue-collar guy. Sounded like one of those awful talk shows on television with everyone screaming at each other.

She shuddered. Fatigue was really doing a number on her imagination. She left the rest of the e-mail unread and then skimmed a couple more that had popped up, both encouraging her to go for it. Then she signed off. She needed sleep. Not just for her court appearance, but to get through this evening. Without making an ass out of herself.



Tony San Angelo looked at his friend Dallas. “Who?”

She smiled and sipped her martini. “Dakota’s always late on Friday nights. Too much happening at the office.”

“Hey, you’re getting married. It’s a big thing. She can’t make it to her only sister’s rehearsal dinner on time?”

“As long as she’s not late to the church tomorrow, I don’t care.” She elbowed him. “Relax. She’ll be here.”

“Like I care.”

“Uh-huh.” Dallas took another sip, trying to hide her smile.

“Nice place,” he said, pretending interest in the private dining room of the swank Manhattan restaurant. Hadn’t Dallas already told him he had zero chance with her sister? Not that he believed that. “I hope you and Eric didn’t have to spring for this little soiree.”

“Eric insisted on it because my parents are paying for the wedding. My father did try to argue because Eric’s parents are gone. Yada, yada. You know how all that male posturing goes.”

“What are you looking at me like that for?”

She grinned.

“Hey, I’m wounded.”

“Kidding,” she quipped. “You’re the least macho guy I know.”

“Ah, man. Now I’m irreparably wounded.”

“Okay, I’ll try this again. You’re macho without the macho mind-set. Better?”

“Hey, hey, break it up. People are talking.” Eric joined them and clapped Tony on the arm. “Good to see you.”

“I wouldn’t miss this. Our little Dallas getting married. Hope you plan on keeping her barefoot and pregnant.”

She socked him in the arm.

Eric chuckled. “Now, now, children.”

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