James Cabell - The Jewel Merchants. A Comedy in One Act

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    The Jewel Merchants. A Comedy in One Act
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The Jewel Merchants. A Comedy in One Act - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор James Cabell
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THE DUKE( Drawing his long sword. ) It would save trouble now to split you like a chicken for roasting…. ( He shrugs, and sheathes his sword. He unbuckles his sword-belt, and lays it aside. ) No, no, this farce ascends in interest. So let us play it fairly to the end. I risk nothing, since from this moment you are useless to me, my rebellious lackey—

GUIDOYou risk your life, for very certainly I mean to kill you.

THE DUKETwo go to every bargain, my friend. Now, if I kill you, it is always diverting to kill; and if by any chance you should kill me, I shall at least be rid of the intolerable knowledge that to-morrow will be just like to-day.

He draws his dagger. The two men engage warily but with determination, the DUKE presently advancing. GUIDO steps backward, and in the act trips over the pedler's pack, and falls prostrate. His dagger flies from his hand. GRACIOSA, with a little cry, has covered her face. Nobody strikes an attitude, because nobody is conscious of any need to be heroic, but there is a perceptible silence, which is broken by the DUKE'S quiet voice.

THE DUKEWell! am I to be kept waiting forever? You were quicker in obeying my caprices yesterday. Get up, you muddy lout, and let us kill each other with some pretension of adroitness.

GUIDO( Rising, with a sob. ) Ah!

He catches up the fallen dagger, and attacks the DUKE, this time with utter disregard of the rules of fence and his own safety. GUIDO drives the DUKE back. GUIDO is careless of defence, and desirous only to kill. The DUKE is wounded, and falls with a cry at the foot of the shrine. GUIDO utters a sort of strangled growl. He raises his dagger, intending to hack at and mutilate his antagonist, who is now unconscious. As GUIDO stoops, GRACIOSA, from behind him, catches his arm.

GRACIOSAHe gave you your life.

GUIDO turns. He drops the weapon. He speaks with great gentleness, almost with weariness.

GUIDOMadonna, the Duke is not yet dead. That wound is nothing serious.

GRACIOSAHe spared your life.

GUIDOIt is impossible to let him live.

GRACIOSABut I think he only voiced a caprice—

GUIDOI think so, too, but I know that all this madman's whims are ruthless.

GRACIOSABut you have power—

GUIDOPower! I, who have attacked the Duke's person! I, who have done what your dead cousin merely planned to do!


GUIDOLiving, this brain-sick beast will make of you his plaything—and, a little later, his broken, soiled and cast-by plaything. It is therefore necessary that I kill Duke Alessandro.

GRACIOSA moves away from him, and GUIDO rises.

GRACIOSAAnd afterward—and afterward you must die just as Tebaldeo died!

GUIDOThat is the law, madonna. But what he said is true. I am useless to him, a rebellious lackey to be punished. Whether I have his life or no, I am a lost man.

GRACIOSAA moment since you were Count Eglamore, whom all our nobles feared—

GUIDONow there is not a beggar in the kingdom who would change lots with me. But at least I shall first kill this kingdom's lord.

He picks up his dagger.

GRACIOSAYou are a friendless and hunted man, in peril of a dreadful death. But even so, you are not penniless. These jewels here are of great value—

GUIDO laughs, and hangs the pearls about her neck.

GUIDODo you keep them, then.

GRACIOSAThere is a world outside this kingdom. You have only to make your way through the forest to be out of Tuscany.

GUIDO( Coolly reflective. ) Perhaps I might escape, going north to Bologna, and then to Venice, which is at war with the Duke—

GRACIOSAI can tell you the path to Bologna.

GUIDOBut first the Duke must die, because his death saves you.

GRACIOSANo, Guido! I would have Eglamore go hence with hands as clean as possible.

GUIDONot even Eglamore would leave you at the mercy of this poet.

GRACIOSAHow does that matter! It is no secret that my father intends to market me as best suits his interests. And the great Duke of Florence, no less, would have been my purchaser! You heard him, "I will buy this jewel," he said. He would have paid thrice what any of my sisters' purchasers have paid. You know very well that my father would have been delighted.

GUIDO( Since the truth of what she has just said is known to him by more startling proofs than she dreams of, he speaks rather bitterly, as he sheathes the dagger. ) And I must need upset the bargain between these jewel merchants!

GRACIOSA( Lightly. ) "No, I will not have it!" Count Eglamore must cry. ( Her hand upon his arm. ) My dear unthrifty pedler! it cost you a great deal to speak those words.

GUIDOI had no choice. I love you. ( A pause. As GRACIOSA does not speak, GUIDO continues, very quiet at first. ) It is a theme on which I shall not embroider. So long as I thought to use you as an instrument I could woo fluently enough. Today I saw that you were frightened and helpless—oh, quite helpless. And something in me changed. I knew for the first time that I loved you. And I knew I was not clean as you are clean. I knew that I had more in common with this beast here than I had with you.

GRACIOSA( Who with feminine practicality, while the man talks, has reached her decision. ) We daughters of the Valori are so much merchandise…. Heigho, since I cannot help it, since bought and sold I must be, one day or another, at least I will go at a noble price. Yet I do not think I am quite worth the wealth and power which you have given up because of me. So it will be necessary to make up the difference, dear, by loving you very much.

GUIDO takes her hands, only half-believing that he understands her meaning. He puts an arm about her shoulder, holding her at a distance, the better to see her face.

GUIDOYou, who had only scorn to give me when I was a kingdom's master! Would you go with me now that I am homeless and friendless?

GRACIOSA( Archly. ) But to me you do not seem quite friendless.


GRACIOSAAnd I doubt if you could ever find your way through the forest alone. ( But as she stands there with one hand raised to each of his shoulders her vindication is self-revealed, and she indicates her bracelet rather indignantly. ) Besides, what else is a poor maid to do, when she is burdened with a talisman that compels her to marry the man whom she—so very much—prefers?

GUIDO( Drawing her to him. ) Ah, you shall not regret that foolish preference.

GRACIOSABut come! There is a path—( They are gathering up the pack and its contents, as GUIDO pauses by the DUKE. ) Is he—?

GUIDOHe will not enter Hell to-day. ( The DUKE stirs. ) Already he revives, you see. So let us begone before his attendants come.

GUIDO lifts her to the top of the wall. He lifts up the pack.


GUIDO( Giving it to her. ) So we may pass for minstrels on the road to Venice.

GRACIOSAYes, singing the Duke's songs to pay our way. ( GUIDO climbs over the wall, and stands on the far side, examining the landscape beneath. )


GUIDOThe Duke's attendants fetching him new women—two more of those numerous damsels that his song demands. They will revive this ruinous songmaker to rule over Tuscany more foolishly than Eglamore governed when Eglamore was a great lord. ( He speaks pensively, still looking down. ) It is a very rich and lovely country, this kingdom which a half-hour since lay in the hollow of my hand. Now I am empty-handed.

GRACIOSA( With mocking reproach. ) Empty-handed!

She extends to him both her hands. GUIDO takes them, and laughs joyously, saying, "Come!" as he lifts her down.

There is a moment's silence, then is heard the song and lute-playing with which the play began, growing ever more distant:…

"Knights as my serfs be given;
And as I will, let music go and come."

… The DUKE moves. The DUKE half raises himself at the foot of the crucifix.

THE DUKEEglamore! I am hurt. Help me, Eglamore!


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