Сирена Мердек-Стерн - Деловые приемы и встречи на английском: визиты, сотрудничество и профессиональные контакты
- Название:Деловые приемы и встречи на английском: визиты, сотрудничество и профессиональные контакты
- Автор:
- Жанр:
- Издательство:Астрель; АСТ
- Год:2005
- ISBN:нет данных
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- Избранное:Добавить в избранное
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Сирена Мердек-Стерн - Деловые приемы и встречи на английском: визиты, сотрудничество и профессиональные контакты краткое содержание
Деловые приемы и встречи на английском: визиты, сотрудничество и профессиональные контакты - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию (весь текст целиком)

Did you really understand?
a) Could you tell me what it is about?
b) Wbuld you mind waiting, Mr Mithaud?
c) Wbuld you like to take a seat?
d) Ms Jones is here to see you, shall I send her up?
e) Mrs Peterson won’t be long.
f) Wbuld you like a coffee while you’re waiting?
g) Could you tell me your name, please?
h) Mrs Snooks will be down to collect you in one or two minutes.
i) Do you have an appointment?
j) Would you like to come this way?
k) Pm afraid she may be some time.
l) There’s a Mr Cool in reception in connection with the heating.
m) Please wait a minute, Pll see if he’s free.
n) Wbuld you like to see his assistant?
o) Can I take your coat?
p) Could you tell me where I can spend a penny?
Making you comfortable
What do you mean?
Asking for information
Finding your host
Making you wait
Tim Broke is making an appointment with his bank manager.
T. Broke: M. Money: T. Broke: P.A.:
T. Broke: P.A.:
T. Broke:
M. Money:
T. Broke: M. Money: T. Broke: M. Money:
T. Broke:
M. Money: T. Broke:
I think it would be a good idea if we met to discuss this further.
Yes, I agree. Just see my Personal Assistant for an appointment.
I’d like to make an appointment to see Mr Money, please.
Г11 just have a look in his diary. What dav would suit vou?
Might I suggest Tuesday morning?
Гт sorry, he already has an appointment in the morning. Would some time in the afternoon be convenient?
Yes, I could manage early in the afternoon...
Mr Money, would vou like to meet for lunch?
Yes. I’d like that... Гт sorrv. I would have loved to but I can’t make it on the Tuesday. Let’s try on Wednesday — are vou free on Wfednesdav?
I’m afraid I’m at a conference all dav. Would Thursday suit vou?
That suits me fine. I think, I’ll just check with my assistant...
Where would be the most convenient for you?
We could meet at the bank at about noon, and there’s a very good Italian restaurant just round the comer.
That sounds perfect. I’ll have time to sort out the figures and bring along a complete file with me.
I look forward to seeing vou on Thursday, then. Goodbye.
Thank you, goodbye.
![]() |
aMHMWimiPi—r—i -v.s - - - -.■■■ .v
I’d like to make an appointment to see Mr M., please.
Yes, certainly.
I’ll just have a look in his diary.
I think it would be a good idea if we met to discuss this.
Yes, I agree.
Just see my PA for an appointment.
What day would suit you?
Would Thursday suit you?
Are you free on Wednesday?
Might 1 suggest Tuesday morning? Wauld some time in the afternoon be convenient?
W3uld you like to meet for lunch? Wbuld you like to go to...
Where would be the most convenient for you?
Answering a suggestion
That suits me fine.
I could manage early (late) in the afternoon.
Yes, I’d like that.
Гш sorry, I would have loved to but I can’t make it on the Tuesday.
I’m afraid I’m at a conference all day.
I’m sorry, he already has an appointment in the morning.
I look forward to seeing you on.., then. See you on Thursday, then.
Договориться о встрече
Я бы хотел встретиться с...
Да, конечно.
Я посмотрю в его расписании встреч.
Я думаю, было бы хорошо встретиться и поговорить об этом.
Да, я согласен.
Договоритесь с моим личным помощником о встрече.
Предложить день для встречи
Какой день вас устроит?
Четверг вам подойдет?
Вы свободны в среду?
Могу я предложить вторник, утро? Днем вас устроит?
Не хотите ли вместе пообедать? Не хотите ли пойти в...
Где вам удобно встретиться?
Ответить на предложение
Мне это вполне подходит.
Да, я могу освободиться в начале / конце дня.
Да, очень хотел бы.
Весьма сожалею, я очень хотел бы, но во вторник не могу.
К сожалению, я весь день буду на конференции.
К сожалению, у него уже есть встреча утром.
Уточните детали
До встречи...
Итак, встретимся в четверг.
| Менее сухо Уответить * УУе$, certainly” | нежели
Англичане % очень
| пунктуальны!
у,Шарите %'*Тт afraid'"
I sorry"
Iкаждый раз, у когда хотите Iотказаться*
I ................~
творится ] у заключение, Иногда договариваются I о встрече.

Указать время
Есть 3 различных способа указать время по-английски.
The traditional clock
The digital clock / 12-hour clock
The 24-hour clock

9 o’clock quarter past 10 quarter to 2 5 past 4 half past 6
![]() |
9:00 |
10:15 (ten-fifteen) 1:45 (one forty-five) 4:05 (four-oh-five) 6:30 (six-thirty)

9:00 (nine hundred hours) 10:15
13:45 (thirteen-forty-five) 16:05 (sixteen-oh-five) 18:30 (eighteen-thirty)
10:40 (ten forty)
Употреблять с am / pm.
20 to eleven
Для обозначения всех минут, не кратных 5, добавляют “minutes”: Twenty-two minutes past ten / twenty past ten.
Выражения “in the morning/in the afternoon/in the evening”, а не am / pm употребляются только в случае, если есть сомнения.
22:40 (twenty two-forty)
Теоретически нужно говорить о каждой минуте. 24-х часовые часы используются главным образом для расписаний и общественного транспорта, но становятся все более распространенными.
a! | oh 9 hundred (hours) | |
b) thirteen minutes past 8c) quarter past ten in the morning dV | ||
eleven twenty-five am | ||
e) half past three in the afternoonf) | ||
sixteen fifty | ||
g) | six forty-five pm | |
h) | nineteen forty | |
i) four o’clock in | ||
the afternoon | ||
j)_ one twenty pm |
a) I can see you at
b) Wfould_
sharp. (11.15)
suit you? (14.30) *_(17.00)
c) I can be free at_
d) I think he can manage from_
e) I would like to fix an appointment at 0 I think
.(15.30-16.30) _(10.30)
What time?
What time shall we meet?
g) Shall we have a breakfast meeting, say at
h) The CEO would like to arrange a meeting at
0 The Finance Manager is only available at_
j) I will try and make it at
k) Would you like to have dinner this evening at_
0 I’m afraid I’ll be late for the appointment, I’ll arrive at
would be convenient. (09.00)
_? (20.20)
Fixing a date and time to “Fly the London Pie in the Sky” with a colleague.
C. Spencer: J. Terrell:
C. Spencer: J. Terrell:
C. Spencer: J. Terrell:
C. Spencer:
J. Terrell:
C. Spencer:
J. Terrell:
C. Spencer:
J. Terrell: C. Spencer: J. Terrell:
C. Spencer: J. Terrell:
C. Spencer: J. Terrell:
C. Spencer:
Joe! Look at this, it looks very interesting!
What is it?
It’s a pamphlet for the London Pie in the Sky. Would you like to go?
That would be lovely. What a great idea!
What about meeting for a drink after work, and taking an evening flight? What a good idea!
Can vou make Tuesday next week? The Pie is open from 9am to 10pm in the summer.
Let me iust get out mv diary... Oh, what a pity. I’m tied up on Tuesday. How about Thursday?
So, that’s Thursday 18th May. That suits me — the last boarding time is at 9.30pm.
Can you book the tickets, then?
No trouble, we can book in advance by calling an 08 hundred number. Do vou feel like having dinner after too?
Super! Where did vou have in mind?
There’s that really trendy place, the “Ivy”, or we could go to “La Caprice”.
I look forward to seeing vou on Thursday, then.
Yes, see vou on Thursday. Shall I pick vou up at the office?
I think it would be better to take the Tube. Let’s sav at 6-ish. Just call me on my mobile and I’ll come down.
Could vou make that a bit later?
Fine, 6.30.
OK. See vou soon.
Might I suggest?
Shall we... ? / Let’s..., shall we? How about / what about / Let’s...
Wfe could...
Why don’t we... ?

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