Laura Altom - Inherited: One Baby!

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Laura Altom - Inherited: One Baby! краткое содержание

Inherited: One Baby! - описание и краткое содержание, автор Laura Altom, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки LibKing.Ru
Needed: One Wife!A quick, convenient marriage was the only way Jake Peterson could keep custody of the adorable orphaned baby left in his care. The only woman suitable as the bride-to-be was Candy Jacobs–his ex-wife. Though circumstances had forced them to part long ago, the sizzle between them was stronger than ever. But would the price of marriage cost love-wary Jake more than he bargained for?No matter how hard she tried to resist, Candy was soon roped in by baby Bonnie's little hugs and Jake's toe-curling kisses. But before she would agree to become this bachelor dad's wife, Jake needed to understand that Candy wanted his heart first…

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Inherited: One Baby! - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно (ознакомительный отрывок), автор Laura Altom
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Candy had wanted that kiss from the moment Jake strolled through the door on Monday afternoon

She suspected it had something to do with that sexy grin, maybe a little more with his delicious masculine scent. But more and more she was suspecting it was the way he cared for baby Bonnie. Walking in on the two of them sleeping in that recliner flip-flopped her heart in a thousand tiny ways.

For all these years, she’d blamed him for breaking her heart, but had he been the one responsible? Or had she done the breaking all by herself?

Because as tough as Jake came across on the outside, those moments when she caught him smoothing Bonnie’s hair, fixing the collars on one of her tiny dresses or planting a kiss on top of her head, spoke louder than any words he ever could have spoken. Jake was no heartbreaker, for in taking orphaned Bonnie into his home and arms he was a heart mender.

Dear Reader,

What a spectacular lineup of love stories Harlequin American Romance has for you this month as we continue to celebrate our 20th anniversary. Start off with another wonderful title in Cathy Gillen Thacker’s DEVERAUX LEGACY series, Taking Over the Tycoon. Sexy millionaire Connor Templeton is used to getting whatever—whomever—he wants! But has he finally met his match in one beguiling single mother?

Next, Fortune’s Twins by Kara Lennox is the latest installment in the MILLIONAIRE, MONTANA continuity series. In this book, a night of passion leaves a “Main Street Millionaire” expecting twins—and has the whole town wondering “Who’s the daddy?” After catching a bridal bouquet and opening an heirloom hope chest, a shy virgin dreams about asking her secret crush to father the baby she yearns for, in Have Bouquet, Need Boyfriend, part of Rita Herron’s HARTWELL HOPE CHESTS series. And don’t miss Inherited: One Baby! by Laura Marie Altom, in which a handsome bachelor must convince his ex-wife to remarry him in order to keep custody of the adorable orphaned baby left in his care.

Enjoy this month’s offerings, and be sure to return each and every month to Harlequin American Romance!

Melissa Jeglinski

Associate Senior Editor

Harlequin American Romance

Inherited: One Baby!

Laura Marie Altom

This one’s for grandparents. Those I dearly miss: Joe and Lu Jachim, Shirley Jeanne Alisch and Doris Altom. And those I’m still fortunate enough to have with me: Fred Alisch, Sylvia Altom-Shelton and my honorary grandparents, Katie and Paul Sage. I love you all very much.


After college (Go Hogs!), Laura Marie Altom did a brief stint as an interior designer before becoming a stay-at-home mom to boy/girl twins. Always an avid romance reader, Laura knew it was time to try her hand at writing when she found herself replotting the afternoon soaps. She has written three romances for another publisher.

When not immersed in her next story, Laura enjoys a glamorous lifestyle of lounging by a pool that’s always in need of cleaning, zipping around in a convertible while trying to keep her dog from leaping out and she is constantly striving to reach the bottom of the laundry basket—a feat she may never accomplish! For real fun, Laura’s content to read, do needlepoint and cuddle with her handsome hubby.

Laura loves hearing from readers at either P.O. Box 2074, Tulsa, OK 74101, or via e-mail:

Books by Laura Marie Altom






Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen



“Come again?” Jake Peterson said to the silver-haired dynamo in charge of his infant daughter’s adoption case. The metal desk she sat at had probably once been painted a color, but over the years it had become a crazy quilt of smiling faces. Children’s faces captured in photos. Hundreds of them—maybe even thousands. Mrs. Starling had made all of these children happy. Why couldn’t she do the same for his baby girl?

“You’re telling me that just because this Elizabeth Mannford is related by blood to Bonnie that that makes her a better parent? Having me raise their daughter was my friends’ dying wish. You can’t take Bonnie away from me—the only family she knows!”

“Mr. Peterson, please, there’s no need for raised voices. Butterscotch?” She gestured toward a lumpy clay dish brimming with gold-wrapped candies. “I find butterscotch to be the most soothing of flavors, don’t you?”

Jake hardened his jaw.

He didn’t want to come down on this grandma. Really, he didn’t, but what else could he do?

He wouldn’t break his promise to Cal and Jenny who had been killed six weeks earlier by a drunk driver. He wouldn’t lose this chance in a million to make good on a dream he’d long since had for himself. The dream to somehow, some way become a father—just as long as that way didn’t include having a wife.

“Look,” he said, taking a calming breath. “I love Bonnie. And as CEO of Galaxy Sports, I make much more than an adequate living.”

“Miss Manning doesn’t dispute either of those things.”

“Then what’s her problem? Why is she doing this?”

“In a nutshell,” Mrs. Starling said, lacing her fingers atop a stack of manila folders. “After speaking with her at length this past Tuesday, it’s my opinion that she’s just plain lonely. Bitter about the way her life has turned out…and is now wanting to make amends, but not quite sure how to best go about it.

“From what you’ve told me about her relationship within her great-niece’s family, she was an outcast. The black sheep, if you will. Her niece, Jenny, was all she had left in the world—and, of course, Bonnie. As such, I can see where she wouldn’t want her last remaining link to family—even if it is a family she previously wanted nothing to do with—being signed away to a virtual stranger.”

“But that’s just it,” Jake said, leaning forward in his chair. “I’m not the stranger here—at least not to Bonnie.”

Mrs. Starling lowered her gaze, making a slight clucking sound before once again glancing his way. “I’m so sorry about all of this. I’ve seen you and the infant together. The way the child seems so at peace when she rests her little cheek on your shoulder. Precious. Just precious. Believe me,” she said, gesturing to all of her pictures. “No one likes happy endings more than me. These photos, they aren’t just snapshots, they’re my life. My successes. Tangible proof that I’ve turned healing broken hearts into my life’s work.” Again lowering her gaze, she added, “Unfortunately, for all of these smiling faces, I’ve seen an awful lot of tears.”

On the edge of his seat, proverbial hat in his hands, Jake swallowed hard.

Yeah, well, if I have anything to say about it, tears you’ll never see are mine or my baby’s.

To anyone else, it might sound selfish, but what this woman didn’t realize was that it wasn’t just Bonnie’s future at stake, but his.

Growing up, he’d had an idyllic childhood. His parents were the best—especially his dad. Which was probably one of the reasons Jake had always wanted to be a dad. To do the Little League and birthday party routine. To help with homework and to tuck freshly scrubbed rug rats into bed.

After marrying Candy, his high school sweetheart, Jake had thought all of those dreams were finally within reach. But that was before she’d become obsessed with her business and started spouting nonsense about never wanting to be a mom.

He thought he’d die from the pain when, after five years of marriage, Candy had filed for divorce. But ten years after signing the papers, here he was, still going strong without her—or any woman. Here he was, holding steadfast to his vow to never again fall victim to love, and to his conviction that if it took a wife to have children, then he’d just have to suffer through life without them.

When Cal and Jenny died, fate had given Jake his dream after all. Finally, finally, he was a dad, and no matter what it took, there was no way in hell he was giving up his precious baby girl.

“Look,” he said, softening his voice. “I can do this. The diaper changing, bottle washing, shopping for prom dresses—none of it’s a problem. Besides which, I’m all Bonnie’s got. Her parents weren’t just friends, but family.”

“In a strictly nonrelated way. You must understand, Mr. Peterson, I can’t hand out babies to anyone who asks. There are procedures to follow, all of which center around not just the current well-being of this infant, but her future, as well. Please don’t think for a minute that I don’t believe you’d make an excellent father. All I’m saying is that sometimes judges…well, they tend to side with the law, which all too often sees these matters as being neatly tied with a bow when the man or woman appointed custody also happen to be a blood relative.”

“But that’s not right—or fair. In Elizabeth Mannford’s case, her being a member of Bonnie’s family is nothing more than semantics.”

Lips pursed, Mrs. Starling said, “I’m afraid you’re right. Now, if you were married, I could maybe—”


She scrunched her nose. “Excuse me?”

“That last part,” he said, making a hurry-up gesture. “Come again on that last part.”

“I was only pointing out that if you had a wife, then—Oh, my. A wife. That’s it. Why didn’t I think of that?” Her gray eyes sparkled in direct proportion to the lifting in his heart. “Mr. Peterson? Where are you going?”

Leaving the office, Jake let out a whoop. “Where do you think I’m going? To my country club. Surely there’s a blonde lounging around the pool who’ll temporarily marry me.”

“Not so fast!” Mrs. Starling shouted.

Stopping dead in his tracks, Jake groaned. “Now what?”

“Come back here. I see where you’re headed with this and while I must admit to being wholeheartedly in favor of your plan, you can’t marry a stranger. Any family judge worth his or her salt will see right through that old trick. No, what you need is an honest-to-goodness relationship. A loving relationship in which you share not just a future with a woman, but a past.” She paused, flashing him a hopeful smile. “You’ve got to have known this woman for a lifetime. Long enough to trust with every fiber of your being that she’d make a loving mother and wife. Long enough to know she’ll stand by you through a long, and quite possibly nasty, legal battle.”

Popping another butterscotch into her mouth, she said, “There now. Finding a wonderful woman like that doesn’t sound too terribly difficult, does it?”

Jake’s stomach fell the three flights of stairs he’d climbed to get to Mrs. Starling’s office.

Was the woman nuts?

Because from where he was sitting, he could only think of one woman in his life who’d ever even remotely fit such a lofty bill. Candy. In his mind’s eye, he clearly recalled her pretty smile and eyes so deliciously brown, that just meeting her gaze was akin to sinking in a vat of sinfully rich melted chocolate.

Unfortunately, the last time he’d been looking into those eyes, his ex-wife hadn’t been smiling. She’d been crying. And the sight of those tears hadn’t just ripped his heart in two, but made him adhere to a strict vow to never, ever get married again.

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