Elizabeth Mayne - Lord Of The Isle

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Table of Contents

Cover Page

Excerpt “May I have my knife back?” Morgana asked as she fastened the belt buckle at her waist. Hugh swung his eyes back to the woman. Her intense gaze was leveled at his waist, where her blade rested in the same sheath as his dirk. “Until I know you better, Morgana of Kildare, I think the blade best rest where it is. I applaud your skill with it. One man of six dispatched to his Maker, three others wounded. You are a dangerous woman.” “A desperate woman, sir,” she challenged him without compunction. “I would feel far safer if the blade rested in my own sheath.” Hugh leaned over her, deliberately sliding his hand under her skirt to find the sheath neatly buckled below her left knee. His eyes met hers. “You will be safe in my care without it.” The rhythm of Morgana’s heart arrested. She knew exactly what he was telling her—he was the one in control….

Dear Reader Dear Reader, Elizabeth Mayne’s first book, All That Matters, was released during our annual March Madness promotion in 1995, and recently won a RITA Award nomination from the Romance Writers of America. This month’s Lord of the Isle is a classic Elizabethan tale about an Irish nobleman who unwittingly falls in love with an Irish rebel from an outlawed family. We hope you enjoy it. The Return of Chase Cordell is a Western from Linda Castle, who is fast becoming one of our most popular authors. It’s a poignant love story about a war hero with amnesia who rediscovers a forgotten passion for his young bride. Gayle Wilson, who is also a RITA Award nominee, is back with Raven’s Vow, a haunting Regency novel about a marriage of convenience between an American investor and an English heiress. Our fourth title for the month is Ana Seymour’s sequel to Gabriel’s Lady, Lucky Bride, the delightful story of a ranch hand who joins forces with his beautiful boss to save her land from a dangerous con man. Whatever your taste in reading, we hope you’ll enjoy all of these terrific stories. Please keep a lookout for all four titles. Sincerely, Tracy Farrell Senior Editor Please address questions and book requests to: Harlequin Reader Service U.S.: 3010 Walden Ave., P.O. Box 1325, Buffalo, NY 14269 Canadian: P.O. Box 609, Fort Erie, Ont. L2A 5X3

Title Page Lord of the Isle Elizabeth Mayne www.millsandboon.co.uk

About the Author ELIZABETH MAYNE is a native San Antonian, who knew by the age of eleven how to spin a good yarn according to every teacher she ever faced. She’s spent the past twenty years making up for all her transgressions on the opposite side of the teacher’s desk, and the past five working exclusively with troubled children. She particularly loves an ethnic hero, and married one of her own twenty years ago. But it wasn’t until their youngest, a daughter, was two years old that life calmed down enough for this writer to fulfill the dream she’d always had of becoming a novelist.

Dedication Emma Frances Merritt 1940 - 1995 The mentor every young writer should have.

Book 1 The Heir of Dungannon Book 1 The Heir of Dungannon “Old Days! The wild geese are flighting, Head to the storm as they faced it before! For where there are Irish there’s loving and fighting, And when we stop either, it’s Ireland no more!” “The Irish Guards” Rudyard Kipling

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Book 2 The Earl of Tyrone

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Book 3 The O’Neill

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two



“May I have my knife back?”

Morgana asked as she fastened the belt buckle at her waist.

Hugh swung his eyes back to the woman. Her intense gaze was leveled at his waist, where her blade rested in the same sheath as his dirk.

“Until I know you better, Morgana of Kildare, I think the blade best rest where it is. I applaud your skill with it. One man of six dispatched to his Maker, three others wounded. You are a dangerous woman.”

“A desperate woman, sir,” she challenged him without compunction. “I would feel far safer if the blade rested in my own sheath.”

Hugh leaned over her, deliberately sliding his hand under her skirt to find the sheath neatly buckled below her left knee. His eyes met hers. “You will be safe in my care without it.”

The rhythm of Morgana’s heart arrested. She knew exactly what he was telling her—he was the one in control….

Dear Reader,

Elizabeth Mayne’s first book, All That Matters, was released during our annual March Madness promotion in 1995, and recently won a RITA Award nomination from the Romance Writers of America. This month’s Lord of the Isle is a classic Elizabethan tale about an Irish nobleman who unwittingly falls in love with an Irish rebel from an outlawed family. We hope you enjoy it.

The Return of Chase Cordell is a Western from Linda Castle, who is fast becoming one of our most popular authors. It’s a poignant love story about a war hero with amnesia who rediscovers a forgotten passion for his young bride. Gayle Wilson, who is also a RITA Award nominee, is back with Raven’s Vow, a haunting Regency novel about a marriage of convenience between an American investor and an English heiress.

Our fourth title for the month is Ana Seymour’s sequel to Gabriel’s Lady, Lucky Bride, the delightful story of a ranch hand who joins forces with his beautiful boss to save her land from a dangerous con man.

Whatever your taste in reading, we hope you’ll enjoy all of these terrific stories. Please keep a lookout for all four titles.


Tracy Farrell

Senior Editor

Please address questions and book requests to:

Harlequin Reader Service

U.S.: 3010 Walden Ave., P.O. Box 1325, Buffalo, NY 14269

Canadian: P.O. Box 609, Fort Erie, Ont. L2A 5X3

Lord of the Isle

Elizabeth Mayne



is a native San Antonian, who knew by the age of eleven how to spin a good yarn according to every teacher she ever faced. She’s spent the past twenty years making up for all her transgressions on the opposite side of the teacher’s desk, and the past five working exclusively with troubled children. She particularly loves an ethnic hero, and married one of her own twenty years ago. But it wasn’t until their youngest, a daughter, was two years old that life calmed down enough for this writer to fulfill the dream she’d always had of becoming a novelist.

Emma Frances Merritt

1940 - 1995

The mentor every young writer should have.

Book 1 The Heir of Dungannon

“Old Days! The wild geese are flighting, Head to the storm as they faced it before!

For where there are Irish there’s loving and fighting, And when we stop either, it’s Ireland no more!”

“The Irish Guards” Rudyard Kipling

Chapter One

Ireland May 1575

Finn mac Cool named the moodiest river in Ireland Abhainn Mor, the great dark water. The subtle nuance of meaning inherent in Gaelic was lost in the translation to its English equivalent—Blackwater. To Queen Elizabeth and all the lackey governors, generals and deputies she sent to rule Ireland, the name Blackwater meant border.

Beyond its treacherous currents lay the heart of Ulster. That fierce, clannish northern frontier of deep glens, forest-covered mountains and impregnable sea cliffs had withstood English subjugation since the Norman Conquest. Ulster’s marly earth had spawned generations of heroic men; giants of yore, saints of mystic faith, warriors of lasting renown and women of great heart.

Legend linked the Abhainn Mor’s ravines, currents and swift rapids to the humor of the ri ruirech Ui Neill, the king of kings of the clan O’Neill. As night fell on the fifth day of May in the year of our Lord 1575, the deluge of a cold spring downpour exposed the river at its most dangerous.

Rushing waters scourged the ravine at Benburg so ferociously, the Abhainn Mor broke free of its ancient bed, and threatened to score a new path across Ireland. The angry crash of the flood deafened all near it to the crack of thunder and the whiptail shriek of a banshee wind.

Were legend to be taken as truth, the black temper of the river matched the mood of the heir of Dungannon. Mounted on his favorite charger, Boru, a dun beast eighteen hands tall, Her Majesty’s favorite earl, Hugh O’Neill, watched as seven English soldiers rode out of Benburg, hot on the trail of another victim.

Queen Elizabeth would have been sorely distressed by the earl of Tyrone’s raiment. Lord Hugh wore not the elegant clothes of an English courtier. Instead, her man dressed as the elements decreed any Irishman should dress, in plaid and leathers that were oblivious of the rain pouring down upon him and his horse.

Hugh’s young face reflected displeasure with the scene in the glen before him. By private agreement between him and Elizabeth, all of Ulster was his to administer, and included in his right of pit and gallows. Redcoats had no business entering or patroling the razed wilderness of the late martyr Shane O’Neill.

Clan O’Neill had laid barren every scrap of fertile earth within two leagues of the bridge and Shane’s empty castle atop nearby Owen Maugh. Such was their tribute to Shane following his murder on the Benburg bridge seven years ago. Most O’Neill kinsmen swore that Shane’s headless spirit haunted the bridge, seeking revenge. Hugh knew of no facts proving or disproving their opinion.

Hugh took out his telescope, twisting the brass tubes into focus on the winding road leading from the village to the bridge.

The soldiers’ prey outdistanced them, on a swift and surefooted palfrey Hugh did not recognize. The rider’s cloak billowed out, obscuring most of the lead horse’s markings and flying tail. Hugh trained his glass on the soldiers instead, seeking to identify one particular man.

Night closed her hands over the flooding Abhainn Mor, concealing a dozen kerns of clan O’Neill. The clansmen blended into their lofty perches in the wych elms above the rushing water. Wrapped in green-and-brown plaids, they awaited a decision from young Hugh to proceed or retreat back to Dungannon.

From the oldest, whose age was counted by the score, down to the youngest, a boy just past his ninth winter, all kept their ears open, listening intently for the keening wail of the O’Neill’s banshee, Maoveen. As every clan had its hereditary officials, marshall of forces, master of horse, keeper of treasure, poets, inaugurator and deposer, so too they had a banshee, a spirit whose dreadful scream portended death. Hence Maoveen’s cry would warn each kinsman of the imminent approach of Shane O’Neill, were he to appear on the bridge seeking ghostly vengeance.

Their silence spoke more loudly in Hugh’s ears than the rumbling thunder. His kerns—or more rightly, Matthew, the baron of Dungannon’s kerns—waited to see if the heir to Dungannon could come up to scratch. Not a man among them trusted a kinsman raised and educated in England.

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