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Array Коллектив авторов - «Дни науки» факультета управления, экономики и права КНИТУ. В 3 т. Том 3
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В настоящий сборник вошли материалы работ студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых Казанского государственного технологического университета кафедр экономики и управления на предприятиях, менеджмента и предпринимательской деятельности, государственного, муниципального управления и социологии, правоведения, логистики и управления, химической кибернетики, экономики и управления на предприятиях пищевой промышленности ВШЭ и др.

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Шагиев Л., Юсупов Р

(гр. 527171), (гр. 327183) Научный руководитель: Николаева К.В., Зиннатуллина А.Н.

The test of our progress is not whether we add to the abundance of those who have much. It is whether we provide enough to those who have little.

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Musician lends an ear to the right tonality, mechanic – to the work of the machine, and economist pays attention to the values of GDP. According to the analytical report of the International Monetary Fund in Russia in 2011 GDP is expected to grow by 4.8 %. However, on the other hand, Russia is located at 63-th place in global competitiveness ranking of 163 countries. Business climate in the country doesn‘t yet dispose to the establishment of innovational industry and appearance of companies engaged in the commercialization of scientific developments.

According to Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter, economic growth is the increase of production and consumption of the same goods and services (in fact it is GDP) over time. Economic development is primarily the emergence of something new, previously unknown (e.g. railways), or, in other words, innovation. People who conceive and implement innovation, Schumpeter called as entrepreneurs.

Recognized leader in the innovative development is the USA. As a result, the United States get of about 700 billion dollars from exports of high technology products each year .We are often given examples of Silicon Valley as a dream of innovative development came true. Over the past forty years it has become the focus of global electronic and computer industries, and 45 % of industrial growth of the U.S. is provided through the production of personal computers and semiconductors. But what is the Silicon Valley? It is 30 cities and the metropolis of San – Francisco; it is 5 major technological universities; it is about 7 thousand of information companies and foreign missions; it is 2.45 million people, 25 % of whom work in high tech industries;

It should be noted that the Silicon Valley rose from the free student community at Berkeley and Stanford. It was the free spirit of the university that formed the basis for creating a "garage" companies, the future world leaders.

Famous American writer and philosopher Ayn Rand, by analyzing the success of capitalism as a phenomenon, reveals a very important issue – the question of freedom of the mind.

It is paradoxical, but the human being is often simply ignored. The society does not have the autonomy; each of its progress is the merit of individual personalities within it:

Since knowledge, thinking and rational action are properties of the individual, since the choice to exercise rational faculty or not depends on the individual, man‘s survival requires that those who think be free of the interference of those who don‘t.

According to Ayn Rand:

Freedom is the fundamental requirement of man‘s mind. Man should work and produce in order to support his life. He has to support his life by his own effort and by the guidance of his own mind. If he cannot dispose of the product of his effort, he cannot dispose of his effort. If he cannot dispose of his effort, he cannot dispose of his life.

Foundation and development of Silicon Valley in the U.S. is an eloquent proof of the effectiveness of the capitalistic, free and selfish way of thinking of the individual.

Russia has kept a low 143 in the ranking index of economic freedom in 2011, reflecting the continuing deterioration of its national human capital, lack of free competition, and vulnerability of rights of citizens, disrespect of private property and the legal nihilism in government and population. Highest in the Rating 2011, are all the same – Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, – countries with very high quality of accumulated human capital. Industrial, scientific, technical and technological revolutions are implemented by educated people, professionals, armed with knowledge. Spending resources on culture, youth policy, education and health, reduction of drug addiction and alcoholism, development of infrastructure and engineering toils in the medium and large cities with acute deficiency in budget and metropolitan areas are implemented and continue to be a residual, and this accelerates the degradation of Russian society.

The basis of Western capitalistic development has gone the way of Weber‘s conditions. The main conditions are: the economic freedom to entrepreneurs, protection from corruption and maintenance of a number of protestant principles. Just on the basis of a free society, on the priority development of the younger generation, creation of equal conditions for all citizens, the U.S. had the opportunity to create an innovation economy. Formation of the Silicon Valley has been the evolution of the economics, due to laissez-faire, minimization of the corruption and providing the favorable conditions for development of the abilities of all citizens of a large country.

According to the deputy of the modernization commission Vladislav Surkov, innovations grown in clusters of domestic corporations, shall be transplanted in Skolkovo. According to some studies, although the program of the creation of technology parks in Russia has fallen short of expectations as the demand for products of small innovative firms by big business was very low, the total funding for the project is estimated at $ 4-6 billion.

Human capital and individual freedom development should not be financed on a residual basis, as they are the foundation and the subject of the formation of the innovation system and the functioning of the innovation process.

The policies and processes of development it is important not to divide investments in education, science and innovation system from investments in the upbringing, culture, health, personal security, and infrastructure that together are called investments in human capital and the quality of life.

We want to finish our article with the quotation of the German economist Karl Marx: “the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all.”

Список используемой литературы

1. Стратегия инновационного прорыва или поражения:

2. Почему не стоит уповать на технопарки:

3. Что такое капитализм:

4. Журнал ведомости:

5. Журнал коммерсант:

Вагизова А.И


The solution of the listed problems will allow? To realize the full work of universities in training highly qualified personnel, education and support of scientific schools

Изменения в России последних двух десятилетий, в том числе изменение социально-экономической формации, падение производства, деградация ряда отраслей народного хозяйства, превращение нашей страны с позиций международного разделения труда преимущественно в экспортера сырья привели к существенным изменениям в области подготовки кадров. Выпускники ряда специальностей стали менее востребованными на рынке труда. Снижение доходов работников в отдельных сферах производства привело к переориентации абитуриентов на те специальности, которые предполагают более высокий уровень оплаты труда, который сложился в социально-гуманитарной сфере.

Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.

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