Кирилл Сидоркин - A baker

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Данная книга предназначена для дополнительного чтения в рамках программы по английскому языку 2-4 классы, а также дополнительного чтения. Книга содержит иллюстрации с возможностью раскрасить изображения цветными карандашами. Лексико-грамматический материал включает в себя все основные правила программы 2-4 класса, а также дополнительные правила для повышения интереса к предмету. Сюжет повествует о человеке, изменившим свою жизнь ради нового увлечения. Второе издание.

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Кирилл Сидоркин

A baker


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Once upon a time in the office

Who is this man Does he like his job What do you think about - фото 1

Who is this man?

Does he like his job?

What do you think about paper?

Middle-aged man is sitting in the office and sorting papers. Sorting papers – skill, as he gets in the university. He is so lucky, because a lot of people have not got any special skills. University is very important, and people talk about it every time. University such as school but is bigger and more difficult Mostly people like - фото 2

University such as school, but is bigger and more difficult. Mostly people like University more, than school. In school, people study all kinds of science, but in University people study special sciences and professions. Some people study medicine to be a doctor. Some people study pedagogy to be a teacher. Some people study paper to be an office man.

His job isn’t difficult, but, sometimes it’s very boring. He wants to be a doctor or firefighter, but he is office man. Man has a lot of money, more than a doctor or firefighter.

When man works, he has a lot of time to think. He thinks about his life, childhood, parents, neighbors, home, foods, drinks, job at last. But, he forgets every thought when worktime is over. And he starts thinking about all minds on next work day.

Now man is thinking about papers Papers may be green orange red blue - фото 3

Now, man is thinking about papers. Papers may be green, orange, red, blue, brown, white. His job is very important, because he must be sorting papers by colors. After it, special men take papers away. Different special men bring him colorful papers. Different special men called deliverymen. Office men always think they are better than deliverymen, but it isn’t true.

Only men work in this industry It is traditions Man doesnt think about - фото 4

Only men work in this industry. It is traditions. Man doesn’t think about traditions, but, women, for his opinion, can do some job responsibilities better. A lot of men think the same, but master can’t hire women. If master does it, he won’t be a master. 5 years ago, old master hired woman for this job, but she worked better and some men were sad.

Day by day, man works with colorful papers. He has two days in a week for rest. Man works from nine o’clock am to six o’clock pm. He has time to lunch at twelve o’clock. Man and other men eat tea and f-bread.

Men like bread so much, but some big people, bigger than other, make a law. Factories can’t cook bread, it’s a low. People can cook bread for yourself or their friends, but not for sale. F-bread it is like a bread, but with taste of meat, vegetables and sugar. Some f-bread has taste of pepper and milk. It is universal food for mostly people.

Some years ago resources ended for most people on the planet Also some - фото 5

Some years ago, resources ended for most people on the planet. Also, some industries, like agriculture, were in decay. One clever man, mostly clever then other, created new technology. This technology can make all kind of products from one product – soy. It is not tasty, but a lot of people are not hungry.

After this finding most resources are restored But some industries - фото 6

After this finding, most resources are restored. But, some industries disappeared too. Big companies don’t create a new products or grow something. Only one company make food from soy for citizens. In the countryside, people make food and grow traditionally. Sometimes, they sell it in the cities, but a lot of people are not interest for it. Also, the law created a long time ago, and most people forgot any information about cooking bread.

Today is a special day because man completes his papers early All men - фото 7

Today is a special day, because man completes his papers early. All men complete early. If one man complete early, he must be waiting all men. If all man complete early, they go home.

Now, all men and our man are going to go home. They are talking about their stuffs, specially about trees. All people in this city like talking about trees. And they don’t know why. Exercise 1 Say true or false Papers may be only white Man works in - фото 8

Exercise 1.

Say true or false:

Papers may be only white.

Man works in laboratory.

Master can hire women.

F-bread is a real bread.

People can cook bread for yourself or their friends, but not for sale.

A long way home

What kind of public transport he prefers?

Why is he not going home?

Does he read often?

After work, man is waiting for his tram on tram stop. His colleges usually go home by car, train or bus, but man likes only trams, especially red trams.

Red trams are faster. He knows, it is not true, but he likes this thinks. If he can, he buys personally tram. But he can’t. Only government can have trams. In the tram man is looking on streets and buildings Usually he is so - фото 9

In the tram, man is looking on streets and buildings. Usually he is so tired and doesnt think about them But now he is not - фото 10

Usually, he is so tired, and doesn’t think about them. But now, he is not tired. He thinks about buildings, their color.

Some buildings are used for living. Some buildings are used for factories. Some buildings are used for offices. Some buildings are used for government needs. But, he doesn’t know why people use some buildings. Today he is getting out from the tram and going to this nobody needs - фото 11

Today, he is getting out from the tram, and going to this nobody needs building. This building called Library. It is very quiet, peaceful and interesting place. Man’s meeting a library worker. She was so happy to see him. Here, man recognizes, that library is home for books. Bookss like a paper but in paper houses A long time ago people liked - фото 12

Books’s like a paper, but in paper houses. A long time ago, people liked reading books. But now people don’t read anymore, they like work and traditions. It is not necessary to read books. All information for living, people get from old people or instruction. Also, they have been knowing information from schools, universities, newspapers, jobs.

Woman, who called librarian, asked man simple question, ‘Are you going to read books?’ Man thinks about it. He chooses the book about bread, because he likes bread, and he can tell it in office. Of course, he likes a lot of things, but he doesn’t know anything about bread. He must go back home.

His journey is not long maybe 24 bus stations Man must buy some products - фото 13

His journey is not long, maybe 2-4 bus station’s. Man must buy some products. There is a supermarket, near his home.

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