Ольга Кравцова - Английский язык для специальных и академических целей: Международные отношения и зарубежное регионоведение. Часть 1

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    Английский язык для специальных и академических целей: Международные отношения и зарубежное регионоведение. Часть 1
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Ольга Кравцова - Английский язык для специальных и академических целей: Международные отношения и зарубежное регионоведение. Часть 1 краткое содержание

Английский язык для специальных и академических целей: Международные отношения и зарубежное регионоведение. Часть 1 - описание и краткое содержание, автор Ольга Кравцова, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки LibKing.Ru
Цель настоящего учебного пособия (Часть I) – развитие коммуникативной компетенции, необходимой для использования английского языка в учебной, профессиональной и научной деятельности. Состоит из двух модулей: “Язык для специальных целей” (ESP) и “Язык для академических целей” (EAP).
Адресовано студентам четвертого курса факультетов и отделений международных отношений и зарубежного регионоведения.

Английский язык для специальных и академических целей: Международные отношения и зарубежное регионоведение. Часть 1 - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию (весь текст целиком)

Английский язык для специальных и академических целей: Международные отношения и зарубежное регионоведение. Часть 1 - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Ольга Кравцова
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13. to develop something new, especially a strong relationship with other people, groups, or countries

14. a situation, condition etc. that is close to or similar to a particular one, usually a good one

Ex. 8. Continue the strings of collocations, translate them. Make up a sentence with one collocation from each list.

1. to forge a union, ______________, ________________, _________________

2. tenacious tradition, ______________, _________________, ________________

3. successive governments, ______________, ________________, _____________

4. to tarnish reputation, _____________, ________________, _______________

5. semblance of democracy, _______________, ______________, _____________

6. massive increase, ________________, _________________, _______________

Ex. 9. Fill in the gaps with the words from Ex. 7 and Ex. 8, the words they are formed from or their derivatives.

1. Ronald Reagan's reputation was _______________ w h e n the public learned in late 1986 that

members of the President's National Security Council staff had engineered an arms sale to Iran.

2. The greatness of our nation rests on our ability _______________ a union out of our differ

ences and our ability to respect and value our differences.

3. The success of the anti-vandalism policy _______________ on prevention, community en

gagement, timely detection and reporting.

4. Egypt may have reinstated a ________________ of democracy, but that is all. It is likely to be

some years yet before its people again enjoy the right to vote and freedom to express their opinions.

Unit I. UK: from Empire to Democracy

Unit I. UK: from Empire to Democracy

5. A ___________________political system is essential for political stability and internal security,

which in turn are vital for economic development.

6. For many centuries, humans have ____________________that there might be planetary sys

tems around other stars and that there could be extraterrestrial life there.

7. Nelson Mandela's perseverance and ___________________ fight against oppressive rule

led to the eventual liberation of the people of South Africa, and the birth of the Rainbow Nation.

8. The problem with the Egyptian economy, historically, has been the inability of __________

_________rulers to develop a long term economic strategy.

9. In 1970 a student protest on the campus of Mississippi's Jackson State University led to

a ___________________ confrontation with local police authorities.

10. As a unique __________________, Europe contains a certain set of opportunities and con

straints for political and economic cooperation.

11. Republican Congressman Steve Scalise was ___________________elected to replace outgo

ing Mr. McCarthy as House majority whip.

12. Heavily outnumbered, the insurgents were ___________________ by the British army, and

the rebellion was crushed within the week.

13. One objection to legal pluralism is that it creates uncertainty: it is not immediately obvious

which law applies and some conflicts of law may have to be decided by political means. But pluralism as a general principle is ___________________ to democracy.

14. Party organizations prefer closed primaries because they promote party unity and keep those

with no _____________________ to the party from influencing its choice.


Prepare and hold a debate on the chosen topic.
Team work
Decide on the topic (see Appendix), on the roles (the judge, the “for team”,
“the opposing team”, the leader of each team). For guidelines see the Manual.
Decide what research you will have to do to win the debate.

Individual work

Do the research you've been assigned.
Revise the debate format (see the Manual).

Team work

Final preparation: share the information you've gathered and the statements you've prepared for the debate.

Class work

Debate the issue in class.

Price of Royalty


VOCABULARY 1 Revenue the income of a government from taxation and other - фото 18

1. Revenue — the income of a government from taxation and other sources, appropriated for public expenses.

2. Austerity — an economic policy by which a government reduces the amount of money it spends by a large amount.

3. Spin (in public relations) is a form of propaganda, achieved through providing an interpretation of an event or campaign to persuade public opinion in favor or against a certain organization or public figure.


1. Do you think the British monarchy is a profitable institution?

2. Who covers the expenses of the Royal family?

Watch the video and do the assignments that follow:
a) correct the wrong statements.

1. Over 90 per cent of Brits believe the Royal family brings in a lot of money via tourism.

2. According to the UK's national tourism agency, the annual revenue from monarchy-related tourism is 500 million pounds.

3. Republicans claim the monarchy costs Great Britain 30 million pounds annually.

4. The support for monarchy in Great Britain has risen by 20% since 2006.

5. Four million pounds was spent on renovating a house for Prince William.

6. The head of state in the Republic of Ireland costs the country half as much as the Royal family costs the British.

b) answer the questions.

1. Why is the figure for the official expenditure of the Royal family lower than the actual expenses?

2. Do the costs of maintaining the Royal family affect people's attitude to the monarchy?

3. Apart from expenses, what other argument against monarchy do Republicans provide (in the video-clip)?

Speak Up

Unit I. UK: from Empire to Democracy


1. Can you come up with any other arguments against preserving the monarchy?

2 What are the most common arguments for retaining the monarchy in Great - фото 19

2. What are the most common arguments for retaining the monarchy in Great Britain?

3. Which arguments are more compelling, in you view?


Unit I UK from Empire to Democracy UK RUSSIA RELATIONS THE PAST THE - фото 20

Unit I. UK: from Empire to Democracy

Team work

Form a team, choose the leader. Discuss with the rest of your group what particular aspect of UK-Russia relations (episodes that had a serious impact on the relations, either positive or negative; crucial moments in history; factors that unite or separate the two countries, future prospects) you are going to focus on.

Individual work

Do your part of the research; prepare to share the data with the rest of the team.

Team work

Pool your findings and prepare a power point presentation of the results of team research and conclusions for the rest of the class.

Class work

Present the results of the research.


Ex. 10. Fill in the gaps with prepositions if necessary.

1. First Year academic advising is integral _______ the success of every student who enters the


2. If the legislation is not passed, the government is likely to impose economic constraints ______

those hospitals that do not comply with its policies.

3. With their state sovereignty impaired and their social wealth plundered or destroyed, the Chinese people were deprived ______ the basic conditions for survival.

4. The balance pivots ______the support of three Senate Republicans and several centrist

Democrats who hashed out the Senate bill late last week.

5. The Yuan Dynasty, founded by the nomadic Mongolians, was the shortest of all of China's dynasties and eventually relinquished its land _____ farming peoples.

6. Anecdotal evidence, especially from the media, suggests that the host population (in New Zealand) is not willing to accommodate ____ the cultural differences of immigrants.

7. Members of both Houses of Parliament are required by law to take an oath of allegiance _____

the Crown before they take their seats in Parliament.

8. The devolution of power _____ Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland has allowed them to

determine their own political and economic priorities.

9. The US Army's harsh crackdown on media criticizing Washington's policies is reminiscent _____ Nazi Germany's secret police Gestapo, an analyst writes for Press TV.

10. Renoir's works were infused _____ much colour and light, reflecting life around him.

11. Poverty and income inequality are deeply embedded _____ the structure of its society and

the country is characterized by weak government and political instability.

12. The disenchantment of young people _____ politics results in massive democratic deficits in

all aspects of life.

Ex. 11. Fill in the gaps with suitable words.

Today, Britain is a very different country than it was in 1) _________ 1970s. It is more comfortable and much more tolerant 2) __________ different personal lifestyles, even as it is less

tolerant 3) ________ extreme political views. 4) _________ all, it is vastly more prosperous. It

is true that the 5) _________ of the current economic crisis are far-reaching and serious: many

people who considered themselves comfortably 6) ______ have found that their 7) _______ of

living is increasingly hard to sustain. The squeeze on living costs is 8) ________ felt by a large

9) ________ of the population. At the 10) _________ time, the disproportionate rewards being

enjoyed by those at the very top are 11) _________ more visible and more pronounced than

ever. This is a 12) _________ more unequal society than it was 40 years ago. Nonetheless, all this

is happening from what is by any historic standards a very high base of material security.

There is extensive historical 13) ____________ that once they pass beyond a certain level of

material prosperity democratic societies are very 14) __________ to experiment with alternative

forms of government. The costs of the disruption are not 15) __________ any possible reward.

Ex. 12. Translate into English using Active Vocabulary.

1. Эта ситуация напоминает день, который навсегда врезался в мою память.

2 Плюрализм является неотъемлемым принципом демократии в противном случае это - фото 21

2. Плюрализм является неотъемлемым принципом демократии, в противном случае это только подобие демократии.

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Английский язык для специальных и академических целей: Международные отношения и зарубежное регионоведение. Часть 1 отзывы

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