Carol Steward - Journey To Forever

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Journey To Forever - описание и краткое содержание, автор Carol Steward, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки LibKing.Ru
Eight Days and 300 Miles That was how long privileged fledgling journalist Nikki Post had to deal with notorious radio personality Colin Wright and the staff on his eight-day fund-raising trek from New Mexico to Wyoming.Yet instead of the immature prankster she'd been warned to expect, Colin was generous and handsome - with a smile that reached the depths of Nikki's soul. As the days counted down, he helped her write the article for her grandfather's newspaper - and a kiss shortened the distance between them.But when trouble threatened to bring the trip to a premature end, would Nikki's role in Colin's life end, as well…or continue forever?

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Colin couldn’t help but wonder if his past had finally caught up with the media. He wanted out.

Out of the room and out of this charity commitment. Now, before Miss Nikki Post plastered her suspicions across the front page of the paper.

Journalists need to get a life of their own, he thought. Suddenly he had the strongest urge to make a face at her, just like in fifth grade, when he decided girls were the worst invention God had ever made.

He looked back at Nikki, realizing how innocently right his thinking had been. How many times would it take before he learned—beauty is only skin deep?

When would the Lord introduce him to a woman whose heart led her life? One who didn’t care where they ended up, as long as they were together? Still, the unexpected happened to those who least expected it. Did such a woman even exist?


wrote daily to a pen pal for ten years, yet writing as a career didn’t occur to her for another two decades. “My first key chain said, ‘Bloom where you’re planted.’ I’ve tried to follow that advice ever since.”

Carol, her husband and their three children have planted their roots in Greeley. Together, their family enjoys sports, camping and discovering Colorado’s beauty. Carol has operated her own cake-decorating business and spent fifteen years providing full-time child care to more than one hundred children before moving on the other end of the education field. She is now an admissions adviser at a state university.

As always, Carol loves to hear from her readers. You can contact her at P.O. Box 200269, Evans, CO 80620. She would also love for you to visit her Web page at

Journey to Forever

Carol Steward

You whom I took from the ends of the earth and called you from its farthest corners, saying to you, “You are my servant, I have chosen you and not cast you off;” fear not, for I am with you, be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.

—Isaiah 41:9–10

To Bette, who has been my spiritual mentor

and always my dear friend!

And to my family, for all your love and support.


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Letter to Reader

Chapter One

Colin loosened the knot of his tie and glanced around the elaborately decorated office, pacing the floor as if it were a bad day in the dugout. He couldn’t imagine why his new employer wanted to meet him away from the radio station.

Ellis Chapman sauntered through the entrance and extended his hand. “Nice to see you again, Colin. How’s the shoulder recovering?”

“I finished therapy last month. It will never be able to take the rigors of baseball again, but it’s doing fine, thanks.” He had met the staunch icon of the community at several media functions over the years, before the career-ending rotator-cuff surgery forced him off the field. From there, he had moved into a temporary sports-announcing job, where he’d discovered his life’s dream—spreading God’s word over the sound waves.

“And the job? Is it what you thought it would be?”

When he became bored with sitting on the sidelines during the off-season of baseball, Colin had accepted Chapman’s invitation to host a Christian radio show, where the spiritual and emotional challenges provided unexpected rewards on a daily basis. “I’m not missing sports nearly as much as I feared I might.”

His boss grasped Colin’s hand and enthusiastically pumped his arm. “Good,” he said, motioning for Colin to follow him into his private office. Colin sank into the soft leather chair and waited for the point of the meeting to surface. “I’ve been meaning to talk to you about one of the topics you discussed on your show. We have a few skeptics in the community who think Christian broadcasting is no place for a retired baseball player. I think you’ve opened a lot of eyes to the fact that there are Christians everywhere, even in professional sports.”

Feeling as if there was more Mr. Chapman had to say, Colin straightened his back, suddenly thankful for the privacy. If he was going to be fired, he didn’t want an audience.

Before Colin could cut in Ellis added, “I have an interesting proposition for you.”

That didn’t sound too promising. Anything that started with interesting had to mean trouble. He was likely being demoted to the minor leagues of radio. Whatever that meant, Colin wasn’t interested in another career change.

Mr. Chapman rambled on about needing to boost the ratings for the radio and the readership for the newspaper. Apparently advertising had dipped into the danger zones on both.

“We need to do something to grab the audience, and timing is critical. The board has been tossing about ideas, which brought you to mind.”

Colin decided Mr. Chapman must have listened to his talk on “Financial Responsibility for Christians.” He supposed he didn’t blame him for doing what he had to do in order to keep his acquisitions in the black. Cutbacks were common with the economy in a slump. Three years ago, the Denver Gazette had been on the verge of bankruptcy. Ellis Chapman had bought it and turned it around, adding newspaper publishing to his communications conglomerate. Failure wasn’t in Chapman’s vocabulary and Colin highly respected him.

Chapman’s assistant slipped into the room and quietly filled crystal goblets with sparkling water. “Pardon the interruption, Mr. Chapman. Miss Post’s car broke down and she’s going to be late. She sent her apologies.”

Chapman shook his head, but his expression indicated he truly cared about the misfortune of the woman, whoever she was. “Thank you.” He stood, stuffing his hands into his trouser pockets as he paced the room in silence.

Colin watched, his patience tested. How will I fit into Chapman’s plan? He realized the world of Christian radio might not appreciate his unconventionality, from his shaved head to his high-profile and highly competitive career. He knew it seemed unlikely that a believer could remain faithful when hit with so many temptations in the limelight. He’d learned long ago that the best way to avoid false accusations was to keep focused on the Lord. He couldn’t let doubt throw him a curveball now. “I have to admit, your call piqued my curiosity. Is there a concern with my work?” Colin’s question caught Mr. Chapman’s attention.

Was that humor Colin saw in Ellis’s expression?

“Oh, no. As I mentioned, Colin, your show got me thinking about this younger generation. I listened to your discussion about commitment to giving in the community and took the tape to the board for their opinion. Which is why I’ve called you here today. I guarantee this is right up your alley.” Chapman, who was nearly as round as he was tall, leaned against the giant desk in his office. “I recall your name being tied to several fund-raisers during your baseball career.”

Colin tugged at his tie, recalling the antics he had performed to raise money for charity. “Sir, I don’t follow you. Do those pose a problem?”

“If there is anyone who can make news out of something so prosaic, it’s you, Colin. And what absolutely galls me is the success you have doing it.” A smile crinkled his round face.

“Prosaic?” Not exactly a compliment. “What does that have to do with anything?”

“Your stunts were absolutely mundane tasks anyone could do, yet you drew the audience right in with you. Who would have ever thought pushing a peanut down the Sixteenth Street Mall with your nose or sitting in every seat of every professional ballpark in the country would bring in thousands of dollars? It shows that all of us can do something to help those in need.”

“Has someone just found out about this? You had to have known my willingness to make a fool of myself for charity’s sake before the board agreed to hire me. I happen to find helping others rewarding,” he said, unable to keep the anger out of his voice.

“Calm down. You’ve got it all wrong. What we want to know is if you’re ready for another stunt.” He explained that the executive board had voted unanimously to ask Colin.

Relief washed over him. “That’s what all of this is about?”

“That’s it. Every year we do something to get involved with the community. We buy school supplies, coat drives, collect bedding, the usual. But this year, we want to boost our exposure and do something that will make a lasting impression on the community, so we’d like something with a bit of pizzazz. We immediately thought of you, if you’re willing.”

“What do you have in mind?”

“Actually, we’re considering drawing the audience into that decision, if you’re game. We’ll give them two weeks to come up with the best stunt idea and they’ll win a prize. The board is meeting here in a few minutes, in fact. I’d like you to be here.”

It had been three years since his last stunt, and it had taken months for his body to recover from that one. He’d been in shape then. How difficult would it be now that he was no longer on a training schedule? “That’s fine. When is the big event?”

A deep laugh rolled from Chapman’s chest as he stood and paced the perimeter of the room. “That depends on the event itself. But we’d like it sooner rather than later. I want the public to see you, to watch you and to be able to cheer you on. We need them to connect with this project.”

“Where is the money going?” Colin heard female voices outside Chapman’s office door.

“Several agencies have approached us for donations, but I’m leaning toward Good Samaritan…” Ellis said just as the striking blonde blew into the room like a tornado in search of a target.

“It’s dead! Just blew a water pump and some head gas thingies right in the middle of the mousetrap.”

Colin cringed at the thought of breaking down on the worst highway maze in the city.

“I can’t believe I drove that jalopy….” She brushed the silky hair from her eyes and dropped into the chair, flying back to her feet immediately when she landed on Colin instead of the plush leather. Her eyes widened when she spun around and looked at him. “Oh dear.”

Colin didn’t know what to say or do.

“I didn’t see you,” she said, backing away. She glanced at Mr. Chapman and covered her mouth with her hand. “I’m so sorry.”

“No harm done,” Colin said, wondering if she was always so easily flustered.

“I didn’t think the meeting had started yet…” Her fair complexion turned a rosy pink. “I, uh, I’m sorry I interrupted.” A quick glance at her watch brought a frown and she pulled her sleeve back over the shiny silver band.

He knew he shouldn’t stare, but he had no choice. Her pastel blue pants were badly wrinkled and smudged with dirt. Frustration flashed in her ice-blue eyes. He stood and extended a hand. “I’m Colin Wright. Mr. Chapman and I were just discussing a few things, you didn’t interrupt.”

She clasped his hand briefly and whispered hello, all the while eyeing him with a calculating expression.

Mr. Chapman cut her off before she had a chance to introduce herself, though even without the verbal notes, Colin had already concluded from her confusion and the smears of black grease on her chin that she was the unfortunate Miss Post.

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