Юрий Низовцев - In what, how and for what liberty is acting?

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Юрий Низовцев - In what, how and for what liberty is acting? краткое содержание

In what, how and for what liberty is acting? - описание и краткое содержание, автор Юрий Низовцев, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки LibKing.Ru
Everyone wants to be the free and happy, but does not know as. Tips proceeding from all directions, – generally are an ordinary cheating. It is impossible to speak about what you do not know. And who knows, what, actually, such is liberty and happiness? Therefore at first it is necessary to define the affiliation of liberty and to find out hers mission. While it is clear only that liberty, what you did not have an idea about it, you will not achieve without continuous conscious searching of paths of elimination of everything that is a hindrance and searching of paths of release from all superfluous. After all with the weight on a neck it is difficult to be happy and tender. In a problem of liberty, life and consciousness the psychology got confused and the philosophy still was not defined. I hope you will be interested to know about completely new approach to this problem, which has not been resolved till this moment.

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In what, how and for what liberty is acting? - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно (ознакомительный отрывок), автор Юрий Низовцев
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It should be noted that people living on Earth have consciousnesses which are very different by level. Consciousness of the cannibal is probably not really similar to consciousness of the Nobel winner. Therefore people have different opportunities. Everyone does that, on what he is capable. Anyway, liberty of consciousness is guaranteed to every person because he always has soul. And the person realizes, unlike an animal, own actions, though he acts often restricted, and often – not elaborately. The main thing for life process is that the person, as a rule, is not passive, but tries to learn something the new, consciously changing reality, and absolutely no matter for what purposes he does it – adapting to reality, seeking to dominate over it or creating new forms of culture or simply sowing corn in the field. All this goes to "moneybox" of soul, anyway, enriching it by new facts and relations. Any new fact, any negative or positive consequences of activity, human life, relations with other people represent indisputable interest and importance for soul in its development. Matter – not only obstacle for a life gust, but it is necessary condition for its exercise and movement forward. Really, soul, consciousness cannot live without support on beingness.

Many thinkers look for the reason of life, action, liberty outside – in God, super consciousness. Apparently, such approach follows from explicit or implicit recognition by them of the fact of creation of the world whereas all beingness never was created by nobody and did not appear from any abyss, and it existed always, as well consciousness, in own uncountable changes and combinations. Souls, consciousnesses were always, and there was liberty in them always as dissatisfaction of consciousness with itself without what development of soul, consciousnesses would not be possible. Christ said allegorically that the Kingdom of God is not somewhere, and inside us.

Time is a condition for manifestation of consciousness because there would be no events without time, there is no support without time neither for changing things, nor for changing, developing among things and relations consciousnesses. All the rest with respect to time for consciousness is secondary.

Merge with life is not produced on the basis of an instinct and intuition.

The person is capable to act consciously in life. And this is main thing – the human is rather free in the actions at such relation to life. Therefore, he is not interested to be content with the old, and he is moving somewhere, optionally forward, not necessarily making discoveries and learning the secrets of life, but necessarily consciously changing the world and themselves with it, more precisely, changing own consciousness: it is required for development of soul, for which any person is only the means seeming independent, but indeed operated by consciousness, which is nothing but an external manifestation of soul.

Liberty is not limited to searching truth by the human because searching truth by the human loses meaning after disappearance of the person and mankind. At the same time that Heidegger quite precisely noted, "here-beingness", understood as solicitude, defines a condition in which consciousness is manifested as far as really it is necessary to take care about consciousness, having created for it a point of support for development in the form of the reality.

Liberty cannot own by anybody and anything because it is a state of consciousness which owns by everything including liberty. Liberty is means through which consciousness passes in the human the world, changing it and itself. All reality is not being revealed in Nothingness and together with consciousness exists, in our comprehension of time, eternally. So soul which is manifested in consciousness of the person exists eternally, as well liberty in it.

Essence of the human cannot be rest. Essence of the human is restless soul endowing him by all differences from an animal the main thing from which is the self-consciousness. Through the person soul works in the form of independent consciousness, undergoing all weave of beingness, opening it and opening to it through state of liberty of consciousness.

Genuine existence or not genuine does not exist. The changing world exists and has existed always consisting from conditionally lifeless matter and living beings which part possesses consciousness. The person thus is the transitional formation, possessing by animal nature and at the same time – by consciousness. It gives to him special characteristics which no one else has because "cocktail" of instincts and self-consciousness which are inherent to him operating in the antagonistic world, combines in itself the most alive in this mix of passions, reflections, sufferings, satisfactions, losses and discoveries, free aspirations and comprehension of own fast and inevitable end. It is necessary for development and acquisition of experience for initial souls in order to they are not being forgotten in own immortality.

Beingness as such, cannot be in statics. There is only co-beingness, i.e. – something in time, or incessant events, i.e. – one or other life in which consciousness has been integrated always. And the human and even consciousness is not "the shepherd of beingness". Consciousness in various manifestations is the highest formation of beingness without which simply would not be beingness, as well as without co-beingness would be impossible manifestation of consciousness also.

Soul requires a finite, temporal existence in something to be manifested in this finite in the form of consciousness. But for what this finite needs to soul?

Sense of beingness, reality for soul and consciousness is not in some existence at all. It is uninteresting and it is senseless. If to go further, sense of existence is not in pure cognition because cognition is not necessary by itself. Self-consciousness is given to the person, a finite being, to live, i.e. to feel, to understand, to be mistaken, to admire by open novelty by something. All this cannot exist without time and liberty. Therefore the immortal soul becomes mortal in time to live, and not exist. The facts, experience, sense of all her lives, taking shape and being reworked give to her the chance to evolve constantly. Lives of all souls, integrally uniting in whole which is inconceivable for us, give evolving and living God, more precisely, Supreme Mind. All this exists, in our comprehension of time, eternally, i.e. it had no beginning and there will be no end because combinations of reality are infinite, uncountable and boundless. Therefore the factor of time can be explained only by one – necessity of events. All the rest, in fact, is the secondary. The immortal and the all-powerful is manifested in the weak, the finite in order to live, using all paints of life and being enriched with it, more and more comprehending itself.

Initial dissatisfaction of "young", initial soul by itself as though asks soul to remain alone with the world in the human and to try to manifest itself in a isolation from the omnipotent world of souls in the world of being destroyed things and transient events. In the "abandonment" if to use Heidegger's nomenclature, soul of the human get opportunity to continue "to do itself", using all life opportunities, but trying not to cause damage to the environmental. The last is a problem for initial soul. Soul has to overcome it first of all in many human lives. At the same time "abandonment", in practice, is rather conditional notion for soul because she is not lonely, and lives in community of similar to her human souls which not always reject her, and support in many respects. Besides, soul will surely return into own world with "baggage" acquired in current life.

All formations of our world are finite. And recognition of the person by the center of all means that with death of the person and mankind disappearance all acquired by them too vanishes. It not only is not efficient, but also it is senseless. However the person in consciousness meets infinity which is not afraid of death, but receives it in the human, without knowing that she, soul, is immortal. In itself this fact is the most powerful push for transformation of soul to more loving and understanding being. At the same time all acquired by people does not vanish, and remains in souls.

The death itself really gives liberty, but not in that sense in what many philosophers denying existence of soul understand it. The death gives liberation to soul from her temporary body, which executed the functions for further advance in its development and perfecting.

Time is the condition of existence not only a person, but and – all eternal beingness and it means that beingness eternally moves and changes. This eternal, in our comprehension, stream of events – time incessantly brings novelty in existence of consciousness, allowing him to develop himself infinitely. Gust, more precisely, aspiration is one from characteristics of liberty of consciousness at the heart of which its eternal dissatisfaction by itself is, i.e. – eternal aspiration to perfecting. Expansion of this gust-aspiration in creative-destructive work of consciousness – another characteristic of liberty of consciousness – just also means that the person during life accepts beingness on himself, creating own reality on the basis of transformation of the surrounding according to decisions of own consciousness.

However this work of the person as though for itself, actually is work for soul, opening in activity of human all new and new sides of life for itself, fixing them in itself concluding thus them in eternity, creating as to itself, and to Supreme Mind, whose particle is it itself, not cold and detached existence, but quite alive, polychromatic, awful and wonderful life with all its mistakes, finds and sins.

Thesis of Kant and Heidegger, substantiating thinking by an inevitable extremity of existence for which thinking is a derivative from the person, thus, is absolutely inadequate. The person – only means for manifestation in the finiteness of immortal soul which through the person realizes her potentialities including liberty for own development and life in various conditions of beingness which highest representative is soul.

That is why Plato costs above Heidegger. According to Plato, thinking wins death because the body dies, but not soul which is released from the temporary destiny. Human life, so, at once finds sense in the temporary existence. It is another side of liberty of consciousness of soul when, having exhausted existence in one, and having considered it, soul passes to existence in another, new for her.

From a position of development of consciousness in the process of a support on beingness it is not important the choice of this or that, it is the right choice or not, it is determined it or not, but it is important that consciousness of the person makes the decision on change of situation outside not as an animal – unconsciously, but in the form of the project that is reflected subsequently and in internal state of consciousness because any change towards unknown, new, all the same – poor or good, is an additional contribution to "baggage" of consciousness for the subsequent assessment and acceptance in attention for further actions. That is even in the most determined situations, except the complete stagnation, consciousness, anyway, develops, learning new for itself. Any conscious decisions in the form of projects, imaginations, ways of overcoming of obstacles to them, aspirations, ideas about their consequences, i.e. designed purposes also are liberation from a former order, or – liberty.

However it is necessary to know for comprehension of this in an integral type not only affiliation of liberty, but also its mission which was under the force to only antique thinkers in certain degree.

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