Светлана Дмитриева - Английский язык для студентов сельскохозяйственных вузов

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    Английский язык для студентов сельскохозяйственных вузов
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Светлана Дмитриева - Английский язык для студентов сельскохозяйственных вузов краткое содержание

Английский язык для студентов сельскохозяйственных вузов - описание и краткое содержание, автор Светлана Дмитриева, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки LibKing.Ru
В структуру пособия входят четыре цикла, каждый из которых делится на три темы. Тематика охватывает традиционные темы социально-бытового общения (семья, дом, город, рабочий день, учёба, погода и т.д.), а также страноведческие темы и темы, связанные с будущей профессией. С/х лексика вводится поэтапно. Основной объём терминов по сельскому хозяйству даётся в темах: «Моя страна», «Современное сельское хозяйство». Задания ориентируют студентов на дальнейшую работу с текстами по специальности и их анализ. Работа с диаграммами и схемами, а также написание аннотаций к текстам предполагает использование данные заранее ключевые фразы.

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12 . the front[fr٨nt] of the house[haus] – фасад дома

13 . hot[hot] and cold[kəuld] running[΄r٨niŋ] water[΄wo:tə] – горячее и холодное водоснабжение

14 . modern[΄modən] conveniences[kən΄vi:njənsiz] – современные удобства

15 . central[΄sentrəl] heating[΄hi:tiŋ] – центральное отопление

16 . spacious[΄spei∫əs] – просторный

17 . to face[feis] – выходить на …

18 . appliances –бытовая техника

19 . to wash up– мыть посуду

20 . to bring order[΄o: də] – наводить порядок

21 . to have guests[gests] – принимать гостей

22 . to have a rest– отдыхать

23 . in the middle[midl] of– в середине

24 . in the left ( right) corner[΄ko: nə] – в левом ( правом) углу

25 . duty[΄dju: ti] – обязанность

Useful Words

Task 4. Match the Russian words with their English equivalents.

In the Home

Inside and Outside Furnishings Appliances Task 5 Sort out the nouns below - фото 70

Inside and Outside

Furnishings Appliances Task 5 Sort out the nouns below into four groups - фото 71


Appliances Task 5 Sort out the nouns below into four groups a carpet a - фото 72


Task 5 Sort out the nouns below into four groups a carpet a teapot a - фото 73

Task 5. Sort out the nouns below into four groups:

a carpet a teapot a towel a TVset a mirror a bed a sofa a stove a - фото 74

a carpet, a tea-pot, a towel, a TV-set, a mirror, a bed, a sofa, a stove, a shower, soap, a pillow, an armchair, a sofa, a picture, a wardrobe, a chest of drawers, a fridge, flowers, a tape-recorder, a dressing-table, a lamp, a table.

Task 6. a) Make up word combinations with the following nouns and adjectives; b) Make up sentences with them. E.g. a) a spacious garden; b) There is a spacious garden around the house.

Nouns:a flat, a sofa, a refrigerator, a carpet, a computer, a garden, a washingmachine, conveniences, a lamp.

Adjectives:dirty, nice, spacious, modern, well-planned, comfortable, bright, pleasant, helpful, standard, convenient.

Task 7. Translate the sentences with “home”.

at home– Peter isn’t at home today.

away from home– I hate being away from home too long.

to leave home(= permanently stop living with your parents) – I left home when I was 18.

to make smth. your home –We decided to make Jamaica our home.

back home(= in my country) – Back home, the weather is much better.

to be home to –California is home for many vineyards.

Task 8. Guess the meaning. Write sentences of your own, using these words.

1) to move into a new flat –to go to live in a different flat. Eg. They’ve moved into a bigger flat.

2) to renovate– to repair and paint a building ( or a flat) so that it is in good condition again. Eg. Their flat is being renovated.

3) a landlady– is the owner of a house or a flat which is rented. Eg. Saturday was the day he had promised to pay his landlady.

4) to drop in on smb.– to visit someone informally without arranging a particular time. Eg. I think I’ll drop in on Jill on my way home.

5) a neighbour– someone who lives next to you or near you. Eg. Our next-door neighbours are so noisy that we can hardly sleep some nights.

картинка 75 Task 9. In pairs, act out and translate the dialogues.

a) – I say, do you live in a flat?

– Yes, I do, but it is my parents’ flat. I only have a room of my own.

– Is their flat large?

– Rather. We’ve got three bedrooms, a sitting-room, a kitchen, a hall and a bathroom. My room is not very large, but it is very comfortable. There isn’t much furniture in it. On the left there is a sofa and a small table near it. At the window there is a desk. On the right there is a dressing table. Next to it there is a wardrobe for my clothes.

b) – This is a nice flat, Miss Wilkins. Here is the plan…

– I see – There is a kitchen, a bedroom, and there is a toilet.

– Is there a balcony?

– No, there isn’t

– … and a telephone?

– No, there isn’t a telephone. Here is the kitchen.

– It is very small.

– Yes, it isn’t very large, but there is a cooker and a fridge. There are some cupboards under the sink.

– I see … How much is it?

– Five hundred dollars a month.

картинка 76 Task 10. Circle the correct response.

– How can I help you, Madam?

a) I’d like some information, please. b) I see.

– What a wonderful house!

a) That’s not enough, I am afraid. b) I’m glad that you like it.

– We’re invited to Joy’s house warming on Friday.

a) That sounds wonderful. b) Oh dear.

– Tom, we need to fix the roof.

a) Let’s hope for the best. b) I see.

картинка 77 Task 11. In pairs, complete the dialogues.

1) – Do you …?

– No, I don’t live far from the university. And you?

– … By the way, do you have … of your own?

– Oh, yes. I’ve got a small room, but it is very light and rather warm. Will you come in and see?

2) – …?

– I live on the ground floor.

– …?

– There are three rooms in my flat.

– …?

– Of course, it is my sitting-room that I like best, because it is light and spacious and there is a TV set there.

Text 1
Philip Stanley’s House

Philip Stanley is proud of his house. It is not very large, but it is very comfortable and well-planned. Any Englishman likes to live in a two-storey detached house. So does Philip. He prefers his own house to an apartment in a block of flats, because he doesn’t wish his doing to be overlooked (to overlook – подсматривать, заглядывать) by his neighbours.

In front of the house there is a green lawn and a lot of flowers. Behind it there is an orchard with some fruit trees in it. Mrs Stanley is fond of flowers and trees. She often spends her spare time there. On the north side of the house there is a garage.

On the ground floor there is a kitchen, a pantry, a dining-room, a sitting-room and Philip’s study. On the first floor or upstairs you can find two bedrooms and a bathroom.

The furniture is modern and new. The windows are large. The family like to meet in the sitting-room in front of the fire-place. Philip has to pay a lot of money for the house before he can call it his own.

The Stanleys like their home. They enjoy its quiet pleasures, its comfort, its sweet familiar atmosphere.

Exercise 1. Read and translate the text.

Exercise 2. Look at the plan of the text. Is it correct?


I A Typical English House

II The Furniture

III Inside the House

IV Outside the House

V Sweet Home

Exercise 3. Answer the questions.

1) Is Philip Stanley’s house large?

2) What is there in front of the house and behind it?

3) What rooms are there on the ground floor?

4) What rooms are there on the first floor?

5) What kind of furniture have the Stanleys got?

6) What is Mrs Stanley’s favourite place?

картинка 78 Exercise 4. In pairs, act out a conversation between Philip and Linda. The situation: Philip and Linda are discussing how to furnish the sitting-room ( the study, their daughter’s bedroom)

Use the speech patterns:

– Let’s put … – Давай поставим …

– I’d like to … – Мне бы хотелось …

– It is not a very good idea. – Это не очень удачная мысль.

– Let it be so, dear. – О дорогая ( ой ), пусть будет так.

– You are right. – Ты прав( а ).

– Nothing of the kind. – Ничего подобного.

Home, sweet home

Task 1. Suggest Russian equivalents for the proverbs and sayings.

1) East or West – home is best.

2) My home is my castle.

3) Wash your dirty linen at home.

4) Everything is good in your garden.

Task 2. Make up a list of your household duties.

Begin with:“My regular duties are washing up dishes, …”

For help:to walk the dog, to cook breakfast, to repair things, to go shopping, to clean the house, to make my bed.

картинка 79 Task 3. Make up your address book and write down your groupmates’ addresses. Use the following address abbreviations:

Ave. (Avenue), St. (Street), Rd. (Road), Bvld. (Boulevard), VLG. (village), PK (Park), SQ (Square)

Task 4 Look at this sittingroom Do you like it Does it look like yours - фото 80

Task 4. Look at this sitting-room. Do you like it? Does it look like yours? What is the difference? Can you describe it?

Use the phrases As for что касается In the middle of в середине - фото 81

Use the phrases:

As for … ( что касается …)

In the middle of … ( в середине)

To the right ( left) of In front of …

We can see …

There is ( are)

A flat to let

Task 1. Look at the advertisements “Flat to let” and the people’s preferences. Tick the flat which best suits each person.

Task 2 You are to rent a flat a room Phone the landlady and ask her - фото 82

картинка 83 Task 2. You are to rent a flat (a room). Phone the landlady and ask her questions. Use:Is there … nearby? (a clinic, a post office, a park, a hairdresser’s, a cinema, a library, a bus station, a bank, a shoe repair shop, a café, a railway station, a department store).

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