Ванда Петрова - The adventures of little Zaryanichka!

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Ванда Петрова - The adventures of little Zaryanichka! краткое содержание

The adventures of little Zaryanichka! - описание и краткое содержание, автор Ванда Петрова, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки LibKing.Ru
The first book "The Adventures of Little Zaryanichka!" the cycle "Zaryanichka" of mythological planetary fiction in English and transliteration (Latin), is not only an original work in prose and poetry that has no analogues in literature, but is also an original language in the understanding of all foreign readers who want to master all shades of the Russian language, and so , who is studying English, will help to easily master the English alphabet (Latin), diphthongs, triphthongs.
The main character is Zaryanichka. A warm, radiant pebble in Zaryanichka's cam not only does not fade, but is also capable of working miracles – a symbol of life that does not turn into an extinguished black smoldering corner thanks to devotion, loyalty, boundless love for everything good and noble.
The path to the triumph of good over evil in the Magic Land is not easy and goes through difficult trials, selfless struggle and sorrowful loss.
Stage writing is 100% acceptable for children's films and cartoons.

The adventures of little Zaryanichka! - читать онлайн бесплатно ознакомительный отрывок

The adventures of little Zaryanichka! - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно (ознакомительный отрывок), автор Ванда Петрова
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Ванда Петрова

The adventures of little Zaryanichka!

From the author

Well-being and good luck, friends!

Your author, Vanda Petrova

Editor and system administrator, Dmitry Nikitchenko.

Story line

Mythological planetary fantastic.

The exceptional originality of the work, which has no analogue in fiction and the scenic character of writing, is interesting and exciting when reading and is 100% acceptable for reproduction of children's films and cartoons.

The mythological literary work «Zaryanichka» is a cycle of books, characterized by unity of plot-composition, space, time of action of all parts and being a whole cyclical work.

Zaryanichka, the daughter of the Morning Dawn, accidentally hits the Earth and has become an ordinary little girl with scarlet braids.

On Earth, Zaryanichka meets with Good and Evil. Feeling the pain of separation from the mother and the state of loneliness.

Zaryanichka masters all the trials of due to his kindness, responsiveness, ability for unlimited self-sacrifice, believing in the Kind …

The originality of the work is that its heroes are not only human, but are one or another (good or evil) forces of nature. And through the real manifestations of the forces of nature, their properties, the plot of the fantastic developed. Therefore, the fantastic is mythological.

The book tells about the immutable eternal theme – the theme of justice; about the struggle of good with evil and life-affirming truth that good is always stronger than evil.

Dear readers, read in detail about Zaryanchka and her friends on the pages of the «Zaryanichka» Cycle.


The mythological literary work «Zaryanichka» is a cycle books characterized by common characters, unity of plot-composition, space, time of action of all parts and being a whole cyclical work, each cycle of which is perceived both as a self-valuable work of literary art and as part of greater work.

The book tells about the immutable eternal theme – the theme of justice; about the struggle of good against evil and life-affirming truth that evil is always weaker than good.

The originality of the work is that its heroes are not only people, but are one or another (good or evil) forces of nature. And through the real manifestations of the forces of nature, their properties, the plot of a gets developed. Therefore, the is mythological.

Action time is not limited to temporary space. Due to the specifics of the plot, it correlates with the seasons, but takes place in a certain place (the possession of the Good Wizard). The common scene of action is Earth and Sky.

Genre: artistic – mythological fiction.

The main genre of books is fiction.

The book contains and a poetic genre.

The motive of good and evil.

In the book «Zaryanichka» the myth of good and evil – why evil, in particular its interpretation, is perceived as – good.

Outwardly, good and evil have the same variables, and therefore every evil has a chance to be represented as good, and in this form can lead to compassion, admiration, the desire to imitate and become a habit. In the myth of «Zaryanichka» evil has no difficulties, because good and evil are fundamentally different only in their essence (inner essence).

There is good and evil in life. In appearance (man) in good and evil, the same is on the surface, only spirituality changes, or not …

Many difficulties arose in the little Zaryanichka on the way to the desired meeting.

The motive of good and evil:In the book «Zaryanichka» the myth of good and evil – why evil, in particular its interpretation, is perceived as – good.

The main ideaof the tale is the struggle between Good and Evil, human and inhuman.

The path to the triumph of Good over Evilpasses through friendship and betrayal, deprivation, cold and hunger.

The protagonist– Zaryanichka. On the ground – a child (little girl) named Zaryanichka with scarlet braids (pink hair, color of dawn).

The main characters of the mythological planetary fantastic.

Forces of good:

Zaryanichka– daughter of the Morning Dawn;

Morning Dawn– the forces of nature, mother Zaryanichki. Symbol of life, hope, happiness;

– A spark(tiny cosmic body) – symbol of life, in the small fist of little Zaryanichka – on Earth becomes a transparent small stone, warm and scarlet light, that is, in space – a spark, on Earth – a warm, transparent, scarlet, tiny, small stone – a symbol of life, that’s why Zaryanichka intuitively protects him and ensures that he does not fade away and does not cool down, and a warm, transparent, scarlet, tiny, small stone helps Zaryanichka in difficult times with her inner light and warmth:

– the Sun;

– Borea;

White Blizzard– the forces of nature, acting on the side of Good.

And many others in the plot of the whole cycle …

Friends Zaryanichki:

– birds:Penochka (very beautiful singing little songbird), Starling, Chiryk (sparrow), Titmouse;

– trees:Oreshnik (nut bush), Tuya (conifer);

– animals:kitten.

The blue birdis a symbol of happiness and fulfillment of a dream.

Evil forces:

– Enemies Zaryanichki:minions (accomplices) of Evil: Burdock, Thistle, Toadstool, Kuskuda, Spider;

– Black Purga (blizzard)– the forces of nature, acting on the side of Evil, (She hates the Morning Dawn);

– Pozomka(drifting snow dust, frosty wind without snow above the surface of previously fallen snow in winter, the snow is raised up by this wind and is called – Pozomka) – the forces of nature, acting on the side of evil. Daughter of Black Purgi.

And many others in the plot of the whole cycle …

Indifferent natural phenomena, humanized beings:

– snow whirlwinds;

– snowflakes;

– frost;

– winds;

– сlouds.

And other indifferent heroes, humanized living beings and indifferent natural phenomena in the narration of the work …

And many others in the plot of the whole cycle …

Friends, read in detail about Zaryanichka and her adventures on the pages of books from the Zaryanichka cycle.

First book of Cycle

(mythological planetary fantastic)

The adventures of little Zaryanichka!


When it was, which way,

Perhaps in – your, perhaps quite,

We will not remove from this secret cover,

After all, each of us is ready to be fearless …

But it's a little late, and now

About the daughter of Dawn begins the tale …


Song of the Morning Dawn

Preface to the first chapter.

This first chapter tells about the life-affirming song of the Morning Dawn – mother Zaryanichka. Readers will also meet the friends of the Morning Dawn and Zaryanichka.

The text of the song tells about the beauty of the early morning, that the predawn mist left droplets of moisture on the grass and flowers, called dew, grass and flowers showered with these droplets of moisture are very beautiful at sunrise, but the dew will evaporate from the grasses and flowers from the warm sunny rays, and is sung in the song «Wake up the Earth from fogs and grew». In the song it is sung about the beauty of white birches and their thin branches, comparing them with silk threads, with silk braids, about which it is sung and in the song «Braid, tidy the silk birch braids». The words of the song are turned to the Earth, so that it meets the sunrise, as it is sung in the song:

«Wake up, Earth, grow from mists and grow, Braid, tidy up the silk of birch braids».

Also, in the song it is sung that the sun rises for everything that is on Earth:

«For children and flowers, For animals and chicks, For a blade of grass, any …».

And the song says that all that is around us is our planet Earth and the sun rises for our beautiful planet Earth.

The song is called the song of life, because it carries love for everything around us, the world in which there is a place for everyone: all of humanity, all plants, all birds, all animals and animals both on earth and in the seas and oceans, the whole plant and living world of the planet has a place on our beautiful planet Earth: «dear Earth».

Readers will also meet the friends of the Morning Dawn and Zaryanichka.

With Zaryanichka herself, the little daughter of the Morning Dawn, readers will meet in the second chapter.

Beginning of the first chapter.

Nature has slept and quietly and quietly flowed into the tune of the Night lullaby for Zaryanichka …

Quietly, quietly, the lullaby for Zaryanichka flowed into the tune of Night…

And quietly, quietly, the lullaby for Zaryanichka flowed in the melody of the Night …

Lullaby of the Morning Dawn «Zaryanichka»

Sleep in the morning

small animals in a hole,

fish – in a river backwater,

birds – in the forest …

Funny lightnings are sleeping

Mother Thunderstorm, they dream sweetly,

sleeping mists in the meadows

The sun is in the white clouds …

Waking up to sleep

he hovers over the Earth,

fulfills all desires,

All returns are lost.

Sleep, animals, fish, birds,

sleep, frisky lightning …

Do not frighten off cilia sleep

my dear Zaryanichki.

O-o-o-o-o …,

Zaryanichka, fall asleep …

Kolybel'naya pesnya Utrenney zari «Zaryanichka»

Spyat v predutrenney pore

zveri malyye v nore,

rybki – v zavodi rechnoy,

ptashki – v zarosli lesnoy…

Spyat vesolyye zarnitsy,

Mat'-groza im sladko snitsya,

spyat tumany na lugakh,

Solntse – v belykh oblakakh …

Vsem prosnut'sya Son meshayet,

nad Zemloyu on vitayet,

vse zhelan'ya ispolnyayet,

vse propazhi vozvrashchayet…

Spite, zveri, ryby, ptitsy,

spite, rezvyye zarnitsy…

Ne spugnite sna resnichki

moyey miloy Zaryanichki,

bayu, bayu, bayu, bay,

Zaryanichka, zasypay …

Nighttime was running out, but Night splashed moonlight on paths, glades, sifted through the tree crowns with delicate patterns on grass and flowers, charmed with the nightingale trill, plunged everything into the world of tempting magical dreams under the enchanting melody of night mirages …

Song of the Night

I keep all secrets, and there is no doubt about it,

And I give my world to everyone, the world of sweet dreams …

In the early morning world is joyful and bright.

And this wonderful hour, the magical Dream noted

With his gift of dreams that he brought to as a gift

Under the night canopy woven from the stars

Hope strengthened and gave love

Is it because Night calls everyone again …

Pesnya Nochi

Vse tayny ya khranyu, i v etom net somneniy,

I vsem svoy mir daryu, mir sladkikh snovideniy …

V predutrenney pore mir radosten i svetel.

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