sv900pe - Knights of Darkness. Mize

Тут можно читать онлайн sv900pe - Knights of Darkness. Mize - бесплатно ознакомительный отрывок. Жанр: Космическая фантастика, год 2022. Здесь Вы можете читать ознакомительный отрывок из книги онлайн без регистрации и SMS на сайте лучшей интернет библиотеки ЛибКинг или прочесть краткое содержание (суть), предисловие и аннотацию. Так же сможете купить и скачать торрент в электронном формате fb2, найти и слушать аудиокнигу на русском языке или узнать сколько частей в серии и всего страниц в публикации. Читателям доступно смотреть обложку, картинки, описание и отзывы (комментарии) о произведении.

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Continuation of the line of books "Knights of Darkness", this time you will learn more about the fighter Mize, about how he survived the last years before the formation of the empire. years: 5-0 ldp also 12 ldp (additional chapter) It is published in the author's edition with the preservation of the author's spelling and punctuation.

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Knights of Darkness. Mize

Chapter 1 Surprise

Into battle 110 battalion! We must defeat them ! Fighters go ahead! Don't let them beat us!… This battle was not easy. There are a lot of losses. We are flying to the base… Mayz Inkrald (General of all battalions) calls you. Incrald himself? Strange. I'll go well, I wonder why he needs me?.. Did you call the General? Yes, Mize. I am very pleased with your victory in the battle on the planet Ginza. Thank you General, I try never to disappoint you. You behaved very well in the battle and led the battalion to victory. In this battle, your battalion suffered the least losses. I decided to create a trial, the best battalion. You've probably heard of him. Battalion forty-one? Yes, this one. I want to include the best fighters, engineers, pilots and so on in it. Good idea! I have already started creating it and there are already some soldiers there. And I'm going to add you to this battalion! Come on, General, I'm not worthy of such reverence! I just won one of the fights. Mize, you didn't just win, but led to victory without much loss. This is very much appreciated here. So pack up! Thank you General, I will try to meet your expectations! And where is my future cabin? Come on, I'll show it to you. Good.

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