Николай Конюхов - Cosmic energies and mankind: graphs for reflection

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Николай Конюхов - Cosmic energies and mankind: graphs for reflection

Николай Конюхов - Cosmic energies and mankind: graphs for reflection краткое содержание

Cosmic energies and mankind: graphs for reflection - описание и краткое содержание, автор Николай Конюхов, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки LibKing.Ru
This book is about the facts of fundamental dependency between the mankind development and cosmic energies: both electromagnetic and non-electromagnetic ones. The facts are systematized in graphs. Their interpretation and conclusions are a prerogative of the readers. It's not a simple one.For those who are used to think independently.

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Cosmic energies and mankind: graphs for reflection - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно (ознакомительный отрывок), автор Николай Конюхов
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We measure the Earths rotational velocity by modern techniques since 1962 by - фото 40 We measure the Earths rotational velocity by modern techniques since 1962 by - фото 41

We measure the Earth's rotational velocity by modern techniques since 1962, by instrumental techniques – since 1650. Up to that time, one can judge about the dynamics of changes in cosmic energies by isotopes forming in tree rings, ice cores, by tree ring width, by the Earth's average temperature and other indicators.

From the graphs built based on the given parameters one can infer informative historical conclusions.

At peaks of cosmic energies the heads of disobedient were cut and Russia was - фото 42

At peaks of cosmic energies, the heads of disobedient were cut and Russia was actively reformed. Whereas at minima of cosmic energies of the type, under the influence of which isotopes of various substances actively formed – the control over country was often lost, the social structure of society disintegrated.

People's political activity is also related to the Earth's rotational velocity. In England, people vote for the main parties in accordance with the Earth's rotational velocity. The composition of the main political parties also resonates with the Earth's rotational velocity.

In Russia social sentiment political predilections substantially depend on - фото 43

In Russia, social sentiment, political predilections substantially depend on cosmic energies associated with the Earth's rotational velocity. All revolutions in our country occurred at slowdown of the Earth's rotational velocity and growth of solar activity. Take into account that the cosmic energies associated with the Earth's rotational velocity are also associated with rotational velocities of other planets, with their mutual resonances. This was analyzed in detail (see Psycho-cosmic energies: protests, revolutions, leaps in development).

But even in our everyday worries, thoughts, moods and even in our fears we are dependent on cosmic energies.

People perceive differently increase and decrease of cosmic energies associated - фото 44 People perceive differently increase and decrease of cosmic energies associated - фото 45

People perceive differently increase and decrease of cosmic energies associated with the Earth's rotational velocity. Like plants and biota as a whole, we are divided into groups, clusters, types, which develop better at the increase and decrease of cosmic energies associated with the Earth's rotational velocity.

The most important applied research result is the understanding of how a person changes at the different Earth's rotational velocities and different combinations of that velocity and solar activity. This knowledge has been translated at the level of statistical dependencies, expert systems, person type diagnosis systems based on EEG (electroencephalogram), solved test results, birthdays and days of established personal achievements during lifetime. For every man, like an athlete, has his own achievements. For every person, those achievements more often took place either on days of type 1/1 or type 5/5. Hence, it is possible to forecast personal effectiveness for the forthcoming cosmic period. The fact is that people, like trees, are more active in their own cosmic period. Moreover, people that represent type 1/1 (as well as type 5/5) unconsciously unite. Type 1/1 is particularly active at the growth of the Earth's rotational velocity. Type 5/5 achieves more at the slowdown of the Earth's rotational velocity. The average lifetime of registered commercial structures in Europe is about 12 years not by chance. This is related to the rotation cycle of Jupiter and Saturn around the Sun, which affects the change in the Earth's rotational velocity. Hence, selection and timely replacement of directors, top managers and personnel taking into consideration the identified dependencies is the company's survival condition in the market.

The fall of empires is related to the similar dependencies (see “The breath of history”). In Russia, the greatest achievements among population throughout history took place at the slowdown of the Earth's rotational velocity.

People's dependency on cosmic energies associated with the Earth's rotational velocity is considered at physiological level: scientific ideas, theories, hypotheses, experimental data on this topic are generalized (see “Man in vortex of ether”).

These results are not clear to many narrow specialists. That is why they are translated to the language understandable to thinking people, to graphs and images. Depending on the agreement between the personality type and the needs for historical development, the given cosmic energies, everybody are conditionally separated into resonators (are in resonance with cosmic energies) and post-resonators. Type 1/1 and type 5/5 repeatedly change over, similar to the changes of tree clusters that grow at positive and negative correlation with the Earth's rotational velocity.

Resonators are the people whose activity is adequate to cosmic energies They - фото 46

Resonators are the people whose activity is adequate to cosmic energies. They have enough energy to build an accurate picture of the world and to transform it and themselves. Whereas post-resonators do not have this energy and are forced to earn for a living by means of imitative behavior, often with the help of words, using trance guidance techniques. They are often good talkers, but bad practitioners. However, their techniques of influence on surrounding people are so perfect that they can cajole their chiefs for years using their skills. EEG techniques and other methods help to identify these different types of people in time (resonators and post-resonators, type 1/1 and type 5/5).

Cosmic energies change cyclically. And if so, then at some historical time type 1/1 will be more effective, while at another time – type 5/5. At each distinct cosmic time, there are different resonators and post-resonators.

In the past, the society developed this way. Nowadays, the elite has created such mechanisms of people management that prevent resonators, the people of new type, from coming to power. This is one of the reasons of the decrease in economic growth rate, degradation of countries. This can be compared to trees that grow better due to cosmic energies but are not given water, fertilizers and comfortable temperature. Some trees do not grow well because of these reasons, whereas some other – because it is not their cosmic time. As a result, the whole forest dries out… In society, one type of people takes over the power in the state created by them and does not pass it to those who can provide an impulse to mankind development during their cosmic time.

The knowledge is important. But perception of this knowledge by general public is possible only if it is included in the system of generally accepted, taught at school, at universities. Therefore, it is important to replace the term "cosmic energies associated with the Earth's rotational velocity" with the common parameters of modern science. Those are electromagnetic energies, gravitational energies, the energy of galactic cosmic rays, etc. It turned out that the Earth's rotational velocity resonates, corresponds to the dynamics of change of these energies. Moreover, for empirical perception of the studied problems it is important to convert the Earth's rotational velocity into the indicators that are not so abstract when perceived emotionally. These are the tree rings growth rate, the isotope forming of various substances in ice cores and tree rings, the temperature on Earth, the humidity, the presence of groundwater according to the Earth's rotational velocity, the change of magnetic poles on the Sun, the change of its surface temperature, etc. It turns out that all these very important and controversial phenomena are related to the Earth's rotational velocity. These relations allow to use the system indicators, the parameters for determining the moment when one type of people in the elite, the management board, should be replaced with another. Surprising, but Chinese scientists have already understood this. Even more surprising is that Chinese philosophers of the past also understood this. They understood that nations, countries, like people, develop at their own specific cosmic energies. Cycles of cosmic energies are associated with the cyclic development of mankind and nations.

There are deep studies which recorded the mass manifestation of one or another personality trait, a meta-program at a certain stage of mankind development.

With the abrupt change of the Earths rotational velocity in the early 1900s - фото 47

With the abrupt change of the Earth's rotational velocity in the early 1900s, the topic of philosophical understanding of reality also changes within the past-future meta-program: the interest to the past increases. At the peaks of the Earth's rotational velocity growth the priorities of philosophical, spiritual and literary aspirations change.

This is like the growth of trees of different clusters. When the sign of acceleration of the Earth's rotational velocity changes in ten-year, hundred-year cycles, poorly growing trees are replaced with a generation of trees that grow better exactly at this cosmic epoch.

In society, with the abrupt change of the Earth's rotational velocity happens the abrupt change of the whole culture, the aggravation of the struggle between progressive and regressive views.

The changes in culture in philosophical views in literature are forerunners - фото 48

The changes in culture, in philosophical views, in literature – are forerunners of the future changes in society. In fact, these are the graphs of cyclic occurrence and appearance of resonators, the passive, and post-resonators, the sub-passive.

In nature, the change of tree clusters and biota happens automatically, but optimally enough for development. In human society, this process is still very spontaneous in the fields of culture, art, philosophy, but already needs management in economy, state building. For it is difficult to automatically change the banking elite with the features of post-resonators to the resonators, practitioners, domain experts. Elite of the previous cosmic epoch will resist mercilessly.

What should be done?

Conclusion on Chapter 1

The world is currently at the turning point in its development. It is impossible to understand patterns and stages of this development, to precisely determine its goals without understanding the influence of cosmic energies on mankind. Knowledge of the coercive type is important here. Therefore, throughout this paper we provide graphs and describe patterns that were discovered by various independent researchers. They are objective. Such presentation of material counts on common sense, when it becomes critical and prevents us from making sound decisions regarding the arrangement of Russia. Common sense should become a coercive factor in the arrangement of Russia.

Chapter 2. Energy of gravitational, electromagnetic fields, of the Earth's rotational velocity, and the corresponding clusters of plants, animals and types of people

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