Т. Шелкова - Can You Speak Over the Telephone. Как вести беседу по телефону

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    Can You Speak Over the Telephone. Как вести беседу по телефону
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Т. Шелкова - Can You Speak Over the Telephone. Как вести беседу по телефону краткое содержание

Can You Speak Over the Telephone. Как вести беседу по телефону - описание и краткое содержание, автор Т. Шелкова, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки LibKing.Ru

Ведение разговора по телефону на иностранном языке требует от обучающегося определенных навыков понимания, восприятия и удержания в памяти услышанного, а также незамедлительной словесной реакции на услышанное. Недостаточное развитие этих навыков является препятствием к тому, чтобы хорошо и уверенно говорить по телефону.

Пособие ставит своей целью помочь учащимся овладеть навыками беседы по телефону, пользоваться общепринятой терминологией.

Во второе издание (1-е — 1980 г.) внесены исправления редакционного характера.

Для лиц, самостоятельно совершенствующих свои знания английского языка.

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Can You Speak Over the Telephone. Как вести беседу по телефону - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Т. Шелкова
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Mr Azarov: Hello, Philip, Azarov here.

Mr Candlin: Oh, Victor, good morning.

Mr Azarov: I was delighted to hear of your marriage, Philip. Please accept my most sincere and hearty congratulations. I wish I could have been at your wedding but I have only just come from Moscow.

Mr Candlin: Thank you very much. I was so sorry you couldn’t come.

Mr Azarov: It’s really good that you decided to get married at last and I do wish you and Mary the very best of luck and many years in which to enjoy it.

Mr Candlin: Thank you for your kind wishes.

Mr Azarov: Good-bye.

Mr Candlin: Bye.

4. Congratulations on Birth of Son

Mr Petrov: Good afternoon, Jack.

Mr Hailey: Good afternoon, Nick.

Mr Petrov: Congratulations on the arrival of your son. My wife and I were delighted to hear the good news and especially to know that Jenny and your son are both well.

Mr Hailey: Thank you very much, Nick. You can’t imagine how happy I am.

Mr Petrov: You are sure to make a wonderful father, but don’t get too excited about it.

Mr Hailey: I can’t help it. I’m brimming over with joy and happiness [13] I’m brimming over with joy and happiness. Я преисполнен радости и счастья. . You know how it feels to become a father.

Mr Petrov: Congratulations again, and please give them to Jenny when you see her, from both of us. Good-bye.

Mr Hailey: Thanks, Nick. Bye.


I. Read the dialogues and reproduce them paying attention to telephone phrases.

II. What would you say on the phone in reply to these remarks and questions?

1. I’m happy to offer you my hearty congratulations on your promotion. 2. You can’t imagine how happy I am. My wife has borne me a son. 3. I’m so sorry you couldn’t come to our wedding. 4. Many happy returns of the day, Nick. 5. My wife has been seriously ill. But now she is out of danger. She managed to pull through her illness. 6. I’m calling to convey our congratulations on your successful completion of the project. 7. Accept my best wishes for your future career.

III. In what situations would you say the following?

1. You have other fish to fry. 2. I hope that our productive cooperation will continue. 3. Please accept my best wishes. 4. It’s so considerate of you to send me your congratulations. 5. I am sure you’ll make a wonderful father. 6. He’s brimming over with joy and happiness. 7. Convey my hearty congratulations to your wife. 8. I’m delighted to hear that your wife and new-born baby are well.

IV. Convey congratulations by phone:

1. to your colleague who has been promoted; 2. to your counterpart who has got married; 3. to the director of the company on the successful completion of the project; the equipment for the project has been delivered by this company; 4. to your American friend who has become a father; 5. to your African colleagues on their National Holiday.


1. Discussing Business

Mr Ross: Could I speak to Mr Frolov, please?

Mr Frolov: Speaking.

Mr Ross: Good morning, Mr Frolov. This is Ross. I work with the U.N. in the Development Programme [14] the Development Programme Программа развития (экономики) .

Mr Frolov: That is my field, too.

Mr Ross: That’s why I am calling you, Mr Frolov.

Mr Frolov: Is there anything I can do for you?

Mr Ross: I read your articles on technical assistance and find them excellent.

Mr Frolov: They may seem a little obsolete, I am afraid. I wrote them some years ago.

Mr Ross: Well, the figures may be obsolete, but the general approach and the method of research are up-to-date. What is most interesting is the analysis of the economy you gave in your last article.

Mr Frolov: That is the article on the economic development of some East African countries, isn’t it? Are you an economist, Mr Ross?

Mr Ross: Yes, I am. My field is the influence of the U.N. technical assistance [15] the U.N. technical assistance техническая помощь, оказываемая ООН upon the economic development of East African countries.

Mr Frolov: That is a very interesting but little known field. In what way, Mr Ross, do you think, I can help you?

Mr Ross: Mr Frolov, you are a specialist on the economic situation in Eastern Africa. Could you recommend me any literature on the subject?

Mr Frolov: Certainly, I can send you the bibliography on the problem.

Mr Ross: Will you send it to my U.N. address, please?

Mr Frolov: I will. Good-bye, Mr Ross.

Mr Ross: Thank you very much. Good-bye.

2. Discussing Arrangements

Mr Brenn: Could I speak to Mr Shilov, please?

Secretary: Who’s calling, please?

Mr Brenn: This is Tom Brenn of the Conference Department, United Nations.

Secretary: Wait a second, Mr Brenn. Here is Mr Shilov.

Mr Shilov: Hello, Mr Brenn. Has the Conference finished its work? I’m sorry I had to leave due to an urgent matter here in the Mission.

Mr Brenn: That’s all right, Mr Shilov. The Conference has adjourned till next Tuesday. The Chairman has asked you and me to prepare a draft resolution.

Mr Shilov: Has anyone else been included in the draft resolution group?

Mr Brenn: Only two of us, and a secretary.

Mr Shilov: I must say Mr Ovenov is an excellent chairman. I like the way he conducted the proceedings. He gave everyone a chance to speak and kept the discussion to the point.

Mr Brenn: It’s a pity you left. At the end he gave a very good summary of the first day’s work of the Conference.

Mr Shilov: I hope that all the participants of the Conference will make an effective contribution to the subject under consideration. See you tomorrow then.

Mr Brenn: Yes, 10 o’clock in the morning, at the Conference Hall. Goodbye, Mr Shilov.

Mr Shilov: Good-bye, Mr Brenn.

* * *

Mr Reid: Hello, can I speak to Mr Petrov, please?

Secretary: Who’s calling, please?

Mr Reid: This is Reid of the Foreign Office.

Secretary: Which Petrov would you like to talk to, Mr Reid? We have two Petrovs here — councillor Arcady Petrov and attache Leonid Petrov.

Mr Reid: Councillor Petrov, please.

Secretary: Mr Petrov is on the phone.

Mr Petrov: Hello, Mr Reid. I am glad you called me.

Mr Reid: How are you, Mr Petrov? I hope you are not too busy with the preparations for this forthcoming conference of ours?

Mr Petrov: I am fine, thank you. I have an appointment with you, you remember, to discuss the draft resolution of the conference.

Mr Reid: Of course, I do. It is this Friday, at 3 p.m. Did the Chairman of the Committee send you the draft?

Mr Petrov: Yes, he did, and his personal letter, too. He’s insisting on discussing the draft resolution by a narrow circle of diplomats first. I don’t know what he means mentioning “a narrow circle of diplomats”.

Mr Reid: Our delegation also received his personal letter, and, as a matter of fact, it surprised us a little. I wish he would tell us more explicitly what this “narrow circle of diplomats” will be dealing with.

Mr Petrov: You don’t mind, Mr Reid, if we discuss this problem along with the other questions this Friday, do you?

Mr Reid: No, I don’t. I’m looking forward to seeing you soon. Good-bye.

Mr Petrov: Good-bye, Mr Reid.

3. Going on Business Abroad

Mr Jones: Hello, Mr Sedov. What have you been up to since I saw you last?

Mr Sedov: Not much, I am afraid, Mr Jones. Just the usual routine work here in the Department of Technical Assistance. And how are you?

Mr Jones: I’m fine, thank you. I’ve heard from Sergeev that you are going to leave for Yugoslavia soon. Is that right?

Mr Sedov: Yes, it is. A group of engineers and technical advisers from the Department is supposed to visit that country.

Mr Jones: On any particular mission?

Mr Sedov: Yes, the Yugoslavs invited us to help them with the construction of modern highways.

Mr Jones: Then they may be in need of the great cranes and bulldozers our firm is producing.

Mr Sedov: Most probably. You should get in touch with the Assistant Director of the Department, and ask him for information and advice, Mr Jones.

Mr Jones: What’s his name?

Mr Sedov: Mr Souram of India.

Mr Jones: Do you have his telephone number?

Mr Sedov: Jot it down — 377-01-09.

Mr Jones: Thank you. When are you leaving for Yugoslavia?

Mr Sedov: Next Monday. You’d better get in touch with Mr Souram as soon as possible

4. Talking of Colleagues

Fred: Hello, Yuri. This is Fred.

Yuri: Hello, Fred. How are you?

Fred: Very busy. We’ve got a lot of work here with the documents.

Yuri: I know. It’s the usual thing with the Documents Office before the Assembly.

Fred: Do you know the news?

Yuri: No, what is it?

Fred: Can you imagine — Dorothy and John are engaged.

Yuri: Which John? The one working in the Conference Department?

Fred: That’s right. And Dorothy is with the Technical Assistance Department.

Yuri: When was the engagement announced?

Fred: A week ago.

Yuri: Have they set the day for the wedding?

Fred: No, not yet. But John says they will marry sometime in November or December. He says you’re on the guest list.

Yuri: Am I? Then I’ve got to think about a wedding present.

Fred: It’s too early yet. He will send you an invitation to the wedding party.

Yuri: And who is the best man?

Fred: Their choice fell on me because I’m a bachelor.

Yuri: Congratulations! They could not have chosen a better man. You are witty, bright and will keep them free from the little worries which usually crop up at the ceremony.

Fred: I’ll try to do my best; as the best man should do. See you at the office on Monday. Bye-bye.

Yuri: Bye-bye, Fred.

5. Talking of Studies

Fred: Hello, Yuri. This is Fred.

Yuri: Hello, Freddy, how are you?

Fred: Not very well, I’m afraid.

Yuri: What’s the matter? Somebody’s ill?

Fred: No, everybody’s fine. But I’m giving up. I certainly can’t learn Russian.

Yuri: Why are you upset? I think you’re making wonderful progress.

Fred: No, I’m not. I try and try but still cannot speak it well.

Yuri: Well, learning any language takes a lot of effort and time. But don’t give up. What if I help you? I have a very good textbook only recently brought from Moscow.

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