М. Битюкова - Сборник упражнений по английскому языку. Часть 2

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М. Битюкова - Сборник упражнений по английскому языку. Часть 2 краткое содержание

Сборник упражнений по английскому языку. Часть 2 - описание и краткое содержание, автор М. Битюкова, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки LibKing.Ru
Данное учебное пособие представляет собой сборник упражнений, которые помогут закрепить теоретические знания по грамматике английского языка для начинающих и повторить пройденное для продолжающих изучать английский язык, а также позволят пополнить лексический запас на разные интересующие темы (например, "Мой любимый магазин/ресторан", "Достопримечательности города", "Наши питомцы" и т.д.). Во второй части пособия представлены следующие грамматические темы: Past Simple tense, Present Perfect tense, Present Continuous tense, несколько глагольных конструкций для выражения будущего времени, а также простейшие модальные глаголы и степени сравнения прилагательных. Каждый урок помимо основных упражнений на отработку грамматических правил содержит задания по лексике и упражнения на повторение, а также скороговорки для улучшения навыков произношения. В конце второй части есть бонус – ключи к упражнениям на перевод, а также перевод заданий к упражнениям для их лучшего понимания.

Сборник упражнений по английскому языку. Часть 2 - читать онлайн бесплатно ознакомительный отрывок

Сборник упражнений по английскому языку. Часть 2 - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно (ознакомительный отрывок), автор М. Битюкова
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Module 7

I. Vocabulary section

Active vocabulary

Vocabulary Revision and Expansion Exercises Exercise 1 Translate the - фото 1

Vocabulary Revision and Expansion Exercises

Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences into English using the words of Modules 6-7.

1. Ты знаешь этого человека? – Да, знаю. Он изобрел мобильный телефон. 2. Это был удивительный год в жизни нашего города. 3. Она родилась в маленькой деревушке и с ранних лет стала интересоваться животными. 4. Я получил работу в этой компании месяц назад. 5. Он окончил университет в 1976 году и решил написать статью в газету. 6. Вчера вечером после работы я села в автобус и приехала домой очень быстро. 7. После окончания университета Джордж стал менеджером туристической компании. 8. В университете сестра Ольги изучала право и иностранные языки. 9. Три года назад они жили на севере России. 10. Как они решили назвать своего младшего сына?

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences using the words from the box. Be attentive: you may need to change the forms of the verbs.

II Grammar section Past Simple was and wasnt were and werent Exercise - фото 2

II. Grammar section

Past Simple: was and wasn’t, were and weren’t.

Exercise 1. Read the questions. Complete the answers.

1. What day was it yesterday? – It was … .

2. What month was it last month? – It was … .

3. What year was it last year? – It was … .

4. Where were you yesterday? – I was in/at … .

5. Where was your partner yesterday? – He/She was in/at … .

6. Were you in England in 1999? – …, I was./…, I wasn’t.

Exercise 2. Ask and answer questions with a partner.

Exercise 3 Correct these sentences making them negative 1 Cleopatra was the - фото 3

Exercise 3. Correct these sentences making them negative.

1. Cleopatra was the queen of England.

2. Romeo and Juliet were American.

3. The mini skirt was famous in the 1860s.

4. Picasso and Van Gogh were famous politicians.

5. John F Kennedy was a pop singer.

6. Marilyn Monroe was an English teacher.

Exercise 4. Put the words in each line in the correct order to make up sentences. Don’t forget about articles where necessary.

1) was, brother, journalist, Mary’s, famous.

2) Richard, company, president, big, was, of.

3) at Christmas, were, John, at home, wife, and.

4) Bill Clinton, USA, president, was.

5) Russia, republics, Soviet Union, Ukraine, were, and, of.

6) was, O’Henry, stories, of, master, short.

Past Simple: regular and irregular verbs.

Exercise 5. Do we use last and ago with these times?

Last Ago Exercise 6 Make the following sentences in the past a They work - фото 4



Exercise 6. Make the following sentences in the past.

a) They work at this company.

b) We go to work at 9 a.m.

c) She lives in the country with her relatives.

d) He knows the subject very well.

e) John and Mary live in the centre of the city.

f) I remember this day.

g) Peter comes home from work at 6 p.m.

h) We know these people.

Exercise 7. Choose 5 regular verbs and 5 irregular verbs from this Module and make up an English-English crossword with them.

Exercise 8. Translate the following sentences into English using the words and grammar of Module 7.

1. Его вчера не было в колледже. 2. Прошлая зима не была теплой. 3. Они уехали из дома рано утром. 4. Меня там не было. 5. Почему ты вчера опоздал?6. Мы начали это задание на прошлой неделе. 7. Они вернулись домой в 7 часов вечера. 8. Мы решили послать это письмо вчера. 9. Вчера я встретил Стива в библиотеке. 10. Наши занятия закончились в половину седьмого. 11. В прошлое воскресенье погода была хорошая, и мы с друзьями пошли в парк. 12. Где они были вчера вечером? 13. Мы получили от нее важное сообщение час назад. 14. Он ушел из дома, когда ему было 12 лет. 15. Когда я учился в школе, родители часто помогали мне с домашним заданием.

Exercise 9. Write down 15 sentences on the topic “A famous person”.


Exercise 1. Write down the missing letters of the following past forms of the verbs. Some of them are regular, some are irregular.

Exercise 2 a Read the story Circle all the verbs in the Past Simple How - фото 5

Exercise 2. a) Read the story. Circle all the verbs in the Past Simple . How many of them can you find?

Yesterday afternoon Lionel and Frankie were at the zoo. First, they went to see the elephants. The elephants had very big ears and they made strange noises with their long noses. Lionel said that elephants ran very fast, Frankie thought that it was impossible. “They’re too big to run fast”, he said.

Then Lionel took Frankie to see the dolphins. The dolphins swam in their pool and did tricks. Frankie gave the dolphins some fish. They ate the fish very quickly. Frankie was hungry but he didn’t think that the fish were good to eat so they went to the shop at the zoo.

Lionel and Frankie bought two very big chocolate and strawberry ice creams. Then they stood and ate them next to the monkey’s cage.

b) Now answer the questions.

1. Where were Lionel and Frankie yesterday?

2. Which animals did they see first?

3. Did the elephants have small ears?

4. What did Lionel say about the elephants?

5. Did Frankie believe Lionel?

6. Where did Lionel take Frankie next?

7. What did the dolphins do?

8. What did Frankie give the dolphins?

9. Frankie was hungry. Where did they go next?

10. What did Lionel and Frankie buy at the shop?

11. Where did Lionel and Frankie stand?

Exercise 3. Choose the correct form of the verb.

1) She (work/works) in the bookshop.

2) He (get/got) home at twenty minutes to seven in the evening, (switch/switched) on the light, (close/closed) the door and (go/went/gone) to the bathroom.

3) The old lady (go/went/gone) to bed but she (hear/heard) something from the street and (wake up/woke up). She (come/came) to the window, (open/opened) it, but she (see/saw/seen) nothing.

4) My young sister (am/is/are) a modern girl. She (wear/wears) fashionable clothes which our parents (buy/buys) for us in foreign countries.

5) He (think/thinks) that he (know/knows) everything.

6) This man (was/were) very hard-working. He (do/does/did) his work very well.

7) Mother (give/gave/given) her daughter a present for the birthday.

Tongue-twisters. To read and remember

1. Swan swam over the sea.

Swim, swan, swim!

Swan swam back again.

Well swam, swan!

2. One-One was a racehorse;

Two-Two was one, too.

When One-One won one race,

Two-Two won one, too.

Module 8

I. Vocabulary section

Active vocabulary

Vocabulary Revision and Expansion Exercises Exercise 1 Choose any 10 words - фото 6

Vocabulary Revision and Expansion Exercises

Exercise 1. Choose any 10 words from Vocabulary of this Module and make up a story with them in the past.

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions using the words of this Module.

1. What do you usually buy in the shop? What did you buy yesterday?

2. Do you read books? What did you read last week?

3. When did you wake up today? And yesterday?

4. What did you eat for breakfast today? Did you like it? Who cooked it for you?

5. What did you drink for supper yesterday?

6. When did you come to school/university/work yesterday?

7. What did you wear yesterday?

8. What did you see in the morning when you opened your eyes?

Exercise 3. Find the unnecessary verb in each line. Explain your choice.

a) See, give, write, wash, go, drive.

b) Fell, drank, went, came, give, saw.

c) Slept, bought, drunk, found, had.

d) Given, written, worn, gone, been, eaten, fallen, woke.

II. Grammar section

Past Simple: negatives and questions.

Exercise 1. Write the Past Simple sentences and questions. Exercise 2 Work with a partner Ask and answer questions with When did you - фото 7

Exercise 2. Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions with “When did you last …?” Ask another question for more information.

Exercise 3 Choose the correct answer Exercise 4 Put the words in the - фото 8

Exercise 3. Choose the correct answer.

Exercise 4 Put the words in the correct order to make questions Then ask - фото 9

Exercise 4. Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Then ask these questions to your partner.

1) made, morning, this, breakfast, who, your?

2) did, last, what, eat, for, night, supper, you?

3) lessons, yesterday, you, did, what, have?

4) was, today, you, saw, who, the, person, first?

5) birthday, was, last, when, your?

6) shop, did, to, a, last, you, go, week?

7) swimming, last, when, you, was, time, the, went?

8) where, on holiday, year, you, go, last, did?

Exercise 5. Translate the following sentences into English using the words and grammar of Module 8.

1. Они купили новый дом в прошлом году. 2. Когда вы видели его в последний раз? 3. На прошлой неделе мы никуда не выходили из дома по вечерам. 4. Кто встречал вас на вокзале? 5. Я не нашла твой шарф в шкафу. 6. Когда она сказала вам об этом? 7. Он начал писать стихи, когда ему было 14 лет. 8. В прошлые выходные мы смотрели удивительный фильм. 9. Кто показывал вам эти фильмы? 10. Она увидела на улице собаку и закрыла дверь. 11. Кошка съела все мясо и с интересом посмотрела на меня. 12. Она не отправляла это письмо бабушке. 13. Дождь не прекращался до вечера. 14. Вчера я съела два бутерброда на завтрак. 15. Кому вы отдали эти журналы? 16. В прошлом году мы не изучали французский. Мы изучали английский. 17. Ее не было дома в 5 часов.

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