Мария Аполлова - Specific English. Грамматические трудности перевода

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    Specific English. Грамматические трудности перевода
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Мария Аполлова - Specific English. Грамматические трудности перевода краткое содержание

Specific English. Грамматические трудности перевода - описание и краткое содержание, автор Мария Аполлова, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки LibKing.Ru

Пособие знакомит читателя с характерными особенностями английского языка и типичными случаями расхождений с русским языком. В нем суммируются те черты грамматического строя английского языка, которые в силу их специфики представляют трудность для учащихся.

В предлагаемом пособии ставится цель ознакомить учащихся, прошедших первоначальный курс английского языка, с некоторыми характерными системными особенностями этого языка и типичными случаями расхождений с русским языком. Поскольку способ выражения мысли проявляет себя прежде всего в строе языка, в его грамматике, то в пособии вскрываются именно особенности английской грамматики, притом те особенности, которые находили меньшее отражение, а главное — не подвергались достаточной отработке в учебной литературе.

Пособие не претендует на полноту и систематичность описания специфики английской грамматики, но обращает внимание учащихся на отдельные интересные, с точки зрения автора, моменты, которые и придают английской речи ее неповторимое своеобразие.

Кроме того, в пособии рассматриваются такие особенности английского языка, как конверсия, лаконизм английской речи, с одной стороны, и тенденция к известным усложнениям и избыточности — с другой, переходность глаголов и некоторые другие моменты.

Каждый раздел пособия содержит теоретические заметки с иллюстративными примерами в переводе автора. Пособие имеет упражнения, построенные на оригинальном языковом материале и направленные на закрепление практических и переводческих навыков.

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Specific English. Грамматические трудности перевода - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Мария Аполлова
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III. Преобразуйте выделенные слова в прилагательные на -ed. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Christine braked and, as the car stopped, a traffic officer in uniform walked forward. 2. His hands with gloves on them encountered a small pile of coins. 3. He stepped into the corridor covered with a carpet. 4. It was a long room with a window at each end, but with heavy curtains. 5. The room had stand-up ledges running along the walls with windows. 6. It was warm among the sacks, in the dark, in the windowless shed. 7. She blinked around and singled out the boy wearing spectacles. 8. In the nineteenth century it had been acquired by a linen manufacturer of vast wealth from County Tyrone, who had given it its present name and a pair of lateral towers with battlements.

IV. Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения со сложнопроизводными прилагательными.

А. 1. It was the best-financed reactionary campaign in history. 2. After a few months the newly-organised union shop went out on strike. 3. They attended the giant meeting of joint action groups which filled Yankee Stadium in 1924 in an industry-wide work stoppage. 4. Your soil was drenched with the blood of the Araucans in their century-long struggle, an unequaled epic of resistance to Spanish conquest. 5. Development of nuclear energy in the United States is hampered by monopoly profiteering, marred by profit-greedy companies which economise on safety precautions. 6. «Our society has become information rich and action poor,«he said. 7. Columbia is the second-biggest coffee exporting country in the world. 8. The Soviet airline Aeroflot said II-62 jetlines will make twice-weekly flights to the Portuguese capital. 9. A recently-published study called «Women in Top Jobs» examines why this should be so.

Б. 1. The rejection of the Senate of a labour-supported proposal on so-called welfare «reform» was defeated 52-34. 2. So it was, with misgivings yet relentlessly, that he wished to distance himself from her more accusing image, from the cat-hugging Fanny of the patience-cards and the swallows, the last really humanly-present Fanny that he had known. 3. He had also added an ornate grass porch over the steps, a vast mushroom-shaped conservatory, and a red-brick kitchen annexe. 4. Within the house always seemed to Hugh to be both dark and damp, centred around the cold stone-flagged still-room, full of rain-soaked overcoats and rows of muddy Wellingtons. 5. The National Union of Public Employees’ leader said he was «extremely disturbed» to see that a union-sponsored Labour MP, Mr Ted Leadbitter, had also opposed the visit. 6. Emma had contrived to give the room an Edwardian look, and appeared in the midst of it, her voluminous nylon dress seeming like transparent muslin, her silver-topped walking-stick half lost in the folds, Edwardian herself. 7. The nearest he could come to his satisfaction was the guilty enjoyment of Lindsay’s dry-lipped kisses while Emma’s stick tapped slowly across the next room. 8. There is no inflation because the country has a centrally-planned, scientific socialist economy. 9. The New York State Department of Labor has been charged with discrimination against Spanish-speaking unemployment benefit claimants. The Labour-controlled Castle Point District Council was meeting in the small hours of yesterday when a message arrived from Occidental Oil Company’s Los Angeles office. The Council has been supporting a bitterly fought campaign by the Castle Point Refinery (нефтеочистительный завод) Resistance Group, which three weeks ago moved the pickets to an Italian-financed refinery which has been the subject of an inquiry. 12. From the reaction in the labour press, it appears that even some of the most conservative sections of the labor movement have become more appreciative of the peace issue, after seeing its influence in the election and in the victory of labor-endorsed candidates from the President down. 13. The voice that came back, welling up from the bottom of the stairs, was silly-young and self-amused. 14. On my way home 1 noticed a cab-driver crowd gathered in front of P. J. Clark’s saloon, apparently attracted there by a happy group of whiskey-eyed army officers. 15. As April approached May, the open-windowed, warm spring nights were lurid with the party sounds, the loud-playing phonograph and martini laughter that emanated from Apartment 2. 16. «Hello, Doc,«she repeated happily, as he lifted her off her feet in a rib-crushing grip. 17. Usually Riley wore a tense, trigger-tempered expression; but now he seemed relaxed. 18. Nodding dreamily, he gazed away from us, above us, his acornlike eyes scanning the sky-fringed, breeze-fooled leaves. 19. Our candle, as though intimidated by the incandescence of the opening, star-stabbed sky, toppled, as we could see, unwrapped above us, a late way-away wintery moon: it was like a slice of snow, near and far creatures called to it, hunched moon-eyed frogs, a claw-voiced wildcat. 20. Languid, banana-boned, she had dour black hair and an apathetic, at moments saintly face. 21. It is they who are playing more and more of a role in this struggle which is part of the world-changing tides of our times. 22. Dr James Colernan chaired a government-sponsored study group which produced the 1965 report «Equality of Educational Opportunity». 23. The Soviet proposed agreement would help to solve the problem of protecting the environment, 24. Both women lived in modest, book-filled apartments. 25. We have about 150 reform-minded members. Then we have about that many old-timers who are dead set against any reforms. 26. «That she has,«echoed the ladies in their choir-trained voices. 27. I took myself toward the jail, which is a box-shaped brick building next door to the Ford Motor Company. 28. In after years how often, trailing through the cold rooms of museums, I stopped before such a picture, stood long haunted moments having it recall that gone scene, not as it was, a band of goose-fleshed children dabbling in an autumn creek, but as the painting presented it, husky youths and wading water-diamonded girls. 29. With her kitchen-slopped apron she wiped my face. 30. We surveyed the view from the cemetery hill, and arm in arm descended to the summer-burned, September-burnished field. 31. British-seconded officers flying British-supplied planes and in command of Oman infantry units have been involved in the fighting for years. 32. He worked as a docker, although he had been college-trained in architectural science. 33. Doctor Winter repeated, «Eleven o’clock, and they’ll be here then, too.

A time-minded people, Joseph.» 34. After six hours’ travelling he came to La Candelaria, which lay, a long tin-roofed village, beside one of the tributaries of the Grijalva River. 35. She had a way of viewing regular-salaried employment as somehow inimical to integrity. 36. Soames could not see that for which Bosinney was waiting as he stood there drinking-in the flower-scented wind. 37. He left in a chauffeur-driven Daimler.

V. В следующих предложениях преобразуйте выделенные словосочетания в сложнопроизводные прилагательные и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Не hurried across the square shaded by trees. 2. His hair parted in the middle was still white and thick. 3. The President accused the Congress controlled by the Democrats of failing to meet the need for reform in the US. 4. She paused at the counter with a marble top and picked up her cigarettes and a few matches. 5. The condition of the Arab people in the territories occupied by the Israeli continues to degenerate. The measure passed by the Senate took shape two years ago. The view from there is very fine: the limitless trembling surface of River Woods, fifty unfolding miles of ploughed farmland with wind-mills. 8. His bald freckled head was big, like a dwarf’s. 9. But Doc Golightly’s proud earnest eyes and hat stained with sweat made me ashamed of such suspicions. 10. A general election is an election throughout a state. 11. This muddy street down which she had driven a thousand times during the war, along which she had fled with ducked head and legs quickened by fear, when shells burst over her during the siege, was so strange looking that she felt like crying. 12. The concrete parking area with a low ceiling was silent and deserted. 13. Behind the man wearing a yellow scarf more passengers with other problems pressed forward urgently. 14. In general the educational system financed by the state is a two-tier one of primary and secondary schools.

VI. Переведите следующие словосочетания.

presidential elections, governmental job, senatorial convention, secretarial duties, ambassadorial car, congressional election, presidential assassination, environmental impact, potential vice-presidential candidate, governmental functions, the dangers of environmental modification for military purposes, architectural job, ambassadorial appointments, senatorial approval, congressional power to impeach, presidential appointment of judges, governmental system, secretarial and clerical assistances, congressional majority.

VII. Переведите на русский язык. Обратите особое внимание на перевод выделенных атрибутивных групп.

1. Не was dark of face, swarthy as a pirate. 2. His defects were of the surface, he was generous of heart and kindly towards his fellow men. 3. He faced them all, still mild of face. 4. He knew that despite her absurdities she was frail of temperament, easily wounded. 5. Will was just the same, lank and gangling, pink of hair, mild of eye, patient as a draft animal. 6. There were handsome creatures among them, upright of carriage, with delicate features and small, exquisite hands. 7. He was slangy of speech and pleasantly caustic. 8. Himself an ugly man, insignificant of appearance, he prized very highly comeliness in others. 9. «What did he say?» asked one of the aunts, who was a little hard of hearing. 10. One or two outstanding personalities took her eye. An elderly man, very yellow of face, with a little goatee beard. 11. But to James, uneasy of conscience, her look was as good as an answer. It was an arresting face, pointed of chin, square of jaw. Nineteen years old, six feet two inches tall, long of bone and hard of muscle, they were as much alike as two bolls of cotton. 14. He could be grave of manner and charming when he chose. 15. Frail, fine-boned, so white of skin that her flaming hair seemed to have drawn all the colour from her face, she was nevertheless possessed of exuberant health and untiring energy.

VIII. Переведите на русский язык, обращая особое внимание на перевод атрибутивных групп с of.

1. Perhaps he learned to appreciate what a jewel of a wife he has? 2. Up there, that son-of-a-bitch of a captain is probably crying into his sombrero. 3. Meanwhile, he wished the old cluck of a chairman, Zanetta, would get the hell off his feet so that he, Freemantle, could take over. 4. And then I saw a fellow come in I knew. Big bully of a chap. 5. We had a hell of a fight. 6. I can’t tell you how moving it was to see that great bulk of a man uplifted by an emotion so pure and so beautiful. 7. I made a hell of an effort and slipped away. 8. Her mask of a face scowled. 9. She was contemplating an important change in her life and had no interest to spare for these animals oi tourists!

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