Andrew Lobaczewski - Political Ponerology: A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes

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Political Ponerology: A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Andrew Lobaczewski
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and society, 70

Primitive character of 19th

As fundamental unit of

century, 71

analysis , 59

Split in social movements

Healing, 44

between founders and

Hysteroidal Cycle, 86

pathological types, 192

Overpowered by schizoids,

Ignota nulla curatio morbi ,


30, 44, 229

Pathologizing of, 195

Immunity, 36, 47, 48, 82, 88,

vs. collective interests, 81

120, 140, 141, 154, 156,

World view as basis for

160, 179, 206, 217, 234,

decision-making, 53

236, 244, 245, 247, 275,

Individual and place in

276, 277, 279, 286, 287,

society, 75

288, 289, 293, 298, 299,

Individual freedom, 81

300, 301, 308

Individual psychological

as holistic factor of

anomalies, 43

organism , 224

Indoctrination, 33, 34, 195,

From psychopathy, 34

197, 245, 250

of human reason, 88

Failure of, 196

Of normal people against

Of American soldiers by

pathocracy, 196

North Vietnamese, 233

of society, 78

Induction, 36, 147, 267



Pathological, 142

Level of and understanding

Information selection, 152

of pathocracy, 238

Innate traits, 52

Normal people’s superior,

Instinct, 53, 60, 61, 62, 63,

240, 241

71, 80, 81, 82, 127, 148,

Percentage of gifted, 64

213, 232, 237, 252, 262,

Specific of pathocracy, 211


Introspection, 49, 63, 85, 267

Inability to distinguish

Israel, 271

pathological aberrations,

Jackals, 136


Jenkins, R., 122, 312

Pathological aberrations, 61

Jung, C.G., 49

sthenic, 62

Knowledge, 28, 31, 42, 44,

Instinctive endowment, 59,

47, 48, 49, 57, 68, 69, 70,

60, 150

77, 83, 85, 88, 93, 94, 95,

Instinctive substratum, 60,

102, 103, 104, 110, 127,

118, 124, 126, 145, 225,

129, 134, 135, 137, 143,

240, 262

148, 152, 172, 173, 179,

Deficits in allow

227, 235, 239, 241, 243,

pathological influence

257, 259, 260, 261, 262,

of, 36

263, 264, 266, 267, 269,

Factor in joining the

278, 280, 281, 284, 293,

opposition, 237

294, 297, 298, 300, 301,

Human difference from

303, 304, 309, 310

animals, 60

Acquired, 62

Normal, 235

and religion, 268

Pathocratic belief they can

Emergence of individuals

change others, 231

who understand the

Intelligence, 64, 77, 78, 102,

pathocracy, 243

113, 114, 115, 121, 124,

Illusory, 158

127, 157, 202, 210, 225,

Incorporating practical

231, 235, 237, 238, 251,

knowledge, 252

262, 291, 307

Misformed through

and instinctual substratum,

characteropathy, 107


Moral knowledge, 268

Collective, 73

Natural, 185

Correlation with internal

Objective, 220

projection, 64

Objective Nautral, 30

Deficiencies in pathological

of psychological resistance

types, 240

to pathocracy, 236

Individual differences in,

Practical k. about


pathocracy, 234

Judgments by people on, 77



Practical knowledge of

Influence of Greek on

pathocracy, 196, 220,

Christianity, 47

241, 244, 245, 275

Limits in describing

Religious justification to

psychopathy, 39

reject, 270

Moralizing, 104

Scientific, 237

Natural, 39, 42, 55, 68, 72,

Secret, 34

73, 89, 127, 206, 222,

Special knowledge of


pasychopaths, 211

Inability to explain

Special knowledge of

world, 53

psychopath, 36

Natural conceptual, 158

Special knowledge of

Need for objective

psychopaths, 127, 128,

language to understand

145, 171, 240, 241

pathocracy, 222

Special knowledge of the

Objective, 42, 51, 53, 55,

psychopath, 36

66, 70, 72, 270, 274

Specific knowledge of

Elaboration of, 55

psychopaths, 257

Psychological, 50, 51, 59,

Koestler, Arthur, 38


Kraepelin, Emil, 123

Scientific, 40, 41

Kraul Taylor, F., 122, 312

Semiotics, 72

Kretschmer, E., 135, 136

Social Science, 41

Kretschmer, Ernst, 135

Using pathocratic language,

Language, 27, 39, 41, 42, 45,


51, 55, 58, 70, 97, 128,

Law, 45, 47, 85, 87, 121, 142,

165, 173, 188, 225, 239,

143, 148, 157, 168, 193,

243, 244, 252, 274, 287,

207, 213, 276, 279, 288,


289, 290, 293, 295, 308,

Common among


pathcracies, 200

Beyond moralizing, 309

Conceptual, 50

Botany, 103

Content Plane, 72

Emergence of monotheistic

Description of psychopathy

idea, 268

through natural

Incapable of counteracting

language, 38

pathocractic phenomena,

Expression Plane, 72


Formation of new language

Moral, 151

of normal people, 241

Natural, 138, 139

Formulated for this work,

Roman, 46


Simplified notion of a

Inability to deal with

being, 48

analysis of psychopathy,

Laws of social life, 71, 94,





Lecter, Hannibal, 10

Moralizing interpretation, 42,

Legal Argument, 20

53, 148, 151, 157, 181,

Lenin, V.I., 112

184, 207, 220, 221, 239,

Le#mian, Boles"aw, 249

274, 285, 292, 293

Life and Fate , 112

Of schizoidal declaration,

!obaczewski, 7


!obaczewski, Andrew, 15,

Mumps, 119, 159

16, 19, 25, 72, 73, 144,

Munthe, Axel, 89

238, 258, 263

Mythological imagination, 46

Biography, 315

Neoconservatives, 8, 24, 109,

Lorenz, Konrad, 60

186, 207

Luria, 113

Neoconsevratives, 206

Macropathy, 79, 80

Neurosis, 139, 226, 234, 283,

Macrosocial pathological


phenomenon, 82, 128, 203,

Natural reaction to

206, 216, 229, 253, 279,

subordination to

280, 285

pathocrats, 251

and religion, 269

Ontogeny , 52

Macrosocial Phenomena, 42,

Opinion Polls, 77


Paralogism, 90, 154, 205,

Macrosocial Phenomenon, 28,

211, 251

29, 55, 91, 203, 204, 213,

Paralogistics, 155

226, 241, 243, 245, 247,

Paramoralism, 110, 149, 150,

253, 262, 263, 264, 282,

151, 155, 205, 211, 218,

283, 285, 291, 294, 301

236, 248, 251, 271

Magid, Ken, 18

Paramoralism, 170, 171

Marx, Karl, 125, 188, 255

Paranoid Character Disorders,

As example of schizoidal


personality, 186

Paranoid Disorder

Schizoidia, 188

Effects on Normal People,

Marxism, 166


Mask of Sanity, The


(Cleckley), 128, 311

Imposed by force, 220

McKelvey, Caroline, 18

Pathocracy, 36, 43, 175, 177,

Mill, J.S., 58

180, 183, 184, 195, 196,

Mill, John Stuart, 58

197, 199, 200, 201, 202,

Moral judgment, 54, 180, 181

204, 208, 212, 213, 214,

and pathocrats, 222

216, 218, 219, 220, 221,

As result of natural world

223, 224, 227, 228, 230,

view, 53

237, 238, 249, 250, 253,

Moral reason, 64, 78, 150

256, 257, 266, 269, 270,

Moralizing interpretation, 39

271, 275, 276, 280, 285,

287, 288, 291, 293, 297,



298, 299, 300, 301, 304,

imposed by force, 203, 213,

305, 306

214, 221, 275

Affecting susceptible

Incapable of management,

personalities, 211


and Children, 234

Inherent economic

And conquest, 210

weakness, 210

And Ideology, 200

Key roles filled by

And morals , 205

pathological types, 194

and Religion, 267, 269

Lack of creative skills, 198

Art of psychological terror,

Legalistic thinking, 212


Limited by military of

artificially infected, 203,

others, 210


Need for expansionism,

and religion, 275


As disease, 44

New bourgeoisie of, 225

as macrosocial disease, 229

Percentage of population,

Control over psychology,



Period of maturation, 195

Control over scientific

Psychophysiological shock

organizations, 259

of, 236

Definition of, 193

Purging of transitional

Destruction of normal

leadership, 220

people as biological

Religion under, 274

necessity , 208

Revenge upon normal

Dissimulative form, 220

people, 215

Double game of new

Role of characteropathy in,

bourgeoisie, 226


Effects on normal people,

Role of instincts in, 262


Role of liberal pathocrats,

Eliminating books from


libraries, 35

Role of schizoids in

Essential factors in genesis

formation of, 185

of, 183

Science a danger to, 258

Etiological factors of, 203

Second group of influence,

Expansion of, 206


Expansionism derived from

Structure of, 226

very nature of, 209

Susceptible individuals,

Feels threatened by society


of normal people , 207

Percentage of

Found in all societies and

population, 223

social movements, 199

Terror, 233

Immunity by effects of

toxic substances, 223



War as means of

Destructive effects upon,

eliminating normal


people, 208

Development of, 94

Weakness of, 198, 199

Disintegrative states, 67,

Pathological conspiracies, 78

145, 153, 286

Pathological factors, 42, 69,

Effects of pathocracy upon,

87, 101, 102, 104, 105,


109, 111, 116, 119, 122,

Effects of pathological

137, 141, 143, 145, 149,

types on, 140

151, 154, 155, 157, 160,

Egotization of, 67

163, 167, 168, 169, 177,

Emotional factors affect

180, 181, 188, 218, 234,

perception, 53

235, 265, 273, 274, 276,

Formation of, 70

292, 301

how influenced by

And final transformation of

characteropathy, 106

social movments, 189

In the face of psychopathy,

And ideology, 201


Monitoring of, 103

Instability of, 66

Pathological thought, 74

Judeo-Christian Notion, 46

Pathological types

Oversimplifications by

Inherited deviations, 162

Church, 58

Paranoid, 189

Pathocracy and children,

Pavlov, Ivan, 49, 111


Perinatal damage, 105, 113,

Psychological causation of,

114, 116, 142


Personality, 34, 42, 48, 51,

Psychological differences

59, 62, 63, 67, 71, 72, 85,

in, 65

87, 94, 102, 103, 110, 111,

Psychological View, 49, 50

112, 114, 115, 117, 139,

Recession of in happy

140, 145, 146, 147, 152,

times, 89

155, 157, 176, 182, 185,

Reconstruction of, 282

187, 211, 213, 217, 226,

Reintegrative state, 67

232, 234, 237, 248, 250,

Roman notion, 46

262, 264, 270, 285, 286,

Supra-sensory causation

299, 312

and, 66

6% succomb to pathocratic

PersonalityEffects of

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