Brett Battles - Little Girl Gone

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Brett Battles - Little Girl Gone
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    Little Girl Gone
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  • Рейтинг:
    4/5. Голосов: 91
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Little Girl Gone - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Brett Battles
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Once they joined the others, Logan said, “You lied to that attendant, Dad. What’s going to happen when he tells the police what you told him, and it doesn’t match the truth?”

“Who’s saying it’s not the truth?”

Logan stared at him for a moment. “Me. I’m saying that. I was the one who was there, not you. Remember?”

His father looked uncomfortable. “If we all tell the same story it is the truth.”

“If we what ?”

“Tooney doesn’t want to make a big deal of this.”

“I don’t care what Tooney wants. It is a big deal. That guy was not trying to mug him.”

Harp took a breath. “He’d just rather not have the police involved, that’s all. I would think you, of all people, would be sensitive to that.”

“Excuse me?”

Trying very hard not to look at his son, Harp said, “It’s just…It’s over. He wants to move on.”

There were nods all around, the wise men suddenly existing in some kind of alternate universe from the one Logan inhabited.

“You told that guy Tooney was mugged. Mugging’s a crime, too, Dad. The hospital’s probably already called the cops.”

“We had to tell him something,” Barney said. “He looks like he was in a fight.”

“That’s because he was!” Logan told him, surprised once again. “For God’s sake, you’re a doctor .”

“Retired,” his dad threw in.

“I don’t care if he’s retired,” Logan said to him, then turned back to Barney. “Aren’t you morally obligated to do the right thing?”

Barney glanced at him for a second, then looked away. “In this case, I believe that we are doing the right thing.”

Logan sat back, and took in the lot of them. “Have you all gone senile?”

“Hey, that’s not funny,” his father said.

Logan didn’t care if it was funny or not. At the moment, he almost meant it. “You know what? You and your buddies can do whatever you’d like, Dad, but I know what the guy looks like, and I got the license number of his car. I’ll tell the police myself.”

He started to get up, but his father put a hand on his shoulder. “Logan, you can’t.”

“Really? Why not?”

“Because that’s not what Tooney wants.”

“We’re going in circles here, Dad.” This time he did stand. “I’ll check in later to see how he’s—”

“At least do me this much. Wait and talk to Tooney first. I’m asking you as a favor.”

Logan closed his eyes for half a second. His father almost never asked for favors. He stood for a moment longer, thinking about it before he gave Harp a single, terse nod, then sat back down.

Harp patted him knee. “Thanks, Logan. Thanks.”

The others looked relieved, too.

They waited for thirty minutes before the man who’d asked them the questions earlier finally returned. Turned out his name was Mayer, and he wasn’t an orderly. He was one of the doctors on duty.

“Mr. Myat wanted me to give you an update,” he said. “The good news is that there doesn’t appear to be any internal bleeding. What he does have is a minor concussion, a cracked rib, and some cuts and bruises. We’d like to keep him overnight, but he’s insisting on going home.” The doctor paused. “He told me he lives alone. I would feel more comfortable releasing him if there were someone he could stay with for a few days.”

“I got plenty of room,” Harp said right away. “He can stay with me.”

The doctor looked skeptically at Logan’s father, his eyes glancing briefly at the new bandage on the side of Harp’s head.

“What?” Harp asked. “It’s just a cut. You saw it yourself.” He tapped the bandage with his hand. “See? Doesn’t even hurt.”

“Harp’s fine,” Barney said to Dr. Mayer. “But I’ll check in on both of them a few times a day, too.”

“Okay,” the doctor said, looking only semi-reassured. “I’ll have him released. He should be out in just a bit. But…”

“But what?” Harp asked.

The doctor paused, then said, his tone even more serious than before, “It’s procedure for us to report crimes of violence.”

Logan shot his dad a quick told-you-so look.

“Since it happened in Cambria, I understand that falls under the Sheriff’s jurisdiction,” Dr. Mayer went on. “They’re sending someone over, but I don’t believe they’re here yet. So we’d appreciate it if you could hang around until they can talk with Mr. Myat.”

“Of course,” Harp said. “No problem. But, uh, Tooney doesn’t have to wait in back until they show up, does he?”

The doctor smiled. “Not at all. I’ll send him out as soon as he’s ready.”

“Thanks, doc. Appreciate it.”

After the doctor left, Harp eyed his son nervously. Logan was content to remain quiet, knowing it wasn’t helping his dad’s state of mind.

Tooney was wheeled out ten minutes later. Everyone smiled and told him he looked great and was going to be fine. The second part was hopefully true, but the first wasn’t even close. With a nasty bruise on his cheek and a couple of cuts—one on his nose and one near his temple, Tooney looked like a man in a lot of pain.

As the reunion ebbed, Logan caught his father’s eye, silently suggesting that now might be a good time for that talk he promised. Harp sighed, then nodded, and said, “Tooney. Logan’s having a hard time understanding the…uh…mugging issue. Thinks we probably should tell the truth when the Sheriff’s department shows up.”

“Not probably, Dad,” Logan corrected him.

His father frowned, but continued to look at his friend. “I thought it might be better if you explained to him…you know…”

Tooney gingerly turned his head in Logan’s direction. “Logan, thank you so much for helping me this morning.”

“I’m just glad I was there,” Logan said.

“I want you to know, I understand your concerns. But this matter…personal. A…mistake.”

“A mistake?”

“A miscommunication, that’s all.” He hesitated, then added, “Please, Logan, for me, say nothing.”

“Tooney, he was going to kill you.”

“Please,” he said, his eyes pleading. “I beg you. This most important to me. Say nothing.”

A glance at Harp told Logan that his father, and probably the rest of the WAMOs, knew whatever it was Tooney was unwilling to share. Apparently, it was enough to convince these old men to lie to the authorities for their friend.

Behind Logan, the door to the outside opened. Given the way Tooney and his father tensed, it didn’t take a genius to know the Sheriff’s deputies had arrived.

Tooney glanced at Logan again, panic now joining the fear on this face.

“I really don’t understand,” Logan said, then hesitated. He was confused by the fact the six men in front of him, men who he respected, were asking him to do something that didn’t make any apparent sense. But respect was one of the things his father had stressed to him growing up, and it was hard to go against that, especially with this group. “I know I’m going to regret this, but if that’s what you want, fine.”

Without another word, he stood up and left before the sheriff’s deputies could be directed their way. Apparently, he didn’t have anything to say to them anyway, because, according to the others, he wasn’t even there when the incident happened.


After dropping Tooney’s Bronco off behind his café, Logan headed over to the Dunn Right, getting there just past 9 a.m.

Since he was usually the first one in every morning, he took some ribbing from the other guys for oversleeping, but didn’t correct the misperception. Soon they were all elbows deep on their own projects, and talk was restricted to the occasional joke or comment on something the DJ on the radio said.

At noon, as Logan headed out to grab some lunch, Alejandro, Dunn Right’s head mechanic, pulled him aside. “Harp not coming in?”

Logan’s dad had yet to show up, which, in Alejandro’s eyes, would be unusual. Harp had seldom missed a day in the forty years since he’d bought the place from a guy name Alan Dunn. He’d kept the name because, as he always liked to say, “Dunn Right sounds a hell of a lot better than Harper Right.”

“He had some things he had to take care of,” Logan said.

“He’s feeling okay, though, right?” Alejandro had been at Dunn Right for twenty-one years, and had developed a close relationship with Harp.

“He’s—” Logan stopped himself. Those stitches on the side of his dad’s head were going to be very visible, so just saying he was fine wouldn’t cut it. “Actually, he fell down this morning. It’s nothing serious. Just a cut on the side of his head that needed a few stitches.”

“You weren’t going to tell me about that? What was it? The stairs? I keep telling him that he needs to move someplace that’s only one story.”

“It wasn’t the stairs,” Logan told him. “He was…helping a friend, got pulled off balance and fell. Just an accident. Could have happened to you, too.”

“But he’s going to be okay?”

“He’s already okay.”

“You going to go see him now?”

“There’s no reason to. I’m just going to go get some lunch.”

“Maybe I should go check on him.”

“Alejandro, he’s fine. He might not even be there.”

“Where would he be?”

“I don’t know. Probably out with one of his WAMO buddies.”

That seemed to placate him enough so that Logan could leave.

The afternoon was split between working on the fuel pump of an old Chevy Blazer, and fending off more questions from Alejandro when it became apparent Harp wasn’t going to show up at all.

At a quarter to five, as Logan was cleaning off a day’s worth of grease and getting ready to go home, his cell phone rang.

“I ordered pizza from Round Up,” his father said. “Can you pick it up and bring it over?”

“Aren’t one of those high school kids around? Have him pick it up for you.” Harp lost his license the year before Logan moved back, and had gotten into the habit of hiring local high school kids to chauffeur him around.

“Gave them all the day off. Besides, I bought enough for you, too. This is me inviting you to dinner.”

Logan hesitated for a moment, then said “Sure, Dad. I’ll be there in a bit.”

Not feeling like walking all the way home just to get his car, he decided to use the old Isuzu Rodeo they kept around the shop. When he arrived at the Round Up, he found not just one pizza waiting for him, but three. All large. Apparently, he wasn’t the only one joining his dad and Tooney for dinner.

Harp lived on Princeton Lane in the Marine Terrace section of town. His place was on the down slope of the hill that led to the beach, and had a near 180-degree view of the Pacific Ocean. Years ago, before Logan’s mom had died, and when land prices were still relatively cheap, his parents bought the property behind theirs so that no one could ever build on it and obstruct their view. Logan was willing to bet most of his father’s neighbors wished they’d done the same.

The house was two stories, but because of the slope, the front door opened onto a foyer between the two levels. From there, stairs led up and down. On the bottom floor were Logan’s old room, the guest room, and his father’s home office. Up, though, was where Harp spent most of his time. That’s where the kitchen, the combo dining room/living room, and the master suite were all located. The top floor also had a deck off the back where the WAMO guys liked to enjoy a glass of wine as they watched the sun go down when it wasn’t too cold.

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