Стивен Джуан - История мозга. 1640 фактов

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Наш мозг поразителен! Вы когда-нибудь задумывались о том, насколько удивителен человеческий мозг? От этого невероятного органа зависит каждая наша мысль, каждое действие, каждый поступок. Мозг воспринимается нами как само собой разумеющееся, но без него мы не смогли бы думать. Мы бы существовали, но были бы неспособны познавать себя.

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История мозга. 1640 фактов - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно (ознакомительный отрывок), автор Стивен Джуан
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Глава 35. ТВ-мозг

1. Интервью с Дж. Хили от 12 ноября 1992 приводит С. Джуан. The TV Brain’: What it switches off // The Sydney Morning Herald. 26 November 1992. P. 14. Доктор Джейн Хили – психолог, работает в школе Вейл Монтан и в Государственном университете Кливленда (штат Огайо). Автор книг: Your Child’s Growing Mind. N. Y.: Doubleday, 1989; Endangered Minds: Why Children Don’t Think and What We Can Do About It. N. Y.: Simon, Schuster, 1991.

2. Covington S. TV may stunt kids’ brains, experts warn // The San Jose Mercury News. 3 October 1992. P. 4.

3. Greenwald A., Draine S., Abrams R. Three cognitive markers of unconscious semantic activation // Science. 1996. Vol. 273. P. 1699 – 1702. Доктор Энтони Гринвальд и коллеги работают в отделении психологии Вашингтонского университета в Сиэтле.

4. Motluk A. Mind control ads ‘don’t sink in // New Scientist. 28 September 1996. P. 20.

5. Abrams M., Bernstein H. Soon you’ll curl up with an electronic book // The San Francisco Chronicle. 1 June 1992. P. B1, B4.

Библиография II

Странности наших фобий

Ниже приведены основные источники использованные при написании практически - фото 225

Ниже приведены основные источники, использованные при написании практически каждой главы.

A. Beck, J. Emery and R. Greenberg, Anxiety Disorders and Phobias: A Cognitive Perspective, Basic Books, New York, 1991.

R. Campbell, Psychiatric Dictionary (5th edition), Oxford University Press, London, 1981.

R. Campbell, Psychiatric Dictionary (6th edition), Oxford University Press, London, 1989.

R. Campbell, Psychiatric Dictionary (7th edition), Oxford University Press, London, 1996.

R. Campbell, Psychiatric Dictionary (8th edition), Oxford University Press, London, 2004.

R. Campbell, Psychiatric Dictionary (9th edition), Oxford University Press, London, 2009.

G. Davey, Phobias: A Handbook of Theory, Research and Treatment, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2000.

R. Doctor and A. Kahn, The Encyclopedia of Phobias, Fears, and Anxieties, Facts on File, New York, 1989.

R. Doctor and A. Kahn, The Encyclopedia of Phobias, Fears, and Anxieties (2nd edition), Facts on File, New York, 2000.

R. Doctor, A. Kahn and C. Adamec, The Encyclopedia of Phobias (3rd edition), Facts on File, New York, 2008.

L. Hinsie and R. Campbell, Psychiatric Dictionary (3rd edition), Oxford University Press, London, 1960.

L. Hinsie and R. Campbell, Psychiatric Dictionary (4th edition), Oxford University Press, London, 1970.

L. Hinsie and J. Shatzky, Psychiatric Dictionary, Oxford University Press, London, 1940.

L. Hinsie and J. Shatzky, Psychiatric Dictionary (2nd edition), Oxford University Press, London, 1953.

D. Hunt, No More Fears, Warner Books, New York, 1988.S. Juan, The Odd Sex: Mysteries of Our Weird and Wonderful Sex Lives Explained, HarperCollins, Sydney, 2001.

M. Lader and T. Uhde, Fast Facts: Anxiety, Panic and Phobias (2nd edition), Health Press, London, 2006.

M. Maj, H. Akiskal, J. Lopez-Ibor and A. Okasha (Eds.), Phobias, John Wiley & Sons, Milton, 2004.

I. Marks, Fears and Phobias, Heinemann Medical Books, London, 1969.

I. Marks, Fears, Phobias, and Rituals: Panic, Anxiety, and Their Disorders, Oxford University Press, New York, 1987.

J. Melville, Phobias and Obsessions, Coward, McCann & Geoghe-gan, New York, 1977.

R. Waters, Phobias Revealed and Explained, Murdoch Books, Sydney, 2003.

Глава 1. Введение

1. E. Bourne, The Anxiety & Phobia Workbook (4th edition), New Harbinger Publications, Oakland, California, 2005.

2. R. Kessler, W. Chui, O. Demier, K. Merikangas and E. Walters, «Prevalence, severity, and comorbidity of 12-month DSM-IV disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication», Archives of General Psychiatry, 2005, vol. 62, no. 6, pp. 617 – 627; J. Baker, «War on terror», The Sydney Morning Herald, 3 November 2005, pp. 1 – 4.

3. J. Somers, E. Goldner, P. Waraich and L. Hsu, «Prevalence and incidence studies of anxiety disorders: A systematic review of the

literature», Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 2006, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 100 – 113.

4. L. Lampe, T. Slade, C. Issakidis and G. Andrews, «Social phobia in the Australian National Survey of Mental Health and Well-Being (NSMHWB)», Psychological Medicine, 2003, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 637 – 646.

5. A. Kleinman, The Illness Narratives: Suff ering, Healing, and the Human Condition, Basic Books, New York, 1989.

6. L. Kirmayer, «The place of culture in psychiatric nosology: Taijin kyofusho and DSM-III-R», Journal of Nervous Mental Disease, 1991, vol. 179, no. 1, pp. 19 – 28.

7. K. Suzuki, N. Takei, M. Kawai, Y. Minabe and N. Mori, «Is taijin kyofusho a culture-bound syndrome?», American Journal of Psychiatry, 2003, vol. 160, no. 7, p. 1358.

8. K. Hugdahl, Psychophysiology: The Mind – Body Perspective, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1996, p. 27.

9. S. Mineka and R. Zinberg, «A contemporary learning theory perspective on the etiology of anxiety disorders: It’s not what you thought it was», American Psychologist, 2006, vol. 61, no. 1, pp. 10 – 26.

10. S. Hoff man and M. Otto, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder, Routledge, London, 2008, p. 86.

11. G. Davey, Phobias: A Handbook of Theory, Research and Treatment, Wiley, New York, 2000, p. 340.

12. Martin Seligman is a professor of psychology at the University of Pennsylvania.

13. M. Seligman, Biological Boundaries of Learning, Appleton-Cen-tury-Crofts, New York, 1972.

14. R. Peurifoy, Anxiety, Phobias, & Panic, Warner Books, New York, 1995.

15. E. Eckert, L. Heston and T. Bouchard, «MZ twins reared apart: Preliminary fi ndings of psychiatric disturbances and traits», Progress in Clinical and Biological Research, 1981, vol. 69, part B, pp. 179 – 188.

16. N. Doidge, The Brain That Changes Itself, Penguin Books, New York, 2007; A. Curran, The Little Book of Big Stuff About the Brain, The Cromwell Press, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, 2008; J. Allen, The Lives of the Brain: Human Evolution and the Organ of Mind, Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2009.

17. L. Hinsie and J. Shatzky, Psychiatric Dictionary, Oxford University Press, London, 1940, pp. 218 – 221.

18. R. Campbell, Campbell’s Psychiatric Dictionary (9th edition), Oxford University Press, London, 2009, pp. 248 – 250.

19. American Psychiatric Association, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, American Psychiatric Association, Washington, DC, 1952.

20. American Psychiatric Association, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th edition), American Psychiatric Association, Washington, DC, 2000.

21. E. Stengel, «Classifi cation of mental disorders», Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 1959, vol. 21, pp. 601 – 623.

22. I. Marks, Fears and Phobias, Heinemann Medical Books, London, 1969, p. 117.

23. American Psychiatric Association, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (3rd edition revised), American Psychiatric Association, Washington, DC, 1987, pp. 240 – 245.

24. I. Marks, Fears and Phobias, Heinemann Medical Books, London, 1969, pp. 76, 108 – 109, 113, 161.

25. I. Marks, Fears and Phobias, Heinemann Medical Books, London, 1969, pp. 70, 75 – 76.

26. S. Bere, «An atlas of fear», Popular Science, January 2008, p. 54.

27. Dr Jitender Sareen с коллегами – сотрудники Факультета психиатрии и общественного здравоохранения Университета Манитобы; J. Sareen, F. Jacobi, B. Cox, S. Belik, I. Clara and M. Stein, «Disability and poor quality of life associated with co-morbid anxiety disorders and physical conditions», Archives of Internal Medicine, 2006, vol. 166, no. 19, pp. 2109 – 2116; «Anx-iety disorders linked to physical conditions», Science Daily, 24 October 2006, p. 1.

28. M. Rutter, J. Tizzard and K. Whitmore, Education, Health and Behaviour, Longman’s, London, 1968, p. 162.

29. E. Hagman, «A study of fears of children of pre-school age», Journal of Experimental Education, 1932, vol. 1, pp. 110 – 130.

30. E. Becker, M. Rinck, V. Turke, P. Kause, R. Goodwin, S. Neumer and J. Margraf, «Epidemiology of specifi c phobia subtypes: Findings from the Dresden Mental Health Study», European Psychiatry, 2007, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 69 – 74.

Глава 2. Наши страхи на букву А

1. Источником сведений о фобиях и страхах знаменитостей послужил в основном Интернет. К информации,

полученной из Интернета, всегда следует относиться с изрядной долей здорового скептицизма. «Celebrity Fears and Phobias», http://showbiz.sky.com/celebrity-phobias (retrieved 06 – 12 – 2009).

2. Случаи и описания страхов были отредактированы в целях сокращения места и большей ясности изложения. Возраст и пол человека указан тогда, когда об этом сообщалось.

3. R. Doctor and A. Kahn, The Encyclopedia of Phobias, Fears, and Anxieties, Facts on File, New York, 1989, p. 163; I. Duncan, My Life, Boni and Liveright, New York, 1927; J. Forrester and T. Forrester, Three Stooges: The Triumphs and Tragedies of the Most Popular Comedy Team of All Time, Donaldson Books, Los Angeles, 2002, pp. 151 – 152; N. Christensen, «A view on what scares us», The Daily Telegraph (Sydney), 9 August 2010, p. 8; C. Scott, «It’s Friday the 13th: Do you know where your phobias come from?», The San Francisco Chronicle, 13 August 2010, p. A8.

4. «Celebrity Fears and Phobias», http://showbiz.sky.com/celebri-ty-phobias (retrieved 06 – 12 – 2009); «Driving», www.unusual-phobias.com/driving.html (retrieved 19 – 02 – 2006).

5. Исследование проводится в Школе психологических наук под руководством профессора Ника Тарриера и доктора Кэролайн Уильямс; «Virtual reality off ers solution to driving phobias», Science Daily, 30 November 2009, p. 1.

6. «Celebrity Phobias – What They Fear Most», www.popeater. com/2008/10/29/celebrity-phobia-what-they (retrieved 18 – 11 – 2009); B. Wolf, «Wolf Files: Celebrity Phobias», ABC News (New York), http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/WolfFiles/ story?id=116591&page=6 (retrieved 21 – 11 – 2009); «Celebrity Phobias – WhatRumors – The Celebrity Gossip Wiki», www. whatrumors.com/Celebrity_Phobias (retrieved 24 – 11 – 2009); «Samanda’s Fishy Phobia», http://showbiz.sky.com/celebrity-phobias (retrieved 06 – 12 – 2009).

7. R. Doctor and A. Kahn, The Encyclopedia of Phobias, Fears, and Anxieties, Facts on File, New York, 1989, p. 351.

8. B. Wolf, «Wolf Files: Celebrity Phobias», ABC News (New York), http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/WolfFiles/ story?id=116591&page=1 (retrieved 21 – 11 – 2009); «Johnny Depp is Afraid of Clowns: Celebrity Phobias», www.listafterlist. com/DesktopModules/iBelong.LAL.ListRes (retrieved 20 – 11 – 2009); «Celebrity Phobias – WhatRumors – The Celebrity Gossip Wiki», www.whatrumors.com/Celebrity_Phobias (retrieved 24 – 11 – 2009).

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