Анна Пигарёва - Новости из прошлого на английском языке. ВЫПУСК №1

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Анна Пигарёва - Новости из прошлого на английском языке. ВЫПУСК №1 краткое содержание

Новости из прошлого на английском языке. ВЫПУСК №1 - описание и краткое содержание, автор Анна Пигарёва, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки LibKing.Ru
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Новости из прошлого на английском языке


Анна Пигарёва

© Анна Пигарёва, 2020

ISBN 978-5-4496-2034-7

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero


Внимательно рассмотрите картину Cats being instructed in the art of - фото 1

Внимательно рассмотрите картину. «Cats being instructed in the art of mouse-catching by an owl». Обоготите свой словарный запас важной и полезной лексикой, и вы сможете «ловить» информацию из горячих новостей даже в бегущей на экране строке. Желаю успеха!

Government Promotes Special Support of Crimean Wine THE MOSCOW TIMES 1 1 - фото 2

Government Promotes Special Support of Crimean Wine

THE MOSCOW TIMES 1 1 Фрагмент взят из газеты «The Moscow Times» 2014 год

Russian government officials are asking retailers to give special support to Crimean wine producers in an attempt to help that sector of the peninsula’s economy.

On Wednesday representatives of the biggest retail groups working in Russia and major Crimean wine producers had a meeting with Moscow region Governor Andrei Vorobyov, also attended by officials from Moscow and St. Petersburg. The retailers were asked to help the Crimean wine industry by providing special shelves for their wines and organizing wine-tasting sessions in stores.

«We are not asking for special treatment, but we would like the retailers to pay attention to the complicated situation we are in,» said Mikhail Shtyrlin, general director of Crimean wine company Legendy Kruma, who attended the meeting with Vorobyov.

Last year Russia consumed 25 million bottles of the peninsula’s wine. Shtyrlin also said that Crimean vintners are trying to solve their problems together and are planning to create a Union of Crimean wine producers. This may help the industry in the long term, he added. The X5 retail group, owner of chain stores Pyatyorochka and Perekryostok, said Thursday that the company has not decided yet whether to give special treatment to Crimean wine products. Retail chain Dixy said the firm is open to negotiations with Crimean wine makers and added that the government officials’ requests seem doable. Metro Cash and Carry also said it is ready to discuss giving special attention for Crimean wine.

add прибавлять, добавлять

attempt попытка

attend посещать, присутствовать

chain stores сеть магазинов

complicated сложный

consume потреблять

create создавать

decide решать

doable выполнимый

government правительство

long term долгосрочный период

negotiation переговоры

owner владелец

pay attention обращать внимание

peninsula полуостров

promote содействовать, помогать

representative представитель

request требование, просьба

retailer розничный торговец

seem казаться, представляться

shelf (shelves) полка, стеллаж

solve (a problem) решать

store крупный торговый центр

support поддержка, помощь

treatment обращение, обхождение

try пытаться

vintner винодел, виноторговец

wine-testing session сеанс дегустации

Billionaire Deripaska Rescues 10 Stray Dogs From Sochi to U.S.

THE MOSCOW TIMES 2 2 Фрагмент взят из газеты «The Moscow Times» 2014 год

A charity founded by Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska has brought 10 stray dogs to the U.S. after they were rescued from the streets of Sochi.

The six female and four male pooches landed in Washington, D.C., and posed for photographers before being taken to the Washington Animal Rescue League to await their new homes. The charity’s animal shelter in Sochi, PovoDog has been rescuing stray dogs in the city where hundreds of animals have reportedly been killed as the local authorities tried to clear the streets ahead of the Winter Olympics. PovoDog said it has so far rescued more than 200 dogs from Sochi and has found new homes for 50 of them.

Many athletes decided to take home some of the animals. U.S. silver medal winner in slopestyle skiing, Gus Kenworthy, adopted three dogs – Mama and pups Mishka and Jake – from Russia. Hockey player Kelli Stack, whose team won the silver, has adopted a dog from a Sochi shelter and named her Shayba.

Deripaska, an aluminum magnate and one of the richest man in Russia, has said that he opened up the PovoDog shelter after being reminded of his first pet.

«My first dog I found in the street of my village, the tiny village [where I grew up],» Deripaska told the BBC last month. «It was a very close friend for almost five years.»

await дожидаться

adopt принимать, усыновлять

bring (brought, brought) приносить, привозить, доставлять

charity благотворительность

decide решать

female женщина, особь женского пола

find (found, found) находить

found основывать, учреждать

grow up (grew, grown) расти, становиться взрослым

land приземляться

male мужчина, особь мужского пола

pooch дворняжка

pup щенок

remind напоминать

rescue спасать

rich богатый

shelter приют, пристанище

slope-style skiing горнолыжный спуск

so far до сих пор

stray dogs бездомные собаки

team команда

tiny village маленькая деревня

try пытаться

win (won, won) выигрывать

winner победитель

Soyuz Successfully Docks at ISS

THE MOSCOW TIMES 3 3 Фрагмент взят из газеты «The Moscow Times» 2014 год

The Russian Soyuz spacecraft has successfully docked with the International Space Station, or ISS.

The three-man Expedition 39 reached the orbital outpost at 3:53 a.m., the Federal Space Agency reported, marking the beginning of a six-month stay in orbit. After running a series of routine checks to ensure that the connection between the spacecraft and the space station was airtight and without leaks, the crew opened the hatch and joined cosmonaut Mikhail Tyurin and astronauts Rick Mastracchio and Koichi Wakata, who have been staying at the station since November 2013.

The Expedition 39 crew, comprised of cosmonauts Alexander Skvortsov and Oleg Artemyev and astronaut Steven Swanson, was originally scheduled to dock with the space station on Wednesday morning, the Soyuz navigation computer prevented the vessel from executing a critical burn that would have kicked it up to the 370 kilometer orbit of ISS.

A minor problem in the ship’s orientation has been identified as the cause of the problem.

In early March Wakata became the first ever Japanese commander of the football-field sized orbiting laboratory, which has been permanently staffed by crews representing 16 nations since the arrival of Expedition 1 in November 2000.

airtight герметичный

arrival прибытие

become (became, become) становиться

burn запуск ракетного двигателя

cause (n) причина

comprise включать в себя

crew команда, экипаж

dock стыковаться, причаливать

ensure убедиться

execute выполнять, осуществлять

glitch проблема

hatch люк, крышка люка

join присоединяться, объединяться

kick бросать, толкать, ударять

leak утечка

minor незначительный

orbital outpost космический форпост

permanently постоянно, неизменно

prevent препятствовать

reach достигать

represent представлять

run (ran, run) проводить (какие-либо работы)

schedule назначать, планировать

spacecraft космический корабль

staff (v) укомплектовывать штаты

successfully успешно

vessel корабль, летательный аппарат

Russia to set up trading house for products made in jail

THE MOSCOW TIMES 4 4 Фрагмент взят из газеты «The Moscow Times» 2014 год

Russia’s prison service said Friday that it is creating a trading house to sell wares made by inmates.

The Federal Penitentiary Service said in a statement that setting up the marketplace to place orders and sell goods will create a link between government agencies and product manufacturers.

Officials did not disclose in what way revenue from the sale of the products is to be used.

Sberbank, the country’s largest bank, will provide credit to finance the venture, the penitentiary service said.

Oleg Korshunov, who heads the prison service’s economic and financial department, says penitentiary inmates produce over 100,000 kinds of goods, ranging from uniforms and shoes to kitchenware and furniture.

Jail labor is used by governments around the world to profit from the manpower of incarcerated criminals, although the practice has ignited controversy in light of allegations that prisoners are forced to work unreasonably long hours for pitiful wages.

Inmates being forced to work 17-hour days sewing police uniforms for about 30 rubles ($1) a month.

The International Center for Prison Studies estimated that there were about 681,000 prisoners in Russian jails in 2013.

allegation заявление

although хотя

controversy спор, полемика

create создавать

disclose разглашать

estimate оценивать

furniture мебель

goods товары

government правительство

ignite разжигать, провоцировать

incarcerated заключенный

inmate заключенный

jail тюрьма

jail labor труд заключенных

kind тип

kitchen ware товары для кухни

link (n) связь

manpower рабочая сила, живая сила

manufacturer производитель

order (n) заказ

penitentiary service тюремная служба

pitiful ничтожный

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