Liz Fielding - The Tycoon's Takeover

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Taking on the boss…India Claibourne is bright, beautiful and the boss of an exclusive London department store. Jordan Farraday is a devastatingly handsome tycoon–and his number one aim is to take over that store!Jordan may make her heart pound with excitement, but no way is India going to let that happen. The battle of wills commences–the final showdown that will dig up past secrets and shake up everything that is dear to India and Jordan. There was only supposed to be one winner–but perhaps this time there will be two….

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The Tycoon's Takeover - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно (ознакомительный отрывок), автор Liz Fielding
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“Is that the way the Claibournes close a deal?” he asked.

“I’m sorry? Did you want something in writing?”

“Nothing so formal.” Even while she was sending frantic signals to her brain, he raised his hand, sliding his fingers through her hair, cradling her head, holding her captive. He gave her his personal interpretation of sealing an agreement with a kiss.

This was a kiss intended to make a lasting impression. He was completely in control, while she was hot, flushed and vibrantly aware that every cell in her body was being given a wake-up call.

“Now,” he said, “we have a deal.”

Dear Reader,

Welcome to the climax of my new trilogy, BOARDROOM BRIDEGROOMS.

I do hope you’ve enjoyed reading about the three talented Claibourne sisters—Romana, Flora and India. I’ve loved writing their stories, bringing to life the drama and emotion as they’ve clashed with the Farradays, three dynamic businessmen determined to regain control of Claibourne & Farraday, “the most stylish department store in London.”

This time it’s India’s turn to meet her match in a thrilling showdown. Elegant, clever and wedded to her career, India is about to find herself locked in a clash of wills with the irresistible Jordan Farraday. A power struggle in the boardroom and…out of it….

With love,

Liz Fielding

Liz Fielding is the winner of the 2001 RITA ®Award for Best Traditional Romance. To find out more about the author, visit her Web site at

The Tycoon’s Takeover

Liz Fielding

The Tycoons Takeover - изображение 1

















Samarinda, fast becoming the ‘must go’ destination for those seeking a get-away-from-it-all break, was host to a very private wedding ceremony for Flora Claibourne and Bram Farraday Gifford last week. These charming pictures show the happy couple taking their vows in the stunning setting of the Royal Botanical Gardens, surrounded by wild vanilla orchids, a feature of this delightful venue.

This is the second Claibourne/Farraday wedding in as many months. Forebears of the two families founded London’s favourite department store in the nineteenth century, but relations between them, at times, been reduced to near feud status over control of the store.

The new generation, however, have refreshingly decided that it’s better to make love than war. Flora’s younger sister, Romana, and Bram’s cousin, Niall Farraday Macaulay, were married recently in Las Vegas.

We look forward to a new era of co-operation at Claibourne & Farraday, and wish both couples every happiness.


Another Claibourne/Farraday merger.

There’s a new spirit of co-operation abroad at London’s oldest department store, Claibourne & Farraday. The present generation of the two founding families—who famously never talk to one another—are doing more than talk as they finally meet face to face to thrash out the future of the company in the new century. The marriages between the two younger Claibourne sisters and Farraday heirs have been quiet affairs, however, suggesting that nothing is yet settled at the top.

India Claibourne is still Managing Director, and my sources suggest that Jordan Farraday is determined to supplant her in the immediate future. We’ll be following events at the store with close interest.


‘HAVE you seen this, JD?’

Jordan Farraday turned from the e-mail that had just arrived in his inbox. His secretary was offering him a magazine, folded back at the ‘Who Got Hitched’ page. ‘You read Celebrity magazine, Christine? I had no idea you were that interested in the loves and lives of the rich and famous.’

‘I live in hopes of seeing you in there one of these days,’ she replied, as he took the magazine from her. ‘Having a little fun.’ Then, ‘I wasn’t sure if you knew.’ She paused. ‘You didn’t say anything.’

‘I knew.’ He glanced at the photograph of his cousin, caught at the moment he placed a wedding ring on Flora Claibourne’s finger, and felt an unexpected pang of something he couldn’t quite identify. Envy? It was ridiculous—and yet Bram looked different…complete. As if he’d found something he’d been looking for all his life. Nonsense, of course. It was just the reflected glow of satisfaction from a woman who’d got exactly what she wanted. ‘There’s a paragraph in the late edition of the Evening Post,’ he said. ‘Presumably they picked it up from this.’

‘Bram didn’t call you? Before? After?’

He looked up, a wry smile twisting his mouth. ‘Would you?’

She shook her head. ‘Those Claibourne girls are quite something. I wonder what they use?’


‘Spells, charms, love potions…’ she offered. ‘I’d have said that your cousins were two of the most unlikely marriage prospects in London.’ Then, with a slight gesture that deferred to him, ‘After you.’

‘Thank you,’ he said drily.

‘Yet first Niall and now Bram have succumbed with a speed that suggests something added to the water.’

‘Grief fades in time. The playboy life loses its charm. They were ready to fall in love,’ he said dismissively. ‘My mistake was to put them in close contact with two of the most interesting women in London.’

‘And you’re about to spend a month in the company of interesting woman number three. Their big sister. The boss lady who’s presumably taught them everything they know. Are you crazy?’

‘No, Christine, single-minded.’ He glanced again at the photograph. ‘Unlike my cousins, who seem to have had other things on their minds, regaining control of a department store is my priority. At the end of the month I shall have done just that.’

‘You don’t need to shadow India Claibourne for five minutes, let alone a month, to achieve that.’

‘No,’ he agreed, ‘I don’t. But it’s polite to give the lady a chance to make her case.’

‘Rubbish.’ Her eyes narrowed. ‘You’re up to something.’ And when he didn’t bother to deny it, she said, ‘It’ll all end in tears.’

‘That,’ he said, ‘is the plan.’

‘If you’re suggesting they’ll be her tears, I think you should go back to the drawing board,’ she said, retrieving the magazine and holding up the picture as a warning. ‘Consider what happened to your cousins when they got involved with the Claibourne girls.’

‘That was just a sideshow, Christine. This is the main event.’

‘You’re playing with fire.’

‘It wouldn’t be the first time,’ he pointed out.

‘When it comes to taking a chance with money, I’d put my last silk shirt on you. This is different.’

‘Are you suggesting that I don’t know what I’m doing?’

‘Heaven forbid,’ she declared. ‘I’m simply suggesting that if you value your freedom you should invent a crisis that requires your presence on the other side of the world for the next month. Leave the Claibourne & Farraday business to the lawyers.’

‘Bolt for cover? And have the City Diary editor amuse his readers with the suggestion that I’m running scared of India Claibourne? They would enjoy that.’

‘There are worse things than being laughed at. Marriage isn’t just a word, JD. It’s a sentence. I know. I served nearly ten years before I managed to tunnel out.’

‘Christine, we’ve worked together for a long time. You know me probably as well as anyone on this earth. Are you really suggesting that I won’t be able to spend a few hours in the company of India Claibourne without falling so hopelessly in love with her that I’ll be on my knees within the month?’

‘Accounts are already organising a sweepstake on how long you’ll last,’ she replied.

It did not escape his notice that she hadn’t answered his question. But then she didn’t know the full history. For his cousins control of Claibourne & Farraday was just good business. For him it was personal. Deeply personal.

This wasn’t just about a department store. That was the public dispute, one that had been thoroughly rehearsed thirty years earlier, and the outcome was a foregone conclusion—as India Claibourne must know. Her father must have warned her that she couldn’t win, but she was stubbornly refusing to accept the inevitable, refusing to play by the rules.

He wasn’t taken in for a minute by her invitation for him and his cousins to spend time at the store, to ‘shadow’ her and her sisters, see how the store was run in this high-tech media age. She was just playing for time while she and her lawyers tried to find some loophole in the partnership agreement that would allow her to remain in control.

Not that he was complaining. If he’d planned it himself, it couldn’t have worked out better.

That he would take over from Peter Claibourne now that he’d retired was inevitable. India Claibourne’s decision to put up a fight, giving Jordan the opportunity to reverse history, humiliate her as her father had humiliated his mother, was icing spread thickly on the cake.

Christine was still waiting for some response, he realised. ‘A sweepstake?’ he repeated. ‘On what, exactly?’

‘On how many days it will be before you, um, get down on your knees.’

‘My knees? And why would I do that?’

‘To propose to the lady. Beg her to marry you.’

‘Oh, please!’

‘I realise that’s an alien concept for a man of your wealth, name and all-round fanciability. But it cannot have escaped your notice that she’s got a matching set.’

No, it hadn’t escaped his notice. India Claibourne was as lovely as she was rich. But she had one fatal weakness: she’d do anything to keep control of Claibourne & Farraday. ‘And a proposal would be enough, would it? For some lucky soul to win this sweepstake?’

‘A diamond on the lady’s finger is one option,’ she admitted. ‘But the hot ticket is for a wedding.’

‘Within a month? How likely is that?’

She held up one finger. ‘Niall Farraday Macaulay married Romana Claibourne in Las Vegas on Day 29.’ A second finger. ‘Bram Farraday Gifford married Flora Claibourne in Saraminda on Day 30. I’m sure that anything they can do, you can do better.’ Then, with a grin, ‘Three’s a charm, JD.’

‘Is that so?’ He shrugged. ‘Well, here’s the word from the horse’s mouth. If you’ve got money to waste on such nonsense, make sure you draw the number with “No Wedding” written next to it. Believe me, whatever gossip you may read in your magazine, it’ll take more than a seductive smile to get me in front of a registrar.’

‘The lady has more. A whole department store more. Why don’t you save time—and lawyers’ fees—and propose a dynastic marriage? That way you both win. You have to admit that she’d make any man a stunning consort.’

‘I’m admitting nothing. And I thought you were opposed to marriage on principle?’

‘Arranged marriages are different. The participants have more realistic expectations. And this would be more like an advantageous merger of two companies—something you know all about.’ Taken with the idea, she went on, ‘I can’t understand why it hasn’t happened before—in the days when marriages were arranged for gain, rather than left to chance. The families must have been close at one time.’

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