Archi Devi Dasi (Ekmekchjan Adelaida) - Aryans and We

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Aryans and We - описание и краткое содержание, автор Archi Devi Dasi (Ekmekchjan Adelaida), читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки LibKing.Ru
Community living arrangements require correct understanding of human psychology. Daily wants of a human are not different from those of animals, but a human inherently is gifted with much more developed intelligence. If a human is another species with the purpose to assure existence by means of natural selection, then the question arises: why are we given the intelligence and the emotional life which do not stop searching for recipes of happiness and justice? Every nation at some point of its evolution feels as having found this recipe. What was it like for the Aryans? The Aryans are among those rare nations with the culture addressing the inner life of all living beings in this creation. This Book invites you to travel to the world of the Aryans. Hope, it will be enjoyable and helpful. We are sure that every “traveler” will be delighted at and respectful of the inner life of the Aryans and will find solutions for many psychological problems which hitherto have seemed nonsolvable.

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Aryans and We - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно (ознакомительный отрывок), автор Archi Devi Dasi (Ekmekchjan Adelaida)
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Archi Devi Dasi (Ekmekchjan Adelaida)

Aryans and We


If due to faults in its ideology religion fails to ensure the process of natural purification to give one happiness, it turns to violence forcing to follow its system of restrictions, thus, turning from the source of happiness into the source of sufferings.

The Author

The human history… So many nations and states rose and fell before its eyes. Our planet has always been the battle ground for the dominance of one person over the other, one tribe over the other, one nation other the other, one state over the other. People destroyed each other. For the sake of what? Who can give the answer? It is only clear that ever and again different nations generated certain doctrines and then by implementing them sought for the global domination. Ancient Egypt, Byzantium, Greece, Rome, Germany, Great Britain, the Soviet Union and now the United States of America. Each of these states offered the world an individual life style. But all of them had one thing in common. They enforced their life styles to the world by the sword. By the blooming history, any nation understands the time when by its sword and rape it had the domination over all others.

Mankind has entered the 21st century with a record of achievements in technology, the overpopulated planet burdened with the unprecedented scale of weapons, the evident inequality of living standards between developed and pauper countries, ethnic and religious conflicts, formed supercountries seeking for the world hegemony. Obviously, today like thousand years ago the decisive role is in the preponderance of force. Powerful, wealthy, armed and as a consequence protected nations are trying to expand their spheres of influence in order to achieve high living standards and enrich their people.

On the hard path of development, mankind has reached a level of democracy. We see that European countries have made significant advances in this field. The matters in hand include problems of human rights, uniqueness of and rights to life, economic health and other issues which these countries are trying to solve. At a first glance, achievements are rather great. Anyway, when citizens of underdeveloped countries come to European states, they feel socially secured. Taking into account the recent history of mankind, it is a great achievement.

The beginning of the 21st century sees rapid processes of the world reorganization. The main tendency is in the efforts of so called “developed” countries to release mankind from the “yoke” of religious and ethnic traditions and to spread the secular kind of society all over the world. Based on the sad experience of ethnic and religious conflicts, this approach could be called right because the more differences there are, the more causes of conflicts appear. But the practice has shown that nations rejecting their religious or ethnic traditions experience the rapid decline in reproduction which as a consequence eventually results in the problem of existence of such nations. And this problem is very serious. Democratic countries have followed the way of the actual rejection of religiosity. This has led to the fact that the population growth of so called “civilized” nations has stopped with simultaneous sharp increase in population of nations having respect for traditions: the Arabs, the Hindu, the Chinese.

Currently, the Muslim tradition is experiencing serous attacks with the aim of its democratization. No one knows how it will all turn out. The fact still remains that propaganda of democratization of the overall mankind burns out traditional thinking. Therefore, this is about a new doctrine which is striving for global power. Another experiment impending mankind. How much blood will be required, who can answer this question? A commoner simply wants to live a quiet life, experience all the happiness which is given to a human, do things he likes, live with his beloved woman, take care of children born by her, try to secure their future and peacefully and in due time leave this world. But at the same time there are other people who need to get more from this life; they are like a thorn in mankind’s flesh – they do not leave either people or the planet in peace, for satisfaction of their ambitions they develop plans on which lives and destinies of millions people are dependent.

There are two models of human society: traditional and free (democratic). Though, certainly literally there is no freedom. What seems freedom today, already tomorrow it turns into an enforced tradition. Usually the tradition means the life style rested on customs coming from the past and religious and moral precepts. Originally, religion is to provide people with morality and their connection with God. Religion implies the process of stable purification during the whole life.

If due to faults in its ideology religion fails to ensure the process of natural purification to give one happiness, it turns to violence forcing to follow its system of restrictions, thus, turning from the source of happiness into the source of sufferings. Traditions founded on such religion eventually have become a heavy burden for common people. Why did it happen? It can be baldly stated that nations following traditions have the structure which is designated for protection of inheritance privileges without allowing persons with the talent but of “low” birth to realize the talent. Such approach becomes the cause of numerous destroyed destinies and ultimately the entire society suffers. To overcome such a flaw (when a nation or society loses its potential due to religious conservatism), mankind has gone through a hard and sometimes slaughterous path for an individual to get the opportunity to realize the natural potency regardless the origin. In the traditional society when a person is a low-class representative, all doors of success, education, opportunities to show talent and move society forward are closed on him/her. All opportunities are given only to high-class people as the saying is “what is legitimate for Zeus is not legitimate for the ox”.

But democratic countries also meet a large amount of problems for which no solutions have been found as of today. Where is the psychological root of these problems? What is awaiting mankind ahead, well above the religion line? The Eastern wisdom tells us that trying to solve the problem without knowing its origin is like trying to do good for a tree by watering its leaves. At first, the leaves seem to have been cooled and fed, but later the wet leaves are turned out to burn from direct sun rays. To feed the tree, the roots should be watered. For this one needs to know where they are.

Thus, strong, scientifically and economically developed countries are striving for the power. Each of them has got its own model of life and each tries to expand it as much as possible. In this regard, the Aryans managed the whole planet and in our opinion it is very interesting which principles they followed and what they offered to all those who were under their protection (not the yoke).

The Aryan literature states that the Aryan civilization is original. All other civilizations appeared on its foundation. We will try to present the principles which guided the Aryans while arranging their society and we will also try to trace origins of different civilizations which put themselves on the record of mankind. But all these will be viewed from an angle unusual for the reader – psychologically. We won’t be interested in the historical point of view. This historical view of the topic can be presented by experts who are much more learned than your humble author.

The psychological view of the Aryan civilization is presented directly in its literature which secrets are understood only by those who study it maintaining the purity of this knowledge, following the traditions of the Aryan disciplic succession still presented on our planet to this day. The historical view won’t allow to understand the moral values of the Aryans and their intrinsic meaning. While the psychological view allows to conceive intrinsic regularities of life of the Aryan society, the knowledge of them can be the basis for one who is willing to replicate them.

The human history consists of a sequence of unjust societies. Heaps of people were ruled by cruel kings, untruthful religious figures, greedy merchants and unqualified laborers. One person replaced another. The human history is like a carpet which is made of people sufferings and colored in red primarily (the color of human blood).

The foundation of injustice was religious societies containing violence and forcing to follow certain principles regardless of people’s desires. Unqualified but powerful people are the ground for injustice, the source of the overall poverty and dissatisfaction. European nations have tried to cease this injustice and give all members of society the possibility to show their capabilities, become useful for the community and in return enjoy all benefits which can be provided by such community.

The main concept is the Christian idea that everybody is the child of God and has the right for a decent and happy life. This idea seems the foremost desired and perfect. But its realization faces different problems. For instance, society protects homosexual freemen rights. The argument in their favor is that the most talented people have been like that. Further, having protected their rights, homosexuals begin to pervert everyone they can and already then society does not know how to defend itself from them. There are some efforts to settle all arising problems within legal frameworks. But no law can annihilate vice. It only makes vicious people to search for more intricate methods of realization of their desires. Currently, none of the global applicable doctrines possesses methods to extirpate vice and that is why the world is pursuing the path of its propagation.

The community, however, can have the sustainable prosperity when people living in it are pious. The fact is that human relationships are full of faults. These faults create a great number of problems which at all times have been the focus of mankind to solve. It is the undeniable fact that any relations, whether parental, work, friendly or loving, include both pleasant and unpleasant moments. We enjoy pleasant moments and do not know what we can do with unpleasant ones. There are three ways out:

1) taking positive moments as the basis, tolerate negative ones.

2) enjoy positive moments in relationships and with occurrence of negative ones, cease any relationship taking some responsibilities upon oneself.

3) only enjoy positive moments without any responsibility for relationships.

The problem is that for a peaceful life there should be a system regulating desires. Contemporary civilizations are trying the approach of their satisfaction (point 2 above). The Aryans compare such approach with attempts to put out a fire by adding wood to it. At first, the great amount of fire wood makes the fire ‘choke’, but in a minute the fire blazes greater. One can see that such solution to the problem creates many psychological problems which extremely complicate communication. At the beginning people are happy to be free but a bit later they find out that together with freedom there comes loneliness. Without right methods for regulating human relations people start to avoid communicating. This is a dangerous situation when everything serves the principle of profit.

Depending on the purpose sought, human society accepts -standards regulating behavior. There are two tendencies: to lay special emphasis on happiness of an individual or the prosperity of the entire society. When the nation is powerful and wealthy, happiness of an individual becomes of primary importance. Otherwise, society has to sacrifice the well-being of people to become powerful and protected. These are inevitable processes containing many other problems. For instance, if the emphasis is laid on personality’s happiness and abilities to enjoy life, there appear people avoiding public duties even those concerning the family because childbearing implies the need to refuse pleasures. And a pleasure-prone personality does not want to forgo any pleasure. This in turn leads to decrease in natural birth rates. One can see that nations keeping religious traditions do not have problems with their population number.

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