Владимир Коновалов - Лечение неизлечимого - новое мышление в медицине

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Владимир Коновалов - Лечение неизлечимого - новое мышление в медицине краткое содержание

Лечение неизлечимого - новое мышление в медицине - описание и краткое содержание, автор Владимир Коновалов, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки LibKing.Ru

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( РИА "Новости", 1995г.)

News of Medicine


(Vladimir KonovalovТs Integral Sistem Medicine)

To be or not to be healthy ? Is 100-percent health possible today, when diseases overpower almost everybody and longevity is falling? This, at a time when pharmacies are packed with medicines, people with extra sensual perception appear on the television screen, alternative healing centres have been opened. The time has come to see what is what. Below is the story of therapist Vladimir Konovalov, Ph.D. (Medicine). Without practice any theory is nil. Twenty years of day-to-day practice have produced staggering results: Konovalov knows how to handle even incurable cases. What lies behind the NEW WAY OF THINKING IN MEDICINE which Vladimir Konovalov advocates?

The crisis of medicine on the threshold of the 21 St century is a bitter reality facing both Russian and Western health care systems. The wide-spread notion of Western medicine as of something basically better is erroneous. ThereТs no difference IN PRINCIPLE between our rank-and-file city hospital and the best clinics in the world. The only difference is the provision of instruments, medicines and service. MEDICAL THINKING at the level of Уif there s a disease - there s a diagnosisФ and Уno disease - no diagnosisФ, which could really make a difference between these institutions is basically the same everywhere.

Moreover, the crisis of medicine is only one example of a crisis of medicine is only one example of a crisis of civilisation and the acme of a range of global issues facing humanity, from environmental to economic, issues on which the survival of man as a species depends.

Medicine, with the exception of its important aspect hygiene is making no contribution to the achievement of this aim. By a multitude of its non-physiological means and methods it cultivates new diseases, rather than promotes humankindТs genetic health. Of course, achievements of modern official medicine in the fields of resuscitation, surgery, combating of epidemic diseases, grave ailments in acute form are indubitable. Another plus is that many medicinal institutions are stuffed with new super-instruments and pharmacies abound in Уwonder drugsФ. But, on the one hand, a tremendous number of people feel bad though their polyclinics and hospitals can discover no ailments; while on the other hand, it often happens that a disease has been discovered but medicine has proved helpless. Such ailments include psoriasis, eczema, allergies, bronchial asthma, prostatite, ischemic heart disease, encephalopathies, grave anemias, neurosis, peptic ulcer, menТs impotency, infertility, womenТs masthopathies and myomas, etc. Instead of Уhealth-oriented medicineФ official medicine has become Уdisease-oriented medicineФ. Instead of putting man in good health, it only removes pain and suppresses development of a disease - this is essentially its goal and this is what its capabilities boil down to. Regretfully, years of this approach to health have led to a situation in modern medicine in which the emphasis is not on the doctorТs skills but on instruments and the pharmaceutical industry, to manТs being actually divided up between narrow specialists. The crisis of modern medicine as disease-oriented medicine certainly does not diminish its achievements, nor does it mean negation of narrow specialisation. But, preservation of the METHODS and Technology of official medicine as they are today leads to a deadlock. What do we get as a result? Because we have no Уhealth-oriented medicine we suffer from diseases. We can and must be healthy and sound. The answer lies in an integral system medicine. An integral approach is essentially a combination of everything best in diagnostics and treatment methods in traditional (old Chinese, Indian), non-traditional (modern) medicine and certain folk healing approaches. How do we get as a result? Because we have no "health-oriented medicine we suffer from diseases. We can and must be healthy and sound. The answer lies in an integral system medicine. An integral approach is essentially a combination of everything best in diagnostics and treatment methods in traditional (old Chinese, Indian), non-traditional (modern) medicine and certain folk healing approaches. How do we switch to integral medicine? It's not so easy as it seems. A mere sum of means and methods- swallowing a pill and an herbals preparation, followed by two or three Herbal teas and self-suggestion- is not enough for good health. This is not what is meant by integral, or system medicine. What is crucial is not subtraction but interaction of all sorts of medicine. Human health depends not only on absence or presence of diseases, but on harmony between the body, spirit and consciousness, absence or presence of finer-than-disease disturbances- hereditary weakness of organs, dysfunction, pre- and post- illness conditions. A combination of fine disturbances undermines the health of man. This is why methods of traditional medicine help to reveal and remove hidden multiple disturbances. Modern medicine practically cannot do that, because its diagnostic arsenal is always directed towards revealing and correcting diseases alone. Thus, traditional and non- traditional medicines look at human health from contradicting each other, they organically combine and are integrated from both a diagnostic and treatment standpoint. Integration of traditional and non- traditional medicines is not a goal approach of diagnostics and treatment. Looking at man his health from different aspects and different provides a three- dimensional picture as a complex and cognisable system. Only such a systematic approach allows individualisation, prediction and a diseaseprevention trend in medicine, treatment of man instead of disease, of the root cause instead of the consequences. Only such an approach makes it possible to understand that everybody has his own cause for any disease- a cause for allergy and psoriasis, ischemic heart disease, polyarthritis, paradontosis, prostatite, balding, bronchial asthma. Physicians, who have long been talking of an individual approach, will be indignant. What is an individual approach as they understand it? Take for comparison s sake two allergic cases. At any allergy centre a patient will be taken through allergic tests to determine his or her own individual set of allergens. Then an anti- allergy preparation will be chosen which suppresses the allergy in this particular person, in a dose which corresponds to this person s age. Then he Сll take a course of hyposensibilisation to the discovered allergen. And then doctors will tell the patients to avoid contact with his specific allergens- this is what is called an individual approach.

Put yourself in the shoes of patients. All of them go on living with their allergies, which as a rule develop into polyallergies. Allergens are encountered at about every step and cannot be avoided. Mind you that antiallergic preparations are not harmless. What is a truly individual approach and system of disease prevention? Above all, it has to be found out why this particular patient is allergic to what thousands of other people are not? Many will object to this and say that that s the problem and this is just what modern medicine cannot do. In this article I mean to say that such opportunities exist, but they cannot be translated into reality within the old four corners of the old way of thinking.

I mean to say that diagnostics should be carried out in a way which permits the discovery of ailments and finer disturbances. Then a set of these disturbances should be analysed from the positions of system clinical thinking and conclusions drawn on the hidden complex root cause of allergic susceptibility in any particular case. Then, using methods and means which can correct less- than- disease disturbances, the root case should be attacked. This will make the patient like everybody around him: allergies around him are many, but he does not respond ( rather gives due response) to them, because the disturbances in his body through which once permitted the allergic reaction nave been eliminated.

This method, with variations, works on the majority of other diseases as well and is this writer s know-how.

Only discoveries, based on an integral system approach to health, in each particular case of the hidden system root- cause of sufferings, makes it possible to cure many diseases earlier deemed incurable or intractable.

Thus, only critical analysis of entire medicine gives an idea to what health protection should be directed and what the methods are for creating a medicine of the future.

possible. First, further development and improvement of a narrowlyspecialised Уdisease-oriented medicineФ to be transformed into a system Уdisease medicineФ. Second, formation and development of a Уhealthoriented medicineФ. The boundary between two directions should be made increasingly more conventional and blurred. For development of "disease-oriented medicine", or an integral system medicine, the following will be needed: changes both in people's attitudes towards medicine and in the professional thinking in physicians; preparation of a core of physicians; development of a new generation of medical diagnostic and treatment instruments; formation of a new area in the pharmaceutical industry that would meet the requirements of such a system of medicine.

Implementation of such a program would drastically change the situation as regards health- care, resolve many of its present problems and break the deadlock over many situations. Most importantly, it will preserve the human species as a physical, spiritual and intellectual entity. The Уhealth- orientedФ program should be state- supported. Particularly, a treatment- diagnostic scientific- pedagogical centre of integral system medicine should be established, mass media bodies should take co-ordinated participation in the program. Implementation of the program cannot be limited by the framework of only a region or a country, it should be worldwide.

( RIA Novosti, 1995).


El Doctor Vladimir KONOVALOV, medico terapeuta, fisiologo, iriologo, especialista en medicina india antigua, perito del Comite para Asuntos Internacionales de la Asamblea Federal (Senado) de la Federacion Rusa, fundador de la MEDICINA SISTEMICA INTEGRAL cuenta con 20 anos de practica medica y 10 anos de investigacion cientfica en el area de la medicina y de la salud.

La esencia de la concepcion ideologica, la tecnologia y metodologia del diagnostico y de los tratamientos radican en: - la idea de que el hombre en un sistema integral; - la interpretacion de las enfermedades como sintomas parciales de alteraciones sistemicas ocultas; - la integracion ( combinacion) de enfoques, metodos y procedimientos de diagnostico y curacion tradicionales y no tradicionales, lo cual permite tevelar y eliminar la causa original de las enfermedades, aplicar medidas profilacticas y de curacion estrictamente individuales; - el pronostico y la profilactica de las enfermedades desde temprana edad en base al diagnostico sistemico y a la evaluacion del elemento hereditario de la persona. El sistema del Dr. Konovalov no tiene analogos en cuanto a eficiencia en el diagnostico y la profilactica de las enfermedades oncologicas, alergias, patologia del sistema oseo y coyuntural, de la paradontosis, isoquemia del miocardio y enfermedades del sexo en el hombre y la mujer, neurosis, anemias, enfermedades de los rinones, higado, intestinos, deficiencias inmunitarias, enfermedades de la vejiga y vesicula biliar, embarazo patologico, afecciones de la piel y problemas cosmeticos, etc. Ademas el sistema del Dr. Konovalov no tiene comparacion en cuanto a eficacia y rendimiento fisiologico en el tratamiento de enfermedades ya adquiridas por el hombre, en particular, tanto de las ya enumeradas, como de muchas otras que se consideran incurables o de dificil curacion. El sistema abre peculiares posibilidades en la gerontologia y profilactica de la vejes prematura, de la arterioesclerosis prematura, correccion sistemica de las alteraciones que acompanan a la edad y curacion de las enfermedades cronicas, lo cual lleva a reducir la edad bilogica ( rejuvenecimiento).

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