Janice Lynn - The Doctor's Damsel in Distress

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The Doctor’s Damsel in Distress

Janice Lynn


Table of Contents


Title Page The Doctor’s Damsel in Distress Janice Lynn www.millsandboon.co.uk

About the Author About the Author JANICE LYNN has a Masters in Nursing from Vanderbilt University, and works as a nurse practitioner in a family practice. She lives in the southern United States with her husband, their four children, their Jack Russell—appropriately named Trouble—and a lot of unnamed dust bunnies that have moved in since she started her writing career. To find out more about Janice and her writing visit www.janicelynn.com

Dedication Dedication To Methuselah. Just one more “always and forever”.

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen



Dear Reader

While I was driving home one night, the opening scene to Levi and Madison’s story hit me and demanded to be written. Of course I was in the middle of another story, and had to finish that one prior to writing Levi and Madison’s, but I had to get that scene down and found myself smiling with each word written.

Levi stole my heart from the very beginning—a modern-day white knight who rescues the heroine from her misguided thoughts on how to protect her heart. Madison is an old-fashioned girl, but due to having had her heart trampled on has decided she wants to be the ultimate modern girl, to be a playgirl. She chooses Levi as her first walk on the wild side and sparks fly.

Oftentimes in life, love rescues us from our own selves—helps us to be more than who we thought we were or were capable of being. Levi and Madison learn this together as they rescue each other in THE DOCTOR’S DAMSEL IN DISTRESS. I hope you enjoy their romance.

I love to hear from my readers, and can be contacted at Janice@janicelynn.net

Happy reading!


About the Author

JANICE LYNNhas a Masters in Nursing from Vanderbilt University, and works as a nurse practitioner in a family practice. She lives in the southern United States with her husband, their four children, their Jack Russell—appropriately named Trouble—and a lot of unnamed dust bunnies that have moved in since she started her writing career. To find out more about Janice and her writing visit www.janicelynn.com


To Methuselah. Just one more “always and forever”.


DR. LEVI FIELDING wrapped his arms around Nurse Madison Swanson, positioned himself just right, and gave a hard thrust. Then another.


The food that had lodged in her throat didn’t budge.

In the universal choking signal, she grasped at her neck, her rising panic emanating off her tiny body.

She couldn’t breathe.

Knowing the hot July sun wasn’t the cause of the sweat forming on his brow, Levi’s own fear whipped through him. His heart jackhammered against his ribcage, interfering with his ability to breathe. He gave a hearty heave, hoping he was dislodging whatever she’d choked on and didn’t break her in half in the process.

“Oh, Dr. Fielding,” one of the hospital picnic attendees implored, fanning her pudgy red face with all the theatrics of a true Southern belle from more than a century before. “Save her.”

He was trying. Ignoring the small crowd gathering around where he’d rushed to Madison’s rescue, his every cell tuned into the woman he held. He performed the Heimlich maneuver yet again, knowing that if this didn’t work he’d be opening her airway via an emergency tracheotomy.

At a picnic at the local park in downtown Angel Creek, North Carolina.

Which meant he’d be using something rudimentary to jab into her airway. Probably the barrel of an ink pen. Or if he couldn’t find one, he’d have to make an incision with, what? A plastic knife? What he wouldn’t give to have his doctor’s bag. His brain raced ahead, planning to do whatever was necessary to get life-giving air into Madison’s lungs. Somehow, he would save her. He had to.

At his powerful thrust, she sputtered, whatever had been in her throat flying from her mouth.

Levi said a prayer of thanks. For numerous reasons. The foremost being he preferred pretty little Madison Swanson alive and breathing. She was a great nurse. The best. But even if she hadn’t been, a nurse choking to death at a hospital picnic while surrounded by medical professionals—what kind of message would that send to the community where they worked?

Gasping and coughing at the same time, her hand went in front of her mouth. He turned her, assessing that she was indeed taking in air, that she was going to be okay. Tears streaming down her heart-shaped face, she lifted her heavily lashed green eyes to his.

The ground shifted beneath Levi’s feet.

Her expression gutted him, left him feeling as if something had lodged in his throat. Something hard, full of emotion, and unrelenting, something that would require more than the Heimlich to rescue him from.

Damn. That was exactly the same varoom that had hit him when he’d first met her. When he’d thought he’d met someone worthy of settling into a relationship with.

Then she’d come at him like a heavy truck, which hadn’t been at all what he’d been looking for. The last thing he wanted was to get involved with an overly forceful woman. Been there, done that, liked it, but the time had come to grow up.

After his last encounter with his father, he’d turned over a new leaf, decided he was ready to quit playing games, that he wasn’t “a chip off the ole block”, and would settle into a relationship, see where that took him.

He’d initially thought Madison would be that woman, but he’d overheard her telling another nurse that she played the game as well as any man, that she wasn’t looking for commitment, just a good time.

He’d known right then and there that no matter how attracted he was to her, he needed to keep his distance. But that hadn’t dulled his reaction to her. Not one bit.

So he’d avoided her as much as possible.

Today, there’d been no avoiding.

“I’m sorry if I hurt you,” he began, wondering at how his knees wobbled like a newborn foal’s and why he wanted to wrap his arms back around her. This time to hold her close and assure her she was going to be okay, that he’d never let anything happen to her.

Totally insane. Outside of work, he barely knew her.

Only a few weeks before he’d have thought Madison’s enlightened outlook regarding sex exactly what he wanted. But his father had cured him of that attitude. He’d actually wondered if his reaction to Madison might partly be because he’d decided he was ready for a new phase in life. A more settled phase than his former playboy ways. Not marriage or happily-ever-after, but something more permanent than he’d been willing to commit to in the past.

If the thought of falling into old habits, his father’s habits, didn’t disgust him, he’d have been all over Madison Swanson. Figuratively and otherwise.

Drawing his attention, her chest expanded and relaxed in jerky breaths. Her fingers trembled as she swatted at the moisture on her cheeks. She looked in shock. As if she might pass out at any given moment. Or burst into full-fledged sobs.

An odd spasm tightened his chest.

“We should run to my office and shoot a few X-rays to make sure I didn’t crack anything. That last thrust was a bone-crusher.”

“No.” She shook her head back and forth, still greedily sucking in air. “I’m fine.”

She didn’t look fine. Her smooth skin had lost its usual healthy glow and blanched a pale gray, contrasting eerily with the vivid green of her almond-shaped eyes. Barely coming up to his shoulders, she looked more like a child than a woman in her mid-twenties. A child who needed looking after. Who needed him.

“I insist,” he said, studying her ragged breaths, her shaky hands, the quiver to her plump lower lip. Those lips.

He averted his gaze before he gave in to the urge to lean in and give her a breath or two. In the name of medicine, of course. Right.

“I just want to sit down for a few minutes.” Closing her eyes, she lowered her head, but didn’t move from the spot where she stood. “And crawl under a picnic table and die from total humiliation.”

Levi blinked. She could have died, and she was embarrassed? Not in a million years would he understand women, but after holding Madison in his arms, he fully understood that he wanted to get to know her better even if he shouldn’t. Lots better. Enough better that now he’d acknowledged that truth, he also admitted Little Miss Madison might be responsible for the fact he hadn’t been on a date since she’d come onto the scene.

He’d blamed his father’s pat on the shoulder and condemning words of praise, but perhaps Madison played just as strong a role in his change of pace. Maybe the two really did go hand-in-hand.

Not quite understanding why his realization didn’t upset him, he placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “Choking can happen to anyone.”

She didn’t look up, just took a step back. Letting his hand fall away, she dropped onto the wooden slat seat of a picnic table. She looked so miserable that another protective wave hit him and he fought to keep his arms to himself.

Sure, he wanted to get to know her better, but it wasn’t as if he planned to start sweeping women off their feet at company functions where they were surrounded by co-workers, friends and family. The last thing she would want was for him to hold her like she really was a small child needing comfort.

He wanted to hold her and kiss away the tears that fell faster than she could wipe them away.

“Hey,” he bent, cupped her face. His fingers pressed firmly against the silky skin of her jaw, forcing her to look at him. His fingertips burned with hot awareness. “You okay?”

“Just Jim Dandy,” she mumbled, wincing at the crowd moving in, offering her a drink, a wet cloth, a word of commiseration.

Willing away his physical responsiveness to touching her, Levi couldn’t decide if she was really okay and embarrassed or if she was hurt and trying to hide it. She looked as if she really would like to crawl under the picnic table. As if she desperately needed someone to rescue her again. This time from the crowd.

Still, she kept a wobbly smile on her face and nodded her well-being to the many well-wishers surrounding her. She might have only worked at Angel Creek hospital for a month or two, but she’d won many a heart.

No wonder. Madison Swanson was cute.

Cute? Nah, that word didn’t exactly fit the woman he’d heard say she ate men for breakfast. Not that he’d ever gotten the impression Madison was a man-eater, but she’d said the words herself.

Ignoring the reasons he shouldn’t, ignoring the well-wishers’ praise for his “heroic act”, Levi bent enough to slide his arm beneath Madison’s shaky legs. Straightening, he scooped her into his arms and ignored her protests and the crowd’s whoops of delight.

Yeah, he was ignoring lots of things today.

How good Madison felt in his arms topped the list. He really shouldn’t be noticing her apple-blossom scent, shouldn’t be noticing how toned her petite body was. He definitely shouldn’t be feeling twinges of lust at just how delectably female she was.

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