Ольга Кравцова - Английский язык для специальных и академических целей: Международные отношения и зарубежное регионоведение. Часть 1

Тут можно читать онлайн Ольга Кравцова - Английский язык для специальных и академических целей: Международные отношения и зарубежное регионоведение. Часть 1 - бесплатно полную версию книги (целиком) без сокращений. Жанр: Прочая научная литература, издательство МГИМО-Университет, год 2015. Здесь Вы можете читать полную версию (весь текст) онлайн без регистрации и SMS на сайте лучшей интернет библиотеки ЛибКинг или прочесть краткое содержание (суть), предисловие и аннотацию. Так же сможете купить и скачать торрент в электронном формате fb2, найти и слушать аудиокнигу на русском языке или узнать сколько частей в серии и всего страниц в публикации. Читателям доступно смотреть обложку, картинки, описание и отзывы (комментарии) о произведении.
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    Английский язык для специальных и академических целей: Международные отношения и зарубежное регионоведение. Часть 1
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Ольга Кравцова - Английский язык для специальных и академических целей: Международные отношения и зарубежное регионоведение. Часть 1 краткое содержание

Английский язык для специальных и академических целей: Международные отношения и зарубежное регионоведение. Часть 1 - описание и краткое содержание, автор Ольга Кравцова, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки LibKing.Ru
Цель настоящего учебного пособия (Часть I) – развитие коммуникативной компетенции, необходимой для использования английского языка в учебной, профессиональной и научной деятельности. Состоит из двух модулей: “Язык для специальных целей” (ESP) и “Язык для академических целей” (EAP).
Адресовано студентам четвертого курса факультетов и отделений международных отношений и зарубежного регионоведения.

Английский язык для специальных и академических целей: Международные отношения и зарубежное регионоведение. Часть 1 - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию (весь текст целиком)

Английский язык для специальных и академических целей: Международные отношения и зарубежное регионоведение. Часть 1 - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Ольга Кравцова
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Useful tips

1. Restate the thesis statement but do not repeat it!

2. Do not introduce new ideas.

3. Sum up the main points made in the body of the essay.

4. Do not pretend you have proven more than you have.

5. Make it emphatic: use an appropriate quotation or your own punchy 66 66 having a strong effect due to the use of clear simple language and not too many words. comment.

NB! Proofreading. Check your essay for

— opinion essay structure

— thesis statement expressing your opinion

— effective ‘hooking' technique

— one idea per paragraph to present your opinion

— supporting sentences and examples in each paragraph

— clearly presented opposing point of view in a separate paragraph

— relevant conclusion

— logical connection within and between paragraphs

— use of grammar structures

— use of vocabulary: synonyms, pronouns, etc.

— spelling and punctuation errors

A survey report is a formal piece of writing based on research

The Manual



States the purpose / aim of the report, and the source of information (when and how the information was gathered).

Main Body

All the information collected and analysed is presented clearly and in detail.

Beware of the most common mistakes: interpreting data and drawing conclusions in the main body!


Sums up the points mentioned above; summarizes what you think are the main findings of the survey. If necessary a recommendation can be included as well.

Beware: Use cautious language!

Useful tips

1. present the data clearly in detail ( use subheadings and numbers if necessary)

2. use Past Tense to describe the survey in the introduction

3. use Present Tenses and Reported Speech to introduce/present the data

4. use Present Tense to draw conclusions and make recommendations

5. write in formal style

Useful language

Writing introduction:

— This survey was carried out/conducted to find out/examine.

— The purpose / aim of this report

— This report presents the findings of the survey.

— This survey aimed to/at + verb/ -ing.

— . (number) respondents answered the questions on.

— The survey/ questionnaire was concerned/dealt with.

Writing main body:

— It has been found that.

— There is a (slight/big/considerable/etc.) increase/rise/decrease/fall in.

— One-third/Two-thirds/A quarter/Half/About half of respondents/students/etc. said that...

— Twenty-five percent/A large percentage/A small percentage of respondents stated/ claimed that.

— Several/A significant number of respondents commented/ agreed/suggested/etc. that

Writing conclusion:

To draw conclusions:

— The findings indicate/reveal/show/suggest that.

— From the results of the survey, we can see that.

— According to the findings, it is clear/evident that.

— It is not easy to reach any definite conclusions.

— If any conclusions can be drawn from the data.

— All things considered.

The Manual

— To sum up.

To make recommendations:

— It is therefore proposed/advised/recommended that.

— Based on the above findings, there is a clear need for.

— People should be encouraged to.

— The importance of . must be emphasised

Sample survey report
End of Year Survey of People's Outlook for 2014

During September-December 2013 an annual survey of global opinions was conducted by WIN-Gallup International. National probability samples of around 1,000 people were surveyed in each of the 65 countries polled, a total of 66,806 respondents. The survey was conducted by means of face-to-face (34 countries), telephone (11 countries) or online (20 countries) interviews. As part of the poll people were asked: "Who is the greatest threat to world peace?” and "If there were no barriers to living in any country of the world, which country would you like to live in?”

As to the first question, the U.S. tops the list with an aggregate of 24 percent, the runner-up threat country, Pakistan, is way behind at eight percent. China is third at six percent, followed by North Korea, Iran and Israel at five percent each. Fifty-four percent of Russian respondents and forty-nine of Chinese consider the U.S. to be the greatest threat to peace. This view is also strongly held in some purported U.S. allies — such as NATO partners Greece and Turkey (45 percent each), and Pakistan (44 percent),

Other findings of interest are as follows. American respondents see Iran as the greatest threat to peace (20 percent), followed by Afghanistan (14 percent), North Korea (13 percent) — and the U.S. itself (13 percent). Indian respondents predictably name their Muslim neighbor as posing the greatest danger (25 percent), but for Pakistanis the U.S. easily beats India as the biggest threat (44 percent compared to 15). China is named as the greatest threat to peace by respondents in Japan (38 percent), Vietnam (54 percent) and Philippines (22 percent).

Answers to the second question reveal an interesting tendency. A majority of people (38%) are happy to live where they currently reside. This figure is the average for Western Europe too; 36% of the UK population opt to stay in the country and a substantial 66% of Australia respondents would not consider relocating. Overall, those in the MENA 1(47%) and Americas (46%) regions are most likely to stay where they currently live.

For those who would like to move, the survey highlights that the USA (9% of respondents) is the most desirable destination, with Canada and Australia jointly being second choice (7%) and Switzerland third (6%).

The Manual

The findings of the survey indicate that the USA is seen as representing the greatest threat to peace today. This opinion is evidently shared by the US rivals and allies alike, though by the latter to a lesser extent. Beijing, which makes territorial claims in the East and South China Sea, does not appear to have won many friends either. A near majority of people across the globe apparently prefer to stay where they live now. Those who would like to move, paradoxically, consider the USA the most desired destination. This could show that for many of the people surveyed it appears that the notion of the ‘American Dream' is still alive. (491)

Reading Writing Editing
— Skim — write down the main idea of each section in one sentence — check for accuracy and objectivity
— Read — write a thesis statement 67 67 Middle East and North Africa 68 68 Alternatively: start with the main ideas, then write down the thesis statement that clearly sums up the main idea of the whole text. — check if it is written in your own words
— Reread — write the first draft— write the second /final version — revise it for style, grammar and punctuation
SAMPLE PRACTICE 68 68 Alternatively: start with the main ideas, then write down the thesis statement that clearly sums up the main idea of the whole text.
a) Read the article and focus on the underlined parts. What do you think they represent? Answer the questions below.
These may serve as an outline of your summary.

Who? When? Where? What? Why? What result?

b) Would you like to suggest a different selection (see the underlined parts again) to write the thesis of a summary?
c) Write your thesis statement. If you can't do it in your own words, use some from the text and paraphrase later.
The economy: migrant support

The recent arrival of east Europeans into Britain, in order to undertake employment which much of the British population shun, replicates patterns that developed during the Victorian period. For much of the 19th century the Irish formed part of the labour force working on some of the toughest manual jobs, leading some historians to doubt the extent to which industrialisation could have taken place without them.

Similarly, German immigrants in Victorian Britain undertook some of the hardest work in the East End of London, including sugar baking. Russian Jewish immigrants in the late Victorian and Edwardian years found themselves working in East End sweatshops, while postwar British prosperity could not have happened without working-class immigrants from all over the world.

The Manual

However, migrants have not simply acted as a cheap labour force — as the number of foreign millionaires in contemporary London testifies. Fabulously wealthy businessmen such as Roman Abramovich have predecessors in German tycoons of the 19th century. Some of these may simply have owned bakers and butchers shops, but others helped to establish some of Britain's largest companies. Immigrant Ludwig Mond's son was one of the founders of ICI. Meanwhile, the descendants of the Russian Jewish migrants of the late 19th century have gone on to become major players in British industry and the professions, as have refugees from Nazi Germany.(222)

/from Arriving in Style by Panikos Panayi. History Magazine. July 2010/

When editing your summary answer the questions:

1. Have you accurately represented the author's ideas and key points (the author's emphasis)?

2. Have you written it in your OWN words? If you quoted the author, use quotation marks.

3. Have you mentioned the author periodically?

4. Have you included any minor details or your own ideas?

5. Is it the right length? (normally 1/3 or 1/4 of the original text)

6. Have you included all the necessary information in the introduction? (name of the author, the title of article, the name of magazine, journal, newspaper, date of publication)

Revise it for style, grammar, spelling and punctuation.
Focus on the Tone
Tone is the attitude the writer wants to convey, the emotional colouring of his/her writing

Formal, informal, angry, enthusiastic, detached, humorous, serious, optimistic, pessimistic concerned ..?

What makes you think so? How does it affect paraphrasing?
Read the extract and choose appropriate synonyms from the list below.

Mr Bercow's 1biggest year for Christmas splurging was 2010, when more than £26,000 was spent on Christmas tree maintenance by the Commons authorities he controls. In 2009 it was felt necessary to spend £1,240 on decorations. That's a lot to spend on fairies 69 69 Speaker of the House of Commons since 2009 70 70 Fairy lights — small lights used for decorating Christmas trees , even for a man of his delicate aesthetics. Exactly what 'maintenance' of a Christmas tree entails is not explained. Does it mean Hoovering (пылесосить) the pine needles from the carpet?

/from “The Squeaker Decks the Hall with Bags of Money”. The Daily Mail. March 24, 2012/

The Manual

splurging: spending spree/ shopping / money wasting 12

It was felt necessary: [the Speaker] thought it a good idea/ decided

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