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Кевин Келлер - Маркетинг менеджмент. Экспресс-курс

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Настоящий «Экспресс-курс» представляет собой сжатое изложение 12-го издания главного труда Ф. Котлера и К. Л. Келлера «Маркетинг менеджмент». Книга сохраняет полноту и содержательность повествования, содержит все основные кейсы, модели и проекты.

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Перевод: И. Малкова

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Mary Jo Bitner, «Self-Service Technologies: What Do Customers Expect?» Marketing Management (Spring 2001): 10—11; Matthew L. Meuter, Amy L. Ostrom, Robert J. Round-tree, and Mary Jo Bitner, «Self-Service Technologies: Understanding Customer Satisfaction with Technology-Based Service Encounters», Journal of Marketing Management 64 (July 2000): 50—64.


John Goodman, Technical Assistance Research Program (TARP), U.S. Office of Consumer Affairs Study on Complaint Handling in America, 1986; Albrecht and Zemke, Service America !; Berry and Parasuraman, Marketing Services ; Roland T. Rust, Bala Subramanian, and Mark Wells, «Making Complaints a Management Tool», Marketing Management 1, no. 3 (1992): 41—45; Stephen S. Tax, Stephen W. Brown, and Murali Chandrashekaran, «Customer Evaluations of Service Complaint Experiences: Implications for Relationship Marketing», Journal of Marketing (April 1998): 60—76.


Stephen S. Tax and Stephen W. Brown, «Recovering and Learning from Service Failures», Sloan Management Review (Fall 1998): 75—88.


Dale Buss, «Success from the Ground Up», Brandweek , June 16, 2003, pp. 21—22.


Kirstin Downey Grimsley, «Service with a Forced Smile, Safeway ‘s Courtesy Campaign Also Elicits Some Frowns», Washington Post , October 18, 1998, p. A1; Suzy Fox, «Emotional Value: Creating Strong Bonds with Your Customers», Personnel Psychology , April 1, 2001, pp. 230—234.


Milind M. Lele ans Uday S. Karmarkar, «Good Product Support Is Smart Marketing», Harvard Business Review (November–December 1999): 124—132.


Результаты исследования влияния опозданий с обслуживанием на оценку качества обслуживания вы можете найти в: Shirley Taylor, «Waiting for Service: The Relationship Between Delays and Evaluations of Service», Journal of Marketing (April 1994): pp. 56—69; Michael K. Hui and David K. Tse, «What to Tell Customers in Waits of Different Lengths», Journal of Marketing (April 1996); 81—90.


Jack Neff, «It Worked: Ad Boost Pays Off for Colgate; Unilever Also Sees Sales and Share Uptick, But Both Still Lag Behind P&G», Advertising Age , August 8, 2005, pp. 3+; Susanna Howard, «P&G, Unilever Court the World’s Poor», Wall Street Journal , June 1, 2005, pp. 1+; «Procter & Gamble Poses Competitive Threat to India Detergent Nirma», The Economic Times , December 20, 2004, n.p.; Eric Bellman and Deborah Ball, «Unilever, P&G Wage Price War for Edge in India», Wall Street Journal , August 11, 2004, p. B1.


Michael Menduno, «Priced to Perfection», Business 2.0, March 6, 2001, pp. 40—42.


Подробный обзор исследований ценообразования приведен в работе: Chezy Ofir and Russel S. Winer, «Pricing: Economic and Behavioral Models», in Handbook of Marketing , edited by Bartz Weitz and Robin Wensley, (New York, NY: Sage Publications, 2002), 5–86.


Peter R. Dickson and Alan G. Sawyer, «The Price Knowledge and Search of Supermarket Shoppers», Journal of Marketing (July 1990): 42—53. Методологические вопросы рассмотрены в работе: Hooman Estalami, Alfred Holden, and Donald R. Lehmann, «Macro-Economic Determinants of Consumer Price Knowledge: A Meta-Analysis of Four Decades of Research», International Journal of Research in Marketing 18 (December 2001): 341—355.


Различные точки зрения по данному вопросу представлены в работе: Chris Janiszewski and Donald R. Lichtenstein, «A Range Theory Account of Price Perception», Journal of Consumer Research (March 1999): 353—368.


K. N. Rajendran and Gerard J. Tellis, «Contextual and Temporal Components of Reference Price», Journal of Marketing (January 1994): 22—34.


Gary M. Erickson and Johny K. Johansson, «The Role of Price in Multi-Attribute Product-Evaluations», Journal of Consumer Research (September 1985): 195—199.


Mark Stiving and Russel S. Winer, «An Empirical Analysis of Price Endings with Scanner Data», Journal of Consumer Research (June 1997): 57—68.


Eric Anderson and Duncan Simester, «Effects of $19 Price Endings on Retail Sales: Evidence from Field Experiments», Quantitative Marketing and Economics , 1 (1), 2003, pp. 93–110.


Shantanu Dutta, Mark J. Zbaracki and Mark Bergen, «Pricing Process as a Capability: A Resource-Based Perspective», Strategic Management Journal 24, no. 7 (2000): 615—630.


Sidney Bennett and J. B. Wilkinson, «Price-Quantity Relationships and Price Elasticity Under In-Store Experimentation», Journal of Business Research (January 1974): 30—34.


Walter Baker, Mike Marn and Craig Zawada, «Price Smarter on the Net», Harvard Business Review (February 2001): 122—127.


John R. Nevin, «Laboratory Experiments for Estimating Consumer Demand – A Validation Study», Journal of Marketing Research (August 1974): 261–68; and Jonathan Weiner, «Forecasting Demand: Consumers Electronic Marketer Uses a Conjoint Approach to Configure Its New Product and Set the Right Price», Marketing Research: A Magazine of Management & Applications, Summer 1994, pp. 6–11.


Великолепный обзор различных методов оценки ценовой чувствительности и спроса приведен в работе: Thomas T. Nagle and Reed K. Holden, The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing , 3rd ed. (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2002).


Результаты исследований эластичности спроса суммированы в обзоре: Domonique M. Hanssens, Leonard J. Parsons, and Randall L. Schultz, Market Response Models: Econometric and Time Series Analysis (Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990): pp. 187—191.


Robin Cooper and Robert S. Kaplan, «Profit Priorities from Activity-Based Costing », Harvard Business Review (May–June 1991): 130—135.


«Japan Smart Secret Weapon», Fortune, August 12, 1991, p. 75.


Tung-Zong Chang and Albert R. Wildt, «Price, Product Information, and Purchase Intention: An Empirical Study», Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (Winter 1994): 16—27; G. Dean Kortge and Patrick A. Okonkwo, «Perceived Value Approach to Pricing», Industrial Marketing Management , May 1993, pp. 133—140.


James C. Anderson, Dipak C. Jain, and Pradeep K. Chintagunta, «Customer Value Assessment in Business Markets: A State-of-Practice Study», Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing 1, no. 1 (1993): 3–29.


Stephen J. Hoch, Xavier Dreze and Mary J. Purk, «EDLP, Hi-Lo, and Margin Arithmetic», Journal of Marketin g (October 1994): 16—27; Rajiv Lal and R. Rao, «Supermarket Competition: The Case of Everyday Low Pricing», Marketing Science 16, no. 1 (1997): 60—80.


Becky Bull, «No Consensus on Pricing», Progressive Grocer , November 1998, pp. 87—90.


Paul W. Farris and David J. Reibstein, «How Prices, Expenditures, and Profits Are Linked», Harvard Business Review (November–December 1979): 173—184; Makoto Abe, «Price and Advertising Strategy of a National Brand Against Its Private-Label Clone: A Signaling Game Approach», Journal of Business Research (July 1995): 241—250.


Michael Rowe, Countertrade (London: Euromoney Books, 1989); P.N. Agarwala, Countertrade: A Global Perspective (New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House, 1991); Christopher M. Korth, ed., International Countertrade (New York: Quorum Books, 1987).


David E. Sprott, Kenneth C. Manning and Anthony Miyazaki, «Grocery Price Settings and Quantity Surcharges», Journal of Marketing 67 (July 2003): 34—46.


Michael V. Marn and Robert L. Rosiello, «Managing Price, Gaining Profit», Harvard Business Review (September–October 1992): 84—94; Gerard J. Tellis, «Tackling the Retailer Decision Maze: Which Brand to Discount, How Much, When, and Why?» Marketing Science 14, no. 3, pt. 2 (1995): 271—299; Kusum L. Ailawadi, Scott A. Neslin, and Karen Gedenk, «Pursuing the Value-Conscious Consumer: Store Brands Versus National Brand Promotions», Journal of Marketing 65 (January 2001): 71—89.


Robert E. Weigand, «Yield Management: Filling Buskets, Papering the House», Business Horizons , September–October 1999, pp. 55—64.


Charles Fishman, «Which Price Is Right?» Fast Company , March 2003, pp. 92–102; John Sviokla, «Value Poaching», Across the Board (March/April 2003): 11—12.


Дополнительную информацию о конкретных типах противозаконной ценовой дискриминации вы можете найти в: Henry R. Cheeseman, Business Law (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2001).


Robert E. Weigand, «Buy In-Follow On Strategies for Profit», Sloan Management Review , Spring 1991, pp. 29—37.


Gerald J. Tellis, «Beyond the Many Faces of Price: An Integration of Pricing Strategies», Journal of Marketing (October 1986): 155. Статья анализирует и иллюстрирует остальные стратегии ценообразования.


Margaret C. Campbell, «Perceptions of Pricing Unfairness: Antecedents and Consequences», Journal of Marketing Research 36 (May 1999): 187—199.


Великолепный обзор содержится в работе: Kent B. Monroe, «Buyers’ Subjective Perceptions of Price», Journal of Marketing Research (February 1973): 70—80.


Paul Davis, «B of A to Close 100 Branches», American Banker , July 7, 2005, p. 20; Eve Tahmincioglu, «Small Banking in a Big Bank World», New York Times , June 30, 2005, p. C10; Jennifer Saranow, «New Bean Counters: Banks Share Space with Coffee Shops», Wall Street Journal, March 22, 2005, p. D3; Janny Scott, «More Banks Than a Roll of Dimes Stake Their Claim», New York Times , February 7, 2004, p. B1; Patricia A. Murphy, «Why WingspanBank Couldn’t Stay Aloft», Banking Wire , September 17, 2001, p. 7.


Anne T. Coughlan, Erin Anderson, Louis W. Stern, and Adel I. El-Ansary, Marketing Channels , 6th ed. (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2001).


Louis W. Stern and Barton A. Weitz, «The Revolution in Distribution: Challenges and Opportunities», Long Range Planning 30, no. 6 (1997): 823—829.


Великолепный обзор теоретических работ приведен в: Erin Anderson and Anne T. Coughlan, «Channel Management: Structure, Governance, and Relationship Management», in Handbook of Marketing , edited by Bart Weitz and Robin Wensley (London: Sage Publications, 2001), pp. 223—247; Gary L. Frazier, «Organizing and Managing Channels of Distribution», Journal of the Academy of Marketing Sciences 27, no. 2 (1999): 226—240.

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