Veronica Larsson - Sex threesome. How to persuade a girl to have sex together. Step-by-step instruction

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Veronica Larsson - Sex threesome. How to persuade a girl to have sex together. Step-by-step instruction краткое содержание

Sex threesome. How to persuade a girl to have sex together. Step-by-step instruction - описание и краткое содержание, автор Veronica Larsson, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки LibKing.Ru
In sex, there is nothing shameful about the three of us. But the level of trust between partners should be high. In the manual: how to offer your girlfriend / wife sex for three, the best poses, features WMW and MWM, pluses and minuses and much more.

Sex threesome. How to persuade a girl to have sex together. Step-by-step instruction - читать онлайн бесплатно ознакомительный отрывок

Sex threesome. How to persuade a girl to have sex together. Step-by-step instruction - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно (ознакомительный отрывок), автор Veronica Larsson
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Sex threesome

How to persuade a girl to have sex together. Step-by-step instruction

Veronica Larsson

© Veronica Larsson, 2018

ISBN 978-5-4493-0456-8

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero

In sex, there is nothing shameful about the three of us. But the level of trust between partners should be high. In the manual: how to offer your girlfriend / wife sex for three, the best poses, features WMW and MWM, pluses and minuses and much more.

How to have sex in threesomes how to persuade a wife to have sex with two men - фото 1

How to have sex in threesomes, how to persuade a wife to have sex with two men

Sexual threesomes is an enticing process, which excites the minds of 70% of the male population. Just how many men would like to participate in a sexual act with two partners at once. Triolism is already a small «group sex».

Regardless of what the composition of participants in such an act will be, one must understand that it is subtle in terms of the moral and psychological side. If there is a pair among such a trio, when opening for the third party so much intimate sphere of their relations, a partial loss of trust and mutual understanding in the relationship often occurs.

Therefore, before plunging «into the pool with a head» you need to prepare and carefully think about exactly how the threesome will happen.

Most often, triolism is represented by a combination of one guy and two girls. Natural bisexuality in women is more pronounced. The man, by contrast, is by nature a proprietor and conqueror. A different combination (2 men and a woman) also occurs. And you need to understand that certain risks and difficulties in the process will be in any case. And everyone should be ready for them.

How to properly prepare for threesome sex what you need to know It often - фото 2

How to properly prepare for threesome sex, what you need to know

It often happens that a woman who accepted the arguments of a man and agreed to take part in a threesome, is by and large unhappy. Disappointment happens because she remains dissatisfied first and foremost morally.

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