Дэвид Райх - Кто мы и как сюда попали [Древняя ДНК и новая наука о человеческом прошлом]

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Дэвид Райх - Кто мы и как сюда попали [Древняя ДНК и новая наука о человеческом прошлом] краткое содержание

Кто мы и как сюда попали [Древняя ДНК и новая наука о человеческом прошлом] - описание и краткое содержание, автор Дэвид Райх, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки LibKing.Ru
Американский генетик Дэвид Райх – один из главных революционеров в области изучения древней ДНК, которая для понимания истории человечества оказалась не менее важной, чем археология, лингвистика и письменные источники.
В своей книге Райх наглядно показывает, сколько скрытой информации о нашем далеком прошлом содержит человеческий геном и как радикально геномная революция меняет наши устоявшиеся представления о современных людях. Миграции наших предков, их отношения с конкурирующими видами, распространение культур – все это предстает в совершенно ином свете с учетом данных по ДНК ископаемых останков. Анализ научных открытий и исследований ведет к провокационной мысли: по всей видимости, различия между нынешними популяциями – биологическая реальность, однако с привычными стереотипами она не имеет ничего общего. Вопрос, кто же мы такие и откуда взялись, приходится ставить заново. Ответ еще в процессе формирования, но шаблоны уже трещат по швам.

Кто мы и как сюда попали [Древняя ДНК и новая наука о человеческом прошлом] - читать онлайн бесплатно ознакомительный отрывок

Кто мы и как сюда попали [Древняя ДНК и новая наука о человеческом прошлом] - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно (ознакомительный отрывок), автор Дэвид Райх
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38 D. B. Goldstein. “Common Genetic Variation and Human Traits”, New England Journal of Medicine 360 (2009): 1696–1698.

39 A. Okbay et al. “Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies 74 Loci Associated with Educational Attainment”, Nature 533 (2016): 539–542; M. T. Lo et al. “Genome-Wide Analyses for Personality Traits Identify Six Genomic Loci and Show Correlations with Psychiatric Disorders”, Nature Genetics 49 (2017): 152–156; G. Davies et al. “Genome-Wide Association Study of Cognitive Functions and Educational Attainment in UK Biobank (N=112 151)”, Molecular Psychiatry 21 (2016): 758–767.

Глава 2. Встреча с неандертальцами

1 Charles Darwin. The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex (London: John Murray, 1871).

2 Erik Trinkaus. The Shanidar Neanderthals (New York: Academic Press, 1983).

3 D. Radovcˇ i, A. O. Sršen, J. Radovcˇ ic´, D. W. Frayer. “Evidence for Neandertal Jewelry: Modified White-Tailed Eagle Claws at Krapina”, PLoS One 10 (2015): e0119802.

4 J. Jaubert et al. “Early Neanderthal Constructions Deep in Bruniquel Cave in Southwestern France”, Nature 534 (2016): 111–114.

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6 William Golding. The Inheritors (London: Faber and Faber, 1955).

7 Jean M. Auel. The Clan of the Cave Bear (New York: Crown, 1980).

8 T. Higham et al. “The Timing and Spatiotemporal Patterning of Neanderthal Disappearance”, Nature 512 (2014): 306–309.

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10 R. Grün et al. “U-series and ESR Analyses of Bones and Teeth Relating to the Human Burials from Skhul”, Journal of Human Evolution 49 (2005): 316–334.

11 H. Valladas et al. “Thermo-Luminescence Dates for the Neanderthal Burial Site at Kebara in Israel”, Nature 330 (1987): 159–160.

12 E. Trinkaus et al. “An Early Modern Human from the Pe¸stera cu Oase, Romania”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. 100 (2003): 11231–11236.

13 M. Krings et al. “Neandertal DNA Sequences and the Origin of Modern Humans”, Cell 90 (1997): 19–30.

14 C. Posth et al. “Deeply Divergent Archaic Mitochondrial Genome Provides Lower Time Boundary for African Gene Flow into Neanderthals”, Nature Communications 8 (2017): 16046.

15 Krings et al. “Neandertal DNA Sequences”.

16 M. Currat, L. Excoffier. “Modern Humans Did Not Admix with Neanderthals During Their Range Expansion into Europe”, PLoS Biology 2 (2004): e421; D. Serre et al. “No Evidence of Neandertal mtDNA Contribution to Early Modern Humans”, PLoS Biology 2 (2004): e57; M. Nordborg.“On the Probability of Neanderthal Ancestry”, American Journal of Human Genetics 63 (1998): 1237–1240.

17 R. E. Green et al. “Analysis of One Million Base Pairs of Neanderthal DNA”, Nature 444 (2006): 330–336.

18 J. D. Wall and S. K. Kim. “Inconsistencies in Neanderthal Genomic DNA Sequences”, PLoS Genetics 3 (2007): 1862–1866.

19 Krings et al. “Neandertal DNA Sequences”.

20 S. Sankararaman et al. “The Date of Interbreeding Between Neandertals and Modern Humans”, PLoS Genetics 8 (2012): e1002947.

21 P. Moorjani et al. “A Genetic Method for Dating Ancient Genomes Provides a Direct Estimate of Human Generation Interval in the Last 45,000 Years”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. 113 (2016): 5652–5657.

22 G. Coop. “Thoughts On: The Date of Interbreeding Between Neandertals and Modern Humans”, Haldane’s Sieve, September 18, 2012, https://haldanessieve.org/2012/09/18/thoughts-on-neandertal-article/

23 K. Prüfer et al. “The Complete Genome Sequence of a Neanderthal from the Altai Mountains”, Nature (2013): doi: 10.1038/nature 12886.

24 Там же.

25 Там же; M. Meyer et al. “A High-Coverage Genome Sequence from an Archaic Denisovan Individual”, Science 338 (2012): 222–226; J. D. Wall et al. “Higher Levels of Neanderthal Ancestry in East Asians Than in Europeans”, Genetics 194 (2013): 199–209.

26 Q. Fu et al. “The Genetic History of Ice Age Europe”, Nature 534 (2016): 200–205.

27 I. Lazaridis et al. “Genomic Insights into the Origin of Farming in the Ancient Near East”, Nature 536 (2016): 419–424.

28 Trinkaus et al. “An Early Modern Human”.

29 “An Early Modern Human from Romania with a Recent Neanderthal Ancestor”, Nature 524 (2015): 216–219.

30 N. Teyssandier, F. Bon, and J.-G. Bordes. “Within Projectile Range: Some Thoughts on the Appearance of the Aurignacian in Europe”, Journal of Anthropological Research 66 (2010): 209–229; P. Mellars. “Archeology and the Dispersal of Modern Humans in Europe: Deconstructing the ‘Aurignacian’ ”, Evolutionary Anthropology 15 (2006): 167–182.

31 M. Currat, L. Excoffier. “Strong Reproductive Isolation Between Humans and Neanderthals Inferred from Observed Patterns of Introgression”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. 108 (2011): 15129–15134.

32 S. Sankararaman et al. “The Genomic Landscape of Neanderthal Ancestry in Present-Day Humans”, Nature 507 (2014): 354–357; B. Vernot, J. M. Akey. “Resurrecting Surviving Neandertal Lineages from Modern Human Genomes”, Science 343 (2014): 1017–1021.

33 N. Patterson et al. “Genetic Evidence for Complex Speciation of Humans and Chimpanzees”, Nature 441 (2006): 1103–1108.

34 Там же; R. Burgess, Z. Yang. “Estimation of Hominoid Ancestral Population Sizes Under Bayesian Coalescent Models Incorporating Mutation Rate Variation and Sequencing Errors”, Molecular Biology and Evolution 25 (2008): 1975–1994.

35 J. A. Coyne and H. A. Orr. “Two Rules of Speciation”, in Speciation and Its Consequences , ed. Daniel Otte and John A. Endler (Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates, 1989), 180–207.

36 P. K. Tucker et al. “Abrupt Cline for Sex-Chromosomes in a Hybrid Zone Between Two Species of Mice”, Evolution 46 (1992): 1146–1163.

37 H. Li, R. Durbin. “Inference of Human Population History from Individual Whole-Genome Sequences”, Nature 475 (2011): 493–496.

38 T. Mailund et al. “A New Isolation with Migration Model Along Complete Genomes Infers Very Different Divergence Processes Among Closely Related Great Ape Species”, PLoS Genetics 8 (2012): e1003125.

39 J. Y. Dutheil et al. “Strong Selective Sweeps on the X Chromosome in the Human-Chimpanzee Ancestor Explain Its Low Divergence”, PLoS Genetics 11 (2015): e1005451.

40 Sankararaman et al. “Genomic Landscape”; B. Jégou et al. “Meiotic Genes Are Enriched in Regions of Reduced Archaic Ancestry”, Molecular Biology and Evolution 34 (2017): 1974–1980.

41 Q. Fu et al. “Ice Age Europe”.

42 I. Juric, S. Aeschbacher, G. Coop. “The Strength of Selection Against Neanderthal Introgression”, PLoS Genetics 12 (2016): e1006340; K. Harris, R. Nielsen. “The Genetic Cost of Neanderthal Introgression”, Genetics 203 (2016): 881–891.

43 G. Bhatia et al. “Genome-Wide Scan of 29, 141 African Americans Finds No Evidence of Directional Selection Since Admixture”, American Journal of Human Genetics 95 (2014): 437–444.

44 Johann G. Fichte. Grundlage der gesamten Wissenschaftslehre (Jena, Germany: Gabler, 1794).

Глава 3. Древняя ДНК открывает шлюзы

1 J. Krause et al. “Neanderthals in Central Asia and Siberia”, Nature 449 (2007): 902–904.

2 J. Krause et al. “The Complete Mitochondrial DNA Genome of an Unknown Hominin from Southern Siberia”, Nature 464 (2010): 894–897.

3 C. Posth et al. “Deeply Divergent Archaic Mitochondrial Genome Provides Lower Time Boundary for African Gene Flow into Neanderthals”, Nature Communications 8 (2017): 16046.

4 Krause et al. “Unknown Hominin”.

5 D. Reich et al. “Genetic History of an Archaic Hominin Group from Denisova Cave in Siberia”, Nature 468 (2010): 1053–1060.

6 K. Prüfer et al. “The Complete Genome Sequence of a Neanderthal from the Altai Mountains”, Nature (2013): doi: 10.1038/nature 12886.

7 Jerry A. Coyne, H. Allen Orr. Speciation (Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates, 2004).

8 S. Sankararaman, S. Mallick, N. Patterson, D. Reich. “The Combined Landscape of Denisovan and Neanderthal Ancestry in Present-Day Humans”, Current Biology 26 (2016): 1241–1247.

9 P. Moorjani et al. “A Genetic Method for Dating Ancient Genomes Provides a Direct Estimate of Human Generation Interval in the Last 45,000 Years”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. 113 (2016): 5652–5657.

10 Sankararaman et al. “Combined Landscape”.

11 D. Reich et al. “Denisova Admixture and the First Modern Human Dispersals into Southeast Asia and Oceania”, American Journal of Human Genetics 89 (2011): 516–528.

12 Q. Fu et al. “DNA Analysis of an Early Modern Human from Tianyuan Cave, China”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. 110 (2013): 2223–2227; M. Yang et al. “40,000-Year-Old Individual from Asia Provides Insight into Early Population Structure in Eurasia”, Current Biology 27 (2017): 3202–3208.

13 Prüfer et al. “Complete Genome”.

14 C. B. Stringer and I. Barnes. “Deciphering the Denisovans”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. 112 (2015): 15542–15543.

15 G. A. Wagner et al. “Radiometric Dating of the Type-Site for Homo Heidelber-gensis at Mauer, Germany”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. 107 (2010): 19726–19730.

16 C. Stringer. “The Status of Homo heidelbergensis (Schoetensack 1908)”, Evolutionary Anthropology 21 (2012): 101–107.

17 A. Brumm et al. “Age and Context of the Oldest Known Hominin Fossils from Flores”, Nature 534 (2016): 249–253.

18 Reich et al. “Denisova Admixture”.

19 Prüfer et al. “Complete Genome”.

20 Там же; Sankararaman et al. “Combined Landscape”.

21 E. Huerta-Sánchez et al. “Altitude Adaptation in Tibetans Caused by Introgression of Denisovan-like DNA”, Nature 512 (2014): 194–197.

22 F. H. Chen et al. “Agriculture Facilitated Permanent Human Occupation of the Tibetan Plateau After 3600 B.P.”, Science 347 (2015): 248–250.

23 S. Sankararaman et al. “The Genomic Landscape of Neanderthal Ancestry in PresentDay Humans”, Nature 507 (2014): 354–357; B. Vernot and J. M. Akey. “Resurrecting Surviving Neandertal Lineages from Modern Human Genomes”, Science 343 (2014): 1017–1021.

24 Prüfer et al. “Complete Genome”.

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