Татьяна Олива Моралес - Общий курс английского языка. Часть 4 (В2 – С2)

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Татьяна Олива Моралес - Общий курс английского языка. Часть 4 (В2 – С2) краткое содержание

Общий курс английского языка. Часть 4 (В2 – С2) - описание и краткое содержание, автор Татьяна Олива Моралес, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки LibKing.Ru
Учебное пособие состоит из 6 блоков, каждый из которых содержит тесты на всю нормативную грамматику английского языка; упражнение 1 на расстановку времён, артиклей и предлогов; упражнения 2—4 на перевод, пересказ и аудирование рассказа Джека Лондона «Держись», адаптированного по методике © Лингвистический Реаниматор. Пособие содержит 16 201 английское слово и идиому. Все тесты и упражнения имеют ключи. По сложности данная книга соответствует уровням В2 – С2.

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– Of course it(be / можно) possible, it(be) even necessary. – … seller(exclaim / воскликнул), (give / вручая) … boybadge. – Enjoy your(view)!

And then something unbelievable(happen / случилось) – Danya(find / оказался) himself(!) his star. It(be) so beautiful – bright colorful gardens(bloom) here, bizarre beautiful birds(!) … unfamiliar breed and elves(fly) around, animals(!) unprecedented beauty(walk) , and there(be) … castle towered further,(!) … hill(на холме).

Danya(walk / погулял) around the surroundings.

Then he(go) (! / вошёл) … castle and(see) … lot(!) interesting things there. No one(be) visible inside, but(!) some reason(почему-то) … boy(ask) :

– Tell me, please, and whose castle it(be)?

– Of course it(be) yours, sir Daniel! – he(hear / услышал) back.

castle(have) a cozy bedroom. Danya(be) (tire / устал), (walk / гуляя) around his star, and(want) (!) sleep. He(lie) (!) a soft bed,(cover) himself(!) a duvet and(fall) asleep very quickly.

– Danya, get(!) (вставай) ! – he suddenly(hear / услышал) his grandmother’s voice. «It(be) ten o’clock in the morning, wash yourself and sit(!) (садись) for breakfast.»

boy(sit / сел) (! / за) … table,breakfast(seem) (!) him unusually tasty. He(be) very happy and(! / c) pleasure(tell) his granny everything that he(manage) (!) see in his yogurt dream.

When it(be / настало) time(!) go(!) bed, he(go) (!) his grandma, who(cook) something,(stand / стоя) (! / у) … stove, and(ask) :

– Granny, it(be) time(!) sleep, I (come / пришёл) (! / за) my yogurt dreams, give me, please,glass(!) your wonderful yogurt!

…next morning,(tell / рассказывая) his grandmother another unusual dreams about the star, Danya(ask / спросил) :

– Granny, what(be) … secret(!) your magical yogurt, what you(put) there?»

Grandmother(get / призадумалась) thoughtful for a while and then(answer) :

– I put there …freshest home-made yogurt, add small pieces(!) various delicious fruits(accord / исходя) (!) my mood, andvery large portion(!) my love(!) you, my boy.(!) fact(собственно говоря), that(be) all.

Ключ к упражнению 1

Yogurt Dreams

Danya sat on the windowsill looking at the stars.

It was already late, high time to sleep, but he did not want. It happened practically every day. Mom and Dad were preoccupied with this issue.

They consulted the best doctors in the city, the men of medicine. They prescribed various pills and potions to the boy, but it didn’t work. Just at that time Danya’s grandmother came to visit them.

One late evening, when Danya, instead of going to bed, watched the stars, she quietly entered the room, sat down in the chair and asked:

– Do you like the stars?

– Yes, granny, I really love them, it seems to me that there are so many secrets and mysteries in the night sky. I like to look at the stars at night and dream.

– What do you usually dream of?

– I don’t even know how to explain this, I just sit and dream about nothing. And my soul is so pleased by it.

– But it’s probably not very interesting to dream about nothing. – she wondered.

– Well, I apparently haven’t meant it. For example, I look at a star and think what it will be like if you approach it, what happens on it and who lives there.

In my opinion, wizards, knights and beautiful princesses live on the stars, although there are evil magicians and all kinds of Baba Yaga there, but the knights always defeat them all.

– Oh, Danya, what a fellow you are! – You’ve told me such a beautiful bedtime story. Well, do you really don’t want to sleep?

– No, grandma, I absolutely don’t want to sleep. – the boy answered sadly and sighed heavily.

After all, he also did not like that he caused so many problems and inconveniences to his relatives with his unwillingness to go to bed in time.

– Do you want to see everything you’ve just told me in a yogurt dream?» – the grandmother asked.

– Of course I want! – Danya exclaimed joyfully. – What kind of yogurt dream is this?

– This is a wonderful dream, which you can order depending on what you want to see. Only at first you need to go to bed, put your head on a soft pillow, take cover with a warm blanket, relax, close your eyes and think about the dream you would like to see. And it will come. But at first I’ll bring you a wonderful remedy for this.

Grandma came out, and soon returned with a glass of some white drink, deliciously smelling of berries:

– Have my wonderful yogurt, and then do as I taught. Tell me in the morning what you’ve seen in your dream. Have we agreed?

– Sure, granny, agreed! – the boy said hopefully.

So he did everything exactly as his grandmother had told, and he found himself in an unusual dream. Danya dreamed that he was standing in line at the Dreams Shop, and there were two more kids – a boy and a girl in front of him.

Behind the counter there was quite an extraordinary seller – an old man, dressed absolutely like a magician. And he asked the girl:

«What would you like to choose tonight, Agnes?»

– I would like something completely unbelievable, for example, I could ride on a cloud, if it’s possible.

– Oh, you wound me, dear Agnes, our store provides top-quality service, so nothing is impossible here. Please take your order. – answered the seller, giving the girl some kind of a gold badge. – I wish yoy took pleasure in viewing!

After the boy standing in front of Danya in line made his order, his turn came. He thought for a moment, and, on greeting the seller, hesitantly asked:

– Is it possible to order a dream about that little star? – and he showed his most beloved star in the sky.

– Of course it’s possible, it is even necessary. – the seller exclaimed, giving the boy a badge. – Enjoy your viewing!

And then something unbelievable happened – Danya found himself on his star. It was so beautiful – bright colorful gardens bloomed here, bizarre beautiful birds of an unfamiliar breed and elves were flying around, animals of unprecedented beauty were walking, and there was a castle towered further, on the hill.

Danya walked around the surroundings.

Then he went into the castle and saw a lot of interesting things there. No one was visible inside, but for some reason the boy asked:

– Tell me, please, and whose castle it is?

– Of course it’s yours, sir Daniel! – he heard back.

The castle had a cozy bedroom. Danya was tired, on walking around his star, and wanted to sleep. He lay in a soft bed, covered himself with a duvet and fell asleep very quickly.

– Danya, get up! – he suddenly heard his grandmother’s voice. «It’s ten o’clock in the morning, wash yourself and sit down for breakfast.»

The boy sat at the table, the breakfast seemed to him unusually tasty. He was very happy and with pleasure told his granny everything that he had managed to see in his yogurt dream.

When it was time to go to bed, he went to his grandma, who was cooking something, standing at the stove, and asked:

– Granny, it’s time to sleep, I’ve come for my yogurt dreams, give me, please, a glass of your wonderful yogurt!

The next morning, telling his grandmother another unusual dreams about the star, Danya asked:

– Granny, what is a secret of your magical yogurt, what do you put there?»

Grandmother got thoughtful for a while and then answered:

– I put there the freshest home-made yogurt, add small pieces of various delicious fruits according to my mood, and a very large portion of my love for you, my boy. In fact, that’s all.

Упражнение 2 (970 слов, идиом и американизмов)

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Держись (Holding Her Down)

Часть 1

Не принимая во внимание несчастные случаи(barring accidents) , хороший бродяга(…good hobo) , молодой и ловкий(with youth and agility) , может продержаться на поезде(can hold a train down) , невзирая на все усилия(despite all …efforts) поездной команды(of …train-crew) его ссадить(to «ditch» him) – учитывая(given) , конечно(of course) , что всё это происходит в ночное время(night-time) , и это самое обязательное условие(as an essential condition).

Когда такой бродяга(when such …hobo) , при таких условиях(under such conditions), решает(make.. up his mind) что(that) ему нужно продержаться на поезде(he be..* going to hold her down/ am, is, are) , либо(either) он на нём удерживается(he do.. hold her down) , либо(or) его подводит нелепая случайность(chance trip.. him up).

Не существует законного способа(there be..* no legitimate [лидж итимэт] way/ am, is, are) , за исключением(short of) убийства(murder) , с помощью которого(whereby) экипаж поезда(…train-crew) может его ссадить(can ditch him) . То, что проводники(that train-crews) не останавливались(not stop../ Present Perfect ) перед убийством(short of murder) такие слухи ходят сейчас(be..* a current belief/ am, is, are) в мире бродяг(in ....tramp world) . Не получив(not having had) подобного опыта(that particular experience) будучи бродягой(in my tramp days) я не могу ручаться(I cannot vouch) за это(for it) лично(personally).

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