Ви Корс - The Mist and the Lightning. Part 10

Тут можно читать онлайн Ви Корс - The Mist and the Lightning. Part 10 - бесплатно ознакомительный отрывок. Жанр: Эротика, год 2020. Здесь Вы можете читать ознакомительный отрывок из книги онлайн без регистрации и SMS на сайте лучшей интернет библиотеки ЛибКинг или прочесть краткое содержание (суть), предисловие и аннотацию. Так же сможете купить и скачать торрент в электронном формате fb2, найти и слушать аудиокнигу на русском языке или узнать сколько частей в серии и всего страниц в публикации. Читателям доступно смотреть обложку, картинки, описание и отзывы (комментарии) о произведении.
Ви Корс - The Mist and the Lightning. Part 10
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    The Mist and the Lightning. Part 10
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Ви Корс - The Mist and the Lightning. Part 10 краткое содержание

The Mist and the Lightning. Part 10 - описание и краткое содержание, автор Ви Корс, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки LibKing.Ru
The next series of the acclaimed series of books. He opened his mouth and, slightly pulling his tongue forward, showed it to Lis. A rod with a metal ball was inserted in the center of the still slightly swollen tongue, and small rings on both sides; now, when the tongue was still swollen, they fit snugly against the edge and even dug into it, but it was clear that it was quite possible to cling something else to them. Содержит нецензурную брань.

The Mist and the Lightning. Part 10 - читать онлайн бесплатно ознакомительный отрывок

The Mist and the Lightning. Part 10 - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно (ознакомительный отрывок), автор Ви Корс
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“He wouldn't have killed you.”

“Why did you come back then?” Lis said.

“Hasn't an hour passed?”

“No,” Lis shook his head. “He wanted to kill Arel, maybe even out of love, so that you wouldn't get him. He wanted to save him. Like Rosa.”

And he handed Nikto a piece of paper with notes.

Arel squeezed his temples in his hands.

“So, Lis, it was not a comedy?”

“It looks like not,” said Lis seriously.

“Well, so much the worse for him!” Arel got angry.

“And I wanted to ride him on a horse,” Karina said suddenly, and since everyone looked at her as if she were a fool, she fell silent in embarrassment.

“Lis, come to me,” Nikto called. “I want to see how your tongue heals. You started talking quickly. Maybe it's time to get the threads out.”

Lis obediently approached him and opened his mouth.

“I'll take them off in a few days,” Nikto examined his tongue. “And talk less, it's too early, it starts to bleed. Be patient, talkative Lis.”

Lis said nothing dejectedly.

“I want to know what happened in the prison,” Arel said. “Karina, tell me everything. How did you escape?”

Later, Arel and Nikto remained alone in the room.

“It was just the only way to get her to save me. Otherwise she would not have done it!” Nikto explained Karina's rather emotional story, where she outlined in detail their chaotic escape.

“Well, yes, she is kind and saved a person!” Arel grinned. “Weren't you afraid to leave like this and leave the human alone?”

“No, I was not afraid. After all, I am he. This is part of me. From which I have nowhere to get away!”

“He got on your nerves a lot, didn't he?”

“I use his soul, I am here thanks to his soul, to the fact that he is alive.”

“And to the fact that he resists?”

“Well, no, the fact that he resists is bad, this is with what he gets me.”

“It seemed so simple when the witch brought his little body for you, right?”

“Although… Maybe it's better this way, he used to resist very much and cripple himself, but now he doesn't. We have learned to somehow coexist, and, I confess, sometimes… he takes over. But I'm no longer angry, it gives me humanity. It is easier for me in this world from its emotional impulses and throwings. I am almost human and thanks to him I have feelings, and people understand and accept me better. So… what seemed like a hindrance and a mistake before, has become an irreplaceable help in the end. Anyway, I do what I want!” Nikto smiled. “Only with feeling. As a man!”

“And… did he start loving me?” Arel asked in a trembling voice.

“I chose you,” Nikto answered. “And he… fell in love. He loved you all. And through him I too.”

“Why did he love me? After all, I beat him and humiliated him, fucked him.”

“Well, Arel, you yourself didn’t notice, but in fact you treated him well. And he saw so few people, spoke little.”

“Did he even see me?”

“Yes. He can see a little with my eyes. If I let him. If I let him, he can say something through me. He can see and feel everything, but just cannot do anything at the same time. I can connect and disconnect with him in any way.”

“It's like sex.”

“Do you want it like that?”

“Yes. You entered my body. I felt it and didn’t resist. And you can enter my body and use it, I will only be happy.”

Nikto hugged his prince:

“Meanwhile this is not necessary, I'm used to being blond.” He chuckled. “I am a white half-breed. And you, noble black, I want to see next.”

“But you’re not going to leave like this again?” Arel asked, hugging him back, stroking him affectionately, looking into his eyes like a devoted dog. “I don’t want it.”

“Arel! You've been with him many times. I have gone many times and left you with him. However, I pumped him with drugs, but…”

“Don't! Don’t do it anymore! I'm asking you!”

“Sometimes I need to leave, a part of me remained in my world. I live several lives at once. It is difficult for a human to understand this…”

“I understand. But you may not always leave completely. Leave at least a small part of yourself in order to still control him.”

“I may.”

“Then just do it! And now, now squeeze him out altogether, let him not see, hear nothing and feel nothing!”

And Nikto, putting him on his back, laughed:

“Good. I will punish him for making you so upset.”

“Now I hate your scars too. Now I also see them as your defeat. I hate him! For crippling you! He made you an outcast. I want to see the real you, I want!”

“Everything has its time. If you want, we will tie the body, and I will go out, and you will fuck him and do whatever you want.”

“No. I don't want to fuck him! I don’t want anything. He's gone. He doesn’t exist. I don't want to see him again, do it!”

“I will try,” Nikto hissed and inserted into the prince.

Later they went downstairs to the living room, to Lis and Karina. And Karina asked Nikto to talk to her in private too. Nikto agreed.

“What do you want to ask me? About your brother again?” Nikto looked pretty calm, he poured himself and her wine.

“No. Will you help me?”

“I remember how you hated me, maddened. You only liked to fuck with me, yes, it attracted you, and you couldn’t resist. You love a sex. You like sleeping with different men. You are not one of those women who strive for a family, have children and raise them. You are like a lone she-wolf, a predator, you know how to stand up for yourself and walk in search of adventure.”

“I love Lis. If you take Arel, I want to stay with Lis. And I will be a faithful wife. And give birth to children if I can. Am I doing whatever is necessary? You let Dony go and she made her life well. You told me then: “She did everything that needs to be done.” I didn't understand these words, now I understand. Am I doing whatever it takes?”

“But what about the salvation of your brother?”

“It was probably a stupid idea. Like a lot of stupid ideas and actions before. But I will gladly try to persuade him more. He just lived a little and doesn’t understand anything. For him, perhaps, the throne and power, love is an empty phrase. I will explain to him that this is important to us if he wants us to be happy.”

“He loved Rosa.”


“And? And sent her away. To the Upper World. In order not to get her.”

“And he wanted to send me too, persuaded me to run, but I am not Rosa. And I am not sixteen years old, but almost thirty, and this is my last chance, and I want a husband, and I want a husband-king. And I want to look my father in the eye with pride so that he understands that I am not at all the wayward idiot he thinks I am. I want to achieve something! What's the use if I leave? To vegetate somewhere in Komra? What should I do there? Praying for the salvation of your soul? Maybe a little later, when I become an old woman and I have absolutely nothing to do. Moreover, I have not done anything terrible! Is what I decided is stupid? Or bad?”

“This is very good,” Nikto smiled.

“Now!” Karina jumped up. “Wait a minute, I'll bring you something.”

She ran out of the room and quickly returned, holding a small box in her hands:

“The courier brought it from the village for my name.”

“What is it?”

“A parcel from my father.”

“And what does he write to you?”

“Nothing. There was money. I gave more than half to this witch for the ceremony. Excuse me.”

“This is your money, Karina, don’t report to me.”

“Yes. But here's one more thing, and I'm sure this is for you.”

Karina pushed the box towards him: it contained a ring with a blue stone and a mask.

Nikto seemed to be sincerely happy:

“My mask! Is he giving it back to me?”

“I think yes.”

“And the ring? Is it just me, or does your father want to make up?”

“Yes. He wants peace. And me too. Forgive me.”

“I have nothing to forgive you!”

“For this stupid ceremony. I will do whatever you need. I swear! I will correct my mistakes!”

“You do everything. You are smart. Everything is good,” and Nikto handed her a glass of red wine.

Arel wanted to punish Karina, tie her to a post and whip her with a whip, just as he regularly did with servants. But Nikto ordered not to touch her. For the time being.

Chapter two. News from Vil

Prince Arel looked doubtfully at the plump stack of sheets.

Lis went down into the living room and, seeing the papers in Arel's hands, asked skeptically:

“Has Vil sent a book?”

Arel put aside the message:

“I won't read this,” he said firmly.

“I won't either,” replied Lis. “My tongue has not yet fully healed, and it is difficult for me to speak, let alone read such voluminous texts aloud. Or maybe he's loading you with accounting again? I see there are some numbers.”

“It looks like he sent a full report,” Arel said in confusion.

“That’s what happens when one makes a fool pray to the gods!” Lis grinned.

“Here Vil managed to white a whole book, but there is still no news from the idiot Tol!” Arel said indignantly. “He’s definitely an idiot!”

“Well, don't you know Tol? He will send his report, I'm sure,” Lis reassured him.

“Come on, I'll try to read it,” volunteered Karina, seeing that none of her friends were eager to do this.

Arel readily thrust a sheaf of sheets into her.

She took the first page:

“Sooo… Arel, well, here he describes on a whole page how happy he is that we are alive and well. And how he loves us all. And… he calls you his big brother!”

“Then don't read it,” Arel said. “Look further.”

Karina began to read. Vil described in detail how he arrived at the Castle that ill-fated day and didn’t find anyone in the main hall. How he read Arel's note, how he found the will.

“Pass it,” Arel said quickly. “I don't want to listen to this!”

“And I'm already wondering,” said Lis.

“It's too personal, Lis,” Arel retorted. “It's none of your business.”

Karina dutifully skipped Vil’s outpourings on the topic of brotherly love and moved on to the story of how Vil found Enriki unconscious in the room. Vil described what happened in bright colors, and the friends froze, listening to how he injected water into Enriki’s vein to dilute the concentration of the poison, how he took him to the doctor and how Enriki survived thanks to Vil’s feat and the fact that he was not taken aback at a critical moment.

“And Kors lied to me that Enriki had overdosed,” Arel said quietly.

“I don't think he knew,” Karina tried to protect her father. “Vil writes that Caspar Janti kept everything a secret.”

Then Vil told how he met Zara. And Lis laughed:

“Zara! I remember that stripper whore!”

“Here he writes that they fell in love at first sight,” said Karina. She also remembered Zara, but was not sure what to tell about it.

“I don't want to hear anything about Zara!” Arel said too nervously, according to Karina, and she didn’t understand him. She wanted to answer him:

“Yes, Arel, I don’t want to hear anything about Zara either.” But she said:

“Arel, you tell me to skip everything. What then is the point of reading? How do we get news from the city? There is a lot about Zara and more…”

Then Vil told how Zara helped him and introduced him to very good people. How Morgan Talas began to help him and how they hold the Castle and Upper. And all the time he noted how great he was and how Arel can be proud of him.

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