Лим Ворд - Библия Времени. Найди свое
- Название:Библия Времени. Найди свое
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- Издательство:неизвестно
- Год:неизвестен
- ISBN:9785449318695
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Лим Ворд - Библия Времени. Найди свое краткое содержание
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Библия Времени
Найди свое
Лим Ворд
© Лим Ворд, 2018
ISBN 978-5-4493-1869-5
Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero
Не знаешь, что делать? Читай эту книгу.
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Do not you know what to do? Read this book
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Эта книга публикуется на нескольких европейских языках, в надежде, что, кроме России, ее увидят и поймут в Европе и Северной Америке. Необходимо объединение двух культур, даже цивилизаций; российской и европейской (американской). Произойдет это, может быть в не освоенной до сих пор по-настоящему Сибири или на Дальнем Востоке. Вымирающие деревни, депрессивные города, или же развалины лагерей ГУЛАГа в расчет справедливо не идут.
Ныне иммиграционная политика правящей верхушки России имеет глубочайший, даже, катастрофический перекос в сторону Азии. Именно оттуда, с Юга, от стран – потомков древних сатрапий пришла привычка угодничать перед властями, и считать коррупцию обычным делом. Именно оттуда некогда пришла Орда, которая во многом отбросила Россию в ее устремлении к европейскому варианту развития.
Мы могли бы приглашать жить у нас иностранцев – белых европейцев и американцев. Именно, людей, не связанных с тайным или явным мировым правительством – любителей приключений, рабочих, людей дела, тех, кто могли бы поднять бизнес, и, зная в совершенстве право, культурно и эффектно сразиться с местными бюрократами- вампирами. С теми неприятными особями, которые в общем, давно уже и не наши…
И вот, во многом такие же как мы, но сколько то и непохожие Джон, Франц, Теодор, Жан, Ричард, Джулия, Эмма, могли бы помочь нам построить настоящую русскую мечту – задуманное издавна справедливое, изобильное, и не скучное Беловодье.
Нужно привести видение Истории к единому формату. Возможно, полезно было бы создание Музея – Книги, популярно излагающей все-все-все, что когда либо происходило.
Данная книга – малый первый шаг на этом пути.
Сожаления и извинения за электронный перевод.
This book is published in several European languages, in the hope that, except for Russia, it will be seen and understood in Europe and North America. It is necessary to unite two cultures, even civilizations; Russian and European (American). It will happen, maybe in the still not really mastered Siberia or the Far East. Endangered villages, depressed cities, or the ruins of the camps of the Gulag are fairly not taken into account.
Today, the immigration policy of the ruling elite of Russia has a profound, perhaps even catastrophic, bias towards Asia. It was from there, from the South, from the countries – descendants of the ancient satrapies, that the habit of pleasing the authorities came, and that corruption was considered a common thing. It was from there that the Horde once came, which in many ways rejected Russia in its aspiration for a European development option.
We could invite foreigners – white Europeans and Americans – to live with us. Namely, people who are not connected with the secret or explicit world government – adventurers, workers, business people, those who could raise business, and knowing the perfect law, culturally and effectively fight with local vampire bureaucrats. With those unpleasant individuals who, in general, have long been not ours…
And so, in many ways the same as we, but how many and unlike John, Franz, Theodore, Jean, Richard, Julia, Emma, could help us build a real Russian dream – a long-time fair, abundant, and not boring Belovodie.
It is necessary to bring the vision of History to a single format. Perhaps it would be useful to create a Museum – a book that popularizes everything, everything, that ever happened.
This book is a small first step along the way.
Regrets and apologies for the electronic translation.
There will come a time when you can not find the truth in reality. Reminds all printed text.
Read and save.
The story is as follows; while leafing through the pages, it is clearly visible. If you remove the book, the image disappears. Close your eyes – what’s there? Darkness, colored white circles. Try creating text with pictures in it. Does not work? Human memory is arranged differently than the computer board, it is analog, chemical, in this there are advantages and serious shortcomings.
Attention is focused on one object, our «RAM» works with only five or seven characters. Following the questions and associations that appear in the course of the research, we will outline the main point. We fix the backbone of History, focusing on which you can resurrect the whole of her body.
We will outline the contours of History, in order to do everything right today.
Let’s turn to the Wikipedia files in different languages – illuminating events as impartially as possible – at least from different angles of view. Say «thank you» to the authors – people are not on the content of the state, but, if they are enthusiastic, they present the object of general curiosity to us as completely as possible.
We would like to express gratitude to the authors of the photos sent to the Google resource as the Public Domain – with a license for use and modification.
Figures and facts are all that is needed to make a step from the title of dilettante to the status of a professional. And, a little inconceivable, imperishable – an ingredient, without which the constructions, based only on iron logic, crumble.
The Time Machine is in front of you, in an uncomplicated but effective psychological exercise. Take it as a game, if you want, before deep immersion in History:

Put on your dinner table food products of the century you are interested in. Now Canteen is your Time Machine. Place here the artifacts that correspond to the epoch – those that you can find in numismatists, in the ancestors’ storerooms, or with your own archaeological excavations. In the center, place this book, drawings, photographs – two, three, four time layers. Reduce the light to a single candle installed on a massive stone stand. Drink – one, or with Friends, gleaming in her light, a little heated water. Now – turn on the psychological Time Machine.
Press in order, indicated by the numbers, the virtual keys of the Console Table, with the animating motion vectors. At some point you will notice that the world has changed. There is no more time.
Now – or later, in dreams, and the very course of your life, you have progressed into History itself.
Time Machines – we ourselves. The commonwealth of independent cells, the delicate ligature of their fields, are ideally set for immortality. They will connect you with those who were before and, with something similar to us, our additions to eternity. It is only necessary to depart from the temporal reality. In this you will benefit from a psychological exercise – the dialing of a virtual phone number. The higher the number of persistent sets, and the more friends who agree to repeat these strange actions with you, the more accurate the result.
Here, the table – Time Machine looked up from the clock on the wall, went beyond the space and fled, along with you into the past. Do not stay there for long. This is against the yet unsolved rules of nature.
Cover your face with your hands.
You see? Yes, so clearly, as if in an inverted binocular…
Check if everything is the same as in the text – and follow.
Your findings are very important.
Book One
Big Bang
Geological eons
Qatarhei, Archei
Stone, Bronze, Iron Age
History of Antiquity
The Sumerians. Ancient Egypt
Greece and Persia
Ancient Rome
Ancient China
Ancient Rome from Octavian Augustus
The Incas. Mayan. Aztecs
Overview of world religions
European Middle Ages
The French Revolution. Napoleon Bonaparte
Dynasties of England and Great Britain
Dynasty of Genghisides
Russian dynasty
Habsburg and Hohenzollern
American Presidents
Latin America. Africa
The Formation of Science
Science – classical physics and inventions
Science – Biology and New Mathematics
Twentieth Century. History in the battles
The First World War (Great)
The Great October Socialist Revolution (coup)
Formation of the Third Reich
The Civil War in Spain
The military conflict between Japan and the USSR on the Halkin Gol
The Soviet-Finnish war of 1939—1940.
The entry of the Baltic states into the USSR
The Second World War
Occupation of Poland
Benelux countries
Invasion of France
Yugoslavia and Greece
Clash of the Titans. The invasion of the Axis countries into the Soviet Union
War with militaristic Japan
Japan vs. the United States. The war in the Pacific
The Soviet Union against Japan
Book Two
The Cold War
The Arab-Israeli war of 1947—1949.
The Korean War of 1950—1953.
The finale of the life of JV Stalin
Soviet and American Air Force in the Korean War
China under Mao Zedong
Civil War in Colombia 1948—2016…
The Hungarian Uprising of 1956
The Vietnam War of 1960—1975.
The Suez Crisis of 1956 (Second Arab-Israeli War)
USSR 60-ies. Hopes and disappointments
Russian ally in the war and competitor in the world – United States of America
Six Day War of 1967
Events in Czechoslovakia in 1968 («Prague Spring»)
The Civil War in Cambodia in 1967—1975.
The War of Doomsday 1973
Space race. Man’s landing on the moon
The war in Algeria in 1954—1962.
The Board of Jean Bokass and Idi Amin
The Afghan War of 1979—1989.
The Iran-Iraq war of 1980—1988.
Armed conflict between Britain and Argentina in 1982
The war in Lebanon, 1982.
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